import pytest, sys try: # comment out the following line to run this test. # the latest on x86-64 linux: if sys.platform != 'win32': raise ImportError("this test is skipped because it keeps finding " "failures in libffi, instead of cffi") from hypothesis import given, settings, example from hypothesis import strategies as st except ImportError as e: e1 = e def test_types(): pytest.skip(str(e1)) else: from cffi import FFI import sys, random from .test_recompiler import verify ALL_PRIMITIVES = [ 'unsigned char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long', 'float', 'double', #'long double', --- on x86 it can give libffi crashes ] def _make_struct(s): return st.lists(s, min_size=1) types = st.one_of(st.sampled_from(ALL_PRIMITIVES), st.lists(st.sampled_from(ALL_PRIMITIVES), min_size=1)) # NB. 'types' could be st.recursive instead, but it doesn't # really seem useful def draw_primitive(ffi, typename): value = random.random() * 2**40 if typename != 'long double': return ffi.cast(typename, value) else: return value TEST_RUN_COUNTER = 0 @given(st.lists(types), types) @settings(max_examples=100, deadline=5000) # 5000ms def test_types(tp_args, tp_result): global TEST_RUN_COUNTER print(tp_args, tp_result) cdefs = [] structs = {} def build_type(tp): if type(tp) is list: field_types = [build_type(tp1) for tp1 in tp] fields = ['%s f%d;' % (ftp, j) for (j, ftp) in enumerate(field_types)] fields = '\n '.join(fields) name = 's%d' % len(cdefs) cdefs.append("typedef struct {\n %s\n} %s;" % (fields, name)) structs[name] = field_types return name else: return tp args = [build_type(tp) for tp in tp_args] result = build_type(tp_result) TEST_RUN_COUNTER += 1 signature = "%s testfargs(%s)" % (result, ', '.join(['%s a%d' % (arg, i) for (i, arg) in enumerate(args)]) or 'void') source = list(cdefs) cdefs.append("%s;" % signature) cdefs.append("extern %s testfargs_result;" % result) for i, arg in enumerate(args): cdefs.append("extern %s testfargs_arg%d;" % (arg, i)) source.append("%s testfargs_result;" % result) for i, arg in enumerate(args): source.append("%s testfargs_arg%d;" % (arg, i)) source.append(signature) source.append("{") for i, arg in enumerate(args): source.append(" testfargs_arg%d = a%d;" % (i, i)) source.append(" return testfargs_result;") source.append("}") typedef_line = "typedef %s;" % (signature.replace('testfargs', '(*mycallback_t)'),) assert signature.endswith(')') sig_callback = "%s testfcallback(mycallback_t callback)" % result cdefs.append(typedef_line) cdefs.append("%s;" % sig_callback) source.append(typedef_line) source.append(sig_callback) source.append("{") source.append(" return callback(%s);" % ', '.join(["testfargs_arg%d" % i for i in range(len(args))])) source.append("}") ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef("\n".join(cdefs)) lib = verify(ffi, 'test_function_args_%d' % TEST_RUN_COUNTER, "\n".join(source), no_cpp=True) # when getting segfaults, enable this: if False: from testing.udir import udir import subprocess f = open(str(udir.join('')), 'w') f.write('import sys; sys.path = %r\n' % (sys.path,)) f.write('from _CFFI_test_function_args_%d import ffi, lib\n' % TEST_RUN_COUNTER) for i in range(len(args)): f.write('a%d ="%s *")\n' % (i, args[i])) aliststr = ', '.join(['a%d[0]' % i for i in range(len(args))]) f.write('lib.testfargs(%s)\n' % aliststr) f.write('ffi.addressof(lib, "testfargs")(%s)\n' % aliststr) f.close() print("checking for segfault for direct call...") rc =[sys.executable, ''], cwd=str(udir)) assert rc == 0, rc def make_arg(tp): if tp in structs: return [make_arg(tp1) for tp1 in structs[tp]] else: return draw_primitive(ffi, tp) passed_args = [make_arg(arg) for arg in args] returned_value = make_arg(result) def write(p, v): if type(v) is list: for i, v1 in enumerate(v): write(ffi.addressof(p, 'f%d' % i), v1) else: p[0] = v write(ffi.addressof(lib, 'testfargs_result'), returned_value) ## CALL forcing libffi print("CALL forcing libffi") received_return = ffi.addressof(lib, 'testfargs')(*passed_args) ## _tp_long_double = ffi.typeof("long double") def check(p, v): if type(v) is list: for i, v1 in enumerate(v): check(ffi.addressof(p, 'f%d' % i), v1) else: if ffi.typeof(p).item is _tp_long_double: assert ffi.cast("double", p[0]) == v else: assert p[0] == v for i, arg in enumerate(passed_args): check(ffi.addressof(lib, 'testfargs_arg%d' % i), arg) ret = + "*", received_return) check(ret, returned_value) ## CALLBACK def expand(value): if isinstance(value, ffi.CData): t = ffi.typeof(value) if t is _tp_long_double: return float(ffi.cast("double", value)) return [expand(getattr(value, 'f%d' % i)) for i in range(len(t.fields))] else: return value # when getting segfaults, enable this: if False: from testing.udir import udir import subprocess f = open(str(udir.join('')), 'w') f.write('import sys; sys.path = %r\n' % (sys.path,)) f.write('from _CFFI_test_function_args_%d import ffi, lib\n' % TEST_RUN_COUNTER) f.write('def callback(*args): return"%s *")[0]\n' % result) f.write('fptr = ffi.callback("%s(%s)", callback)\n' % (result, ','.join(args))) f.write('print(lib.testfcallback(fptr))\n') f.close() print("checking for segfault for callback...") rc =[sys.executable, ''], cwd=str(udir)) assert rc == 0, rc seen_args = [] def callback(*args): seen_args.append([expand(arg) for arg in args]) return returned_value fptr = ffi.callback("%s(%s)" % (result, ','.join(args)), callback) print("CALL with callback") received_return = lib.testfcallback(fptr) assert len(seen_args) == 1 assert passed_args == seen_args[0] ret = + "*", received_return) check(ret, returned_value)