''' This file is part of ConfigShell. Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import inspect import re import six class ExecutionError(Exception): pass class ConfigNode(object): ''' The ConfigNode class defines a common skeleton to be used by specific implementation. It is "purely virtual" (sorry for using non-pythonic vocabulary there ;-) ). ''' _path_separator = '/' _path_current = '.' _path_previous = '..' ui_type_method_prefix = "ui_type_" ui_command_method_prefix = "ui_command_" ui_complete_method_prefix = "ui_complete_" ui_setgroup_method_prefix = "ui_setgroup_" ui_getgroup_method_prefix = "ui_getgroup_" help_intro = ''' GENERALITIES ============ This is a shell in which you can create, delete and configure configuration objects. The available commands depend on the current path or target path you want to run a command in: different path have different sets of available commands, i.e. a path pointing at an iscsi target will not have the same availaible commands as, say, a path pointing at a storage object. The prompt that starts each command line indicates your current path. Alternatively (useful if the prompt displays an abbreviated path to save space), you can run the B{pwd} command to display the complete current path. Navigating the tree is done using the B{cd} command. Without any argument, B{cd} will present you with the full objects tree. Just use arrows to select the destination path, and enter will get you there. Please try B{help cd} for navigation tips. COMMAND SYNTAX ============== Commands are built using the following syntax: [I{TARGET_PATH}] B{COMMAND_NAME} [I{OPTIONS}] The I{TARGET_PATH} indicates the path to run the command from. If ommited, the command will be run from your current path. The I{OPTIONS} depend on the command. Please use B{help COMMAND} to get more information. ''' def __init__(self, name, parent=None, shell=None): ''' @param parent: The parent ConfigNode of the new object. If None, then the ConfigNode will be a root node. @type parent: ConfigNode or None @param shell: The shell to attach a root node to. @type shell: ConfigShell ''' self._name = name self._children = set([]) if parent is None: if shell is None: raise ValueError("A root ConfigNode must have a shell.") else: self._parent = None self._shell = shell shell.attach_root_node(self) else: if shell is None: self._parent = parent self._shell = None else: raise ValueError("A non-root ConfigNode can't have a shell.") if self._parent is not None: for sibling in self._parent._children: if sibling.name == name: raise ValueError("Name '%s' already used by a sibling." % self._name) self._parent._children.add(self) self._configuration_groups = {} self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'tree_round_nodes', 'bool', 'Tree node display style.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'tree_status_mode', 'bool', 'Whether or not to display status in tree.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'tree_max_depth', 'number', 'Maximum depth of displayed node tree.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'tree_show_root', 'bool', 'Whether or not to display tree root.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'color_mode', 'bool', 'Console color display mode.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'loglevel_console', 'loglevel', 'Log level for messages going to the console.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'loglevel_file', 'loglevel', 'Log level for messages going to the log file.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'logfile', 'string', 'Logfile to use.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'color_default', 'colordefault', 'Default text display color.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'color_path', 'color', 'Color to use for path completions') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'color_command', 'color', 'Color to use for command completions.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'color_parameter', 'color', 'Color to use for parameter completions.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'color_keyword', 'color', 'Color to use for keyword completions.') self.define_config_group_param( 'global', 'prompt_length', 'number', 'Max length of the shell prompt path, 0 for infinite.') if self.shell.prefs['bookmarks'] is None: self.shell.prefs['bookmarks'] = {} # User interface types def ui_type_number(self, value=None, enum=False, reverse=False): ''' UI parameter type helper for number parameter type. @param value: Value to check against the type. @type value: anything @param enum: Has a meaning only if value is omitted. If set, returns a list of the possible values for the type, or [] if this is not possible. If not set, returns a text description of the type format. @type enum: bool @param reverse: If set, translates an internal value to its UI string representation. @type reverse: bool @return: c.f. parameter enum description. @rtype: str|list|None @raise ValueError: If the value does not check ok against the type. ''' if reverse: if value is not None: return str(value) else: return 'n/a' type_enum = [] syntax = "NUMBER" if value is None: if enum: return type_enum else: return syntax elif not value: return None else: try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Syntax error, '%s' is not a %s." % (value, syntax)) else: return value def ui_type_string(self, value=None, enum=False, reverse=False): ''' UI parameter type helper for string parameter type. @param value: Value to check against the type. @type value: anything @param enum: Has a meaning only if value is omitted. If set, returns a list of the possible values for the type, or [] if this is not possible. If not set, returns a text description of the type format. @type enum: bool @param reverse: If set, translates an internal value to its UI string representation. @type reverse: bool @return: c.f. parameter enum description. @rtype: str|list|None @raise ValueError: If the value does not check ok against the type. ''' if reverse: if value is not None: return value else: return 'n/a' type_enum = [] syntax = "STRING_OF_TEXT" if value is None: if enum: return type_enum else: return syntax elif not value: return None else: try: value = str(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Syntax error, '%s' is not a %s." % (value, syntax)) else: return value def ui_type_bool(self, value=None, enum=False, reverse=False): ''' UI parameter type helper for boolean parameter type. Valid values are either 'true' or 'false'. @param value: Value to check against the type. @type value: anything @param enum: Has a meaning only if value is omitted. If set, returns a list of the possible values for the type, or None if this is not possible. If not set, returns a text description of the type format. @type enum: bool @param reverse: If set, translates an internal value to its UI string representation. @type reverse: bool @return: c.f. parameter enum description. @rtype: str|list|None @raise ValueError: If the value does not check ok againts the type. ''' if reverse: if value: return 'true' else: return 'false' type_enum = ['true', 'false'] syntax = '|'.join(type_enum) if value is None: if enum: return type_enum else: return syntax elif value.lower() == 'true': return True elif value.lower() == 'false': return False else: raise ValueError("Syntax error, '%s' is not %s." % (value, syntax)) def ui_type_loglevel(self, value=None, enum=False, reverse=False): ''' UI parameter type helper for log level parameter type. @param value: Value to check against the type. @type value: anything @param enum: Has a meaning only if value is omitted. If set, returns a list of the possible values for the type, or None if this is not possible. If not set, returns a text description of the type format. @type enum: bool @param reverse: If set, translates an internal value to its UI string representation. @type reverse: bool @return: c.f. parameter enum description. @rtype: str|list|None @raise ValueError: If the value does not check ok againts the type. ''' if reverse: if value is not None: return value else: return 'n/a' type_enum = self.shell.log.levels syntax = '|'.join(type_enum) if value is None: if enum: return type_enum else: return syntax elif value in type_enum: return value else: raise ValueError("Syntax error, '%s' is not %s" % (value, syntax)) def ui_type_color(self, value=None, enum=False, reverse=False): ''' UI parameter type helper for color parameter type. @param value: Value to check against the type. @type value: anything @param enum: Has a meaning only if value is omitted. If set, returns a list of the possible values for the type, or None if this is not possible. If not set, returns a text description of the type format. @type enum: bool @param reverse: If set, translates an internal value to its UI string representation. @type reverse: bool @return: c.f. parameter enum description. @rtype: str|list|None @raise ValueError: If the value does not check ok againts the type. ''' if reverse: if value is not None: return value else: return 'default' type_enum = self.shell.con.colors + ['default'] syntax = '|'.join(type_enum) if value is None: if enum: return type_enum else: return syntax elif not value or value == 'default': return None elif value in type_enum: return value else: raise ValueError("Syntax error, '%s' is not %s" % (value, syntax)) def ui_type_colordefault(self, value=None, enum=False, reverse=False): ''' UI parameter type helper for default color parameter type. @param value: Value to check against the type. @type value: anything @param enum: Has a meaning only if value is omitted. If set, returns a list of the possible values for the type, or None if this is not possible. If not set, returns a text description of the type format. @type enum: bool @param reverse: If set, translates an internal value to its UI string representation. @type reverse: bool @return: c.f. parameter enum description. @rtype: str|list|None @raise ValueError: If the value does not check ok againts the type. ''' if reverse: if value is not None: return value else: return 'none' type_enum = self.shell.con.colors + ['none'] syntax = '|'.join(type_enum) if value is None: if enum: return type_enum else: return syntax elif not value or value == 'none': return None elif value in type_enum: return value else: raise ValueError("Syntax error, '%s' is not %s" % (value, syntax)) # User interface get/set methods def ui_setgroup_global(self, parameter, value): ''' This is the backend method for setting parameters in configuration group 'global'. It simply uses the Prefs() backend to store the global preferences for the shell. Some of these group parameters are shared using the same Prefs() object by the Log() and Console() classes, so this backend should not be changed without taking this into consideration. The parameters getting to us have already been type-checked and casted by the type-check methods registered in the config group via the ui set command, and their existence in the group has also been checked. Thus our job is minimal here. Also, it means that overhead when called with generated arguments (as opposed to user-supplied) gets minimal overhead, and allows setting new parameters without error. @param parameter: The parameter to set. @type parameter: str @param value: The value @type value: arbitrary ''' self.shell.prefs[parameter] = value def ui_getgroup_global(self, parameter): ''' This is the backend method for getting configuration parameters out of the B{global} configuration group. It gets the values from the Prefs() backend. Eventual casting to str for UI display is handled by the ui get command, for symmetry with the pendant ui_setgroup method. Existence of the parameter in the group should have already been checked by the ui get command, so we go blindly about this. This might allow internal client code to get a None value if the parameter does not exist, as supported by Prefs(). @param parameter: The parameter to get the value of. @type parameter: str @return: The parameter's value @rtype: arbitrary ''' return self.shell.prefs[parameter] def ui_eval_param(self, ui_value, type, default): ''' Evaluates a user-provided parameter value using a given type helper. If the parameter value is None, the default will be returned. If the ui_value does not check out with the type helper, and execution error will be raised. @param ui_value: The user provided parameter value. @type ui_value: str @param type: The ui_type to be used @type type: str @param default: The default value to return. @type default: any @return: The evaluated parameter value. @rtype: depends on type @raise ExecutionError: If evaluation fails. ''' type_method = self.get_type_method(type) if ui_value is None: return default else: try: value = type_method(ui_value) except ValueError as msg: raise ExecutionError(msg) else: return value def get_type_method(self, type): ''' Returns the type helper method matching the type name. ''' return getattr(self, "%s%s" % (self.ui_type_method_prefix, type)) # User interface commands def ui_command_set(self, group=None, **parameter): ''' Sets one or more configuration parameters in the given group. The B{global} group contains all global CLI preferences. Other groups are specific to the current path. Run with no parameter nor group to list all available groups, or with just a group name to list all available parameters within that group. Example: B{set global color_mode=true loglevel_console=info} SEE ALSO ======== get ''' if group is None: self.shell.con.epy_write(''' AVAILABLE CONFIGURATION GROUPS ============================== %s ''' % ' '.join(self.list_config_groups())) elif not parameter: if group not in self.list_config_groups(): raise ExecutionError("Unknown configuration group: %s" % group) section = "%s CONFIG GROUP" % group.upper() underline1 = ''.ljust(len(section), '=') parameters = '' for p_name in self.list_group_params(group, writable=True): p_def = self.get_group_param(group, p_name) type_method = self.get_type_method(p_def['type']) p_name = "%s=I{%s}" % (p_def['name'], p_def['type']) underline2 = ''.ljust(len(p_name), '-') parameters += '%s\n%s\n%s\n\n' \ % (p_name, underline2, p_def['description']) self.shell.con.epy_write('''%s\n%s\n%s\n''' % (section, underline1, parameters)) elif group not in self.list_config_groups(): raise ExecutionError("Unknown configuration group: %s" % group) for param, value in six.iteritems(parameter): if param not in self.list_group_params(group): raise ExecutionError("Unknown parameter %s in group '%s'." % (param, group)) p_def = self.get_group_param(group, param) type_method = self.get_type_method(p_def['type']) if not p_def['writable']: raise ExecutionError("Parameter %s is read-only." % param) try: value = type_method(value) except ValueError as msg: raise ExecutionError("Not setting %s! %s" % (param, msg)) group_setter = self.get_group_setter(group) group_setter(param, value) group_getter = self.get_group_getter(group) value = group_getter(param) value = type_method(value, reverse=True) self.shell.con.display("Parameter %s is now '%s'." % (param, value)) def ui_complete_set(self, parameters, text, current_param): ''' Parameter auto-completion method for user command set. @param parameters: Parameters on the command line. @type parameters: dict @param text: Current text of parameter being typed by the user. @type text: str @param current_param: Name of parameter to complete. @type current_param: str @return: Possible completions @rtype: list of str ''' completions = [] self.shell.log.debug("Called with params=%s, text='%s', current='%s'" % (str(parameters), text, current_param)) if current_param == 'group': completions = [group for group in self.list_config_groups() if group.startswith(text)] elif 'group' in parameters: group = parameters['group'] if group in self.list_config_groups(): group_params = self.list_group_params(group, writable=True) if current_param in group_params: p_def = self.get_group_param(group, current_param) type_method = self.get_type_method(p_def['type']) type_enum = type_method(enum=True) if type_enum is not None: type_enum = [item for item in type_enum if item.startswith(text)] completions.extend(type_enum) else: group_params = ([param + '=' for param in group_params if param.startswith(text) if param not in parameters]) if group_params: completions.extend(group_params) if len(completions) == 1 and not completions[0].endswith('='): completions = [completions[0] + ' '] self.shell.log.debug("Returning completions %s." % str(completions)) return completions def ui_command_get(self, group=None, *parameter): ''' Gets the value of one or more configuration parameters in the given group. Run with no parameter nor group to list all available groups, or with just a group name to list all available parameters within that group. Example: B{get global color_mode loglevel_console} SEE ALSO ======== set ''' if group is None: self.shell.con.epy_write(''' AVAILABLE CONFIGURATION GROUPS ============================== %s ''' % ' '.join(self.list_config_groups())) elif not parameter: if group not in self.list_config_groups(): raise ExecutionError("Unknown configuration group: %s" % group) section = "%s CONFIG GROUP" % group.upper() underline1 = ''.ljust(len(section), '=') parameters = '' params = [self.get_group_param(group, p_name) for p_name in self.list_group_params(group)] for p_def in params: group_getter = self.get_group_getter(group) value = group_getter(p_def['name']) type_method = self.get_type_method(p_def['type']) value = type_method(value, reverse=True) param = "%s=%s" % (p_def['name'], value) if p_def['writable'] is False: param += " [ro]" underline2 = ''.ljust(len(param), '-') parameters += '%s\n%s\n%s\n\n' \ % (param, underline2, p_def['description']) self.shell.con.epy_write('''%s\n%s\n%s\n''' % (section, underline1, parameters)) elif group not in self.list_config_groups(): raise ExecutionError("Unknown configuration group: %s" % group) for param in parameter: if param not in self.list_group_params(group): raise ExecutionError("No parameter '%s' in group '%s'." % (param, group)) self.shell.log.debug("About to get the parameter's value.") group_getter = self.get_group_getter(group) value = group_getter(param) p_def = self.get_group_param(group, param) type_method = self.get_type_method(p_def['type']) value = type_method(value, reverse=True) if p_def['writable']: writable = "" else: writable = "[ro]" self.shell.con.display("%s=%s %s" % (param, value, writable)) def ui_complete_get(self, parameters, text, current_param): ''' Parameter auto-completion method for user command get. @param parameters: Parameters on the command line. @type parameters: dict @param text: Current text of parameter being typed by the user. @type text: str @param current_param: Name of parameter to complete. @type current_param: str @return: Possible completions @rtype: list of str ''' completions = [] self.shell.log.debug("Called with params=%s, text='%s', current='%s'" % (str(parameters), text, current_param)) if current_param == 'group': completions = [group for group in self.list_config_groups() if group.startswith(text)] elif 'group' in parameters: group = parameters['group'] if group in self.list_config_groups(): group_params = ([param for param in self.list_group_params(group) if param.startswith(text) if param not in parameters]) if group_params: completions.extend(group_params) if len(completions) == 1 and not completions[0].endswith('='): completions = [completions[0] + ' '] self.shell.log.debug("Returning completions %s." % str(completions)) return completions def ui_command_ls(self, path=None, depth=None): ''' Display either the nodes tree relative to path or to the current node. PARAMETERS ========== I{path} ------- The I{path} to display the nodes tree of. Can be an absolute path, a relative path or a bookmark. I{depth} -------- The I{depth} parameter limits the maximum depth of the tree to display. If set to 0, then the complete tree will be displayed (the default). SEE ALSO ======== cd bookmarks ''' try: target = self.get_node(path) except ValueError as msg: raise ExecutionError(str(msg)) if depth is None: depth = self.shell.prefs['tree_max_depth'] try: depth = int(depth) except ValueError: raise ExecutionError('The tree depth must be a number.') if depth == 0: depth = None tree = self._render_tree(target, depth=depth) self.shell.con.display(tree) def _render_tree(self, root, margin=None, depth=None, do_list=False): ''' Renders an ascii representation of a tree of ConfigNodes. @param root: The root node of the tree @type root: ConfigNode @param margin: Format of the left margin to use for children. True results in a pipe, and False results in no pipe. Used for recursion only. @type margin: list @param depth: The maximum depth of nodes to display, None means infinite. @type depth: None or int @param do_list: Return two lists, one with each line text representation, the other with the corresponding paths. @type do_list: bool @return: An ascii tree representation or (lines, paths). @rtype: str ''' lines = [] paths = [] node_length = 2 node_shift = 2 level = root.path.rstrip('/').count('/') if margin is None: margin = [0] root_call = True else: root_call = False if do_list: color = None elif not level % 3: color = None elif not (level - 1) % 3: color = 'blue' else: color = 'magenta' if do_list: styles = None elif root_call: styles = ['bold', 'underline'] else: styles = ['bold'] if do_list: name = root.name else: name = self.shell.con.render_text(root.name, color, styles=styles) name_len = len(root.name) (description, is_healthy) = root.summary() if not description: if is_healthy is True: description = "OK" elif is_healthy is False: description = "ERROR" else: description = "..." description_len = len(description) + 3 if do_list: summary = '[' else: summary = self.shell.con.render_text(' [', styles=['bold']) if is_healthy is True: if do_list: summary += description else: summary += self.shell.con.render_text(description, 'green') elif is_healthy is False: if do_list: summary += description else: summary += self.shell.con.render_text(description, 'red', styles=['bold']) else: summary += description if do_list: summary += ']' else: summary += self.shell.con.render_text(']', styles=['bold']) def sorting_keys(s): m = re.search(r'(.*?)(\d+$)', str(s)) if m: return (m.group(1), int(m.group(2))) else: return (str(s), 0) # Sort ending numbers numerically, so we get e.g. "lun1, lun2, lun10" # instead of "lun1, lun10, lun2". children = sorted(root.children, key=sorting_keys) line = "" for pipe in margin[:-1]: if pipe: line = line + "|".ljust(node_shift) else: line = line + ''.ljust(node_shift) if self.shell.prefs['tree_round_nodes']: node_char = 'o' else: node_char = '+' line += node_char.ljust(node_length, '-') line += ' ' margin_len = len(line) pad = (self.shell.con.get_width() - 1 - description_len - margin_len - name_len) * '.' if not do_list: pad = self.shell.con.render_text(pad, color) line += name if self.shell.prefs['tree_status_mode']: line += ' %s%s' % (pad, summary) lines.append(line) paths.append(root.path) if root_call \ and not self.shell.prefs['tree_show_root'] \ and not do_list: tree = '' for child in children: tree = tree + self._render_tree(child, [False], depth) else: tree = line + '\n' if depth is None or depth > 0: if depth is not None: depth = depth - 1 for i in range(len(children)): margin.append(i}: - B{cd <} takes you back one step in the path history - B{cd >} takes you one step forward in the path history SEE ALSO ======== ls cd ''' self.shell.log.debug("Changing current node to '%s'." % path) if self.shell.prefs['path_history'] is None: self.shell.prefs['path_history'] = [self.path] self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] = 0 # Go back in history to the last existing path if path == '<': if self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] == 0: self.shell.log.info("Reached begining of path history.") return self exists = False while not exists: if self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] > 0: self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] = \ self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] - 1 index = self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] path = self.shell.prefs['path_history'][index] try: target_node = self.get_node(path) except ValueError: pass else: exists = True else: path = '/' self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] = 0 self.shell.prefs['path_history'][0] = '/' exists = True self.shell.log.info('Taking you back to %s.' % path) return self.get_node(path) # Go forward in history if path == '>': if self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] == \ len(self.shell.prefs['path_history']) - 1: self.shell.log.info("Reached the end of path history.") return self exists = False while not exists: if self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] \ < len(self.shell.prefs['path_history']) - 1: self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] = \ self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] + 1 index = self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] path = self.shell.prefs['path_history'][index] try: target_node = self.get_node(path) except ValueError: pass else: exists = True else: path = self.path self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] \ = len(self.shell.prefs['path_history']) self.shell.prefs['path_history'].append(path) exists = True self.shell.log.info('Taking you back to %s.' % path) return self.get_node(path) # Use an urwid walker to select the path if path is None: lines, paths = self._render_tree(self.get_root(), do_list=True) start_pos = paths.index(self.path) selected = self._lines_walker(lines, start_pos=start_pos) path = paths[selected] # Normal path try: target_node = self.get_node(path) except ValueError as msg: raise ExecutionError(str(msg)) index = self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] if target_node.path != self.shell.prefs['path_history'][index]: # Truncate the hostory to retain current path as last one self.shell.prefs['path_history'] = \ self.shell.prefs['path_history'][:index+1] # Append the new path and update the index self.shell.prefs['path_history'].append(target_node.path) self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'] = index + 1 self.shell.log.debug("After cd, path history is: %s, index is %d" % (str(self.shell.prefs['path_history']), self.shell.prefs['path_history_index'])) return target_node def _lines_walker(self, lines, start_pos): ''' Using the curses urwid library, displays all lines passed as argument, and after allowing selection of one line using up, down and enter keys, returns its index. @param lines: The lines to display and select from. @type lines: list of str @param start_pos: The index of the line to select initially. @type start_pos: int @return: the index of the selected line. @rtype: int ''' import urwid palette = [('header', 'white', 'black'), ('reveal focus', 'black', 'yellow', 'standout')] content = urwid.SimpleListWalker( [urwid.AttrMap(w, None, 'reveal focus') for w in [urwid.Text(line) for line in lines]]) listbox = urwid.ListBox(content) frame = urwid.Frame(listbox) def handle_input(input, raw): for key in input: widget, pos = content.get_focus() if key == 'up': if pos > 0: content.set_focus(pos-1) elif key == 'down': try: content.set_focus(pos+1) except IndexError: pass elif key == 'enter': raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() content.set_focus(start_pos) loop = urwid.MainLoop(frame, palette, input_filter=handle_input) loop.run() return listbox.focus_position def ui_complete_cd(self, parameters, text, current_param): ''' Parameter auto-completion method for user command cd. @param parameters: Parameters on the command line. @type parameters: dict @param text: Current text of parameter being typed by the user. @type text: str @param current_param: Name of parameter to complete. @type current_param: str @return: Possible completions @rtype: list of str ''' if current_param == 'path': completions = self.ui_complete_ls(parameters, text, current_param) completions.extend([nav for nav in ['<', '>'] if nav.startswith(text)]) return completions def ui_command_help(self, topic=None): ''' Displays the manual page for a topic, or list available topics. ''' commands = self.list_commands() if topic is None: msg = self.shell.con.dedent(self.help_intro) msg += self.shell.con.dedent(''' AVAILABLE COMMANDS ================== The following commands are available in the current path: ''') for command in commands: msg += " - %s\n" % self.get_command_syntax(command)[0] self.shell.con.epy_write(msg) return if topic not in commands: raise ExecutionError("Cannot find help topic %s." % topic) syntax, comments, defaults = self.get_command_syntax(topic) msg = self.shell.con.dedent(''' SYNTAX ====== %s ''' % syntax) for comment in comments: msg += comment + '\n' if defaults: msg += self.shell.con.dedent(''' DEFAULT VALUES ============== %s ''' % defaults) msg += self.shell.con.dedent(''' DESCRIPTION =========== ''') msg += self.get_command_description(topic) msg += "\n" self.shell.con.epy_write(msg) def ui_complete_help(self, parameters, text, current_param): ''' Parameter auto-completion method for user command help. @param parameters: Parameters on the command line. @type parameters: dict @param text: Current text of parameter being typed by the user. @type text: str @param current_param: Name of parameter to complete. @type current_param: str @return: Possible completions @rtype: list of str ''' if current_param == 'topic': # TODO Add other types of topics topics = self.list_commands() completions = [topic for topic in topics if topic.startswith(text)] else: completions = [] if len(completions) == 1: return [completions[0] + ' '] else: return completions def ui_command_exit(self): ''' Exits the command line interface. ''' return 'EXIT' def ui_command_bookmarks(self, action, bookmark=None): ''' Manage your bookmarks. Note that you can also access your bookmarks with the B{cd} command. For instance, the following commands are equivalent: - B{cd mybookmark} - C{bookmarks go mybookmark} You can also use bookmarks anywhere where you would use a normal path: - B{@mybookmark ls} would perform the B{ls} command in the bookmarked path. - B{ls @mybookmark} would show you the objects tree from the bookmarked path. PARAMETERS ========== I{action} --------- The I{action} is one of: - B{add} adds the current path to your bookmarks. - B{del} deletes a bookmark. - B{go} takes you to a bookmarked path. - B{show} shows you all your bookmarks. I{bookmark} ----------- This is the name of the bookmark. SEE ALSO ======== ls cd ''' if action == 'add' and bookmark: if bookmark in self.shell.prefs['bookmarks']: raise ExecutionError("Bookmark %s already exists." % bookmark) self.shell.prefs['bookmarks'][bookmark] = self.path # No way Prefs is going to account for that :-( self.shell.prefs.save() self.shell.log.info("Bookmarked %s as %s." % (self.path, bookmark)) elif action == 'del' and bookmark: if bookmark not in self.shell.prefs['bookmarks']: raise ExecutionError("No such bookmark %s." % bookmark) del self.shell.prefs['bookmarks'][bookmark] # No way Prefs is going to account for that deletion self.shell.prefs.save() self.shell.log.info("Deleted bookmark %s." % bookmark) elif action == 'go' and bookmark: if bookmark not in self.shell.prefs['bookmarks']: raise ExecutionError("No such bookmark %s." % bookmark) return self.ui_command_cd( self.shell.prefs['bookmarks'][bookmark]) elif action == 'show': bookmarks = self.shell.con.dedent(''' BOOKMARKS ========= ''') if not self.shell.prefs['bookmarks']: bookmarks += "No bookmarks yet.\n" else: for (bookmark, path) \ in six.iteritems(self.shell.prefs['bookmarks']): if len(bookmark) == 1: bookmark += '\0' underline = ''.ljust(len(bookmark), '-') bookmarks += "%s\n%s\n%s\n\n" % (bookmark, underline, path) self.shell.con.epy_write(bookmarks) else: raise ExecutionError("Syntax error, see 'help bookmarks'.") def ui_complete_bookmarks(self, parameters, text, current_param): ''' Parameter auto-completion method for user command bookmarks. @param parameters: Parameters on the command line. @type parameters: dict @param text: Current text of parameter being typed by the user. @type text: str @param current_param: Name of parameter to complete. @type current_param: str @return: Possible completions @rtype: list of str ''' if current_param == 'action': completions = [action for action in ['add', 'del', 'go', 'show'] if action.startswith(text)] elif current_param == 'bookmark': if 'action' in parameters: if parameters['action'] not in ['show', 'add']: completions = [mark for mark in self.shell.prefs['bookmarks'] if mark.startswith(text)] else: completions = [] if len(completions) == 1: return [completions[0] + ' '] else: return completions def ui_command_pwd(self): ''' Displays the current path. SEE ALSO ======== ls cd ''' self.shell.con.display(self.path) # Private methods def __str__(self): if self.is_root(): return '/' else: return self.name def _get_parent(self): ''' Get this node's parent. @return: The node's parent. @rtype: ConfigNode ''' return self._parent def _get_name(self): ''' @return: The node's name. @rtype: str ''' return self._name def _set_name(self, name): ''' Sets the node's name. ''' self._name = name def _get_path(self): ''' @returns: The absolute path for this node. @rtype: str ''' subpath = self._path_separator + self.name if self.is_root(): return self._path_separator elif self._parent.is_root(): return subpath else: return self._parent.path + subpath def _list_children(self): ''' Lists the children of this node. @return: The set of children nodes. @rtype: set of ConfigNode ''' return self._children def _get_shell(self): ''' Gets the shell attached to ConfigNode tree. ''' if self.is_root(): return self._shell else: return self.get_root().shell # Public methods def summary(self): ''' Returns a tuple with a status/description string for this node and a health flag, to be displayed along the node's name in object trees, etc. @returns: (description, is_healthy) @rtype: (str, bool or None) ''' return ('', None) def execute_command(self, command, pparams=[], kparams={}): ''' Execute a user command on the node. This works by finding out which is the support command method, using ConfigNode naming convention: The support method's name is 'PREFIX_COMMAND', where PREFIX is defined by ConfigNode.ui_command_method_prefix and COMMAND is the commands's name as seen by the user. @param command: Name of the command. @type command: str @param pparams: The positional parameters to use. @type pparams: list @param kparams: The keyword=value parameters to use. @type kparams: dict @return: The support method's return value. See ConfigShell._execute_command() for expected return values and how they are interpreted by ConfigShell. @rtype: str or ConfigNode or None ''' self.shell.log.debug("Executing command %s " % command + "with pparams %s " % pparams + "and kparams %s." % kparams) if command in self.list_commands(): method = self.get_command_method(command) else: raise ExecutionError("Command not found %s" % command) self.assert_params(method, pparams, kparams) return method(*pparams, **kparams) def assert_params(self, method, pparams, kparams): ''' Checks that positional and keyword parameters match a method definition, or raise an ExecutionError. @param method: The method to check call signature against. @type method: method @param pparams: The positional parameters. @type pparams: list @param kparams: The keyword parameters. @type kparams: dict @raise ExecutionError: When the check fails. ''' spec = inspect.getargspec(method) args = spec.args[1:] pp = spec.varargs kw = spec.keywords if spec.defaults is None: nb_opt_params = 0 else: nb_opt_params = len(spec.defaults) nb_max_params = len(args) nb_min_params = nb_max_params - nb_opt_params req_params = args[:nb_min_params] opt_params = args[nb_min_params:] unexpected_keywords = sorted(set(kparams) - set(args)) missing_params = sorted(set(args[len(pparams):]) - set(opt_params) - set(kparams.keys())) nb_params = len(pparams) + len(kparams) nb_standard_params = len(pparams) \ + len([param for param in kparams if param in args]) nb_extended_params = nb_params - nb_standard_params self.shell.log.debug("Min params: %d" % nb_min_params) self.shell.log.debug("Max params: %d" % nb_max_params) self.shell.log.debug("Required params: %s" % ", ".join(req_params)) self.shell.log.debug("Optional params: %s" % ", ".join(opt_params)) self.shell.log.debug("Got %s standard params." % nb_standard_params) self.shell.log.debug("Got %s extended params." % nb_extended_params) self.shell.log.debug("Variable positional params: %s" % pp) self.shell.log.debug("Variable keyword params: %s" % kw) if len(missing_params) == 1: raise ExecutionError( "Missing required parameter %s" % missing_params[0]) elif missing_params: raise ExecutionError( "Missing required parameters %s" % ", ".join("'%s'" % missing for missing in missing_params)) if spec.keywords is None: if len(unexpected_keywords) == 1: raise ExecutionError( "Unexpected keyword parameter '%s'." % unexpected_keywords[0]) elif unexpected_keywords: raise ExecutionError( "Unexpected keyword parameters %s." % ", ".join("'%s'" % kw for kw in unexpected_keywords)) all_params = args[:len(pparams)] all_params.extend(kparams.keys()) for param in all_params: if all_params.count(param) > 1: raise ExecutionError( "Duplicate parameter %s." % param) if nb_opt_params == 0 \ and nb_standard_params != nb_min_params \ and pp is None: raise ExecutionError( "Got %d positionnal parameters, expected exactly %d." % (nb_standard_params, nb_min_params)) if nb_standard_params > nb_max_params and pp is None: raise ExecutionError( "Got %d positionnal parameters, expected at most %d." % (nb_standard_params, nb_max_params)) def list_commands(self): ''' @return: The list of user commands available for this node. @rtype: list of str ''' prefix = self.ui_command_method_prefix prefix_len = len(prefix) return tuple([name[prefix_len:] for name in dir(self) if name.startswith(prefix) and name != prefix and inspect.ismethod(getattr(self, name))]) def get_group_getter(self, group): ''' @param group: A valid configuration group @type group: str @return: The getter method for the configuration group. @rtype: method object ''' prefix = self.ui_getgroup_method_prefix return getattr(self, '%s%s' % (prefix, group)) def get_group_setter(self, group): ''' @param group: A valid configuration group @type group: str @return: The setter method for the configuration group. @rtype: method object ''' prefix = self.ui_setgroup_method_prefix return getattr(self, '%s%s' % (prefix, group)) def get_command_method(self, command): ''' @param command: The command to get the method for. @type command: str @return: The user command support method. @rtype: method @raise ValueError: If the command is not found. ''' prefix = self.ui_command_method_prefix if command in self.list_commands(): return getattr(self, '%s%s' % (prefix, command)) else: self.shell.log.debug('No command named %s in %s (%s)' % (command, self.name, self.path)) raise ValueError('No command named "%s".' % command) def get_completion_method(self, command): ''' @return: A user command's completion method or None. @rtype: method or None @param command: The command to get the completion method for. @type command: str ''' prefix = self.ui_complete_method_prefix try: method = getattr(self, '%s%s' % (prefix, command)) except AttributeError: return None else: return method def get_command_description(self, command): ''' @return: An description string for a user command. @rtype: str @param command: The command to describe. @type command: str ''' doc = self.get_command_method(command).__doc__ if not doc: doc = "No description available." return self.shell.con.dedent(doc) def get_command_syntax(self, command): ''' @return: A list of formatted syntax descriptions for the command: - (syntax, comments, default_values) - syntax is the syntax definition line. - comments is a list of additionnal comments about the syntax. - default_values is a string with the default parameters values. @rtype: (str, [str...], str) @param command: The command to document. @type command: str ''' method = self.get_command_method(command) parameters, args, kwargs, default = inspect.getargspec(method) parameters = parameters[1:] if default is None: num_defaults = 0 else: num_defaults = len(default) if num_defaults != 0: required_parameters = parameters[:-num_defaults] optional_parameters = parameters[-num_defaults:] else: required_parameters = parameters optional_parameters = [] self.shell.log.debug("Required: %s" % str(required_parameters)) self.shell.log.debug("Optional: %s" % str(optional_parameters)) syntax = "B{%s} " % command required_parameters_str = '' for param in required_parameters: required_parameters_str += "I{%s} " % param syntax += required_parameters_str optional_parameters_str = '' for param in optional_parameters: optional_parameters_str += "[I{%s}] " % param syntax += optional_parameters_str comments = [] #if optional_parameters: # comments.append(self.shell.con.dedent( # ''' # %s - These are optional parameters that can either be # specified in the above order as positional parameters, or in # any order at the end of the line as keyword=value parameters. # ''' % optional_parameters_str[:-1])) if args is not None: syntax += "[I{%s}...] " % args # comments.append(self.shell.con.dedent( # ''' # [I{%s}...] - This command accepts an arbitrary number of # parameters before any keyword=value parameter. In order to use # them, you must fill in all previous positional parameters if # any. See B{DESCRIPTION} below. # ''' % args)) if kwargs is not None: syntax += "[I{%s=value}...] " % (kwargs) # comments.append(self.shell.con.dedent( # ''' # This command also accepts an arbitrary number of # keyword=value parameters. See B{DESCRIPTION} below. # ''')) default_values = '' if num_defaults > 0: for index, param in enumerate(optional_parameters): if default[index] is not None: default_values += "%s=%s " % (param, str(default[index])) return syntax, comments, default_values def get_command_signature(self, command): ''' Get a command's signature. @param command: The command to get the signature of. @type command: str @return: (parameters, free_pparams, free_kparams) where parameters is a list of all the command's parameters and free_pparams and free_kparams booleans set to True is the command accepts an arbitrary number of, respectively, pparams and kparams. @rtype: ([str...], bool, bool) ''' method = self.get_command_method(command) parameters, args, kwargs, default = inspect.getargspec(method) parameters = parameters[1:] if args is not None: free_pparams = args else: free_pparams = False if kwargs is not None: free_kparams = kwargs else: free_kparams = False self.shell.log.debug("Signature is %s, %s, %s." % (str(parameters), str(free_pparams), str(free_kparams))) return parameters, free_pparams, free_kparams def get_root(self): ''' @return: The root node of the nodes tree. @rtype: ConfigNode ''' if self.is_root(): return self else: return self.parent.get_root() def define_config_group_param(self, group, param, type, description=None, writable=True): ''' Helper to define configuration group parameters. @param group: The configuration group to add the parameter to. @type group: str @param param: The new parameter name. @type param: str @param description: Optional description string. @type description: str @param writable: Whether or not this would be a rw or ro parameter. @type writable: bool ''' if group not in self._configuration_groups: self._configuration_groups[group] = {} if description is None: description = "The %s %s parameter." % (param, group) # Fail early if the type and set/get helpers don't exist self.get_type_method(type) self.get_group_getter(group) if writable: self.get_group_setter(group) self._configuration_groups[group][param] = \ [type, description, writable] def list_config_groups(self): ''' Lists the configuration group names. ''' return self._configuration_groups.keys() def list_group_params(self, group, writable=None): ''' Lists the parameters from group matching the optional param, writable and type supplied (if none is supplied, returns all group parameters. @param group: The group to list parameters of. @type group: str @param writable: Optional writable flag filter. @type writable: bool ''' if group not in self.list_config_groups(): return [] else: params = [] for p_name, p_def in six.iteritems(self._configuration_groups[group]): (p_type, p_description, p_writable) = p_def if writable is not None and p_writable != writable: continue params.append(p_name) params.sort() return params def get_group_param(self, group, param): ''' @param group: The configuration group to retreive the parameter from. @type group: str @param param: The parameter name. @type param: str @return: A dictionnary for the requested group parameter, with name, writable, description, group and type fields. @rtype: dict @raise ValueError: If the parameter or group does not exist. ''' if group not in self.list_config_groups(): raise ValueError("Not such configuration group %s" % group) if param not in self.list_group_params(group): raise ValueError("Not such parameter %s in configuration group %s" % (param, group)) (p_type, p_description, p_writable) = \ self._configuration_groups[group][param] return dict(name=param, group=group, type=p_type, description=p_description, writable=p_writable) shell = property(_get_shell, doc="Gets the shell attached to ConfigNode tree.") name = property(_get_name, _set_name, doc="Gets or sets the node's name.") path = property(_get_path, doc="Gets the node's path.") children = property(_list_children, doc="Lists the node's children.") parent = property(_get_parent, doc="Gets the node's parent.") def is_root(self): ''' @return: Wether or not we are a root node. @rtype: bool ''' if self._parent is None: return True else: return False def get_child(self, name): ''' @param name: The child's name. @type name: str @return: Our child named by name. @rtype: ConfigNode @raise ValueError: If there is no child named by name. ''' for child in self._children: if child.name == name: return child else: raise ValueError("No such path %s/%s" % (self.path.rstrip('/'), name)) def remove_child(self, child): ''' Removes a child from our children's list. @param child: The child to remove. @type child: ConfigNode ''' self._children.remove(child) def get_node(self, path): ''' Looks up a node by path in the nodes tree. @param path: The node's path. @type path: str @return: The node that has the given path. @rtype: ConfigNode @raise ValueError: If there is no node with that path. ''' def adjacent_node(name): ''' Returns an adjacent node or ourself. ''' if name == self._path_current: return self elif name == self._path_previous: if self._parent is not None: return self._parent else: return self else: return self.get_child(name) # Cleanup the path if path is None or path == '': path = '.' # Is it a bookmark ? if path.startswith('@'): bookmark = path.lstrip('@').strip() if bookmark in self.shell.prefs['bookmarks']: path = self.shell.prefs['bookmarks'][bookmark] else: raise ValueError("No such bookmark %s" % bookmark) # More cleanup path = re.sub('%s+' % self._path_separator, self._path_separator, path) if len(path) > 1: path = path.rstrip(self._path_separator) self.shell.log.debug("Looking for path '%s'" % path) # Absolute path - make relative and pass on to root node if path.startswith(self._path_separator): next_node = self.get_root() next_path = path.lstrip(self._path_separator) if next_path: return next_node.get_node(next_path) else: return next_node # Relative path if self._path_separator in path: next_node_name, next_path = path.split(self._path_separator, 1) next_node = adjacent_node(next_node_name) return next_node.get_node(next_path) # Path is just one of our children return adjacent_node(path)