django-pyscss ------------- A collection of tools for making it easier to use pyScss within Django. .. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status .. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage Status .. note:: This version only supports pyScss 1.3.4 and greater. For pyScss 1.2 support, you can use the 1.x series of django-pyscss. Installation ============ django-pyscss supports Django 1.4+, and Pythons 2 and 3. You may install django-pyscss off of PyPI:: pip install django-pyscss Why do we need this? ==================== This app smooths over a lot of things when dealing with pyScss in Django. It - Overwrites the import system to use Django's staticfiles app. This way you can import SCSS files from any app (or any file that's findable by the STATICFILES_FINDERS) with no hassle. - Configures pyScss to work with the staticfiles app for its image functions (e.g. inline-image and sprite-map). - It provides a django-compressor precompile filter class so that you can easily use pyScss with django-compressor without having to bust out to the shell. This has the added benefit of removing the need to configure pyScss through its command-line arguments AND makes it possible for the exceptions and warnings that pyScss emits to bubble up to your process so that you can actually know what's going on. Rendering SCSS manually ======================= You can render SCSS manually from a string like this: .. code-block:: python from django_pyscss import DjangoScssCompiler compiler = DjangoScssCompiler() compiler.compile_string(".foo { color: green; }") You can render SCSS from a file like this: .. code-block:: python from django_pyscss import DjangoScssCompiler compiler = DjangoScssCompiler() compiler.compile('css/styles.scss') The file needs to be able to be located by staticfiles finders in order to be used. The ``DjangoScssCompiler`` class is a subclass of ``scss.Compiler`` that injects the ``DjangoExtension``. ``DjangoExtension`` is what overrides the import mechanism. ``DjangoScssCompiler`` also turns on the CompassExtension by default, if you wish to turn this off you do so: .. code-block:: python from django_pyscss import DjangoScssCompiler from django_pyscss.extensions.django import DjangoExtension compiler = DjangoScssCompiler(extensions=[DjangoExtension]) For a list of options that ``DjangoScssCompiler`` accepts, please see the pyScss `API documentation `_. Using in conjunction with django-compressor =========================================== django-pyscss comes with support for django-compressor. All you have to do is add it to your ``COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS`` setting. : .. code-block:: python COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS = ( # ... ('text/x-scss', 'django_pyscss.compressor.DjangoScssFilter'), # ... ) Then you can just use SCSS like you would use CSS normally. : .. code-block:: html+django {% compress css %} {% endcompress %} If you wish to provide your own compiler instance (for example if you wanted to change some settings on the ``DjangoScssCompiler``), you can subclass ``DjangoScssFilter``. : .. code-block:: python # myproject/ from django_pyscss import DjangoScssCompiler from django_pyscss.compressor import DjangoScssFilter class MyDjangoScssFilter(DjangoScssFilter): compiler = DjangoScssCompiler( # Example configuration output_style='compressed', ) # COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS = ( # ... ('text/x-scss', 'myproject.scss_filter.MyDjangoScssFilter'), # ... ) Running the tests ================= You can run the tests by running. $ python test Please note that this will collecstatic into ``tmp/static/`` automatically as some of the tests require the staticfiles to have been collected.