""" unitest base class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basic unittest class for all python-creole tests. :copyleft: 2008-2020 by python-creole team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details. """ import re import textile from creole import creole2html, html2creole, html2rest, html2textile from creole.rest_tools.clean_writer import rest2html from creole.tests.utils.utils import MarkupTest tabs2spaces_re = re.compile(r"^(\t*)(.*?)$", re.M) def tabs2spaces(html): """ form reformating textile html code >>> tabs2spaces("\\t


") '

\\n two
\\n tree

' """ def reformat_tabs(match): tabs = match.group(1) text = match.group(2) indent = len(tabs) - 1 if indent < 0: indent = 0 # print(len(tabs), indent, repr(tabs), text) return " " * indent + text return tabs2spaces_re.sub(reformat_tabs, html) def strip_html_lines(html, strip_lines=False): """ >>> strip_html_lines("\t

foo \\n\\n\t\t bar

", strip_lines=True) '


' """ html = "\n".join( [line.strip(" \t") for line in html.splitlines() if line] ) return html class BaseCreoleTest(MarkupTest): """ Basic unittest class for all python-creole unittest classes. """ def _debug_text(self, msg, raw_text): text = raw_text.replace(" ", ".") text = text.replace("\n", "\\n\n") text = text.replace("\t", "\\t") print() print("_" * 79) print(f" Debug Text: {msg}:") print(text) print("-" * 79) def assert_creole2html( self, raw_creole, raw_html, strip_lines=False, debug=True, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}, block_rules=None, blog_line_breaks=True, macros=None, verbose=True, stderr=None, strict=False, ): """ compare the generated html code from the markup string >creole_string< with the >html_string< reference. """ self.assertNotEqual(raw_creole, raw_html) self.assertEqual(parser_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(emitter_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") # prepare whitespace on test strings markup_string = self._prepare_text(raw_creole) assert isinstance(markup_string, str) html_string = self._prepare_text(raw_html) assert isinstance(html_string, str) if strip_lines: html_string = strip_html_lines(html_string, strip_lines) self._debug_text("assert_creole2html() html_string reference", html_string) # convert creole markup into html code out_string = creole2html( markup_string, debug=debug, block_rules=block_rules, blog_line_breaks=blog_line_breaks, macros=macros, verbose=verbose, stderr=stderr, strict=strict, ) self._debug_text("assert_creole2html() creole2html output", out_string) if strip_lines: out_string = strip_html_lines(out_string, strip_lines) else: out_string = out_string.replace("\t", " ") # compare self.assertEqual(out_string, html_string, msg="creole2html") def assert_html2creole2(self, creole, html, debug=True, unknown_emit=None, strict=False, ): # convert html code into creole markup out_string = html2creole( html, debug, unknown_emit=unknown_emit, strict=strict ) self._debug_text("assert_html2creole() html2creole", out_string) # compare self.assertEqual(out_string, creole, msg="html2creole") def assert_html2creole(self, raw_creole, raw_html, strip_lines=False, debug=True, # OLD API: parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}, # html2creole: unknown_emit=None, strict=False, ): """ Compare the genereted markup from the given >raw_html< html code, with the given >creole_string< reference string. """ self.assertEqual(parser_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(emitter_kwargs, {}, "parser_kwargs is deprecated!") # assert isinstance(raw_html, str) # creole_string = unicode(creole_string, encoding="utf8") # raw_html = unicode(raw_html, "utf8") self.assertNotEqual(raw_creole, raw_html) # prepare whitespace on test strings creole = self._prepare_text(raw_creole) assert isinstance(creole, str) if debug: self._debug_text("assert_creole2html() markup", creole) html = self._prepare_text(raw_html) assert isinstance(html, str) self.assert_html2creole2(creole, html, debug, unknown_emit, strict) def cross_compare_creole(self, creole_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=True, # creole2html old API: creole_parser_kwargs={}, html_emitter_kwargs={}, # html2creole old API: html_parser_kwargs={}, creole_emitter_kwargs={}, # creole2html new API: block_rules=None, blog_line_breaks=True, macros=None, stderr=None, # html2creole: unknown_emit=None ): """ Cross compare with: * creole2html * html2creole """ self.assertEqual(creole_parser_kwargs, {}, "creole_parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(html_emitter_kwargs, {}, "html_emitter_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(html_parser_kwargs, {}, "html_parser_kwargs is deprecated!") self.assertEqual(creole_emitter_kwargs, {}, "creole_emitter_kwargs is deprecated!") assert isinstance(creole_string, str) assert isinstance(html_string, str) self.assertNotEqual(creole_string, html_string) self.assert_creole2html( raw_creole=creole_string, raw_html=html_string, strip_lines=strip_lines, block_rules=block_rules, blog_line_breaks=blog_line_breaks, macros=macros, stderr=stderr, ) self.assert_html2creole( raw_creole=creole_string, raw_html=html_string, strip_lines=strip_lines, unknown_emit=unknown_emit, ) def assert_html2textile(self, textile_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Check html2textile """ self.assertNotEqual(textile_string, html_string) textile_string = self._prepare_text(textile_string) html_string = self._prepare_text(html_string) if strip_lines: html_string = strip_html_lines(html_string, strip_lines) # compare html -> textile textile_string2 = html2textile(html_string, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs) if debug: print("-" * 79) print(textile_string2) print("-" * 79) self.assertEqual(textile_string2, textile_string, msg="html2textile") return textile_string, html_string def cross_compare_textile(self, textile_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Checks: * html2textile * textile2html """ # assert isinstance(textile_string, str) # assert isinstance(html_string, str) self.assertNotEqual(textile_string, html_string) # compare html -> textile textile_string, html_string = self.assert_html2textile( textile_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) # compare textile -> html html = textile.textile(textile_string) html = html.replace("
", "
\n") html = tabs2spaces(html) if strip_lines: html = strip_html_lines(html, strip_lines) self.assertEqual(html_string, html, msg="textile2html") def assert_html2rest(self, rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Check html to reStructuredText converter """ self.assertNotEqual(rest_string, html_string) rest_string = self._prepare_text(rest_string) print("-" * 100) print(rest_string) html_string = self._prepare_text(html_string) if strip_lines: html_string = strip_html_lines(html_string, strip_lines) print("-" * 100) print(html_string) # compare html -> reStructuredText rest_string2 = html2rest(html_string, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs) print("-" * 100) print(rest_string2) print("-" * 100) self.assertEqual(rest_string2, rest_string, msg="html2rest") return rest_string, html_string def assert_rest2html(self, rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, prepare_strings=True, **kwargs): # compare rest -> html if prepare_strings: rest_string = self._prepare_text(rest_string) html_string = self._prepare_text(html_string) html = rest2html(rest_string, **kwargs) if debug: print(rest_string) print(html_string) print(html) html = html.strip() # html = html.replace("
", "
\n") # html = tabs2spaces(html) if strip_lines: html = strip_html_lines(html, strip_lines) self.assertEqual(html, html_string, msg="rest2html") def cross_compare_rest(self, rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): # assert isinstance(textile_string, str) # assert isinstance(html_string, str) self.assertNotEqual(rest_string, html_string) rest_string, html_string = self.assert_html2rest( rest_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) # compare rest -> html self.assert_rest2html( rest_string, html_string, strip_lines=strip_lines, debug=debug, prepare_strings=False, ) def cross_compare(self, html_string, creole_string=None, textile_string=None, rest_string=None, strip_lines=False, debug=False, parser_kwargs={}, emitter_kwargs={}): """ Cross compare with: * creole2html * html2creole * html2textile * html2ReSt """ if creole_string: self.cross_compare_creole( creole_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) if textile_string: self.cross_compare_textile( textile_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) if rest_string: self.cross_compare_rest( rest_string, html_string, strip_lines, debug, parser_kwargs, emitter_kwargs ) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest print(doctest.testmod())