======================= Distutils2 Contributors ======================= The Distutils2 project was started by Tarek Ziadé and is currently maintained by Éric Araujo. Many people have contributed to the project. If you're making a patch, please add your name below in alphabetical order, and welcome into the Fellowship of the Packaging! Thanks to: - Rajiv Abraham - Ali Afshar - David Barnett - Pior Bastida - Anthony Baxter - Erik Bray - C. Titus Brown - Francisco Martín Brugué - Nicolas Cadou - Godefroid Chapelle - Julien Courteau - Christophe Combelles - Jason R. Coombs - Pierre-Yves David - Ned Deily - Konrad Delong - Josip Djolonga - John Edmonds - André Espaze - Boris Feld - Andrew Francis - Hallvard B Furuseth - Patrice Gauthier - Yannick Gingras - Filip Gruszczyński - Walker Hale IV - Alexandre Hamelin - Kelsey Hightower - Thomas Holmes - Preston Holmes - Christian Hudon - Julien Jehannet - Richard Jones - Jeremy Kloth - Amos Latteier - Mathieu Leduc-Hamel - Pierre Paul Lefebvre - Tshepang Lekhonkhobe - Alain Leufroy - Janusz Lewandowski - Martin von Löwis - Hugo Lopes Tavares - Guillermo López-Anglada - Justin Love - Simon Mathieu - Carl Meyer - Alexis Métaireau - Julien Miotte - Zubin Mithra - Derek McTavish Mounce - Michael Mulich - Louis Munro - Gaël Pasgrimaud - George Peristerakis - Mathieu Perreault - Guillaume Pratte - Sean Reifschneider - Antoine Reversat - Arc Riley - Elson Rodriguez - Luis Rojas - Erik Rose - Brian Rosner - Vinay Sajip - Victor Stinner - Alexandre Vassalotti - Nadeem Vawda