.. _rdata-subclasses: Rdata Subclass Reference ======================== .. autoclass:: dns.rdata.GenericRdata .. attribute:: data A ``bytes`` containing the rdata's value. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.AFSDB.AFSDB :members: .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.AVC.AVC :members: .. attribute:: strings A tuple of ``bytes``, the list of strings. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.CAA.CAA :members: .. attribute:: flags An ``int``, the flags .. attribute:: tag A ``bytes``, the tag .. attribute:: value A ``bytes``, the value .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.CDNSKEY.CDNSKEY :members: .. attribute:: flags An ``int``, the key's flags. .. attribute:: protocol An ``int``, the protocol for which this key may be used. .. attribute:: algorithm: An ``int``, the algorithm used for the key. .. attribute:: key A ``bytes``, the public key. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.CDS.CDS :members: .. attribute:: key_tag An ``int``, the key tag. .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the algorithm used for the key. .. attribute:: digest_type An ``int``, the digest type. .. attribute:: digest A ``bytes``, the digest of the key. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.CERT.CERT :members: .. attribute:: certificate_type An ``int``, the certificate type. .. attribute:: key_tag An ``int``, the key tag. .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the algorithm. .. attribute:: certificate A ``bytes``, the certificate or CRL. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.CNAME.CNAME :members: .. attribute:: target A ``dns.name.Name``, the target name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.CSYNC.CSYNC :members: .. attribute:: serial An ``int``, the SOA serial number. .. attribute:: flags An ``int``, the CSYNC flags. .. attribute:: windows A tuple of ``(int, bytes)`` tuples. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.DLV.DLV :members: .. attribute:: key_tag An ``int``, the key tag. .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the algorithm used for the key. .. attribute:: digest_type An ``int``, the digest type. .. attribute:: digest A ``bytes``, the digest of the key. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.DNAME.DNAME :members: .. attribute:: target A ``dns.name.Name``, the target name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.DNSKEY.DNSKEY :members: .. attribute:: flags An ``int``, the key's flags. .. attribute:: protocol An ``int``, the protocol for which this key may be used. .. attribute:: algorithm: An ``int``, the algorithm used for the key. .. attribute:: key A ``bytes``, the public key. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.DS.DS :members: .. attribute:: key_tag An ``int``, the key tag. .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the algorithm used for the key. .. attribute:: digest_type An ``int``, the digest type. .. attribute:: digest A ``bytes``, the digest of the key. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.EUI48.EUI48 :members: .. attribute:: eui A ``bytes``, 48-bit Extended Unique Identifier (EUI-48). .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.EUI64.EUI64 :members: .. attribute:: eui A ``bytes``, 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier (EUI-64). .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.GPOS.GPOS :members: .. attribute:: latitude A ``bytes``, the latitude .. attribute:: longitude A ``bytes``, the longitude .. attribute:: altitude A ``bytes``, the altitude .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.HINFO.HINFO :members: .. attribute:: cpu A ``bytes``, the CPU type. .. attribute:: os A ``bytes``, the OS type. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.HIP.HIP :members: .. attribute:: hit A ``bytes``, the host identity tag. .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the public key cryptographic algorithm. .. attribute:: key A ``bytes``, the public key. .. attribute:: servers A tuple of ``dns.name.Name`` objects, the rendezvous servers. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.ISDN.ISDN :members: .. attribute:: address A ``bytes``, the ISDN address. .. attribute:: subaddress A ``bytes`` the ISDN subaddress (or ``b''`` if not present). .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.LOC.LOC :members: .. attribute:: latitude An ``(int, int, int, int, int)`` tuple specifying the degrees, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and sign of the latitude. .. attribute:: longitude An ``(int, int, int, int, int)`` tuple specifying the degrees, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and sign of the longitude. .. attribute:: altitude A ``float``, the altitude, in centimeters. .. attribute:: size A ``float``, the size of the sphere, in centimeters. .. attribute:: horizontal_precision A ``float``, the horizontal precision, in centimeters. .. attribute:: vertical_precision A ``float``, the vertical precision, in centimeters. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.MX.MX :members: .. attribute:: preference An ``int``, the preference value. .. attribute:: exchange A ``dns.name.Name``, the exchange name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.NINFO.NINFO .. attribute:: strings A tuple of ``bytes``, the list of strings. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.NS.NS :members: .. attribute:: target A ``dns.name.Name``, the target name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.NSEC.NSEC :members: .. attribute:: next A ``dns.name.Name``, the next name .. attribute:: windows A tuple of ``(int, bytes)`` tuples. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.NSEC3.NSEC3 :members: .. attribute:: algorithm: An ``int``, the algorithm used for the hash. .. attribute:: flags: An ``int``, the flags. .. attribute:: interations: An ``int``, the number of iterations. .. attribute:: salt A ``bytes``, the salt. .. attribute:: next A ``dns.name.Name``, the next name hash. .. attribute:: windows A tuple of ``(int, bytes)`` tuples. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.NSEC3PARAM.NSEC3PARAM :members: .. attribute:: algorithm: An ``int``, the algorithm used for the hash. .. attribute:: flags: An ``int``, the flags. .. attribute:: interations: An ``int``, the number of iterations. .. attribute:: salt A ``bytes``, the salt. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.OPENPGPKEY.OPENPGPKEY :members: .. attribute:: key A ``bytes``, the key. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.PTR.PTR :members: .. attribute:: target A ``dns.name.Name``, the target name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.RP.RP :members: .. attribute:: mbox A ``dns.name.Name``, the responsible person's mailbox. .. attribute:: txt A ``dns.name.Name``, the owner name of a node with TXT records, or the root name if no TXT records are associated with this RP. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.RRSIG.RRSIG :members: .. attribute:: type_covered An ``int``, the rdata type this signature covers. .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the algorithm used for the signature. .. attribute:: labels An ``int``, the number of labels. .. attribute:: original_ttl An ``int``, the original TTL. .. attribute:: expiration An `int`, the signature expiration time. .. attribute:: inception An `int`, the signature inception time. .. attribute:: key_tag An `int`, the key tag. .. attribute:: signer A ``dns.name.Name``, the signer. .. attribute:: signature A ``bytes``, the signature. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.RT.RT :members: .. attribute:: preference An ``int``, the preference value. .. attribute:: exchange A ``dns.name.Name``, the exchange name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.SMIMEA.SMIMEA :members: .. attribute:: usage An ``int``, the certificate usage. .. attribute:: selector An ``int``, the selector. .. attribute:: mtype An ``int``, the matching type. .. attribute:: cert A ``bytes``, the certificate association data. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.SOA.SOA :members: .. attribute:: mname A ``dns.name.Name``, the MNAME (master name). .. attribute:: rname A ``dns.name.Name``, the RNAME (responsible name). .. attribute:: serial An ``int``, the zone's serial number. .. attribute:: refresh An ``int``, the zone's refresh value (in seconds). .. attribute:: retry An ``int``, the zone's retry value (in seconds). .. attribute:: expire An ``int``, the zone's expiration value (in seconds). .. attribute:: minimum An ``int``, the zone's negative caching time (in seconds, called "minimum" for historical reasons). .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.SPF.SPF :members: .. attribute:: strings A tuple of ``bytes``, the list of strings. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.SSHFP.SSHFP :members: .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the algorithm. .. attribute:: fp_type An ``int``, the digest type. .. attribute:: fingerprint A ``bytes``, the fingerprint. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.TLSA.TLSA :members: .. attribute:: usage An ``int``, the certificate usage. .. attribute:: selector An ``int``, the selector. .. attribute:: mtype An ``int``, the matching type. .. attribute:: cert A ``bytes``, the certificate association data. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.TXT.TXT :members: .. attribute:: strings A tuple of ``bytes``, the list of strings. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.URI.URI :members: .. attribute:: priorty An ``int``, the priority. .. attribute:: weight An ``int``, the weight. .. attribute:: target A ``dns.name.Name``, the target. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.ANY.X25.X25 :members: .. attribute:: address A ``bytes``, the PSDN address. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.A.A :members: .. attribute:: address A ``str``, an IPv4 address in the standard "dotted quad" text format. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA.AAAA :members: .. attribute:: address A ``str``, an IPv6 address in the standard text format. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.APL.APLItem :members: .. attribute:: family An ``int``, the address family (in the IANA address family registry). .. attribute:: negation A ``bool``, is this item negated? .. attribute:: address A ``str``, the address. .. attribute:: prefix An ``int``, the prefix length. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.APL.APL :members: .. attribute:: items A tuple of ``dns.rdtypes.IN.APL.APLItem``. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.DHCID.DHCID :members: .. attribute:: data A ``bytes``, the data (the content of the RR is opaque as far as the DNS is concerned). .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.IPSECKEY.IPSECKEY :members: .. attribute:: precedence An ``int``, the precedence for the key data. .. attribute:: prefix An ``int``, the prefix length. .. attribute:: gateway_type An ``int``, the gateway type. .. attribute:: algorithm An ``int``, the algorithm to use. .. attribute:: gateway The gateway. This value may be ``None``, a ``str` with an IPv4 or IPV6 address, or a ``dns.name.Name``. .. attribute:: key A ``bytes``, the public key. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.KX.KX :members: .. attribute:: preference An ``int``, the preference value. .. attribute:: exchange A ``dns.name.Name``, the exchange name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.NAPTR.NAPTR :members: .. attribute:: order An ``int``, the order. .. attribute:: preference An ``int``, the preference. .. attribute:: flags A ``bytes``, the flags. .. attribute:: service A ``bytes``, the service. .. attribute:: regexp A ``bytes``, the regular expression. .. attribute:: replacement A ``dns.name.Name``, the replacement name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.NSAP.NSAP :members: .. attribute:: address A ``bytes``, a NSAP address. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.NSAP_PTR.NSAP_PTR :members: .. attribute:: target A ``dns.name.Name``, the target name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.PX.PX :members: .. attribute:: preference An ``int``, the preference value. .. attribute:: map822 A ``dns.name.Name``, the map822 name. .. attribute:: mapx400 A ``dns.name.Name``, the mapx400 name. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.SRV.SRV :members: .. attribute:: priority An ``int``, the priority. .. attribute:: weight An ``int``, the weight. .. attribute:: port An ``int``, the port. .. attribute:: target A ``dns.name.Name``, the target host. .. autoclass:: dns.rdtypes.IN.WKS.WKS :members: .. attribute:: address A ``str``, the address. .. attribute:: protocol An ``int``, the protocol. .. attribute:: bitmap A ``bytes``, the bitmap.