from __future__ import annotations import os import platform from contextlib import AsyncExitStack from datetime import datetime, timezone from inspect import isawaitable from logging import Logger, getLogger from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional from uuid import UUID import anyio from anyio import TASK_STATUS_IGNORED, create_task_group, get_cancelled_exc_class from import CancelScope from import AsyncDataStore, DataStore, EventSource, Job from ..datastores.async_.sync_adapter import AsyncDataStoreAdapter from ..enums import JobOutcome, RunState from import ( AsyncEventHub, Event, JobAdded, JobCancelled, JobCompleted, JobDeadlineMissed, JobFailed, JobStarted, SubscriptionToken, WorkerStarted, WorkerStopped) from ..structures import JobResult class AsyncWorker(EventSource): """Runs jobs locally in a task group.""" _stop_event: Optional[anyio.Event] = None _state: RunState = RunState.stopped _acquire_cancel_scope: Optional[CancelScope] = None _datastore_subscription: SubscriptionToken _wakeup_event: anyio.Event def __init__(self, data_store: DataStore | AsyncDataStore, *, max_concurrent_jobs: int = 100, identity: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional[Logger] = None): self.max_concurrent_jobs = max_concurrent_jobs self.identity = identity or f'{platform.node()}-{os.getpid()}-{id(self)}' self.logger = logger or getLogger(__name__) self._acquired_jobs: set[Job] = set() self._exit_stack = AsyncExitStack() self._events = AsyncEventHub() self._running_jobs: set[UUID] = set() if self.max_concurrent_jobs < 1: raise ValueError('max_concurrent_jobs must be at least 1') if isinstance(data_store, DataStore): self.data_store = AsyncDataStoreAdapter(data_store) else: self.data_store = data_store @property def state(self) -> RunState: return self._state async def __aenter__(self): self._state = RunState.starting self._wakeup_event = anyio.Event() await self._exit_stack.__aenter__() await self._exit_stack.enter_async_context(self._events) # Initialize the data store await self._exit_stack.enter_async_context(self.data_store) relay_token = self._events.relay_events_from(self.data_store) self._exit_stack.callback(self.data_store.unsubscribe, relay_token) # Wake up the worker if the data store emits a significant job event wakeup_token = self.data_store.subscribe( lambda event: self._wakeup_event.set(), {JobAdded}) self._exit_stack.callback(self.data_store.unsubscribe, wakeup_token) # Start the actual worker task_group = create_task_group() await self._exit_stack.enter_async_context(task_group) await task_group.start( return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._state = RunState.stopping self._wakeup_event.set() await self._exit_stack.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) del self._wakeup_event def subscribe(self, callback: Callable[[Event], Any], event_types: Optional[Iterable[type[Event]]] = None) -> SubscriptionToken: return self._events.subscribe(callback, event_types) def unsubscribe(self, token: SubscriptionToken) -> None: self._events.unsubscribe(token) async def run(self, *, task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) -> None: if self._state is not RunState.starting: raise RuntimeError(f'This function cannot be called while the worker is in the ' f'{self._state} state') # Signal that the worker has started self._state = RunState.started task_status.started() self._events.publish(WorkerStarted()) try: async with create_task_group() as tg: while self._state is RunState.started: limit = self.max_concurrent_jobs - len(self._running_jobs) jobs = await self.data_store.acquire_jobs(self.identity, limit) for job in jobs: task = await self.data_store.get_task(job.task_id) self._running_jobs.add( tg.start_soon(self._run_job, job, task.func) await self._wakeup_event.wait() self._wakeup_event = anyio.Event() except get_cancelled_exc_class(): pass except BaseException as exc: self._state = RunState.stopped self._events.publish(WorkerStopped(exception=exc)) raise self._state = RunState.stopped self._events.publish(WorkerStopped()) async def _run_job(self, job: Job, func: Callable) -> None: try: # Check if the job started before the deadline start_time = if job.start_deadline is not None and start_time > job.start_deadline: self._events.publish(JobDeadlineMissed.from_job(job, start_time)) return self._events.publish(JobStarted.from_job(job, start_time)) try: retval = func(*job.args, **job.kwargs) if isawaitable(retval): retval = await retval except get_cancelled_exc_class(): with CancelScope(shield=True): result = JobResult(, outcome=JobOutcome.cancelled) await self.data_store.release_job(self.identity, job.task_id, result) self._events.publish(JobCancelled.from_job(job, start_time)) except BaseException as exc: result = JobResult(, outcome=JobOutcome.failure, exception=exc) await self.data_store.release_job(self.identity, job.task_id, result) self._events.publish(JobFailed.from_exception(job, start_time, exc)) if not isinstance(exc, Exception): raise else: result = JobResult(, outcome=JobOutcome.success, return_value=retval) await self.data_store.release_job(self.identity, job.task_id, result) self._events.publish(JobCompleted.from_retval(job, start_time, retval)) finally: self._running_jobs.remove( # async def stop(self, force: bool = False) -> None: # self._running = False # if self._acquire_cancel_scope: # self._acquire_cancel_scope.cancel() # # if force and self._task_group: # self._task_group.cancel_scope.cancel() # # async def wait_until_stopped(self) -> None: # if self._stop_event: # await self._stop_event.wait()