#!/usr/bin/python try: from setuptools import setup, find_packages except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup def find_packages(): return ['sqlpython'] import sys install_requires = ['pyparsing>=1.5.6'] setup( name="cmd2", version="0.6.3", py_modules=["cmd2"], use_2to3=True, # metadata for upload to PyPI author = 'Catherine Devlin', author_email = 'catherine.devlin@gmail.com', description = "Extra features for standard library's cmd module", license = 'MIT', keywords = 'command prompt console cmd', url = 'http://packages.python.org/cmd2/', install_requires = install_requires, long_description = """Enhancements for standard library's cmd module. Drop-in replacement adds several features for command-prompt tools: * Searchable command history (commands: "hi", "li", "run") * Load commands from file, save to file, edit commands in file * Multi-line commands * Case-insensitive commands * Special-character shortcut commands (beyond cmd's "@" and "!") * Settable environment parameters * Parsing commands with flags * > (filename), >> (filename) redirect output to file * < (filename) gets input from file * bare >, >>, < redirect to/from paste buffer * accepts abbreviated commands when unambiguous * `py` enters interactive Python console * test apps against sample session transcript (see example/example.py) Useable without modification anywhere cmd is used; simply import cmd2.Cmd in place of cmd.Cmd. Running `2to3 ` against ``cmd2.py`` generates working, Python3-based code. See docs at http://packages.python.org/cmd2/ """, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', ], )