#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ python-creole commandline interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyleft: 2013-2020 by the python-creole team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details. """ import argparse import codecs from creole import VERSION_STRING, creole2html, html2creole, html2rest, html2textile class CreoleCLI(object): def __init__(self, convert_func): self.convert_func = convert_func self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "python-creole is an open-source (GPL) markup converter" " in pure Python for:" " creole2html, html2creole, html2ReSt, html2textile" ), ) self.parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version='%%(prog)s from python-creole v%s' % VERSION_STRING # noqa flynt ) self.parser.add_argument("sourcefile", help="source file to convert") self.parser.add_argument("destination", help="Output filename") self.parser.add_argument("--encoding", default="utf-8", help="Codec for read/write file (default encoding: utf-8)" ) args = self.parser.parse_args() sourcefile = args.sourcefile destination = args.destination encoding = args.encoding self.convert(sourcefile, destination, encoding) def convert(self, sourcefile, destination, encoding): print(f"Convert {sourcefile!r} to {destination!r} with {self.convert_func.__name__} (codec: {encoding})") with codecs.open(sourcefile, "r", encoding=encoding) as infile: with codecs.open(destination, "w", encoding=encoding) as outfile: content = infile.read() converted = self.convert_func(content) outfile.write(converted) print(f"done. {destination!r} created.") def cli_creole2html(): CreoleCLI(creole2html) def cli_html2creole(): CreoleCLI(html2creole) def cli_html2rest(): CreoleCLI(html2rest) def cli_html2textile(): CreoleCLI(html2textile) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.argv += ["../README.creole", "../test.html"] print(sys.argv) cli_creole2html()