from django.contrib.auth.handlers.modwsgi import check_password, groups_for_user from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, User from django.test import TransactionTestCase, override_settings from .models import CustomUser # This must be a TransactionTestCase because the WSGI auth handler performs # its own transaction management. class ModWsgiHandlerTestCase(TransactionTestCase): """ Tests for the mod_wsgi authentication handler """ available_apps = [ "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "auth_tests", ] def test_check_password(self): """ check_password() returns the correct values as per """ User.objects.create_user("test", "", "test") # User not in database self.assertIsNone(check_password({}, "unknown", "")) # Valid user with correct password self.assertTrue(check_password({}, "test", "test")) # correct password, but user is inactive User.objects.filter(username="test").update(is_active=False) self.assertFalse(check_password({}, "test", "test")) # Valid user with incorrect password self.assertFalse(check_password({}, "test", "incorrect")) @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL="auth_tests.CustomUser") def test_check_password_custom_user(self): """ check_password() returns the correct values as per with a custom user installed. """ CustomUser._default_manager.create_user( "", "1990-01-01", "test" ) # User not in database self.assertIsNone(check_password({}, "unknown", "")) # Valid user with correct password' self.assertTrue(check_password({}, "", "test")) # Valid user with incorrect password self.assertFalse(check_password({}, "", "incorrect")) def test_groups_for_user(self): """ groups_for_user() returns correct values as per """ user1 = User.objects.create_user("test", "", "test") User.objects.create_user("test1", "", "test1") group = Group.objects.create(name="test_group") user1.groups.add(group) # User not in database self.assertEqual(groups_for_user({}, "unknown"), []) self.assertEqual(groups_for_user({}, "test"), [b"test_group"]) self.assertEqual(groups_for_user({}, "test1"), [])