[database] driver = postgresql2 name = packages user = pypi # host = hostname # port = 5432 files_dir = /MacDev/svn.python.org/pypi-pep345/files docs_dir = /MacDev/svn.python.org/pypi-pep345/docs package_docs_url = http://pythonhosted.org/ redis_url = redis://localhost:6379/0 [webui] mailhost = mail.python.org adminemail = richard@python.org replyto = richard@python.org url = http://localhost:8000/pypi pydotorg = http://www.python.org/ simple_script = /simple files_url = http://localhost/pypi_files rss_file = /tmp/pypi_rss.xml packages_rss_file = /tmp/pypi_packages_rss.xml debug_mode = yes cheesecake_password = secret key_dir = . simple_sign_script = /serversig raw_package_prefix = /raw-packages ; this is the secret used to sign password reset efforts - keep it secret! ; ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for n in range(64)) reset_secret = secret [passlib] ; The first listed schemed will automatically be the default, see passlib ; documentation for a full list of options. Schemes not listed here will ; not be recognised by passlib. ; bcrypt is our current ideal ; hex_sha1 is the legacy unsalted schemes = bcrypt, hex_sha1 ; Old password schemes will be automatically migrated by passlib - the default ; for PyPI is "auto" - setting it to blank will disable auto migration. See ; passlib documentation for more info. ; deprecated = [logging] file = mailhost = fromaddr = toaddrs = [mirrors] folder = mirrors local-stats = local-stats global-stats = global-stats [sentry] dsn = [uwsgi] wsgi-file = pypi.wsgi socket = /tmp/pypi.sock harakiri = 60 master = 1 post-buffering = 8192 chmod-socket = 666 [fastly] api_domain = https://api.fastly.com/ api_key = service_id =