CHANGELOG --------- 2.0.3 (unreleased) ================== - Nothing changed yet. 2.0.2 (2015-04-29) ================== - Fixed bug with relative imports [#34, #35 r1chardj0n3s] 2.0.1 (2015-04-23) ================== - Explicitly depend on pathlib, instead of assuming pyScss will require it. [#33] - Fixed cases where DEBUG is False but collectstatic hasn't been run (common in tests). 2.0.0 (2015-04-22) ================== - Added support for pyScss 1.3 and Python 3. - Dropped support for pyScss 1.2 Upgrade path ^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you are just using the django-compressor integration, you don't have to upgrade anything. If you were using the ``DjangoScss`` class directly, it has been replaced with the ``DjangoScssCompiler`` class. The API for compiling CSS has changed as well, for example, to compile from a string, previously you would do it like this: .. code-block:: python >>> from django_pyscss.scss import DjangoScss >>> compiler = DjangoScss() >>> compiler.compile(".foo { color: red; }") Now the interface is like this: .. code-block:: python >>> from django_pyscss import DjangoScssCompiler >>> compiler = DjangoScssCompiler() >>> compiler.compile_string(".foo { color: red; }") You read more about the new API on the `pyScss API documentation `_. 1.0.0 - 2014-02-11 ================== Released django-pyscss.