from contextlib import contextmanager import re from alembic.testing import exclusions from alembic.testing import TestBase, eq_, config from alembic.testing.fixtures import op_fixture from alembic.testing import mock from alembic.operations import Operations from alembic.batch import ApplyBatchImpl from alembic.migration import MigrationContext from sqlalchemy import Integer, Table, Column, String, MetaData, ForeignKey, \ UniqueConstraint, ForeignKeyConstraint, Index from sqlalchemy.sql import column from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable, CreateIndex class BatchApplyTest(TestBase): __requires__ = ('sqlalchemy_08', ) def setUp(self): self.op = Operations(mock.Mock(opts={})) def _simple_fixture(self, table_args=(), table_kwargs={}): m = MetaData() t = Table( 'tname', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('x', String(10)), Column('y', Integer) ) return ApplyBatchImpl(t, table_args, table_kwargs) def _uq_fixture(self, table_args=(), table_kwargs={}): m = MetaData() t = Table( 'tname', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('x', String()), Column('y', Integer), UniqueConstraint('y', name='uq1') ) return ApplyBatchImpl(t, table_args, table_kwargs) def _ix_fixture(self, table_args=(), table_kwargs={}): m = MetaData() t = Table( 'tname', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('x', String()), Column('y', Integer), Index('ix1', 'y') ) return ApplyBatchImpl(t, table_args, table_kwargs) def _fk_fixture(self, table_args=(), table_kwargs={}): m = MetaData() t = Table( 'tname', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('email', String()), Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')) ) return ApplyBatchImpl(t, table_args, table_kwargs) def _named_fk_fixture(self, table_args=(), table_kwargs={}): m = MetaData() t = Table( 'tname', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('email', String()), Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('', name='ufk')) ) return ApplyBatchImpl(t, table_args, table_kwargs) def _selfref_fk_fixture(self, table_args=(), table_kwargs={}): m = MetaData() t = Table( 'tname', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), Column('data', String) ) return ApplyBatchImpl(t, table_args, table_kwargs) def _assert_impl(self, impl, colnames=None, ddl_contains=None, ddl_not_contains=None, dialect='default'): context = op_fixture(dialect=dialect) impl._create(context.impl) if colnames is None: colnames = ['id', 'x', 'y'] eq_(impl.new_table.c.keys(), colnames) pk_cols = [col for col in impl.new_table.c if col.primary_key] eq_(list(impl.new_table.primary_key), pk_cols) create_stmt = str( CreateTable(impl.new_table).compile(dialect=context.dialect)) create_stmt = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', create_stmt) idx_stmt = "" for idx in impl.new_table.indexes: idx_stmt += str(CreateIndex(idx).compile(dialect=context.dialect)) idx_stmt = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', idx_stmt) if ddl_contains: assert ddl_contains in create_stmt + idx_stmt if ddl_not_contains: assert ddl_not_contains not in create_stmt + idx_stmt expected = [ create_stmt, ] if impl.new_table.indexes: expected.append(idx_stmt) expected.extend([ 'INSERT INTO _alembic_batch_temp (%(colnames)s) ' 'SELECT %(tname_colnames)s FROM tname' % { "colnames": ", ".join([ impl.new_table.c[name].name for name in colnames if name in impl.table.c]), "tname_colnames": ", ".join( "CAST(tname.%s AS %s) AS anon_1" % ( name, impl.new_table.c[name].type) if ( impl.new_table.c[name].type is not impl.table.c[name].type) else "tname.%s" % name for name in colnames if name in impl.table.c ) }, 'DROP TABLE tname', 'ALTER TABLE _alembic_batch_temp RENAME TO tname' ]) context.assert_(*expected) return impl.new_table def test_change_type(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() impl.alter_column('tname', 'x', type_=Integer) new_table = self._assert_impl(impl) assert new_table.c.x.type._type_affinity is Integer def test_rename_col(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() impl.alter_column('tname', 'x', name='q') new_table = self._assert_impl(impl) eq_(, 'q') def test_add_col(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() col = Column('g', Integer) # operations.add_column produces a table t = self.op._table('tname', col) # noqa impl.add_column('tname', col) new_table = self._assert_impl(impl, colnames=['id', 'x', 'y', 'g']) eq_(, 'g') def test_rename_col_pk(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() impl.alter_column('tname', 'id', name='foobar') new_table = self._assert_impl( impl, ddl_contains="PRIMARY KEY (foobar)") eq_(, 'foobar') eq_(list(new_table.primary_key), []) def test_rename_col_fk(self): impl = self._fk_fixture() impl.alter_column('tname', 'user_id', name='foobar') new_table = self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'email', 'user_id'], ddl_contains='FOREIGN KEY(foobar) REFERENCES "user" (id)') eq_(, 'foobar') eq_( list(new_table.c.user_id.foreign_keys)[0]._get_colspec(), "" ) def test_drop_col(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() impl.drop_column('tname', column('x')) new_table = self._assert_impl(impl, colnames=['id', 'y']) assert 'y' in new_table.c assert 'x' not in new_table.c def test_drop_col_remove_pk(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() impl.drop_column('tname', column('id')) new_table = self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['x', 'y'], ddl_not_contains="PRIMARY KEY") assert 'y' in new_table.c assert 'id' not in new_table.c assert not new_table.primary_key def test_drop_col_remove_fk(self): impl = self._fk_fixture() impl.drop_column('tname', column('user_id')) new_table = self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'email'], ddl_not_contains="FOREIGN KEY") assert 'user_id' not in new_table.c assert not new_table.foreign_keys def test_drop_col_retain_fk(self): impl = self._fk_fixture() impl.drop_column('tname', column('email')) new_table = self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'user_id'], ddl_contains='FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES "user" (id)') assert 'email' not in new_table.c assert new_table.c.user_id.foreign_keys def test_drop_col_retain_fk_selfref(self): impl = self._selfref_fk_fixture() impl.drop_column('tname', column('data')) new_table = self._assert_impl(impl, colnames=['id', 'parent_id']) assert 'data' not in new_table.c assert new_table.c.parent_id.foreign_keys def test_add_fk(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() impl.add_column('tname', Column('user_id', Integer)) fk = self.op._foreign_key_constraint( 'fk1', 'tname', 'user', ['user_id'], ['id']) impl.add_constraint(fk) new_table = self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'x', 'y', 'user_id'], ddl_contains='CONSTRAINT fk1 FOREIGN KEY(user_id) ' 'REFERENCES "user" (id)') eq_( list(new_table.c.user_id.foreign_keys)[0]._get_colspec(), '' ) def test_drop_fk(self): impl = self._named_fk_fixture() fk = ForeignKeyConstraint([], [], name='ufk') impl.drop_constraint(fk) new_table = self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'email', 'user_id'], ddl_not_contains="CONSTRANT fk1") eq_( list(new_table.foreign_keys), [] ) def test_add_uq(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() uq = self.op._unique_constraint( 'uq1', 'tname', ['y'] ) impl.add_constraint(uq) self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'x', 'y'], ddl_contains="CONSTRAINT uq1 UNIQUE") def test_drop_uq(self): impl = self._uq_fixture() uq = self.op._unique_constraint( 'uq1', 'tname', ['y'] ) impl.drop_constraint(uq) self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'x', 'y'], ddl_not_contains="CONSTRAINT uq1 UNIQUE") def test_add_index(self): impl = self._simple_fixture() ix = self.op._index('ix1', 'tname', ['y']) impl.add_index(ix) self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'x', 'y'], ddl_contains="CREATE INDEX ix1") def test_drop_index(self): impl = self._ix_fixture() ix = self.op._index('ix1', 'tname', ['y']) impl.drop_index(ix) self._assert_impl( impl, colnames=['id', 'x', 'y'], ddl_not_contains="CONSTRAINT uq1 UNIQUE") def test_add_table_opts(self): impl = self._simple_fixture(table_kwargs={'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB'}) self._assert_impl( impl, ddl_contains="ENGINE=InnoDB", dialect='mysql' ) class BatchAPITest(TestBase): __requires__ = ('sqlalchemy_08', ) @contextmanager def _fixture(self): migration_context = mock.Mock(opts={}) op = Operations(migration_context) batch = op.batch_alter_table('tname', recreate='never').__enter__() with mock.patch("alembic.operations.sa_schema") as mock_schema: yield batch batch.impl.flush() self.mock_schema = mock_schema def test_drop_col(self): with self._fixture() as batch: batch.drop_column('q') eq_( batch.impl.operations.impl.mock_calls, [ 'tname', self.mock_schema.Column(), schema=None)] ) def test_add_col(self): column = Column('w', String(50)) with self._fixture() as batch: batch.add_column(column) eq_( batch.impl.operations.impl.mock_calls, [ 'tname', column, schema=None)] ) def test_create_fk(self): with self._fixture() as batch: batch.create_foreign_key('myfk', 'user', ['x'], ['y']) eq_( self.mock_schema.ForeignKeyConstraint.mock_calls, [ ['x'], ['user.y'], onupdate=None, ondelete=None, name='myfk', initially=None, deferrable=None, match=None, schema=None) ] ) eq_( batch.impl.operations.impl.mock_calls, [ self.mock_schema.ForeignKeyConstraint())] ) def test_create_uq(self): with self._fixture() as batch: batch.create_unique_constraint('uq1', ['a', 'b']) eq_( self.mock_schema.Table().c.__getitem__.mock_calls, ['a'),'b')] ) eq_( self.mock_schema.UniqueConstraint.mock_calls, [ self.mock_schema.Table().c.__getitem__(), self.mock_schema.Table().c.__getitem__(), name='uq1' ) ] ) eq_( batch.impl.operations.impl.mock_calls, [ self.mock_schema.UniqueConstraint())] ) def test_drop_constraint(self): with self._fixture() as batch: batch.drop_constraint('uq1') eq_( self.mock_schema.Constraint.mock_calls, ['uq1') ] ) eq_( batch.impl.operations.impl.mock_calls, [] ) class BatchRoundTripTest(TestBase): __requires__ = ('sqlalchemy_08', ) __only_on__ = "sqlite" def setUp(self): self.conn = config.db.connect() self.metadata = MetaData() t1 = Table( 'foo', self.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('data', String(50)), Column('x', Integer), mysql_engine='InnoDB' ) t1.create(self.conn) self.conn.execute( t1.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "d1", "x": 5}, {"id": 2, "data": "22", "x": 6}, {"id": 3, "data": "8.5", "x": 7}, {"id": 4, "data": "9.46", "x": 8}, {"id": 5, "data": "d5", "x": 9} ] ) context = MigrationContext.configure(self.conn) self.op = Operations(context) def tearDown(self): self.metadata.drop_all(self.conn) self.conn.close() def _assert_data(self, data): eq_( [dict(row) for row in self.conn.execute("select * from foo")], data ) def test_fk_points_to_me_auto(self): self._test_fk_points_to_me("auto") # in particular, this tests that the failures # on PG and MySQL result in recovery of the batch system, # e.g. that the _alembic_batch_temp table is dropped @config.requirements.no_referential_integrity def test_fk_points_to_me_recreate(self): self._test_fk_points_to_me("always") def _test_fk_points_to_me(self, recreate): bar = Table( 'bar', self.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('foo_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), mysql_engine='InnoDB' ) bar.create(self.conn) self.conn.execute(bar.insert(), {'id': 1, 'foo_id': 3}) with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo", recreate=recreate) as batch_op: batch_op.alter_column( 'data', new_column_name='newdata', existing_type=String(50)) def test_change_type(self): with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo") as batch_op: batch_op.alter_column('data', type_=Integer) self._assert_data([ {"id": 1, "data": 0, "x": 5}, {"id": 2, "data": 22, "x": 6}, {"id": 3, "data": 8, "x": 7}, {"id": 4, "data": 9, "x": 8}, {"id": 5, "data": 0, "x": 9} ]) def test_drop_column(self): with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo") as batch_op: batch_op.drop_column('data') self._assert_data([ {"id": 1, "x": 5}, {"id": 2, "x": 6}, {"id": 3, "x": 7}, {"id": 4, "x": 8}, {"id": 5, "x": 9} ]) def test_drop_column_fk_recreate(self): with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo", recreate='always') as batch_op: batch_op.drop_column('data') self._assert_data([ {"id": 1, "x": 5}, {"id": 2, "x": 6}, {"id": 3, "x": 7}, {"id": 4, "x": 8}, {"id": 5, "x": 9} ]) def test_rename_column(self): with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo") as batch_op: batch_op.alter_column('x', new_column_name='y') self._assert_data([ {"id": 1, "data": "d1", "y": 5}, {"id": 2, "data": "22", "y": 6}, {"id": 3, "data": "8.5", "y": 7}, {"id": 4, "data": "9.46", "y": 8}, {"id": 5, "data": "d5", "y": 9} ]) def test_drop_column_pk(self): with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo") as batch_op: batch_op.drop_column('id') self._assert_data([ {"data": "d1", "x": 5}, {"data": "22", "x": 6}, {"data": "8.5", "x": 7}, {"data": "9.46", "x": 8}, {"data": "d5", "x": 9} ]) def test_rename_column_pk(self): with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo") as batch_op: batch_op.alter_column('id', new_column_name='ident') self._assert_data([ {"ident": 1, "data": "d1", "x": 5}, {"ident": 2, "data": "22", "x": 6}, {"ident": 3, "data": "8.5", "x": 7}, {"ident": 4, "data": "9.46", "x": 8}, {"ident": 5, "data": "d5", "x": 9} ]) def test_add_column_auto(self): # note this uses ALTER with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo") as batch_op: batch_op.add_column( Column('data2', String(50), server_default='hi')) self._assert_data([ {"id": 1, "data": "d1", "x": 5, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 2, "data": "22", "x": 6, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 3, "data": "8.5", "x": 7, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 4, "data": "9.46", "x": 8, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 5, "data": "d5", "x": 9, 'data2': 'hi'} ]) def test_add_column_recreate(self): with self.op.batch_alter_table("foo", recreate='always') as batch_op: batch_op.add_column( Column('data2', String(50), server_default='hi')) self._assert_data([ {"id": 1, "data": "d1", "x": 5, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 2, "data": "22", "x": 6, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 3, "data": "8.5", "x": 7, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 4, "data": "9.46", "x": 8, 'data2': 'hi'}, {"id": 5, "data": "d5", "x": 9, 'data2': 'hi'} ]) class BatchRoundTripMySQLTest(BatchRoundTripTest): __only_on__ = "mysql" @exclusions.fails() def test_rename_column_pk(self): super(BatchRoundTripMySQLTest, self).test_rename_column_pk() @exclusions.fails() def test_rename_column(self): super(BatchRoundTripMySQLTest, self).test_rename_column() @exclusions.fails() def test_change_type(self): super(BatchRoundTripMySQLTest, self).test_change_type() class BatchRoundTripPostgresqlTest(BatchRoundTripTest): __only_on__ = "postgresql" @exclusions.fails() def test_change_type(self): super(BatchRoundTripPostgresqlTest, self).test_change_type()