import sys, os, urllib, StringIO, traceback, cgi, binascii, getopt, shutil import zipfile, gzip, tarfile #sys.path.append('/usr/local/pypi/lib') import store, config def set_password(store, name, pw): """ Reset the user's password and send an email to the address given. """ user = store.get_user(name.strip()) if user is None: raise ValueError, 'user name unknown to me' store.store_user(user['name'], pw.strip(), user['email'], None) print 'done' def remove_spam(store, namepat, confirm=False): '''Remove packages that match namepat (SQL wildcards). The packages will be removed. Additionally the user that created them will have their password set to 'spammer'. Pass the additional command-line argument "confirm" to perform the deletions and modifications. This will additionally display the IP address(es) of the spam submissions. ''' assert confirm in (False, 'confirm') cursor = st.get_cursor() cursor.execute(""" select, submitted_date, submitted_by, submitted_from from packages, journals where LIKE %s and = and action = 'create' """, (namepat,)) if not confirm: print 'NOT taking any action; add "confirm" to the command line to act' users = set() ips = set() for name, date, by, ip in cursor.fetchall(): ips.add(ip) users.add(by) print 'delete', name, 'submitted on', date if confirm: store.remove_package(name) print 'IP addresses of spammers to possibly block:' for ip in ips: print ' ', ip for user in users: print 'disable user', user if confirm: cursor.execute("update users set password='spammer' where name=%s", (user,)) def remove_package(store, name): ''' Remove a package from the database ''' store.remove_package(name) print 'done' def add_owner(store, package, owner): user = store.get_user(owner) if user is None: raise ValueError, 'user name unknown to me' if not store.has_package(package): raise ValueError, 'no such package' store.add_role(owner, 'Owner', package) def delete_owner(store, package, owner): user = store.get_user(owner) if user is None: raise ValueError, 'user name unknown to me' if not store.has_package(package): raise ValueError, 'no such package' for role in store.get_package_roles(package): if role['role_name']=='Owner' and role['user_name']==owner: break else: raise ValueError, "user is not currently owner" store.delete_role(owner, 'Owner', package) def add_classifier(st, classifier): ''' Add a classifier to the trove_classifiers list ''' cursor = st.get_cursor() cursor.execute("select max(id) from trove_classifiers") id = cursor.fetchone()[0] if id: id = int(id) + 1 else: id = 1 fields = [f.strip() for f in classifier.split('::')] for f in fields: assert ':' not in f levels = [] for l in range(2, len(fields)): c2 = ' :: '.join(fields[:l]) store.safe_execute(cursor, 'select id from trove_classifiers where classifier=%s', (c2,)) l = cursor.fetchone() if not l: raise ValueError, c2 + " is not a known classifier" levels.append(l[0]) levels += [id] + [0]*(3-len(levels)) store.safe_execute(cursor, 'insert into trove_classifiers (id, classifier, l2, l3, l4, l5) ' 'values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', [id, classifier]+levels) def rename_package(store, old, new): ''' Rename a package. ''' if not store.has_package(old): raise ValueError, 'no such package' if store.has_package(new): raise ValueError, new+' exists' store.rename_package(old, new) print "Please give www-data permissions to all files of", new def add_mirror(store, root, user): ''' Add a mirror to the mirrors list ''' store.add_mirror(root, user) print 'done' def delete_mirror(store, root): ''' Delete a mirror ''' store.delete_mirror(root) print 'done' def delete_old_docs(config, store): '''Delete documentation directories for packages that have been deleted''' for i in os.listdir(config.database_docs_dir): if not store.has_package(i): path = os.path.join(config.database_docs_dir, i) print "Deleting", path shutil.rmtree(path) def keyrotate(config, store): '''Rotate server key''' key_dir = config.key_dir prefixes = (os.path.join(key_dir, 'privkey'), os.path.join(key_dir,'pubkey')) def rename_if_exists(oldsuffix, newsuffix): for p in prefixes: if os.path.exists(p+oldsuffix): os.rename(p+oldsuffix, p+newsuffix) # 1. generate new new key os.system('openssl dsaparam -out /tmp/param 2048') os.system('openssl gendsa -out %s/privkey.newnew /tmp/param' % key_dir) os.system('openssl dsa -in %s/privkey.newnew -pubout -out %s/pubkey.newnew' % (key_dir, key_dir)) os.unlink('/tmp/param') # 2. delete old old key for p in prefixes: if os.path.exists(p+'.old'): os.unlink(p+'.old') # 3. rotate current key -> old key rename_if_exists('', '.old') # 4. rotate new key -> current key rename_if_exists('.new', '') # 5. rotate new new key -> new key rename_if_exists('.newnew', '.new') # 6. restart web server os.system('/usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful') # 7. log rotation store.log_keyrotate() def merge_user(store, old, new): c = store.get_cursor() if not store.get_user(old): print "Old does not exist" raise SystemExit if not store.get_user(new): print "New does not exist" raise SystemExit c.execute('update openids set name=%s where name=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('update sshkeys set name=%s where name=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('update roles set user_name=%s where user_name=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('delete from rego_otk where name=%s', (old,)) c.execute('update journals set submitted_by=%s where submitted_by=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('update mirrors set user_name=%s where user_name=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('update comments set user_name=%s where user_name=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('update ratings set user_name=%s where user_name=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('update comments_journal set submitted_by=%s where submitted_by=%s', (new, old)) c.execute('delete from users where name=%s', (old,)) def nuke_nested_lists(store, confirm=False): c = store.get_cursor() c.execute("""select name, version, summary from releases where summary like '%nested lists%'""") hits = {} for name, version, summary in c.fetchall(): if "printer of nested lists" in summary: hits[name] = summary continue for f in store.list_files(name, version): path = store.gen_file_path(f['python_version'], name, f['filename']) if path.endswith('.zip'): z = zipfile.ZipFile(path) for i in z.infolist(): if not i.filename.endswith('.py'): continue if 'def print_lol' in hits[name] = summary elif path.endswith('.tar.gz'): z = gzip.GzipFile(path) t = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=z) for i in t.getmembers(): if not'.py'): continue f = t.extractfile( if 'def print_lol' in hits[name] = summary for name in hits: if confirm: store.remove_package(name) print '%s: %s' % (name, hits[name]) if confirm: print 'removed %d packages' % len(hits) else: print 'WOULD HAVE removed %d packages' % len(hits) if __name__ == '__main__': config = config.Config('/data/pypi/config.ini') st = store.Store(config) command = sys.argv[1] args = (st, ) + tuple(sys.argv[2:]) try: if command == 'password': set_password(*args) elif command == 'rmpackage': remove_package(*args) elif command == 'rmspam': remove_spam(*args) elif command == 'addclass': add_classifier(*args) print 'done' elif command == 'addowner': add_owner(*args) elif command == 'delowner': delete_owner(*args) elif command == 'rename': rename_package(*args) elif command == 'addmirror': add_mirror(*args) elif command == 'delmirror': delete_mirror(*args) elif command == 'delolddocs': delete_old_docs(config, *args) elif command == 'send_comments': send_comments(*args) elif command == 'mergeuser': merge_user(*args) elif command == 'nuke_nested_lists': nuke_nested_lists(*args) elif command == 'keyrotate': keyrotate(config, *args) else: print "unknown command '%s'!"%command st.changed() finally: st.close()