''' This file is part of ConfigShell. Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import re import sys import tty import prefs import struct import textwrap from fcntl import ioctl from termios import TIOCGWINSZ, TCSADRAIN, tcsetattr, tcgetattr # avoid requiring epydoc at runtime try: import epydoc.markup.epytext except ImportError: pass class Console(object): ''' Implements various utility methods providing a console UI support toolkit, most notably an epytext-to-console text renderer using ANSI escape sequences. It uses the Borg pattern to share state between instances. ''' _max_width = 132 _escape = '\033[' _ansi_format = _escape + '%dm%s' _ansi_reset = _escape + '0m' _re_ansi_seq = re.compile('(\033\[..?m)') _ansi_styles = {'bold': 1, 'underline': 4, 'blink': 5, 'reverse': 7, 'concealed': 8} colors = ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white'] _ansi_fgcolors = dict(zip(colors, range(30, 38))) _ansi_bgcolors = dict(zip(colors, range(40, 48))) __borg_state = {} def __init__(self, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr): ''' Initializes a Console instance. @param stdin: The console standard input. @type stdin: file object @param stdout: The console standard output. @type stdout: file object ''' self.__dict__ = self.__borg_state self._stdout = stdout self._stdin = stdin self._stderr = stderr self.prefs = prefs.Prefs() # Public methods def escape(self, sequence, reply_terminator=None): ''' Sends an escape sequence to the console, and reads the reply terminated by reply_terminator. If reply_terminator is not specified, the reply will not be read. @type sequence: str @param reply_terminator: The expected end-of-reply marker. @type reply_terminator: str ''' attributes = tcgetattr(self._stdin) tty.setraw(self._stdin) try: self.raw_write(self._escape + sequence) if reply_terminator is not None: reply = '' while reply[-len(reply_terminator):] != reply_terminator: reply += self._stdin.read(1) finally: tcsetattr(self._stdin, TCSADRAIN, attributes) if reply_terminator is not None: reply = reply[:-len(reply_terminator)] reply = reply.replace(self._escape, '').split(';') return reply def get_width(self): ''' Returns the console width, or maximum width if we are not a terminal device. ''' try: winsize = struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0) winsize = ioctl(self._stdout.fileno(), TIOCGWINSZ, winsize) width = struct.unpack("HHHH", winsize)[1] except IOError: width = self._max_width else: if width > self._max_width: width = self._max_width return width def get_cursor_xy(self): ''' Get the current text cursor x, y coordinates. ''' coords = [int(coord) for coord in self.escape("6n", "R")] coords.reverse() return coords def set_cursor_xy(self, xpos, ypos): ''' Set the cursor x, y coordinates. @param xpos: The x coordinate of the cursor. @type xpos: int @param ypos: The y coordinate of the cursor. @type ypos: int ''' self.escape("%d;%dH" % (ypos, xpos)) def raw_write(self, text, output=sys.stdout): ''' Raw console printing function. @param text: The text to print. @type text: str ''' output.write(text) output.flush() def display(self, text, no_lf=False, error=False): ''' Display a text with a default style. @param text: Text to display @type text: str @param no_lf: Do not display a line feed. @type no_lf: bool ''' text = self.render_text(text) if error: output = self._stderr else: output = self._stdout self.raw_write(text, output=output) if not no_lf: self.raw_write('\n', output=output) def epy_write(self, text): ''' Renders and print and epytext-formatted text on the console. ''' text = self.dedent(text) try: dom_tree = epydoc.markup.epytext.parse(text, None) except NameError: # epydoc not installed, strip markup dom_tree = text dom_tree = dom_tree.replace("B{", "") dom_tree = dom_tree.replace("I{", "") dom_tree = dom_tree.replace("C{", "") dom_tree = dom_tree.replace("}", "") dom_tree += "\n" except: self.display(text) raise text = self.render_domtree(dom_tree) # We need to remove the last line feed, but there might be # escape characters after it... clean_text = '' for index in range(1, len(text)): if text[-index] == '\n': clean_text = text[:-index] if index != 1: clean_text += text[-index+1:] break else: clean_text = text self.raw_write(clean_text) def indent(self, text, margin=2): ''' Indents text by margin space. @param text: The text to be indented. @type text: str ''' output = '' for line in text.split('\n'): output += margin * ' ' + line + '\n' return output def dedent(self, text): ''' A convenience function to easily write multiline text blocks that will be later assembled in to a unique epytext string. It removes heading newline chars and common indentation. ''' for i in range(len(text)): if text[i] != '\n': break text = text[i:] text = textwrap.dedent(text) text = '\n' * i + text return text def render_text(self, text, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, styles=None, open_end=False, todefault=False): ''' Renders some text with ANSI console colors and attributes. @param fgcolor: ANSI color to use for text: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta. cyan. white @type fgcolor: str @param bgcolor: ANSI color to use for background: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta. cyan. white @type bgcolor: str @param styles: List of ANSI styles to use: bold, underline, blink, reverse, concealed @type styles: list of str @param open_end: Do not reset text style at the end ot the output. @type open_end: bool @param todefault: Instead of resetting style at the end of the output, reset to default color. Only if not open_end. @type todefault: bool ''' if self.prefs['color_mode'] and self._stdout.isatty(): if fgcolor is None: if self.prefs['color_default']: fgcolor = self.prefs['color_default'] if fgcolor is not None: text = self._ansi_format % (self._ansi_fgcolors[fgcolor], text) if bgcolor is not None: text = self._ansi_format % (self._ansi_bgcolors[bgcolor], text) if styles is not None: for style in styles: text = self._ansi_format % (self._ansi_styles[style], text) if not open_end: text += self._ansi_reset if todefault and fgcolor is not None: if self.prefs['color_default']: text += self._ansi_format \ % (self._ansi_fgcolors[ self.prefs['color_default']], '') return text def wordwrap(self, text, indent=0, startindex=0, splitchars=''): ''' Word-wrap the given string. I.e., add newlines to the string such that any lines that are longer than terminal width or max_width are broken into shorter lines (at the first whitespace sequence that occurs before the limit. If the given string contains newlines, they will I{not} be removed. Any lines that begin with whitespace will not be wordwrapped. This version takes into account ANSI escape characters: - stop escape sequence styling at the end of a split line - start it again on the next line if needed after the indent - do not account for the length of the escape sequences when wrapping @param indent: If specified, then indent each line by this number of spaces. @type indent: C{int} @param startindex: If specified, then assume that the first line is already preceeded by C{startindex} characters. @type startindex: C{int} @param splitchars: A list of non-whitespace characters which can be used to split a line. (E.g., use '/\\' to allow path names to be split over multiple lines.) @rtype: C{str} ''' right = self.get_width() if splitchars: chunks = re.split(r'( +|\n|[^ \n%s]*[%s])' % (re.escape(splitchars), re.escape(splitchars)), text.expandtabs()) else: chunks = re.split(r'( +|\n)', text.expandtabs()) result = [' '*(indent-startindex)] charindex = max(indent, startindex) current_style = '' for chunknum, chunk in enumerate(chunks): chunk_groups = re.split(self._re_ansi_seq, chunk) chunk_text = '' next_style = current_style for group in chunk_groups: if re.match(self._re_ansi_seq, group) is None: chunk_text += group else: next_style += group chunk_len = len(chunk_text) if (charindex + chunk_len > right and charindex > 0) \ or chunk == '\n': result[-1] = result[-1].rstrip() result.append(self.render_text( '\n' + ' '*indent + current_style, open_end=True)) charindex = indent if chunk[:1] not in ('\n', ' '): result.append(chunk) charindex += chunk_len else: result.append(chunk) charindex += chunk_len current_style = next_style.split(self._ansi_reset)[-1] return ''.join(result).rstrip()+'\n' def render_domtree(self, tree, indent=0, seclevel=0): ''' Convert a DOM document encoding epytext to an 8-bits ascii string with ANSI formating for simpler styles. @param tree: A DOM document encoding of an epytext string. @type tree: C{Element} @param indent: The indentation for the string representation of C{tree}. Each line of the returned string will begin with C{indent} space characters. @type indent: C{int} @param seclevel: The section level that C{tree} appears at. This is used to generate section headings. @type seclevel: C{int} @return: The formated string. @rtype: C{string} ''' if isinstance(tree, basestring): return tree if tree.tag == 'section': seclevel += 1 # Figure out the child indent level. if tree.tag == 'epytext': cindent = indent elif tree.tag == 'li' and tree.attribs.get('bullet'): cindent = indent + 1 + len(tree.attribs.get('bullet')) else: cindent = indent + 2 variables = [self.render_domtree(c, cindent, seclevel) for c in tree.children] childstr = ''.join(variables) if tree.tag == 'para': text = self.render_text(childstr) text = self.wordwrap(text, indent)+'\n' elif tree.tag == 'li': # We should be able to use getAttribute here; but there's no # convenient way to test if an element has an attribute.. bullet = tree.attribs.get('bullet') or '-' text = indent*' ' + bullet + ' ' + childstr.lstrip() elif tree.tag == 'heading': text = ((indent-2)*' ' + self.render_text( childstr, styles=['bold'], todefault=True) \ + '\n') elif tree.tag == 'doctestblock': lines = [(indent+2)*' '+line for line in childstr.split('\n')] text = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n\n' elif tree.tag == 'literalblock': lines = [(indent+1)*' '+ self.render_text( line, todefault=True) for line in childstr.split('\n')] text = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n\n' elif tree.tag == 'fieldlist': text = childstr elif tree.tag == 'field': numargs = 0 while tree.children[numargs+1].tag == 'arg': numargs += 1 args = variables[1:1+numargs] body = variables[1+numargs:] text = (indent)*' '+'@'+variables[0] if args: text += '(' + ', '.join(args) + ')' text = text + ':\n' + ''.join(body) elif tree.tag == 'uri': if len(variables) != 2: raise ValueError('Bad URI ') elif variables[0] == variables[1]: text = self.render_text( '%s' % variables[1], 'blue', styles=['underline'], todefault=True) else: text = '%r<%s>' % (variables[0], variables[1]) elif tree.tag == 'link': if len(variables) != 2: raise ValueError('Bad Link') text = '%s' % variables[0] elif tree.tag in ('olist', 'ulist'): text = childstr.replace('\n\n', '\n')+'\n' elif tree.tag == 'bold': text = self.render_text( childstr, styles=['bold'], todefault=True) elif tree.tag == 'italic': text = self.render_text( childstr, styles=['underline'], todefault=True) elif tree.tag == 'symbol': text = '%s' \ % epydoc.markup.epytext.SYMBOL_TO_PLAINTEXT.get( childstr, childstr) elif tree.tag == 'graph': text = '<<%s graph: %s>>' \ % (variables[0], ', '.join(variables[1:])) else: # Assume that anything else can be passed through. text = self.render_text(childstr) return text