""" unitest base class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basic unittest class for all python-creole tests. :copyleft: 2008-2020 by python-creole team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details. """ import re import warnings from creole import creole2html, html2creole, html2rest, html2textile from creole.exceptions import DocutilsImportError from creole.tests.utils.utils import MarkupTest try: import textile except ImportError: test_textile = False warnings.warn( "Markup error: The Python textile library isn't installed." " Download: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/textile" ) else: test_textile = True try: from creole.rest_tools.clean_writer import rest2html except DocutilsImportError as err: REST_INSTALLED = False warnings.warn(f"Can't run all ReSt unittests: {err}") else: REST_INSTALLED = True tabs2spaces_re = re.compile(r"^(\t*)(.*?)$", re.M) def tabs2spaces(html): """ form reformating textile html code >>> tabs2spaces("\\t


") '

\\n two
\\n tree

' """ def reformat_tabs(match): tabs = match.group(1) text = match.group(2) indent = len(tabs) - 1 if indent < 0: indent = 0 # print(len(tabs), indent, repr(tabs), text) return " " * indent + text return tabs2spaces_re.sub(reformat_tabs, html) def strip_html_lines(html, strip_lines=False): """ >>> strip_html_lines("\t

foo \\n\\n\t\t bar

", strip_lines=True) '


' """ html = "\n".join( [line.strip(" \t") for line in html.splitlines() if line] ) return html class BaseCreoleTest(MarkupTest): """ Basic unittest class for all python-creole unittest classes. """ def _debug_text(self, msg, raw_text): text = raw_text.replace(" ", ".") text = text.replace("\n", "\\n\n") text = text.replace("\t", "\\t") print() print("_" * 79) print(f" Debug Text: {msg}:") print(text) print("-" * 79) def assert_creole2html( self, raw_creole, raw_html, strip_lines=False, debug=True, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}, block_rules=None, blog_line_breaks=True, macros=None, verbose=True, stderr=None, strict=False, ): """ compare the generated html code from the markup string >creole_string< with the >html_string< reference. """ self.assertNotEqual(raw_creole, raw_html) self.assertEqual(parser_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(emitter_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") # prepare whitespace on test strings markup_string = self._prepare_text(raw_creole) assert isinstance(markup_string, str) html_string = self._prepare_text(raw_html) assert isinstance(html_string, str) if strip_lines: html_string = strip_html_lines(html_string, strip_lines) self._debug_text("assert_creole2html() html_string reference", html_string) # convert creole markup into html code out_string = creole2html( markup_string, debug=debug, block_rules=block_rules, blog_line_breaks=blog_line_breaks, macros=macros, verbose=verbose, stderr=stderr, strict=strict, ) self._debug_text("assert_creole2html() creole2html output", out_string) if strip_lines: out_string = strip_html_lines(out_string, strip_lines) else: out_string = out_string.replace("\t", " ") # compare self.assertEqual(out_string, html_string, msg="creole2html") def assert_html2creole2(self, creole, html, debug=True, unknown_emit=None, strict=False, ): # convert html code into creole markup out_string = html2creole( html, debug, unknown_emit=unknown_emit, strict=strict ) self._debug_text("assert_html2creole() html2creole", out_string) # compare self.assertEqual(out_string, creole, msg="html2creole") def assert_html2creole(self, raw_creole, raw_html, strip_lines=False, debug=True, # OLD API: parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}, # html2creole: unknown_emit=None, strict=False, ): """ Compare the genereted markup from the given >raw_html< html code, with the given >creole_string< reference string. """ self.assertEqual(parser_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(emitter_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") # assert isinstance(raw_html, str) # creole_string = unicode(creole_string, encoding="utf8") # raw_html = unicode(raw_html, "utf8") self.assertNotEqual(raw_creole, raw_html) # prepare whitespace on test strings creole = self._prepare_text(raw_creole) assert isinstance(creole, str) if debug: self._debug_text("assert_creole2html() markup", creole) html = self._prepare_text(raw_html) assert isinstance(html, str) self.assert_html2creole2(creole, html, debug, unknown_emit, strict) def cross_compare_creole(self, creole_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=True, # creole2html old API: creole_parser_kwargs={}, html_emitter_kwargs={}, # html2creole old API: html_parser_kwargs={}, creole_emitter_kwargs={}, # creole2html new API: block_rules=None, blog_line_breaks=True, macros=None, stderr=None, # html2creole: unknown_emit=None ): """ Cross compare with: * creole2html * html2creole """ self.assertEqual(creole_parser_kwargs, {}, "creole_parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(html_emitter_kwargs, {}, "html_emitter_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(html_parser_kwargs, {}, "html_parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(creole_emitter_kwargs, {}, "creole_emitter_kwargs is deprecated!") assert isinstance(creole_string, str) assert isinstance(html_string, str) self.assertNotEqual(creole_string, html_string) self.assert_creole2html( raw_creole=creole_string, raw_html=html_string, strip_lines=strip_lines, block_rules=block_rules, blog_line_breaks=blog_line_breaks, macros=macros, stderr=stderr, ) self.assert_html2creole( raw_creole=creole_string, raw_html=html_string, strip_lines=strip_lines, unknown_emit=unknown_emit, ) def assert_html2textile(self, textile_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Check html2textile """ self.assertNotEqual(textile_string, html_string) textile_string = self._prepare_text(textile_string) html_string = self._prepare_text(html_string) if strip_lines: html_string = strip_html_lines(html_string, strip_lines) # compare html -> textile textile_string2 = html2textile(html_string, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs) if debug: print("-" * 79) print(textile_string2) print("-" * 79) self.assertEqual(textile_string2, textile_string, msg="html2textile") return textile_string, html_string def cross_compare_textile(self, textile_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Checks: * html2textile * textile2html """ # assert isinstance(textile_string, str) # assert isinstance(html_string, str) self.assertNotEqual(textile_string, html_string) # compare html -> textile textile_string, html_string = self.assert_html2textile( textile_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) # compare textile -> html if not test_textile: # TODO: Use @unittest.skipIf if python 2.6 will be not support anymore warnings.warn("Skip textile test. Please install python textile module.") return html = textile.textile(textile_string) html = html.replace("
", "
\n") html = tabs2spaces(html) if strip_lines: html = strip_html_lines(html, strip_lines) self.assertEqual(html_string, html, msg="textile2html") def assert_html2rest(self, rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Check html to reStructuredText converter """ self.assertNotEqual(rest_string, html_string) rest_string = self._prepare_text(rest_string) print("-" * 100) print(rest_string) html_string = self._prepare_text(html_string) if strip_lines: html_string = strip_html_lines(html_string, strip_lines) print("-" * 100) print(html_string) # compare html -> reStructuredText rest_string2 = html2rest(html_string, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs) print("-" * 100) print(rest_string2) print("-" * 100) self.assertEqual(rest_string2, rest_string, msg="html2rest") return rest_string, html_string def assert_rest2html(self, rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, prepare_strings=True, **kwargs): # compare rest -> html if not REST_INSTALLED: warnings.warn("Skip ReSt test. Please install Docutils.") return if prepare_strings: rest_string = self._prepare_text(rest_string) html_string = self._prepare_text(html_string) html = rest2html(rest_string, **kwargs) if debug: print(rest_string) print(html_string) print(html) html = html.strip() # html = html.replace("
", "
\n") # html = tabs2spaces(html) if strip_lines: html = strip_html_lines(html, strip_lines) self.assertEqual(html, html_string, msg="rest2html") def cross_compare_rest(self, rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): # assert isinstance(textile_string, str) # assert isinstance(html_string, str) self.assertNotEqual(rest_string, html_string) rest_string, html_string = self.assert_html2rest( rest_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) # compare rest -> html self.assert_rest2html( rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=strip_lines, debug=debug, prepare_strings=False, ) def cross_compare(self, html_string, creole_string=None, textile_string=None, rest_string=None, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Cross compare with: * creole2html * html2creole * html2textile * html2ReSt """ if creole_string: self.cross_compare_creole( creole_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) if textile_string: self.cross_compare_textile( textile_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) if rest_string: self.cross_compare_rest( rest_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest print(doctest.testmod())