''' This file is part of ConfigShell. Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import os import six import sys from pyparsing import (alphanums, Empty, Group, locatedExpr, OneOrMore, Optional, ParseResults, Regex, Suppress, Word) from . import console from . import log from . import prefs from .node import ConfigNode, ExecutionError # A fix for frozen packages import signal def handle_sigint(signum, frame): ''' Raise KeyboardInterrupt when we get a SIGINT. This is normally done by python, but even after patching pyinstaller 1.4 to ignore SIGINT in the C wrapper code, we still have to do the translation ourselves. ''' raise KeyboardInterrupt try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_sigint) except Exception: # In a thread, this fails pass if sys.stdout.isatty(): import readline tty=True else: tty=False # remember the original setting oldTerm = os.environ.get('TERM') os.environ['TERM'] = '' import readline # restore the orignal TERM setting if oldTerm != None: os.environ['TERM'] = oldTerm del oldTerm class ConfigShell(object): ''' This is a simple CLI command interpreter that can be used both in interactive or non-interactive modes. It is based on a tree of ConfigNode objects, which can be navigated. The ConfigShell object itself provides global navigation commands. It also handles the parsing of local commands (specific to a certain ConfigNode) according to the ConfigNode commands definitions. If the ConfigNode provides hooks for possible parameter values in a given context, then the ConfigShell will also provide command-line completion using the TAB key. If no completion hooks are available from the ConfigNode, the completion function will still be able to display some help and general syntax advice (as much as the ConfigNode will provide). Interactive sessions can be saved/loaded automatically by ConfigShell is a writable session directory is supplied. This includes command-line history, current node and global parameters. ''' default_prefs = {'color_path': 'magenta', 'color_command': 'cyan', 'color_parameter': 'magenta', 'color_keyword': 'cyan', 'logfile': None, 'loglevel_console': 'info', 'loglevel_file': 'debug9', 'color_mode': True, 'prompt_length': 30, 'tree_max_depth': 0, 'tree_status_mode': True, 'tree_round_nodes': True, 'tree_show_root': True } _completion_help_topic = '' _current_parameter = '' _current_token = '' _current_completions = [] def __init__(self, preferences_dir=None): ''' Creates a new ConfigShell. @param preferences_dir: Directory to load/save preferences from/to @type preferences_dir: str ''' self._current_node = None self._root_node = None self._exit = False # Grammar of the command line command = locatedExpr(Word(alphanums + '_'))('command') var = Word(alphanums + '?;&*$!#,=_\+/.<>()~@:-%[]') value = var keyword = Word(alphanums + '_\-') kparam = locatedExpr(keyword + Suppress('=') + Optional(value, default=''))('kparams*') pparam = locatedExpr(var)('pparams*') parameter = kparam | pparam parameters = OneOrMore(parameter) bookmark = Regex('@([A-Za-z0-9:_.]|-)+') pathstd = Regex('([A-Za-z0-9:_.\[\]]|-)*' + '/' + '([A-Za-z0-9:_.\[\]/]|-)*') \ | '..' | '.' path = locatedExpr(bookmark | pathstd | '*')('path') parser = Optional(path) + Optional(command) + Optional(parameters) self._parser = parser if tty: readline.set_completer_delims('\t\n ~!#$^&(){}\|;\'",?') readline.set_completion_display_matches_hook( self._display_completions) self.log = log.Log() if preferences_dir is not None: preferences_dir = os.path.expanduser(preferences_dir) if not os.path.exists(preferences_dir): os.makedirs(preferences_dir) self._prefs_file = preferences_dir + '/prefs.bin' self.prefs = prefs.Prefs(self._prefs_file) self._cmd_history = preferences_dir + '/history.txt' self._save_history = True if not os.path.isfile(self._cmd_history): try: open(self._cmd_history, 'w').close() except: self.log.warning("Cannot create history file %s, " % self._cmd_history + "command history will not be saved.") self._save_history = False if os.path.isfile(self._cmd_history) and tty: try: readline.read_history_file(self._cmd_history) except IOError: self.log.warning("Cannot read command history file %s." % self._cmd_history) if self.prefs['logfile'] is None: self.prefs['logfile'] = preferences_dir + '/' + 'log.txt' self.prefs.autosave = True else: self.prefs = prefs.Prefs() self._save_history = False try: self.prefs.load() except IOError: self.log.warning("Could not load preferences file %s." % self._prefs_file) for pref, value in six.iteritems(self.default_prefs): if pref not in self.prefs: self.prefs[pref] = value self.con = console.Console() # Private methods def _display_completions(self, substitution, matches, max_length): ''' Display the completions. Invoked by readline. @param substitution: string to complete @param matches: list of possible matches @param max_length: length of the longest matching item ''' x_orig = self.con.get_cursor_xy()[0] width = self.con.get_width() max_length += 2 def just(text): ''' Justifies the text to the max match length. ''' return text.ljust(max_length, " ") # Sort and colorize the matches if self._current_parameter: keywords = [] values = [] for match in matches: if match.endswith('='): keywords.append( self.con.render_text( just(match), self.prefs['color_keyword'])) elif '=' in match: _, _, value = match.partition('=') values.append( self.con.render_text( just(value), self.prefs['color_parameter'])) else: values.append( self.con.render_text( just(match), self.prefs['color_parameter'])) matches = values + keywords else: paths = [] commands = [] for match in matches: if '/' in match or match.startswith('@') or '*' in match: paths.append( self.con.render_text( just(match), self.prefs['color_path'])) else: commands.append( self.con.render_text( just(match), self.prefs['color_command'])) matches = paths + commands # Display the possible completions in columns self.con.raw_write("\n") if matches: if max_length < width: nr_cols = width // max_length else: nr_cols = 1 for i in six.moves.range(0, len(matches), nr_cols): self.con.raw_write(''.join(matches[i:i+nr_cols])) self.con.raw_write('\n') # Display the prompt and the command line line = "%s%s" % (self._get_prompt(), readline.get_line_buffer()) self.con.raw_write("%s" % line) # Move the cursor where it should be y_pos = self.con.get_cursor_xy()[1] self.con.set_cursor_xy(x_orig, y_pos) def _complete_token_command(self, text, path, command): ''' Completes a partial command token, which could also be the beginning of a path. @param path: Path of the target ConfigNode. @type path: str @param command: The command (if any) found by the parser. @type command: str @param text: Current text being typed by the user. @type text: str @return: Possible completions for the token. @rtype: list of str ''' completions = [] target = self._current_node.get_node(path) commands = target.list_commands() self.log.debug("Completing command token among %s" % str(commands)) # Start with the possible commands for command in commands: if command.startswith(text): completions.append(command) if len(completions) == 1: completions[0] = completions[0] + ' ' # No identified path yet on the command line, this might be it if not path: path_completions = [child.name + '/' for child in self._current_node.children if child.name.startswith(text)] if not text: path_completions.append('/') if len(self._current_node.children) > 1: path_completions.append('* ') if path_completions: if completions: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( 'path', self.prefs['color_path']) \ + '|' \ + self.con.render_text( 'command', self.prefs['color_command']) else: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( 'path', self.prefs['color_path']) else: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( 'command', self.prefs['color_command']) if len(path_completions) == 1 and \ not path_completions[0][-1] in [' ', '*'] and \ not self._current_node.get_node(path_completions[0]).children: path_completions[0] = path_completions[0] + ' ' completions.extend(path_completions) else: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( 'command', self.prefs['color_command']) # Even a bookmark bookmarks = ['@' + bookmark for bookmark in self.prefs['bookmarks'] if bookmark.startswith("%s" % text.lstrip('@'))] self.log.debug("Found bookmarks %s." % str(bookmarks)) if bookmarks: completions.extend(bookmarks) # We are done return completions def _complete_token_path(self, text): ''' Completes a partial path token. @param text: Current text being typed by the user. @type text: str @return: Possible completions for the token. @rtype: list of str ''' completions = [] if text.endswith('.'): text = text + '/' (basedir, slash, partial_name) = text.rpartition('/') self.log.debug("Got basedir=%s, partial_name=%s" % (basedir, partial_name)) basedir = basedir + slash target = self._current_node.get_node(basedir) names = [child.name for child in target.children] # Iterall path completion if names and partial_name in ['', '*']: # Not suggesting iterall to end a path that has only one # child allows for fast TAB action to add the only child's # name. if len(names) > 1: completions.append("%s* " % basedir) for name in names: num_matches = 0 if name.startswith(partial_name): num_matches += 1 if num_matches == 1: completions.append("%s%s/" % (basedir, name)) else: completions.append("%s%s" % (basedir, name)) # Bookmarks bookmarks = ['@' + bookmark for bookmark in self.prefs['bookmarks'] if bookmark.startswith("%s" % text.lstrip('@'))] self.log.debug("Found bookmarks %s." % str(bookmarks)) if bookmarks: completions.extend(bookmarks) if len(completions) == 1: self.log.debug("One completion left.") if not completions[0].endswith("* "): if not self._current_node.get_node(completions[0]).children: completions[0] = completions[0].rstrip('/') + ' ' self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( 'path', self.prefs['color_path']) return completions def _complete_token_pparam(self, text, path, command, pparams, kparams): ''' Completes a positional parameter token, which can also be the keywork part of a kparam token, as before the '=' sign is on the line, the parser cannot know better. @param path: Path of the target ConfigNode. @type path: str @param command: The command (if any) found by the parser. @type command: str @param pparams: Positional parameters from commandline. @type pparams: list of str @param kparams: Keyword parameters from commandline. @type kparams: dict of str:str @param text: Current text being typed by the user. @type text: str @return: Possible completions for the token. @rtype: list of str ''' completions = [] target = self._current_node.get_node(path) cmd_params, free_pparams, free_kparams = \ target.get_command_signature(command) current_parameters = {} for index in range(len(pparams)): if index < len(cmd_params): current_parameters[cmd_params[index]] = pparams[index] for key, value in six.iteritems(kparams): current_parameters[key] = value self._completion_help_topic = command completion_method = target.get_completion_method(command) self.log.debug("Command %s accepts parameters %s." % (command, cmd_params)) # Do we still accept positional params ? pparam_ok = True for index in range(len(cmd_params)): param = cmd_params[index] if param in kparams: if index <= len(pparams): pparam_ok = False self.log.debug( "No more possible pparams (because of kparams).") break elif (text.strip() == '' and len(pparams) == len(cmd_params)) \ or (len(pparams) > len(cmd_params)): pparam_ok = False self.log.debug("No more possible pparams.") break else: if len(cmd_params) == 0: pparam_ok = False self.log.debug("No more possible pparams (none exists)") # If we do, find out which one we are completing if pparam_ok: if not text: pparam_index = len(pparams) else: pparam_index = len(pparams) - 1 self._current_parameter = cmd_params[pparam_index] self.log.debug("Completing pparam %s." % self._current_parameter) if completion_method: pparam_completions = completion_method( current_parameters, text, self._current_parameter) if pparam_completions is not None: completions.extend(pparam_completions) # Add the keywords for parameters not already on the line if text: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 keyword_completions = [param + '=' \ for param in cmd_params[len(pparams)-offset:] \ if param not in kparams \ if param.startswith(text)] self.log.debug("Possible pparam values are %s." % str(completions)) self.log.debug("Possible kparam keywords are %s." % str(keyword_completions)) if keyword_completions: if self._current_parameter: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( self._current_parameter, \ self.prefs['color_parameter']) \ + '|' \ + self.con.render_text( 'keyword=', self.prefs['color_keyword']) else: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( 'keyword=', self.prefs['color_keyword']) else: if self._current_parameter: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( self._current_parameter, self.prefs['color_parameter']) else: self._current_token = '' completions.extend(keyword_completions) if free_kparams or free_pparams: self.log.debug("Command has free [kp]params.") if completion_method: self.log.debug("Calling completion method for free params.") free_completions = completion_method( current_parameters, text, '*') do_free_pparams = False do_free_kparams = False for free_completion in free_completions: if free_completion.endswith("="): do_free_kparams = True else: do_free_pparams = True if do_free_pparams: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( free_pparams, self.prefs['color_parameter']) \ + '|' + self._current_token self._current_token = self._current_token.rstrip('|') if not self._current_parameter: self._current_parameter = 'free_parameter' if do_free_kparams: if not 'keyword=' in self._current_token: self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( 'keyword=', self.prefs['color_keyword']) \ + '|' + self._current_token self._current_token = self._current_token.rstrip('|') if not self._current_parameter: self._current_parameter = 'free_parameter' completions.extend(free_completions) self.log.debug("Found completions %s." % str(completions)) return completions def _complete_token_kparam(self, text, path, command, pparams, kparams): ''' Completes a keyword=value parameter token. @param path: Path of the target ConfigNode. @type path: str @param command: The command (if any) found by the parser. @type command: str @param pparams: Positional parameters from commandline. @type pparams: list of str @param kparams: Keyword parameters from commandline. @type kparams: dict of str:str @param text: Current text being typed by the user. @type text: str @return: Possible completions for the token. @rtype: list of str ''' self.log.debug("Called for text='%s'" % text) target = self._current_node.get_node(path) cmd_params = target.get_command_signature(command)[0] self.log.debug("Command %s accepts parameters %s." % (command, cmd_params)) (keyword, sep, current_value) = text.partition('=') self.log.debug("Completing '%s' for kparam %s" % (current_value, keyword)) self._current_parameter = keyword current_parameters = {} for index in range(len(pparams)): current_parameters[cmd_params[index]] = pparams[index] for key, value in six.iteritems(kparams): current_parameters[key] = value completion_method = target.get_completion_method(command) if completion_method: completions = completion_method( current_parameters, current_value, keyword) if completions is None: completions = [] self._current_token = \ self.con.render_text( self._current_parameter, self.prefs['color_parameter']) self.log.debug("Found completions %s." % str(completions)) return ["%s=%s" % (keyword, completion) for completion in completions] def _complete(self, text, state): ''' Text completion method, directly called by readline. Finds out what token the user wants completion for, and calls the _dispatch_completion() to get the possible completions. Then implements the state system needed by readline to return those possible completions to readline. @param text: The text to complete. @type text: str @returns: The next possible completion for text. @rtype: str ''' if state == 0: cmdline = readline.get_line_buffer() self._current_completions = [] self._completion_help_topic = '' self._current_parameter = '' (parse_results, path, command, pparams, kparams) = \ self._parse_cmdline(cmdline) beg = readline.get_begidx() end = readline.get_endidx() current_token = None if beg == end: # No text under the cursor, fake it so that the parser # result_trees gives us a token name on a second parser call self.log.debug("Faking text entry on commandline.") parse_results = self._parse_cmdline(cmdline + 'x')[0] if parse_results.command.value == 'x': current_token = 'command' elif 'x' in [x.value for x in parse_results.pparams]: current_token = 'pparam' elif 'x' in [x.value for x in parse_results.kparams]: current_token = 'kparam' elif path and beg == parse_results.path.locn_start: current_token = 'path' elif command and beg == parse_results.command.locn_start: current_token = 'command' elif pparams and beg in [p.locn_start for p in parse_results.pparams]: current_token = 'pparam' elif kparams and beg in [k.locn_start for k in parse_results.kparams]: current_token = 'kparam' self._current_completions = \ self._dispatch_completion(path, command, pparams, kparams, text, current_token) self.log.debug("Returning completions %s to readline." % str(self._current_completions)) if state < len(self._current_completions): return self._current_completions[state] else: return None def _dispatch_completion(self, path, command, pparams, kparams, text, current_token): ''' This method takes care of dispatching the current completion request from readline (via the _complete() method) to the relevant token completion methods. It has to cope with the fact that the commandline being incomplete yet, Of course, as the command line is still unfinished, the parser can only do so much of a job. For instance, until the '=' sign is on the command line, there is no way to distinguish a positional parameter from the begining of a keyword=value parameter. @param path: Path of the target ConfigNode. @type path: str @param command: The command (if any) found by the parser. @type command: str @param pparams: Positional parameters from commandline. @type pparams: list of str @param kparams: Keyword parameters from commandline. @type kparams: dict of str:str @param text: Current text being typed by the user. @type text: str @param current_token: Name of token to complete. @type current_token: str @return: Possible completions for the token. @rtype: list of str ''' completions = [] self.log.debug("Dispatching completion for %s token. " % current_token + "text='%s', path='%s', command='%s', " % (text, path, command) + "pparams=%s, kparams=%s" % (str(pparams), str(kparams))) (path, iterall) = path.partition('*')[:2] if iterall: try: target = self._current_node.get_node(path) except ValueError: cpl_path = path else: children = target.children if children: cpl_path = children[0].path else: cpl_path = path if current_token == 'command': completions = self._complete_token_command(text, cpl_path, command) elif current_token == 'path': completions = self._complete_token_path(text) elif current_token == 'pparam': completions = \ self._complete_token_pparam(text, cpl_path, command, pparams, kparams) elif current_token == 'kparam': completions = \ self._complete_token_kparam(text, cpl_path, command, pparams, kparams) else: self.log.debug("Cannot complete unknown token %s." % current_token) return completions def _get_prompt(self): ''' Returns the command prompt string. ''' prompt_path = self._current_node.path prompt_length = self.prefs['prompt_length'] if prompt_length and prompt_length < len(prompt_path): half = (prompt_length - 3) // 2 prompt_path = "%s...%s" \ % (prompt_path[:half], prompt_path[-half:]) if 'prompt_msg' in dir(self._current_node): return "%s%s> " % (self._current_node.prompt_msg(), prompt_path) else: return "%s> " % prompt_path def _cli_loop(self): ''' Starts the configuration shell interactive loop, that: - Goes to the last current path - Displays the prompt - Waits for user input - Runs user command ''' while not self._exit: try: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(self._complete) cmdline = six.moves.input(self._get_prompt()).strip() except EOFError: self.con.raw_write('exit\n') cmdline = "exit" self.run_cmdline(cmdline) if self._save_history: try: readline.write_history_file(self._cmd_history) except IOError: self.log.warning( "Cannot write to command history file %s." \ % self._cmd_history) self.log.warning( "Saving command history has been disabled!") self._save_history = False def _parse_cmdline(self, line): ''' Parses the command line entered by the user. This is a wrapper around the actual pyparsing parser that pre-chews the result trees to cleanly extract the tokens we care for (parameters, path, command). @param line: The command line to parse. @type line: str @return: (result_trees, path, command, pparams, kparams), pparams being positional parameters and kparams the keyword=value. @rtype: (pyparsing.ParseResults, str, str, list, dict) ''' self.log.debug("Parsing commandline.") path = '' command = '' pparams = [] kparams = {} parse_results = self._parser.parseString(line) if isinstance(parse_results.path, ParseResults): path = parse_results.path.value if isinstance(parse_results.command, ParseResults): command = parse_results.command.value if isinstance(parse_results.pparams, ParseResults): pparams = [pparam.value for pparam in parse_results.pparams] if isinstance(parse_results.kparams, ParseResults): kparams = dict([kparam.value for kparam in parse_results.kparams]) self.log.debug("Parse gave path='%s' command='%s' " % (path, command) + "pparams=%s " % str(pparams) + "kparams=%s" % str(kparams)) return (parse_results, path, command, pparams, kparams) def _execute_command(self, path, command, pparams, kparams): ''' Calls the target node to execute a command. Behavior depends on the target node command's result: - An 'EXIT' string will trigger shell exit. - None will do nothing. - A ConfigNode object will trigger a current_node change. @param path: Path of the target node. @type path: str @param command: The command to call. @type command: str @param pparams: The positional parameters to use. @type pparams: list @param kparams: The keyword=value parameters to use. @type kparams: dict ''' if path.endswith('*'): path = path.rstrip('*') iterall = True else: iterall = False if not path: path = '.' if not command: if iterall: command = 'ls' else: command = 'cd' pparams = ['.'] try: target = self._current_node.get_node(path) except ValueError as msg: raise ExecutionError(str(msg)) result = None if not iterall: targets = [target] else: targets = target.children for target in targets: if iterall: self.con.display("[%s]" % target.path) result = target.execute_command(command, pparams, kparams) self.log.debug("Command execution returned %r" % result) if isinstance(result, ConfigNode): self._current_node = result elif result == 'EXIT': self._exit = True elif result is not None: raise ExecutionError("Unexpected result: %r" % result) # Public methods def run_cmdline(self, cmdline): ''' Runs the specified command. Global commands are checked first, then local commands from the current node. Command syntax is: [PATH] COMMAND [POSITIONAL_PARAMETER]+ [PARAMETER=VALUE]+ @param cmdline: The command line to run @type cmdline: str ''' if cmdline: self.log.verbose("Running command line '%s'." % cmdline) path, command, pparams, kparams = self._parse_cmdline(cmdline)[1:] self._execute_command(path, command, pparams, kparams) def run_script(self, script_path, exit_on_error=True): ''' Runs the script located at script_path. Script runs always start from the root context. @param script_path: File path of the script to run @type script_path: str @param exit_on_error: If True, stops the run if an error occurs @type exit_on_error: bool ''' try: script_fd = open(script_path, 'r') self.run_stdin(script_fd, exit_on_error) except IOError as msg: raise IOError(msg) finally: script_fd.close() def run_stdin(self, file_descriptor=sys.stdin, exit_on_error=True): ''' Reads commands to be run from a file descriptor, stdin by default. The run always starts from the root context. @param file_descriptor: The file descriptor to read commands from @type file_descriptor: file object @param exit_on_error: If True, stops the run if an error occurs @type exit_on_error: bool ''' self._current_node = self._root_node for cmdline in file_descriptor: try: self.run_cmdline(cmdline.strip()) except Exception as msg: self.log.error(msg) if exit_on_error is True: raise ExecutionError("Aborting run on error.") self.log.exception("Keep running after an error.") def run_interactive(self): ''' Starts interactive CLI mode. ''' history = self.prefs['path_history'] index = self.prefs['path_history_index'] if history and index: if index < len(history): try: target = self._root_node.get_node(history[index]) except ValueError: self._current_node = self._root_node else: self._current_node = target while True: try: old_completer = readline.get_completer() self._cli_loop() break except KeyboardInterrupt: self.con.raw_write('\n') finally: readline.set_completer(old_completer) def attach_root_node(self, root_node): ''' @param root_node: The root ConfigNode object @type root_node: ConfigNode ''' self._current_node = root_node self._root_node = root_node