""" :copyleft: 2020 by python-creole team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details. """ import os import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path from creole import __version__ from creole.tests.constants import CREOLE_PACKAGE_ROOT def assert_file_contains_string(file_path, string): with file_path.open('r') as f: for line in f: if string in line: return raise AssertionError(f'File {file_path} does not contain {string!r} !') def test_version(): if 'dev' not in __version__ and 'rc' not in __version__: version_string = f'v{__version__}' assert_file_contains_string( file_path=Path(CREOLE_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'README.creole'), string=version_string ) assert_file_contains_string( file_path=Path(CREOLE_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'README.rst'), string=version_string ) assert_file_contains_string( file_path=Path(CREOLE_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'pyproject.toml'), string=f'version = "{__version__}"' ) def test_poetry_check(): poerty_bin = shutil.which('poetry') output = subprocess.check_output( [poerty_bin, 'check'], universal_newlines=True, env=os.environ, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=str(CREOLE_PACKAGE_ROOT), ) print(output) assert output == 'All set!\n'