"""Variant on standard library's cmd with extra features. To use, simply import cmd2.Cmd instead of cmd.Cmd; use precisely as though you were using the standard library's cmd, while enjoying the extra features. Searchable command history (commands: "hi", "li", "run") Load commands from file, save to file, edit commands in file Multi-line commands Case-insensitive commands Special-character shortcut commands (beyond cmd's "@" and "!") Settable environment parameters Optional _onchange_{paramname} called when environment parameter changes Parsing commands with `optparse` options (flags) Redirection to file with >, >>; input from file with < Easy transcript-based testing of applications (see example/example.py) Bash-style ``select`` available Note that redirection with > and | will only work if `self.stdout.write()` is used in place of `print`. The standard library's `cmd` module is written to use `self.stdout.write()`, - Catherine Devlin, Jan 03 2008 - catherinedevlin.blogspot.com mercurial repository at http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/python-cmd2 """ import cmd import re import os import sys import optparse import subprocess import tempfile import doctest import unittest import datetime import urllib import glob import traceback import platform import copy from code import InteractiveConsole, InteractiveInterpreter from optparse import make_option import pyparsing __version__ = '0.6.3' if sys.version_info[0] == 2: pyparsing.ParserElement.enablePackrat() """ Packrat is causing Python3 errors that I don't understand. > /usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.2/lib/python3.2/site-packages/pyparsing-1.5.6-py3.2.egg/pyparsing.py(999)scanString() -> nextLoc,tokens = parseFn( instring, preloc, callPreParse=False ) (Pdb) n NameError: global name 'exc' is not defined (Pdb) parseFn Bug report filed: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=617311&aid=3381439&group_id=97203 """ class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): def exit(self, status=0, msg=None): self.values._exit = True if msg: print (msg) def print_help(self, *args, **kwargs): try: print (self._func.__doc__) except AttributeError: pass optparse.OptionParser.print_help(self, *args, **kwargs) def error(self, msg): """error(msg : string) Print a usage message incorporating 'msg' to stderr and exit. If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it should either exit or raise an exception. """ raise optparse.OptParseError(msg) def remaining_args(oldArgs, newArgList): ''' Preserves the spacing originally in the argument after the removal of options. >>> remaining_args('-f bar bar cow', ['bar', 'cow']) 'bar cow' ''' pattern = '\s+'.join(re.escape(a) for a in newArgList) + '\s*$' matchObj = re.search(pattern, oldArgs) return oldArgs[matchObj.start():] def _attr_get_(obj, attr): '''Returns an attribute's value, or None (no error) if undefined. Analagous to .get() for dictionaries. Useful when checking for value of options that may not have been defined on a given method.''' try: return getattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: return None optparse.Values.get = _attr_get_ options_defined = [] # used to distinguish --options from SQL-style --comments def options(option_list, arg_desc="arg"): '''Used as a decorator and passed a list of optparse-style options, alters a cmd2 method to populate its ``opts`` argument from its raw text argument. Example: transform def do_something(self, arg): into @options([make_option('-q', '--quick', action="store_true", help="Makes things fast")], "source dest") def do_something(self, arg, opts): if opts.quick: self.fast_button = True ''' if not isinstance(option_list, list): option_list = [option_list] for opt in option_list: options_defined.append(pyparsing.Literal(opt.get_opt_string())) def option_setup(func): optionParser = OptionParser() for opt in option_list: optionParser.add_option(opt) optionParser.set_usage("%s [options] %s" % (func.__name__[3:], arg_desc)) optionParser._func = func def new_func(instance, arg): try: opts, newArgList = optionParser.parse_args(arg.split()) # Must find the remaining args in the original argument list, but # mustn't include the command itself #if hasattr(arg, 'parsed') and newArgList[0] == arg.parsed.command: # newArgList = newArgList[1:] newArgs = remaining_args(arg, newArgList) if isinstance(arg, ParsedString): arg = arg.with_args_replaced(newArgs) else: arg = newArgs except optparse.OptParseError, e: print (e) optionParser.print_help() return if hasattr(opts, '_exit'): return None result = func(instance, arg, opts) return result new_func.__doc__ = '%s\n%s' % (func.__doc__, optionParser.format_help()) return new_func return option_setup class PasteBufferError(EnvironmentError): if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': errmsg = """Redirecting to or from paste buffer requires pywin32 to be installed on operating system. Download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/""" elif sys.platform[:3] == 'dar': # Use built in pbcopy on Mac OSX pass else: errmsg = """Redirecting to or from paste buffer requires xclip to be installed on operating system. On Debian/Ubuntu, 'sudo apt-get install xclip' will install it.""" def __init__(self): Exception.__init__(self, self.errmsg) pastebufferr = """Redirecting to or from paste buffer requires %s to be installed on operating system. %s""" if subprocess.mswindows: try: import win32clipboard def get_paste_buffer(): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0) try: result = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() except TypeError: result = '' #non-text win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return result def write_to_paste_buffer(txt): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0) win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(txt) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() except ImportError: def get_paste_buffer(*args): raise OSError, pastebufferr % ('pywin32', 'Download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/') write_to_paste_buffer = get_paste_buffer elif sys.platform == 'darwin': can_clip = False try: # test for pbcopy - AFAIK, should always be installed on MacOS subprocess.check_call('pbcopy -help', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) can_clip = True except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError, IOError): pass if can_clip: def get_paste_buffer(): pbcopyproc = subprocess.Popen('pbcopy -help', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return pbcopyproc.stdout.read() def write_to_paste_buffer(txt): pbcopyproc = subprocess.Popen('pbcopy', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) pbcopyproc.communicate(txt.encode()) else: def get_paste_buffer(*args): raise OSError, pastebufferr % ('pbcopy', 'On MacOS X - error should not occur - part of the default installation') write_to_paste_buffer = get_paste_buffer else: can_clip = False try: subprocess.check_call('xclip -o -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) can_clip = True except AttributeError: # check_call not defined, Python < 2.5 try: teststring = 'Testing for presence of xclip.' xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) xclipproc.stdin.write(teststring) xclipproc.stdin.close() xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -o -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) if xclipproc.stdout.read() == teststring: can_clip = True except Exception: # hate a bare Exception call, but exception classes vary too much b/t stdlib versions pass except Exception: pass # something went wrong with xclip and we cannot use it if can_clip: def get_paste_buffer(): xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -o -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) return xclipproc.stdout.read() def write_to_paste_buffer(txt): xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) xclipproc.stdin.write(txt.encode()) xclipproc.stdin.close() # but we want it in both the "primary" and "mouse" clipboards xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) xclipproc.stdin.write(txt.encode()) xclipproc.stdin.close() else: def get_paste_buffer(*args): raise OSError, pastebufferr % ('xclip', 'On Debian/Ubuntu, install with "sudo apt-get install xclip"') write_to_paste_buffer = get_paste_buffer pyparsing.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t') class ParsedString(str): def full_parsed_statement(self): new = ParsedString('%s %s' % (self.parsed.command, self.parsed.args)) new.parsed = self.parsed new.parser = self.parser return new def with_args_replaced(self, newargs): new = ParsedString(newargs) new.parsed = self.parsed new.parser = self.parser new.parsed['args'] = newargs new.parsed.statement['args'] = newargs return new class StubbornDict(dict): '''Dictionary that tolerates many input formats. Create it with stubbornDict(arg) factory function. >>> d = StubbornDict(large='gross', small='klein') >>> sorted(d.items()) [('large', 'gross'), ('small', 'klein')] >>> d.append(['plain', ' plaid']) >>> sorted(d.items()) [('large', 'gross'), ('plaid', ''), ('plain', ''), ('small', 'klein')] >>> d += ' girl Frauelein, Maedchen\\n\\n shoe schuh' >>> sorted(d.items()) [('girl', 'Frauelein, Maedchen'), ('large', 'gross'), ('plaid', ''), ('plain', ''), ('shoe', 'schuh'), ('small', 'klein')] ''' def update(self, arg): dict.update(self, StubbornDict.to_dict(arg)) append = update def __iadd__(self, arg): self.update(arg) return self def __add__(self, arg): selfcopy = copy.copy(self) selfcopy.update(stubbornDict(arg)) return selfcopy def __radd__(self, arg): selfcopy = copy.copy(self) selfcopy.update(stubbornDict(arg)) return selfcopy @classmethod def to_dict(cls, arg): 'Generates dictionary from string or list of strings' if hasattr(arg, 'splitlines'): arg = arg.splitlines() if hasattr(arg, '__reversed__'): result = {} for a in arg: a = a.strip() if a: key_val = a.split(None, 1) key = key_val[0] if len(key_val) > 1: val = key_val[1] else: val = '' result[key] = val else: result = arg return result def stubbornDict(*arg, **kwarg): ''' >>> sorted(stubbornDict('cow a bovine\\nhorse an equine').items()) [('cow', 'a bovine'), ('horse', 'an equine')] >>> sorted(stubbornDict(['badger', 'porcupine a poky creature']).items()) [('badger', ''), ('porcupine', 'a poky creature')] >>> sorted(stubbornDict(turtle='has shell', frog='jumpy').items()) [('frog', 'jumpy'), ('turtle', 'has shell')] ''' result = {} for a in arg: result.update(StubbornDict.to_dict(a)) result.update(kwarg) return StubbornDict(result) def replace_with_file_contents(fname): if fname: try: result = open(os.path.expanduser(fname[0])).read() except IOError: result = '< %s' % fname[0] # wasn't a file after all else: result = get_paste_buffer() return result class EmbeddedConsoleExit(SystemExit): pass class EmptyStatement(Exception): pass def ljust(x, width, fillchar=' '): 'analogous to str.ljust, but works for lists' if hasattr(x, 'ljust'): return x.ljust(width, fillchar) else: if len(x) < width: x = (x + [fillchar] * width)[:width] return x class Cmd(cmd.Cmd): echo = False case_insensitive = True # Commands recognized regardless of case continuation_prompt = '> ' timing = False # Prints elapsed time for each command # make sure your terminators are not in legalChars! legalChars = u'!#$%.:?@_' + pyparsing.alphanums + pyparsing.alphas8bit shortcuts = {'?': 'help', '!': 'shell', '@': 'load', '@@': '_relative_load'} excludeFromHistory = '''run r list l history hi ed edit li eof'''.split() default_to_shell = False noSpecialParse = 'set ed edit exit'.split() defaultExtension = 'txt' # For ``save``, ``load``, etc. default_file_name = 'command.txt' # For ``save``, ``load``, etc. abbrev = True # Abbreviated commands recognized current_script_dir = None reserved_words = [] feedback_to_output = False # Do include nonessentials in >, | output quiet = False # Do not suppress nonessential output debug = False locals_in_py = True kept_state = None redirector = '>' # for sending output to file settable = stubbornDict(''' prompt colors Colorized output (*nix only) continuation_prompt On 2nd+ line of input debug Show full error stack on error default_file_name for ``save``, ``load``, etc. editor Program used by ``edit`` case_insensitive upper- and lower-case both OK feedback_to_output include nonessentials in `|`, `>` results quiet Don't print nonessential feedback echo Echo command issued into output timing Report execution times abbrev Accept abbreviated commands ''') def poutput(self, msg): '''Convenient shortcut for self.stdout.write(); adds newline if necessary.''' if msg: self.stdout.write(msg) if msg[-1] != '\n': self.stdout.write('\n') def perror(self, errmsg, statement=None): if self.debug: traceback.print_exc() print (str(errmsg)) def pfeedback(self, msg): """For printing nonessential feedback. Can be silenced with `quiet`. Inclusion in redirected output is controlled by `feedback_to_output`.""" if not self.quiet: if self.feedback_to_output: self.poutput(msg) else: print (msg) _STOP_AND_EXIT = True # distinguish end of script file from actual exit _STOP_SCRIPT_NO_EXIT = -999 editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR') if not editor: if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': editor = 'notepad' else: for editor in ['gedit', 'kate', 'vim', 'emacs', 'nano', 'pico']: if subprocess.Popen(['which', editor], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]: break colorcodes = {'bold':{True:'\x1b[1m',False:'\x1b[22m'}, 'cyan':{True:'\x1b[36m',False:'\x1b[39m'}, 'blue':{True:'\x1b[34m',False:'\x1b[39m'}, 'red':{True:'\x1b[31m',False:'\x1b[39m'}, 'magenta':{True:'\x1b[35m',False:'\x1b[39m'}, 'green':{True:'\x1b[32m',False:'\x1b[39m'}, 'underline':{True:'\x1b[4m',False:'\x1b[24m'}} colors = (platform.system() != 'Windows') def colorize(self, val, color): '''Given a string (``val``), returns that string wrapped in UNIX-style special characters that turn on (and then off) text color and style. If the ``colors`` environment paramter is ``False``, or the application is running on Windows, will return ``val`` unchanged. ``color`` should be one of the supported strings (or styles): red/blue/green/cyan/magenta, bold, underline''' if self.colors and (self.stdout == self.initial_stdout): return self.colorcodes[color][True] + val + self.colorcodes[color][False] return val def do_cmdenvironment(self, args): '''Summary report of interactive parameters.''' self.stdout.write(""" Commands are %(casesensitive)scase-sensitive. Commands may be terminated with: %(terminators)s Settable parameters: %(settable)s\n""" % \ { 'casesensitive': (self.case_insensitive and 'not ') or '', 'terminators': str(self.terminators), 'settable': ' '.join(self.settable) }) def do_help(self, arg): if arg: funcname = self.func_named(arg) if funcname: fn = getattr(self, funcname) try: fn.optionParser.print_help(file=self.stdout) except AttributeError: cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, funcname[3:]) else: cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, arg) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.initial_stdout = sys.stdout self.history = History() self.pystate = {} self.shortcuts = sorted(self.shortcuts.items(), reverse=True) self.keywords = self.reserved_words + [fname[3:] for fname in dir(self) if fname.startswith('do_')] self._init_parser() def do_shortcuts(self, args): """Lists single-key shortcuts available.""" result = "\n".join('%s: %s' % (sc[0], sc[1]) for sc in sorted(self.shortcuts)) self.stdout.write("Single-key shortcuts for other commands:\n%s\n" % (result)) prefixParser = pyparsing.Empty() commentGrammars = pyparsing.Or([pyparsing.pythonStyleComment, pyparsing.cStyleComment]) commentGrammars.addParseAction(lambda x: '') commentInProgress = pyparsing.Literal('/*') + pyparsing.SkipTo( pyparsing.stringEnd ^ '*/') terminators = [';'] blankLinesAllowed = False multilineCommands = [] def _init_parser(self): r''' >>> c = Cmd() >>> c.multilineCommands = ['multiline'] >>> c.case_insensitive = True >>> c._init_parser() >>> print (c.parser.parseString('').dump()) [] >>> print (c.parser.parseString('').dump()) [] >>> print (c.parser.parseString('/* empty command */').dump()) [] >>> print (c.parser.parseString('plainword').dump()) ['plainword', ''] - command: plainword - statement: ['plainword', ''] - command: plainword >>> print (c.parser.parseString('termbare;').dump()) ['termbare', '', ';', ''] - command: termbare - statement: ['termbare', '', ';'] - command: termbare - terminator: ; - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('termbare; suffx').dump()) ['termbare', '', ';', 'suffx'] - command: termbare - statement: ['termbare', '', ';'] - command: termbare - terminator: ; - suffix: suffx - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('barecommand').dump()) ['barecommand', ''] - command: barecommand - statement: ['barecommand', ''] - command: barecommand >>> print (c.parser.parseString('COMmand with args').dump()) ['command', 'with args'] - args: with args - command: command - statement: ['command', 'with args'] - args: with args - command: command >>> print (c.parser.parseString('command with args and terminator; and suffix').dump()) ['command', 'with args and terminator', ';', 'and suffix'] - args: with args and terminator - command: command - statement: ['command', 'with args and terminator', ';'] - args: with args and terminator - command: command - terminator: ; - suffix: and suffix - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('simple | piped').dump()) ['simple', '', '|', ' piped'] - command: simple - pipeTo: piped - statement: ['simple', ''] - command: simple >>> print (c.parser.parseString('double-pipe || is not a pipe').dump()) ['double', '-pipe || is not a pipe'] - args: -pipe || is not a pipe - command: double - statement: ['double', '-pipe || is not a pipe'] - args: -pipe || is not a pipe - command: double >>> print (c.parser.parseString('command with args, terminator;sufx | piped').dump()) ['command', 'with args, terminator', ';', 'sufx', '|', ' piped'] - args: with args, terminator - command: command - pipeTo: piped - statement: ['command', 'with args, terminator', ';'] - args: with args, terminator - command: command - terminator: ; - suffix: sufx - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('output into > afile.txt').dump()) ['output', 'into', '>', 'afile.txt'] - args: into - command: output - output: > - outputTo: afile.txt - statement: ['output', 'into'] - args: into - command: output >>> print (c.parser.parseString('output into;sufx | pipethrume plz > afile.txt').dump()) ['output', 'into', ';', 'sufx', '|', ' pipethrume plz', '>', 'afile.txt'] - args: into - command: output - output: > - outputTo: afile.txt - pipeTo: pipethrume plz - statement: ['output', 'into', ';'] - args: into - command: output - terminator: ; - suffix: sufx - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('output to paste buffer >> ').dump()) ['output', 'to paste buffer', '>>', ''] - args: to paste buffer - command: output - output: >> - statement: ['output', 'to paste buffer'] - args: to paste buffer - command: output >>> print (c.parser.parseString('ignore the /* commented | > */ stuff;').dump()) ['ignore', 'the /* commented | > */ stuff', ';', ''] - args: the /* commented | > */ stuff - command: ignore - statement: ['ignore', 'the /* commented | > */ stuff', ';'] - args: the /* commented | > */ stuff - command: ignore - terminator: ; - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('has > inside;').dump()) ['has', '> inside', ';', ''] - args: > inside - command: has - statement: ['has', '> inside', ';'] - args: > inside - command: has - terminator: ; - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline has > inside an unfinished command').dump()) ['multiline', ' has > inside an unfinished command'] - multilineCommand: multiline >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline has > inside;').dump()) ['multiline', 'has > inside', ';', ''] - args: has > inside - multilineCommand: multiline - statement: ['multiline', 'has > inside', ';'] - args: has > inside - multilineCommand: multiline - terminator: ; - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command /* with comment in progress;').dump()) ['multiline', ' command /* with comment in progress;'] - multilineCommand: multiline >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command /* with comment complete */ is done;').dump()) ['multiline', 'command /* with comment complete */ is done', ';', ''] - args: command /* with comment complete */ is done - multilineCommand: multiline - statement: ['multiline', 'command /* with comment complete */ is done', ';'] - args: command /* with comment complete */ is done - multilineCommand: multiline - terminator: ; - terminator: ; >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command ends\n\n').dump()) ['multiline', 'command ends', '\n', '\n'] - args: command ends - multilineCommand: multiline - statement: ['multiline', 'command ends', '\n', '\n'] - args: command ends - multilineCommand: multiline - terminator: ['\n', '\n'] - terminator: ['\n', '\n'] >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command "with term; ends" now\n\n').dump()) ['multiline', 'command "with term; ends" now', '\n', '\n'] - args: command "with term; ends" now - multilineCommand: multiline - statement: ['multiline', 'command "with term; ends" now', '\n', '\n'] - args: command "with term; ends" now - multilineCommand: multiline - terminator: ['\n', '\n'] - terminator: ['\n', '\n'] >>> print (c.parser.parseString('what if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?').dump()) ['what', 'if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?'] - args: if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments? - command: what - statement: ['what', 'if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?'] - args: if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments? - command: what ''' #outputParser = (pyparsing.Literal('>>') | (pyparsing.WordStart() + '>') | pyparsing.Regex('[^=]>'))('output') outputParser = (pyparsing.Literal(self.redirector *2) | \ (pyparsing.WordStart() + self.redirector) | \ pyparsing.Regex('[^=]' + self.redirector))('output') terminatorParser = pyparsing.Or([(hasattr(t, 'parseString') and t) or pyparsing.Literal(t) for t in self.terminators])('terminator') stringEnd = pyparsing.stringEnd ^ '\nEOF' self.multilineCommand = pyparsing.Or([pyparsing.Keyword(c, caseless=self.case_insensitive) for c in self.multilineCommands])('multilineCommand') oneLineCommand = (~self.multilineCommand + pyparsing.Word(self.legalChars))('command') pipe = pyparsing.Keyword('|', identChars='|') self.commentGrammars.ignore(pyparsing.quotedString).setParseAction(lambda x: '') doNotParse = self.commentGrammars | self.commentInProgress | pyparsing.quotedString afterElements = \ pyparsing.Optional(pipe + pyparsing.SkipTo(outputParser ^ stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse)('pipeTo')) + \ pyparsing.Optional(outputParser + pyparsing.SkipTo(stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('outputTo')) if self.case_insensitive: self.multilineCommand.setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].lower()) oneLineCommand.setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].lower()) if self.blankLinesAllowed: self.blankLineTerminationParser = pyparsing.NoMatch else: self.blankLineTerminator = (pyparsing.lineEnd + pyparsing.lineEnd)('terminator') self.blankLineTerminator.setResultsName('terminator') self.blankLineTerminationParser = ((self.multilineCommand ^ oneLineCommand) + pyparsing.SkipTo(self.blankLineTerminator, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('args') + self.blankLineTerminator)('statement') self.multilineParser = (((self.multilineCommand ^ oneLineCommand) + pyparsing.SkipTo(terminatorParser, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('args') + terminatorParser)('statement') + pyparsing.SkipTo(outputParser ^ pipe ^ stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('suffix') + afterElements) self.multilineParser.ignore(self.commentInProgress) self.singleLineParser = ((oneLineCommand + pyparsing.SkipTo(terminatorParser ^ stringEnd ^ pipe ^ outputParser, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x:x[0].strip())('args'))('statement') + pyparsing.Optional(terminatorParser) + afterElements) #self.multilineParser = self.multilineParser.setResultsName('multilineParser') #self.singleLineParser = self.singleLineParser.setResultsName('singleLineParser') self.blankLineTerminationParser = self.blankLineTerminationParser.setResultsName('statement') self.parser = self.prefixParser + ( stringEnd | self.multilineParser | self.singleLineParser | self.blankLineTerminationParser | self.multilineCommand + pyparsing.SkipTo(stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse) ) self.parser.ignore(self.commentGrammars) inputMark = pyparsing.Literal('<') inputMark.setParseAction(lambda x: '') fileName = pyparsing.Word(self.legalChars + '/\\') inputFrom = fileName('inputFrom') inputFrom.setParseAction(replace_with_file_contents) # a not-entirely-satisfactory way of distinguishing < as in "import from" from < # as in "lesser than" self.inputParser = inputMark + pyparsing.Optional(inputFrom) + pyparsing.Optional('>') + \ pyparsing.Optional(fileName) + (pyparsing.stringEnd | '|') self.inputParser.ignore(self.commentInProgress) def preparse(self, raw, **kwargs): return raw def postparse(self, parseResult): return parseResult def parsed(self, raw, **kwargs): if isinstance(raw, ParsedString): p = raw else: # preparse is an overridable hook; default makes no changes s = self.preparse(raw, **kwargs) s = self.inputParser.transformString(s.lstrip()) s = self.commentGrammars.transformString(s) for (shortcut, expansion) in self.shortcuts: if s.lower().startswith(shortcut): s = s.replace(shortcut, expansion + ' ', 1) break result = self.parser.parseString(s) result['raw'] = raw result['command'] = result.multilineCommand or result.command result = self.postparse(result) p = ParsedString(result.args) p.parsed = result p.parser = self.parsed for (key, val) in kwargs.items(): p.parsed[key] = val return p def postparsing_precmd(self, statement): stop = 0 return stop, statement def postparsing_postcmd(self, stop): return stop def func_named(self, arg): result = None target = 'do_' + arg if target in dir(self): result = target else: if self.abbrev: # accept shortened versions of commands funcs = [fname for fname in self.keywords if fname.startswith(arg)] if len(funcs) == 1: result = 'do_' + funcs[0] return result def onecmd_plus_hooks(self, line): # The outermost level of try/finally nesting can be condensed once # Python 2.4 support can be dropped. stop = 0 try: try: statement = self.complete_statement(line) (stop, statement) = self.postparsing_precmd(statement) if stop: return self.postparsing_postcmd(stop) if statement.parsed.command not in self.excludeFromHistory: self.history.append(statement.parsed.raw) try: self.redirect_output(statement) timestart = datetime.datetime.now() statement = self.precmd(statement) stop = self.onecmd(statement) stop = self.postcmd(stop, statement) if self.timing: self.pfeedback('Elapsed: %s' % str(datetime.datetime.now() - timestart)) finally: self.restore_output(statement) except EmptyStatement: return 0 except Exception, e: self.perror(str(e), statement) finally: return self.postparsing_postcmd(stop) def complete_statement(self, line): """Keep accepting lines of input until the command is complete.""" if (not line) or ( not pyparsing.Or(self.commentGrammars). setParseAction(lambda x: '').transformString(line)): raise EmptyStatement statement = self.parsed(line) while statement.parsed.multilineCommand and (statement.parsed.terminator == ''): statement = '%s\n%s' % (statement.parsed.raw, self.pseudo_raw_input(self.continuation_prompt)) statement = self.parsed(statement) if not statement.parsed.command: raise EmptyStatement return statement def redirect_output(self, statement): if statement.parsed.pipeTo: self.kept_state = Statekeeper(self, ('stdout',)) self.kept_sys = Statekeeper(sys, ('stdout',)) self.redirect = subprocess.Popen(statement.parsed.pipeTo, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) sys.stdout = self.stdout = self.redirect.stdin elif statement.parsed.output: if (not statement.parsed.outputTo) and (not can_clip): raise EnvironmentError('Cannot redirect to paste buffer; install ``xclip`` and re-run to enable') self.kept_state = Statekeeper(self, ('stdout',)) self.kept_sys = Statekeeper(sys, ('stdout',)) if statement.parsed.outputTo: mode = 'w' if statement.parsed.output == 2 * self.redirector: mode = 'a' sys.stdout = self.stdout = open(os.path.expanduser(statement.parsed.outputTo), mode) else: sys.stdout = self.stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w+") if statement.parsed.output == '>>': self.stdout.write(get_paste_buffer()) def restore_output(self, statement): if self.kept_state: if statement.parsed.output: if not statement.parsed.outputTo: self.stdout.seek(0) write_to_paste_buffer(self.stdout.read()) elif statement.parsed.pipeTo: for result in self.redirect.communicate(): self.kept_state.stdout.write(result or '') self.stdout.close() self.kept_state.restore() self.kept_sys.restore() self.kept_state = None def onecmd(self, line): """Interpret the argument as though it had been typed in response to the prompt. This may be overridden, but should not normally need to be; see the precmd() and postcmd() methods for useful execution hooks. The return value is a flag indicating whether interpretation of commands by the interpreter should stop. This (`cmd2`) version of `onecmd` already override's `cmd`'s `onecmd`. """ statement = self.parsed(line) self.lastcmd = statement.parsed.raw funcname = self.func_named(statement.parsed.command) if not funcname: return self._default(statement) try: func = getattr(self, funcname) except AttributeError: return self._default(statement) stop = func(statement) return stop def _default(self, statement): arg = statement.full_parsed_statement() if self.default_to_shell: result = os.system(arg) if not result: return self.postparsing_postcmd(None) return self.postparsing_postcmd(self.default(arg)) def pseudo_raw_input(self, prompt): """copied from cmd's cmdloop; like raw_input, but accounts for changed stdin, stdout""" if self.use_rawinput: try: line = raw_input(prompt) except EOFError: line = 'EOF' else: self.stdout.write(prompt) self.stdout.flush() line = self.stdin.readline() if not len(line): line = 'EOF' else: if line[-1] == '\n': # this was always true in Cmd line = line[:-1] return line def _cmdloop(self, intro=None): """Repeatedly issue a prompt, accept input, parse an initial prefix off the received input, and dispatch to action methods, passing them the remainder of the line as argument. """ # An almost perfect copy from Cmd; however, the pseudo_raw_input portion # has been split out so that it can be called separately self.preloop() if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey: try: import readline self.old_completer = readline.get_completer() readline.set_completer(self.complete) readline.parse_and_bind(self.completekey+": complete") except ImportError: pass try: if intro is not None: self.intro = intro if self.intro: self.stdout.write(str(self.intro)+"\n") stop = None while not stop: if self.cmdqueue: line = self.cmdqueue.pop(0) else: line = self.pseudo_raw_input(self.prompt) if (self.echo) and (isinstance(self.stdin, file)): self.stdout.write(line + '\n') stop = self.onecmd_plus_hooks(line) self.postloop() finally: if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey: try: import readline readline.set_completer(self.old_completer) except ImportError: pass return stop def do_EOF(self, arg): return self._STOP_SCRIPT_NO_EXIT # End of script; should not exit app do_eof = do_EOF def do_quit(self, arg): return self._STOP_AND_EXIT do_exit = do_quit do_q = do_quit def select(self, options, prompt='Your choice? '): '''Presents a numbered menu to the user. Modelled after the bash shell's SELECT. Returns the item chosen. Argument ``options`` can be: | a single string -> will be split into one-word options | a list of strings -> will be offered as options | a list of tuples -> interpreted as (value, text), so that the return value can differ from the text advertised to the user ''' if isinstance(options, basestring): options = zip(options.split(), options.split()) fulloptions = [] for opt in options: if isinstance(opt, basestring): fulloptions.append((opt, opt)) else: try: fulloptions.append((opt[0], opt[1])) except IndexError: fulloptions.append((opt[0], opt[0])) for (idx, (value, text)) in enumerate(fulloptions): self.poutput(' %2d. %s\n' % (idx+1, text)) while True: response = raw_input(prompt) try: response = int(response) result = fulloptions[response - 1][0] break except ValueError: pass # loop and ask again return result @options([make_option('-l', '--long', action="store_true", help="describe function of parameter")]) def do_show(self, arg, opts): '''Shows value of a parameter.''' param = arg.strip().lower() result = {} maxlen = 0 for p in self.settable: if (not param) or p.startswith(param): result[p] = '%s: %s' % (p, str(getattr(self, p))) maxlen = max(maxlen, len(result[p])) if result: for p in sorted(result): if opts.long: self.poutput('%s # %s' % (result[p].ljust(maxlen), self.settable[p])) else: self.poutput(result[p]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Parameter '%s' not supported (type 'show' for list of parameters)." % param) def do_set(self, arg): ''' Sets a cmd2 parameter. Accepts abbreviated parameter names so long as there is no ambiguity. Call without arguments for a list of settable parameters with their values.''' try: statement, paramName, val = arg.parsed.raw.split(None, 2) val = val.strip() paramName = paramName.strip().lower() if paramName not in self.settable: hits = [p for p in self.settable if p.startswith(paramName)] if len(hits) == 1: paramName = hits[0] else: return self.do_show(paramName) currentVal = getattr(self, paramName) if (val[0] == val[-1]) and val[0] in ("'", '"'): val = val[1:-1] else: val = cast(currentVal, val) setattr(self, paramName, val) self.stdout.write('%s - was: %s\nnow: %s\n' % (paramName, currentVal, val)) if currentVal != val: try: onchange_hook = getattr(self, '_onchange_%s' % paramName) onchange_hook(old=currentVal, new=val) except AttributeError: pass except (ValueError, AttributeError, NotSettableError), e: self.do_show(arg) def do_pause(self, arg): 'Displays the specified text then waits for the user to press RETURN.' raw_input(arg + '\n') def do_shell(self, arg): 'execute a command as if at the OS prompt.' os.system(arg) def do_py(self, arg): ''' py : Executes a Python command. py: Enters interactive Python mode. End with ``Ctrl-D`` (Unix) / ``Ctrl-Z`` (Windows), ``quit()``, '`exit()``. Non-python commands can be issued with ``cmd("your command")``. Run python code from external files with ``run("filename.py")`` ''' self.pystate['self'] = self arg = arg.parsed.raw[2:].strip() localvars = (self.locals_in_py and self.pystate) or {} interp = InteractiveConsole(locals=localvars) interp.runcode('import sys, os;sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())') if arg.strip(): interp.runcode(arg) else: def quit(): raise EmbeddedConsoleExit def onecmd_plus_hooks(arg): return self.onecmd_plus_hooks(arg + '\n') def run(arg): try: file = open(arg) interp.runcode(file.read()) file.close() except IOError, e: self.perror(e) self.pystate['quit'] = quit self.pystate['exit'] = quit self.pystate['cmd'] = onecmd_plus_hooks self.pystate['run'] = run try: cprt = 'Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.' keepstate = Statekeeper(sys, ('stdin','stdout')) sys.stdout = self.stdout sys.stdin = self.stdin interp.interact(banner= "Python %s on %s\n%s\n(%s)\n%s" % (sys.version, sys.platform, cprt, self.__class__.__name__, self.do_py.__doc__)) except EmbeddedConsoleExit: pass keepstate.restore() @options([make_option('-s', '--script', action="store_true", help="Script format; no separation lines"), ], arg_desc = '(limit on which commands to include)') def do_history(self, arg, opts): """history [arg]: lists past commands issued | no arg: list all | arg is integer: list one history item, by index | arg is string: string search | arg is /enclosed in forward-slashes/: regular expression search """ if arg: history = self.history.get(arg) else: history = self.history for hi in history: if opts.script: self.poutput(hi) else: self.stdout.write(hi.pr()) def last_matching(self, arg): try: if arg: return self.history.get(arg)[-1] else: return self.history[-1] except IndexError: return None def do_list(self, arg): """list [arg]: lists last command issued no arg -> list most recent command arg is integer -> list one history item, by index a..b, a:b, a:, ..b -> list spans from a (or start) to b (or end) arg is string -> list all commands matching string search arg is /enclosed in forward-slashes/ -> regular expression search """ try: history = self.history.span(arg or '-1') except IndexError: history = self.history.search(arg) for hi in history: self.poutput(hi.pr()) do_hi = do_history do_l = do_list do_li = do_list def do_ed(self, arg): """ed: edit most recent command in text editor ed [N]: edit numbered command from history ed [filename]: edit specified file name commands are run after editor is closed. "set edit (program-name)" or set EDITOR environment variable to control which editing program is used.""" if not self.editor: raise EnvironmentError("Please use 'set editor' to specify your text editing program of choice.") filename = self.default_file_name if arg: try: buffer = self.last_matching(int(arg)) except ValueError: filename = arg buffer = '' else: buffer = self.history[-1] if buffer: f = open(os.path.expanduser(filename), 'w') f.write(buffer or '') f.close() os.system('%s %s' % (self.editor, filename)) self.do__load(filename) do_edit = do_ed saveparser = (pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums)^'*')("idx") + pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.Word(legalChars + '/\\'))("fname") + pyparsing.stringEnd) def do_save(self, arg): """`save [N] [filename.ext]` Saves command from history to file. | N => Number of command (from history), or `*`; | most recent command if omitted""" try: args = self.saveparser.parseString(arg) except pyparsing.ParseException: self.perror('Could not understand save target %s' % arg) raise SyntaxError(self.do_save.__doc__) fname = args.fname or self.default_file_name if args.idx == '*': saveme = '\n\n'.join(self.history[:]) elif args.idx: saveme = self.history[int(args.idx)-1] else: saveme = self.history[-1] try: f = open(os.path.expanduser(fname), 'w') f.write(saveme) f.close() self.pfeedback('Saved to %s' % (fname)) except Exception, e: self.perror('Error saving %s' % (fname)) raise def read_file_or_url(self, fname): # TODO: not working on localhost if isinstance(fname, file): result = open(fname, 'r') else: match = self.urlre.match(fname) if match: result = urllib.urlopen(match.group(1)) else: fname = os.path.expanduser(fname) try: result = open(os.path.expanduser(fname), 'r') except IOError: result = open('%s.%s' % (os.path.expanduser(fname), self.defaultExtension), 'r') return result def do__relative_load(self, arg=None): ''' Runs commands in script at file or URL; if this is called from within an already-running script, the filename will be interpreted relative to the already-running script's directory.''' if arg: arg = arg.split(None, 1) targetname, args = arg[0], (arg[1:] or [''])[0] targetname = os.path.join(self.current_script_dir or '', targetname) self.do__load('%s %s' % (targetname, args)) urlre = re.compile('(https?://[-\\w\\./]+)') def do_load(self, arg=None): """Runs script of command(s) from a file or URL.""" if arg is None: targetname = self.default_file_name else: arg = arg.split(None, 1) targetname, args = arg[0], (arg[1:] or [''])[0].strip() try: target = self.read_file_or_url(targetname) except IOError, e: self.perror('Problem accessing script from %s: \n%s' % (targetname, e)) return keepstate = Statekeeper(self, ('stdin','use_rawinput','prompt', 'continuation_prompt','current_script_dir')) self.stdin = target self.use_rawinput = False self.prompt = self.continuation_prompt = '' self.current_script_dir = os.path.split(targetname)[0] stop = self._cmdloop() self.stdin.close() keepstate.restore() self.lastcmd = '' return stop and (stop != self._STOP_SCRIPT_NO_EXIT) do__load = do_load # avoid an unfortunate legacy use of do_load from sqlpython def do_run(self, arg): """run [arg]: re-runs an earlier command no arg -> run most recent command arg is integer -> run one history item, by index arg is string -> run most recent command by string search arg is /enclosed in forward-slashes/ -> run most recent by regex """ 'run [N]: runs the SQL that was run N commands ago' runme = self.last_matching(arg) self.pfeedback(runme) if runme: stop = self.onecmd_plus_hooks(runme) do_r = do_run def fileimport(self, statement, source): try: f = open(os.path.expanduser(source)) except IOError: self.stdout.write("Couldn't read from file %s\n" % source) return '' data = f.read() f.close() return data def runTranscriptTests(self, callargs): class TestMyAppCase(Cmd2TestCase): CmdApp = self.__class__ self.__class__.testfiles = callargs sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] # the --test argument upsets unittest.main() testcase = TestMyAppCase() runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() result = runner.run(testcase) result.printErrors() def run_commands_at_invocation(self, callargs): for initial_command in callargs: if self.onecmd_plus_hooks(initial_command + '\n'): return self._STOP_AND_EXIT def cmdloop(self): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', action="store_true", help='Test against transcript(s) in FILE (wildcards OK)') (callopts, callargs) = parser.parse_args() if callopts.test: self.runTranscriptTests(callargs) else: if not self.run_commands_at_invocation(callargs): self._cmdloop() class HistoryItem(str): listformat = '-------------------------[%d]\n%s\n' def __init__(self, instr): str.__init__(self) self.lowercase = self.lower() self.idx = None def pr(self): return self.listformat % (self.idx, str(self)) class History(list): '''A list of HistoryItems that knows how to respond to user requests. >>> h = History([HistoryItem('first'), HistoryItem('second'), HistoryItem('third'), HistoryItem('fourth')]) >>> h.span('-2..') ['third', 'fourth'] >>> h.span('2..3') ['second', 'third'] >>> h.span('3') ['third'] >>> h.span(':') ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'] >>> h.span('2..') ['second', 'third', 'fourth'] >>> h.span('-1') ['fourth'] >>> h.span('-2..-3') ['third', 'second'] >>> h.search('o') ['second', 'fourth'] >>> h.search('/IR/') ['first', 'third'] ''' def zero_based_index(self, onebased): result = onebased if result > 0: result -= 1 return result def to_index(self, raw): if raw: result = self.zero_based_index(int(raw)) else: result = None return result def search(self, target): target = target.strip() if target[0] == target[-1] == '/' and len(target) > 1: target = target[1:-1] else: target = re.escape(target) pattern = re.compile(target, re.IGNORECASE) return [s for s in self if pattern.search(s)] spanpattern = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P\-?\d+)?\s*(?P:|(\.{2,}))?\s*(?P\-?\d+)?\s*$') def span(self, raw): if raw.lower() in ('*', '-', 'all'): raw = ':' results = self.spanpattern.search(raw) if not results: raise IndexError if not results.group('separator'): return [self[self.to_index(results.group('start'))]] start = self.to_index(results.group('start')) end = self.to_index(results.group('end')) reverse = False if end is not None: if end < start: (start, end) = (end, start) reverse = True end += 1 result = self[start:end] if reverse: result.reverse() return result rangePattern = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P[\d]+)?\s*\-\s*(?P[\d]+)?\s*$') def append(self, new): new = HistoryItem(new) list.append(self, new) new.idx = len(self) def extend(self, new): for n in new: self.append(n) def get(self, getme=None, fromEnd=False): if not getme: return self try: getme = int(getme) if getme < 0: return self[:(-1 * getme)] else: return [self[getme-1]] except IndexError: return [] except ValueError: rangeResult = self.rangePattern.search(getme) if rangeResult: start = rangeResult.group('start') or None end = rangeResult.group('start') or None if start: start = int(start) - 1 if end: end = int(end) return self[start:end] getme = getme.strip() if getme.startswith(r'/') and getme.endswith(r'/'): finder = re.compile(getme[1:-1], re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) def isin(hi): return finder.search(hi) else: def isin(hi): return (getme.lower() in hi.lowercase) return [itm for itm in self if isin(itm)] class NotSettableError(Exception): pass def cast(current, new): """Tries to force a new value into the same type as the current.""" typ = type(current) if typ == bool: try: return bool(int(new)) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass try: new = new.lower() except: pass if (new=='on') or (new[0] in ('y','t')): return True if (new=='off') or (new[0] in ('n','f')): return False else: try: return typ(new) except: pass print ("Problem setting parameter (now %s) to %s; incorrect type?" % (current, new)) return current class Statekeeper(object): def __init__(self, obj, attribs): self.obj = obj self.attribs = attribs if self.obj: self.save() def save(self): for attrib in self.attribs: setattr(self, attrib, getattr(self.obj, attrib)) def restore(self): if self.obj: for attrib in self.attribs: setattr(self.obj, attrib, getattr(self, attrib)) class Borg(object): '''All instances of any Borg subclass will share state. from Python Cookbook, 2nd Ed., recipe 6.16''' _shared_state = {} def __new__(cls, *a, **k): obj = object.__new__(cls, *a, **k) obj.__dict__ = cls._shared_state return obj class OutputTrap(Borg): '''Instantiate an OutputTrap to divert/capture ALL stdout output. For use in unit testing. Call `tearDown()` to return to normal output.''' def __init__(self): self.contents = '' self.old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self def write(self, txt): self.contents += txt def read(self): result = self.contents self.contents = '' return result def tearDown(self): sys.stdout = self.old_stdout self.contents = '' class Cmd2TestCase(unittest.TestCase): '''Subclass this, setting CmdApp, to make a unittest.TestCase class that will execute the commands in a transcript file and expect the results shown. See example.py''' CmdApp = None def fetchTranscripts(self): self.transcripts = {} for fileset in self.CmdApp.testfiles: for fname in glob.glob(fileset): tfile = open(fname) self.transcripts[fname] = iter(tfile.readlines()) tfile.close() if not len(self.transcripts): raise (StandardError,), "No test files found - nothing to test." def setUp(self): if self.CmdApp: self.outputTrap = OutputTrap() self.cmdapp = self.CmdApp() self.fetchTranscripts() def runTest(self): # was testall if self.CmdApp: its = sorted(self.transcripts.items()) for (fname, transcript) in its: self._test_transcript(fname, transcript) regexPattern = pyparsing.QuotedString(quoteChar=r'/', escChar='\\', multiline=True, unquoteResults=True) regexPattern.ignore(pyparsing.cStyleComment) notRegexPattern = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.printables) notRegexPattern.setParseAction(lambda t: re.escape(t[0])) expectationParser = regexPattern | notRegexPattern anyWhitespace = re.compile(r'\s', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) def _test_transcript(self, fname, transcript): lineNum = 0 finished = False line = transcript.next() lineNum += 1 tests_run = 0 while not finished: # Scroll forward to where actual commands begin while not line.startswith(self.cmdapp.prompt): try: line = transcript.next() except StopIteration: finished = True break lineNum += 1 command = [line[len(self.cmdapp.prompt):]] line = transcript.next() # Read the entirety of a multi-line command while line.startswith(self.cmdapp.continuation_prompt): command.append(line[len(self.cmdapp.continuation_prompt):]) try: line = transcript.next() except StopIteration: raise (StopIteration, 'Transcript broke off while reading command beginning at line %d with\n%s' % (command[0])) lineNum += 1 command = ''.join(command) # Send the command into the application and capture the resulting output stop = self.cmdapp.onecmd_plus_hooks(command) #TODO: should act on ``stop`` result = self.outputTrap.read() # Read the expected result from transcript if line.startswith(self.cmdapp.prompt): message = '\nFile %s, line %d\nCommand was:\n%s\nExpected: (nothing)\nGot:\n%s\n'%\ (fname, lineNum, command, result) self.assert_(not(result.strip()), message) continue expected = [] while not line.startswith(self.cmdapp.prompt): expected.append(line) try: line = transcript.next() except StopIteration: finished = True break lineNum += 1 expected = ''.join(expected) # Compare actual result to expected message = '\nFile %s, line %d\nCommand was:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s\nGot:\n%s\n'%\ (fname, lineNum, command, expected, result) expected = self.expectationParser.transformString(expected) # checking whitespace is a pain - let's skip it expected = self.anyWhitespace.sub('', expected) result = self.anyWhitespace.sub('', result) self.assert_(re.match(expected, result, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL), message) def tearDown(self): if self.CmdApp: self.outputTrap.tearDown() if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod(optionflags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE) ''' To make your application transcript-testable, replace :: app = MyApp() app.cmdloop() with :: app = MyApp() cmd2.run(app) Then run a session of your application and paste the entire screen contents into a file, ``transcript.test``, and invoke the test like:: python myapp.py --test transcript.test Wildcards can be used to test against multiple transcript files. '''