======== Tutorial ======== `Alembic `_ provides for the creation, management, and invocation of *change management* scripts for a relational database, using `SQLAlchemy `_ as the underlying engine. This tutorial will provide a full introduction to the theory and usage of this tool. To begin, make sure Alembic is installed as described at :ref:`installation`. The Migration Environment ========================== Usage of Alembic starts with creation of the *Migration Environment*. This is a directory of scripts that is specific to a particular application. The migration environment is created just once, and is then maintained along with the application's source code itself. The environment is created using the ``init`` command of Alembic, and is then customizable to suit the specific needs of the application. The structure of this environment, including some generated migration scripts, looks like:: yourproject/ alembic/ env.py README script.py.mako versions/ 3512b954651e_add_account.py 2b1ae634e5cd_add_order_id.py 3adcc9a56557_rename_username_field.py The directory includes these directories/files: * ``yourproject`` - this is the root of your application's source code, or some directory within it. * ``alembic`` - this directory lives within your application's source tree and is the home of the migration environment. It can be named anything, and a project that uses multiple databases may even have more than one. * ``env.py`` - This is a Python script that is run whenever the alembic migration tool is invoked. At the very least, it contains instructions to configure and generate a SQLAlchemy engine, procure a connection from that engine along with a transaction, and to then invoke the migration engine, using the connection as a source of database connectivity. The ``env.py`` script is part of the generated environment so that the way migrations run is entirely customizable. The exact specifics of how to connect are here, as well as the specifics of how the migration enviroment are invoked. The script can be modified so that multiple engines can be operated upon, custom arguments can be passed into the migration environment, application-specific libraries and models can be loaded in and made available. Alembic includes a set of initialization templates which feature different varieties of ``env.py`` for different use cases. * ``README`` - included with the various enviromnent templates, should have something informative. * ``script.py.mako`` - This is a `Mako `_ template file which is used to generate new migration scripts. Whatever is here is used to generate new files within ``versions/``. This is scriptable so that the structure of each migration file can be controlled, including standard imports to be within each, as well as changes to the structure of the ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()`` functions. For example, the ``multidb`` environment allows for multiple functions to be generated using a naming scheme ``upgrade_engine1()``, ``upgrade_engine2()``. * ``versions/`` - This directory holds the individual version scripts. Users of other migration tools may notice that the files here don't use ascending integers, and instead use a partial GUID approach. In Alembic, the ordering of version scripts is relative to directives within the scripts themselves, and it is theoretically possible to "splice" version files in between others, allowing migration sequences from different branches to be merged, albeit carefully by hand. Creating an Environment ======================= With a basic understanding of what the environment is, we can create one using ``alembic init``. This will create an environment using the "generic" template:: $ cd yourproject $ alembic init alembic Where above, the ``init`` command was called to generate a migrations directory called ``alembic``:: Creating directory /path/to/yourproject/alembic...done Creating directory /path/to/yourproject/alembic/versions...done Generating /path/to/yourproject/alembic.ini...done Generating /path/to/yourproject/alembic/env.py...done Generating /path/to/yourproject/alembic/README...done Generating /path/to/yourproject/alembic/script.py.mako...done Please edit configuration/connection/logging settings in '/path/to/yourproject/alembic.ini' before proceeding. Alembic also includes other environment templates. These can be listed out using the ``list_templates`` command:: $ alembic list_templates Available templates: generic - Generic single-database configuration. multidb - Rudimentary multi-database configuration. pylons - Configuration that reads from a Pylons project environment. Templates are used via the 'init' command, e.g.: alembic init --template pylons ./scripts Editing the .ini File ===================== Alembic placed a file ``alembic.ini`` into the current directory. This is a file that the ``alembic`` script looks for when invoked. This file can be anywhere, either in the same directory from which the ``alembic`` script will normally be invoked, or if in a different directory, can be specified by using the ``--config`` option to the ``alembic`` runner. The file generated with the "generic" configuration looks like:: # A generic, single database configuration. [alembic] # path to migration scripts script_location = alembic # template used to generate migration files # file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s # max length of characters to apply to the # "slug" field #truncate_slug_length = 40 # set to 'true' to run the environment during # the 'revision' command, regardless of autogenerate # revision_environment = false # set to 'true' to allow .pyc and .pyo files without # a source .py file to be detected as revisions in the # versions/ directory # sourceless = false # the output encoding used when revision files # are written from script.py.mako # output_encoding = utf-8 sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:pass@localhost/dbname # Logging configuration [loggers] keys = root,sqlalchemy,alembic [handlers] keys = console [formatters] keys = generic [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = [logger_sqlalchemy] level = WARN handlers = qualname = sqlalchemy.engine [logger_alembic] level = INFO handlers = qualname = alembic [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatter_generic] format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %H:%M:%S The file is read using Python's :class:`ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser` object. The ``%(here)s`` variable is provided as a substitution variable, which can be used to produce absolute pathnames to directories and files, as we do above with the path to the Alembic script location. This file contains the following features: * ``[alembic]`` - this is the section read by Alembic to determine configuration. Alembic itself does not directly read any other areas of the file. * ``script_location`` - this is the location of the Alembic environment. It is normally specified as a filesystem location, either relative or absolute. If the location is a relative path, it's interpreted as relative to the current directory. This is the only key required by Alembic in all cases. The generation of the .ini file by the command ``alembic init alembic`` automatically placed the directory name ``alembic`` here. The special variable ``%(here)s`` can also be used, as in ``%(here)s/alembic``. For support of applications that package themselves into .egg files, the value can also be specified as a `package resource `_, in which case ``resource_filename()`` is used to find the file (new in 0.2.2). Any non-absolute URI which contains colons is interpreted here as a resource name, rather than a straight filename. * ``file_template`` - this is the naming scheme used to generate new migration files. The value present is the default, so is commented out. Tokens available include: * ``%%(rev)s`` - revision id * ``%%(slug)s`` - a truncated string derived from the revision message * ``%%(year)d``, ``%%(month).2d``, ``%%(day).2d``, ``%%(hour).2d``, ``%%(minute).2d``, ``%%(second).2d`` - components of the create date as returned by ``datetime.datetime.now()`` * ``truncate_slug_length`` - defaults to 40, the max number of characters to include in the "slug" field. .. versionadded:: 0.6.1 - added ``truncate_slug_length`` configuration * ``sqlalchemy.url`` - A URL to connect to the database via SQLAlchemy. This key is in fact only referenced within the ``env.py`` file that is specific to the "generic" configuration; a file that can be customized by the developer. A multiple database configuration may respond to multiple keys here, or may reference other sections of the file. * ``revision_environment`` - this is a flag which when set to the value 'true', will indicate that the migration environment script ``env.py`` should be run unconditionally when generating new revision files * ``sourceless`` - when set to 'true', revision files that only exist as .pyc or .pyo files in the versions directory will be used as versions, allowing "sourceless" versioning folders. When left at the default of 'false', only .py files are consumed as version files. .. versionadded:: 0.6.4 * ``output_encoding`` - the encoding to use when Alembic writes the ``script.py.mako`` file into a new migration file. Defaults to ``'utf-8'``. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 * ``[loggers]``, ``[handlers]``, ``[formatters]``, ``[logger_*]``, ``[handler_*]``, ``[formatter_*]`` - these sections are all part of Python's standard logging configuration, the mechanics of which are documented at `Configuration File Format `_. As is the case with the database connection, these directives are used directly as the result of the ``logging.config.fileConfig()`` call present in the ``env.py`` script, which you're free to modify. For starting up with just a single database and the generic configuration, setting up the SQLAlchemy URL is all that's needed:: sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test .. _create_migration: Create a Migration Script ========================= With the environment in place we can create a new revision, using ``alembic revision``:: $ alembic revision -m "create account table" Generating /path/to/yourproject/alembic/versions/1975ea83b712_create_accoun t_table.py...done A new file ``1975ea83b712_create_account_table.py`` is generated. Looking inside the file:: """create account table Revision ID: 1975ea83b712 Revises: Create Date: 2011-11-08 11:40:27.089406 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '1975ea83b712' down_revision = None branch_labels = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): pass def downgrade(): pass The file contains some header information, identifiers for the current revision and a "downgrade" revision, an import of basic Alembic directives, and empty ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()`` functions. Our job here is to populate the ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()`` functions with directives that will apply a set of changes to our database. Typically, ``upgrade()`` is required while ``downgrade()`` is only needed if down-revision capability is desired, though it's probably a good idea. Another thing to notice is the ``down_revision`` variable. This is how Alembic knows the correct order in which to apply migrations. When we create the next revision, the new file's ``down_revision`` identifier would point to this one:: # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'ae1027a6acf' down_revision = '1975ea83b712' Every time Alembic runs an operation against the ``versions/`` directory, it reads all the files in, and composes a list based on how the ``down_revision`` identifiers link together, with the ``down_revision`` of ``None`` representing the first file. In theory, if a migration environment had thousands of migrations, this could begin to add some latency to startup, but in practice a project should probably prune old migrations anyway (see the section :ref:`building_uptodate` for a description on how to do this, while maintaining the ability to build the current database fully). We can then add some directives to our script, suppose adding a new table ``account``:: def upgrade(): op.create_table( 'account', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column('name', sa.String(50), nullable=False), sa.Column('description', sa.Unicode(200)), ) def downgrade(): op.drop_table('account') :meth:`~.Operations.create_table` and :meth:`~.Operations.drop_table` are Alembic directives. Alembic provides all the basic database migration operations via these directives, which are designed to be as simple and minimalistic as possible; there's no reliance upon existing table metadata for most of these directives. They draw upon a global "context" that indicates how to get at a database connection (if any; migrations can dump SQL/DDL directives to files as well) in order to invoke the command. This global context is set up, like everything else, in the ``env.py`` script. An overview of all Alembic directives is at :ref:`ops`. Running our First Migration =========================== We now want to run our migration. Assuming our database is totally clean, it's as yet unversioned. The ``alembic upgrade`` command will run upgrade operations, proceeding from the current database revision, in this example ``None``, to the given target revision. We can specify ``1975ea83b712`` as the revision we'd like to upgrade to, but it's easier in most cases just to tell it "the most recent", in this case ``head``:: $ alembic upgrade head INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext. INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL. INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade None -> 1975ea83b712 Wow that rocked! Note that the information we see on the screen is the result of the logging configuration set up in ``alembic.ini`` - logging the ``alembic`` stream to the console (standard error, specifically). The process which occurred here included that Alembic first checked if the database had a table called ``alembic_version``, and if not, created it. It looks in this table for the current version, if any, and then calculates the path from this version to the version requested, in this case ``head``, which is known to be ``1975ea83b712``. It then invokes the ``upgrade()`` method in each file to get to the target revision. Running our Second Migration ============================= Let's do another one so we have some things to play with. We again create a revision file:: $ alembic revision -m "Add a column" Generating /path/to/yourapp/alembic/versions/ae1027a6acf_add_a_column.py... done Let's edit this file and add a new column to the ``account`` table:: """Add a column Revision ID: ae1027a6acf Revises: 1975ea83b712 Create Date: 2011-11-08 12:37:36.714947 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'ae1027a6acf' down_revision = '1975ea83b712' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): op.add_column('account', sa.Column('last_transaction_date', sa.DateTime)) def downgrade(): op.drop_column('account', 'last_transaction_date') Running again to ``head``:: $ alembic upgrade head INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext. INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL. INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf We've now added the ``last_transaction_date`` column to the database. .. relative_migrations: Relative Migration Identifiers ============================== Relative upgrades/downgrades are also supported. To move two versions from the current, a decimal value "+N" can be supplied:: $ alembic upgrade +2 Negative values are accepted for downgrades:: $ alembic downgrade -1 Partial Revision Identifiers ============================= Any time we need to refer to a revision number explicitly, we have the option to use a partial number. As long as this number uniquely identifies the version, it may be used in any command in any place that version numbers are accepted:: $ alembic upgrade ae1 Above, we use ``ae1`` to refer to revision ``ae1027a6acf``. Alembic will stop and let you know if more than one version starts with that prefix. Getting Information =================== With a few revisions present we can get some information about the state of things. First we can view the current revision:: $ alembic current INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext. INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL. Current revision for postgresql://scott:XXXXX@localhost/test: 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), Add a column ``head`` is displayed only if the revision identifier for this database matches the head revision. We can also view history with ``alembic history``; the ``--verbose`` option (accepted by several commands, including ``history``, ``current``, ``heads`` and ``branches``) will show us full information about each revision:: $ alembic history --verbose Rev: ae1027a6acf (head) Parent: 1975ea83b712 Path: /path/to/yourproject/alembic/versions/ae1027a6acf_add_a_column.py add a column Revision ID: ae1027a6acf Revises: 1975ea83b712 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:54.849677 Rev: 1975ea83b712 Parent: Path: /path/to/yourproject/alembic/versions/1975ea83b712_add_account_table.py add account table Revision ID: 1975ea83b712 Revises: Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:46.257104 Viewing History Ranges ---------------------- Using the ``-r`` option to ``alembic history``, we can also view various slices of history. The ``-r`` argument accepts an argument ``[start]:[end]``, where either may be a revision number, symbols like ``head``, ``heads`` or ``base``, ``current`` to specify the current revision(s), as well as negative relative ranges for ``[start]`` and positive relative ranges for ``[end]``:: $ alembic history -r1975ea:ae1027 A relative range starting from three revs ago up to current migration, which will invoke the migration environment against the database to get the current migration:: $ alembic history -r-3:current View all revisions from 1975 to the head:: $ alembic history -r1975ea: .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 ``alembic revision`` now accepts the ``-r`` argument to specify specific ranges based on version numbers, symbols, or relative deltas. Downgrading =========== We can illustrate a downgrade back to nothing, by calling ``alembic downgrade`` back to the beginning, which in Alembic is called ``base``:: $ alembic downgrade base INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext. INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL. INFO [alembic.context] Running downgrade ae1027a6acf -> 1975ea83b712 INFO [alembic.context] Running downgrade 1975ea83b712 -> None Back to nothing - and up again:: $ alembic upgrade head INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext. INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL. INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade None -> 1975ea83b712 INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf Auto Generating Migrations =========================== Alembic can view the status of the database and compare against the table metadata in the application, generating the "obvious" migrations based on a comparison. This is achieved using the ``--autogenerate`` option to the ``alembic revision`` command, which places so-called *candidate* migrations into our new migrations file. We review and modify these by hand as needed, then proceed normally. To use autogenerate, we first need to modify our ``env.py`` so that it gets access to a table metadata object that contains the target. Suppose our application has a `declarative base `_ in ``myapp.mymodel``. This base contains a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` object which contains :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects defining our database. We make sure this is loaded in ``env.py`` and then passed to :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` via the ``target_metadata`` argument. The ``env.py`` sample script already has a variable declaration near the top for our convenience, where we replace ``None`` with our :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`. Starting with:: # add your model's MetaData object here # for 'autogenerate' support # from myapp import mymodel # target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata target_metadata = None we change to:: from myapp.mymodel import Base target_metadata = Base.metadata If we look later in the script, down in ``run_migrations_online()``, we can see the directive passed to :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure`:: def run_migrations_online(): engine = engine_from_config( config.get_section(config.config_ini_section), prefix='sqlalchemy.') connection = engine.connect() context.configure( connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata ) trans = connection.begin() try: context.run_migrations() trans.commit() except: trans.rollback() raise We can then use the ``alembic revision`` command in conjunction with the ``--autogenerate`` option. Suppose our :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` contained a definition for the ``account`` table, and the database did not. We'd get output like:: $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added account table" INFO [alembic.context] Detected added table 'account' Generating /Users/classic/Desktop/tmp/alembic/versions/27c6a30d7c24.py...done We can then view our file ``27c6a30d7c24.py`` and see that a rudimentary migration is already present:: """empty message Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24 Revises: None Create Date: 2011-11-08 11:40:27.089406 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '27c6a30d7c24' down_revision = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table( 'account', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer()), sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=50), nullable=False), sa.Column('description', sa.VARCHAR(200)), sa.Column('last_transaction_date', sa.DateTime()), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_table("account") ### end Alembic commands ### The migration hasn't actually run yet, of course. We do that via the usual ``upgrade`` command. We should also go into our migration file and alter it as needed, including adjustments to the directives as well as the addition of other directives which these may be dependent on - specifically data changes in between creates/alters/drops. Autogenerate will by default detect: * Table additions, removals. * Column additions, removals. * Change of nullable status on columns. * Basic changes in indexes and explcitly-named unique constraints .. versionadded:: 0.6.1 Support for autogenerate of indexes and unique constraints. Autogenerate can *optionally* detect: * Change of column type. This will occur if you set the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_type` parameter to ``True``, or to a custom callable. The feature works well in most cases, but is off by default so that it can be tested on the target schema first. It can also be customized by passing a callable here; see the function's documentation for details. * Change of server default. This will occur if you set the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_server_default` paramter to ``True``, or to a custom callable. This feature works well for simple cases but cannot always produce accurate results. The Postgresql backend will actually invoke the "detected" and "metadata" values against the database to determine equivalence. The feature is off by default so that it can be tested on the target schema first. Like type comparison, it can also be customized by passing a callable; see the function's documentation for details. Autogenerate can *not* detect: * Changes of table name. These will come out as an add/drop of two different tables, and should be hand-edited into a name change instead. * Changes of column name. Like table name changes, these are detected as a column add/drop pair, which is not at all the same as a name change. * Anonymously named constraints. Give your constraints a name, e.g. ``UniqueConstraint('col1', 'col2', name="my_name")`` * Special SQLAlchemy types such as :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum` when generated on a backend which doesn't support ENUM directly - this because the representation of such a type in the non-supporting database, i.e. a CHAR+ CHECK constraint, could be any kind of CHAR+CHECK. For SQLAlchemy to determine that this is actually an ENUM would only be a guess, something that's generally a bad idea. To implement your own "guessing" function here, use the :meth:`sqlalchemy.events.DDLEvents.column_reflect` event to alter the SQLAlchemy type passed for certain columns and possibly :meth:`sqlalchemy.events.DDLEvents.after_parent_attach` to intercept unwanted CHECK constraints. Autogenerate can't currently, but will *eventually* detect: * Some free-standing constraint additions and removals, like CHECK and FOREIGN KEY - these are not fully implemented. * Sequence additions, removals - not yet implemented. .. _autogen_render_types: Rendering Custom Types in Autogenerate -------------------------------------- The methodology Alembic uses to generate SQLAlchemy type constructs as Python code is plain old ``__repr__()``. SQLAlchemy's built-in types for the most part have a ``__repr__()`` that faithfully renders a Python-compatible constructor call, but there are some exceptions, particularly in those cases when a constructor accepts arguments that aren't compatible with ``__repr__()``, such as a pickling function. When building a custom type that will be rendered into a migration script, it is often necessary to explicitly give the type a ``__repr__()`` that will faithfully reproduce the constructor for that type. But beyond that, it also is usually necessary to change how the enclosing module or package is rendered as well; this is accomplished using the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_item` configuration option:: def render_item(type_, obj, autogen_context): """Apply custom rendering for selected items.""" if type_ == 'type' and isinstance(obj, MySpecialType): return "mypackage.%r" % obj # default rendering for other objects return False def run_migrations_online(): # ... context.configure( connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata, render_item=render_item, # ... ) # ... Above, we also need to make sure our ``MySpecialType`` includes an appropriate ``__repr__()`` method, which is invoked when we call it against ``"%r"``. The callable we use for :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_item` can also add imports to our migration script. The ``autogen_context`` passed in contains an entry called ``autogen_context['imports']``, which is a Python ``set()`` for which we can add new imports. For example, if ``MySpecialType`` were in a module called ``mymodel.types``, we can add the import for it as we encounter the type:: def render_item(type_, obj, autogen_context): """Apply custom rendering for selected items.""" if type_ == 'type' and isinstance(obj, MySpecialType): # add import for this type autogen_context['imports'].add("from mymodel import types") return "types.%r" % obj # default rendering for other objects return False The finished migration script will include our imports where the ``${imports}`` expression is used, producing output such as:: from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa from mymodel import types def upgrade(): op.add_column('sometable', Column('mycolumn', types.MySpecialType())) .. _autogen_module_prefix: Controlling the Module Prefix ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When using :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_item`, note that we deliver not just the reproduction of the type, but we can also deliver the "module prefix", which is a module namespace from which our type can be found within our migration script. When Alembic renders SQLAlchemy types, it will typically use the value of :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.sqlalchemy_module_prefix`, which defaults to ``"sa."``, to achieve this:: Column("my_column", sa.Integer()) When we use a custom type that is not within the ``sqlalchemy.`` module namespace, by default Alembic will use the **value of __module__ for the custom type**:: Column("my_column", myapp.models.utils.types.MyCustomType()) Above, it seems our custom type is in a very specific location, based on the length of what ``__module__`` reports. It's a good practice to not have this long name render into our migration scripts, as it means this long and arbitrary name will be hardcoded into all our migration scripts; instead, we should create a module that is explicitly for custom types that our migration files will use. Suppose we call it ``myapp.migration_types``:: # myapp/migration_types.py from myapp.models.utils.types import MyCustomType We can provide the name of this module to our autogenerate context using :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.user_module_prefix` option:: def run_migrations_online(): # ... context.configure( connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata, user_module_prefix="myapp.migration_types.", # ... ) # ... Where we'd get a migration like:: Column("my_column", myapp.migration_types.MyCustomType()) Now, when we inevitably refactor our application to move ``MyCustomType`` somewhere else, we only need modify the ``myapp.migration_types`` module, instead of searching and replacing all instances within our migration scripts. .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0 :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.user_module_prefix` no longer defaults to the value of :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.sqlalchemy_module_prefix` when left at ``None``; the ``__module__`` attribute is now used. .. versionadded:: 0.6.3 Added :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.user_module_prefix`. Generating SQL Scripts (a.k.a. "Offline Mode") ============================================== A major capability of Alembic is to generate migrations as SQL scripts, instead of running them against the database - this is also referred to as *offline mode*. This is a critical feature when working in large organizations where access to DDL is restricted, and SQL scripts must be handed off to DBAs. Alembic makes this easy via the ``--sql`` option passed to any ``upgrade`` or ``downgrade`` command. We can, for example, generate a script that revises up to rev ``ae1027a6acf``:: $ alembic upgrade ae1027a6acf --sql INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext. INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL. BEGIN; CREATE TABLE alembic_version ( version_num VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL ); INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade None -> 1975ea83b712 CREATE TABLE account ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(200), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN last_transaction_date TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE; INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('ae1027a6acf'); COMMIT; While the logging configuration dumped to standard error, the actual script was dumped to standard output - so in the absence of further configuration (described later in this section), we'd at first be using output redirection to generate a script:: $ alembic upgrade ae1027a6acf --sql > migration.sql Getting the Start Version -------------------------- Notice that our migration script started at the base - this is the default when using offline mode, as no database connection is present and there's no ``alembic_version`` table to read from. One way to provide a starting version in offline mode is to provide a range to the command line. This is accomplished by providing the "version" in ``start:end`` syntax:: $ alembic upgrade 1975ea83b712:ae1027a6acf --sql > migration.sql The ``start:end`` syntax is only allowed in offline mode; in "online" mode, the ``alembic_version`` table is always used to get at the current version. It's also possible to have the ``env.py`` script retrieve the "last" version from the local environment, such as from a local file. A scheme like this would basically treat a local file in the same way ``alembic_version`` works:: if context.is_offline_mode(): version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config.config_file_name), "version.txt") if os.path.exists(version_file): current_version = open(version_file).read() else: current_version = None context.configure(dialect_name=engine.name, starting_version=current_version) context.run_migrations() end_version = context.get_revision_argument() if end_version and end_version != current_version: open(version_file, 'w').write(end_version) Writing Migration Scripts to Support Script Generation ------------------------------------------------------ The challenge of SQL script generation is that the scripts we generate can't rely upon any client/server database access. This means a migration script that pulls some rows into memory via a ``SELECT`` statement will not work in ``--sql`` mode. It's also important that the Alembic directives, all of which are designed specifically to work in both "live execution" as well as "offline SQL generation" mode, are used. Customizing the Environment --------------------------- Users of the ``--sql`` option are encouraged to hack their ``env.py`` files to suit their needs. The ``env.py`` script as provided is broken into two sections: ``run_migrations_online()`` and ``run_migrations_offline()``. Which function is run is determined at the bottom of the script by reading :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.is_offline_mode`, which basically determines if the ``--sql`` flag was enabled. For example, a multiple database configuration may want to run through each database and set the output of the migrations to different named files - the :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` function accepts a parameter ``output_buffer`` for this purpose. Below we illustrate this within the ``run_migrations_offline()`` function:: from alembic import context import myapp import sys db_1 = myapp.db_1 db_2 = myapp.db_2 def run_migrations_offline(): """Run migrations *without* a SQL connection.""" for name, engine, file_ in [ ("db1", db_1, "db1.sql"), ("db2", db_2, "db2.sql"), ]: context.configure( url=engine.url, transactional_ddl=False, output_buffer=open(file_, 'w')) context.execute("-- running migrations for '%s'" % name) context.run_migrations(name=name) sys.stderr.write("Wrote file '%s'" % file_) def run_migrations_online(): """Run migrations *with* a SQL connection.""" for name, engine in [ ("db1", db_1), ("db2", db_2), ]: connection = engine.connect() context.configure(connection=connection) try: context.run_migrations(name=name) session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise if context.is_offline_mode(): run_migrations_offline() else: run_migrations_online() .. _batch_migrations: Running "Batch" Migrations for SQLite and Other Databases ========================================================= .. note:: "Batch mode" for SQLite and other databases is a new and intricate feature within the 0.7.0 series of Alembic, and should be considered as "beta" for the next several releases. .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 The SQLite database presents a challenge to migration tools in that it has almost no support for the ALTER statement upon which relational schema migrations rely upon. The rationale for this stems from philosophical and architectural concerns within SQLite, and they are unlikely to be changed. Migration tools are instead expected to produce copies of SQLite tables that correspond to the new structure, transfer the data from the existing table to the new one, then drop the old table. For our purposes here we'll call this **"move and copy"** workflow, and in order to accommodate it in a way that is reasonably predictable, while also remaining compatible with other databases, Alembic provides the **batch** operations context. Within this context, a relational table is named, and then a series of mutation operations to that table alone are specified within the block. When the context is complete, a process begins whereby the "move and copy" procedure begins; the existing table structure is reflected from the database, a new version of this table is created with the given changes, data is copied from the old table to the new table using "INSERT from SELECT", and finally the old table is dropped and the new one renamed to the original name. The :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` method provides the gateway to this process:: with op.batch_alter_table("some_table") as batch_op: batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer)) batch_op.drop_column('bar') When the above directives are invoked within a migration script, on a SQLite backend we would see SQL like: .. sourcecode:: sql CREATE TABLE _alembic_batch_temp ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, foo INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO _alembic_batch_temp (id) SELECT some_table.id FROM some_table; DROP TABLE some_table; ALTER TABLE _alembic_batch_temp RENAME TO some_table; On other backends, we'd see the usual ``ALTER`` statements done as though there were no batch directive - the batch context by default only does the "move and copy" process if SQLite is in use, and if there are migration directives other than :meth:`.Operations.add_column` present, which is the one kind of column-level ALTER statement that SQLite supports. :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` can be configured to run "move and copy" unconditionally in all cases, including on databases other than SQLite; more on this is below. Dealing with Constraints ------------------------ One area of difficulty with "move and copy" is that of constraints. If the SQLite database is enforcing referential integrity with ``PRAGMA FOREIGN KEYS``, this pragma may need to be disabled when the workflow mode proceeds, else remote constraints which refer to this table may prevent it from being dropped; additionally, for referential integrity to be re-enabled, it may be necessary to recreate the foreign keys on those remote tables to refer again to the new table (this is definitely the case on other databases, at least). SQLite is normally used without referential integrity enabled so this won't be a problem for most users. "Move and copy" also currently does not account for CHECK constraints, assuming table reflection is used. If the table being recreated has any CHECK constraints, they need to be specified explicitly, such as using :paramref:`.Operations.batch_alter_table.table_args`:: with op.batch_alter_table("some_table", table_args=[ CheckConstraint('x > 5') ]) as batch_op: batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer)) batch_op.drop_column('bar') For UNIQUE constraints, SQLite unlike any other database supports the concept of a UNIQUE constraint that has no name at all; all other backends always assign a name of some kind to all constraints that are otherwise not named when they are created. In SQLAlchemy, an unnamed UNIQUE constraint is implicit when the ``unique=True`` flag is present on a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`, so on SQLite these constraints will remain unnamed. The issue here is that SQLAlchemy until version 1.0 does not report on these SQLite-only unnamed constraints when the table is reflected. So to support the recreation of unnamed UNIQUE constraints, either they should be named in the first place, or again specified within :paramref:`.Operations.batch_alter_table.table_args`. Working in Offline Mode ----------------------- Another big limitation of "move and copy" is that in order to make a copy of a table, the structure of that table must be known. :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` by default will use reflection to get this information, which means that "online" mode is required; the ``--sql`` flag **cannot** be used without extra steps. To support offline mode, the system must work without table reflection present, which means the full table as it intends to be created must be passed to :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` using :paramref:`.Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from`:: meta = MetaData() some_table = Table( 'some_table', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('bar', String(50)) ) with op.batch_alter_table("some_table", copy_from=some_table) as batch_op: batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer)) batch_op.drop_column('bar') The above use pattern is pretty tedious and quite far off from Alembic's preferred style of working; however, if one needs to do SQLite-compatible "move and copy" migrations and need them to generate flat SQL files in "offline" mode, there's not much alternative. Batch mode with Autogenerate ---------------------------- The syntax of batch mode is essentially that :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` is used to enter a batch block, and the returned :class:`.BatchOperations` context works just like the regular :class:`.Operations` context, except that the "table name" and "schema name" arguments are omitted. To support rendering of migration commands in batch mode for autogenerate, configure the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_as_batch` flag in ``env.py``:: context.configure( connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata, render_as_batch=True ) Autogenerate will now generate along the lines of:: def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### with op.batch_alter_table('address', schema=None) as batch_op: batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('street', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True)) This mode is safe to use in all cases, as the :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` directive by default only takes place for SQLite; other backends will behave just as they normally do in the absense of the batch directives. Note that autogenerate support does not include "offline" mode, where the :paramref:`.Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from` parameter is used. The table definition here would need to be entered into migration files manually if this is needed. Batch mode with databases other than SQLite -------------------------------------------- There's an odd use case some shops have, where the "move and copy" style of migration is useful in some cases for databases that do already support ALTER. There's some cases where an ALTER operation may block access to the table for a long time, which might not be acceptable. "move and copy" can be made to work on other backends, though with a few extra caveats. The batch mode directive will run the "recreate" system regardless of backend if the flag ``recreate='always'`` is passed:: with op.batch_alter_table("some_table", recreate='always') as batch_op: batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer)) The issues that arise in this mode are mostly to do with constraints. Databases such as Postgresql and MySQL with InnoDB will enforce referential integrity (e.g. via foreign keys) in all cases. Unlike SQLite, it's not as simple to turn off referential integrity across the board (nor would it be desirable). Since a new table is replacing the old one, existing foreign key constraints which refer to the target table will need to be unconditionally dropped before the batch operation, and re-created to refer to the new table afterwards. Batch mode currently does not provide any automation for this. The Postgresql database and possibly others also have the behavior such that when the new table is created, a naming conflict occurs with the named constraints of the new table, in that they match those of the old table, and on Postgresql, these names need to be unique across all tables. The Postgresql dialect will therefore emit a "DROP CONSTRAINT" directive for all constraints on the old table before the new one is created; this is "safe" in case of a failed operation because Postgresql also supports transactional DDL. Note that also as is the case with SQLite, CHECK constraints need to be moved over between old and new table manually using the :paramref:`.Operations.batch_alter_table.table_args` parameter. .. _tutorial_constraint_names: The Importance of Naming Constraints ==================================== An important topic worth mentioning is that of constraint naming conventions. As we've proceeded here, we've talked about adding tables and columns, and we've also hinted at lots of other operations listed in :ref:`ops` such as those which support adding or dropping constraints like foreign keys and unique constraints. The way these constraints are referred to in migration scripts is by name, however these names by default are in most cases generated by the relational database in use, when the constraint is created. For example, if you emitted two CREATE TABLE statements like this on Postgresql:: test=> CREATE TABLE user_account (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE test=> CREATE TABLE user_order ( test(> id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, test(> user_account_id INTEGER REFERENCES user_account(id)); CREATE TABLE Suppose we wanted to DROP the REFERENCES that we just applied to the ``user_order.user_account_id`` column, how do we do that? At the prompt, we'd use ``ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT ``, or if using Alembic we'd be using :meth:`.Operations.drop_constraint`. But both of those functions need a name - what's the name of this constraint? It does have a name, which in this case we can figure out by looking at the Postgresql catalog tables:: test=> SELECT r.conname FROM test-> pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace test-> JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON c.oid = r.conrelid test-> WHERE c.relname='user_order' AND r.contype = 'f' test-> ; conname --------------------------------- user_order_user_account_id_fkey (1 row) The name above is not something that Alembic or SQLAlchemy created; ``user_order_user_account_id_fkey`` is a naming scheme used internally by Postgresql to name constraints that are otherwise not named. This scheme doesn't seem so complicated, and we might want to just use our knowledge of it so that we know what name to use for our :meth:`.Operations.drop_constraint` call. But is that a good idea? What if for example we needed our code to run on Oracle as well. OK, certainly Oracle uses this same scheme, right? Or if not, something similar. Let's check:: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production SQL> CREATE TABLE user_account (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); Table created. SQL> CREATE TABLE user_order ( 2 id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 3 user_account_id INTEGER REFERENCES user_account(id)); Table created. SQL> SELECT constraint_name FROM all_constraints WHERE 2 table_name='USER_ORDER' AND constraint_type in ('R'); CONSTRAINT_NAME ----------------------------------------------------- SYS_C0029334 Oh, we can see that is.....much worse. Oracle's names are entirely unpredictable alphanumeric codes, and this will make being able to write migrations quite tedious, as we'd need to look up all these names. The solution to having to look up names is to make your own names. This is an easy, though tedious thing to do manually. For example, to create our model in SQLAlchemy ensuring we use names for foreign key constraints would look like:: from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, ForeignKey meta = MetaData() user_account = Table('user_account', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True) ) user_order = Table('user_order', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('user_order_id', Integer, ForeignKey('user_account.id', name='fk_user_order_id')) ) Simple enough, though this has some disadvantages. The first is that it's tedious; we need to remember to use a name for every :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKey` object, not to mention every :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`, :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.CheckConstraint`, :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index`, and maybe even :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint` as well if we wish to be able to alter those too, and beyond all that, all the names have to be globally unique. Even with all that effort, if we have a naming scheme in mind, it's easy to get it wrong when doing it manually each time. What's worse is that manually naming constraints (and indexes) gets even more tedious in that we can no longer use convenience features such as the ``.unique=True`` or ``.index=True`` flag on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`:: user_account = Table('user_account', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(50), unique=True) ) Above, the ``unique=True`` flag creates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`, but again, it's not named. If we want to name it, manually we have to forego the usage of ``unique=True`` and type out the whole constraint:: user_account = Table('user_account', meta, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(50)), UniqueConstraint('name', name='uq_user_account_name') ) There's a solution to all this naming work, which is to use an **automated naming convention**. For some years, SQLAlchemy has encourgaged the use of DDL Events in order to create naming schemes. The :meth:`~sqlalchemy.events.DDLEvents.after_parent_attach` event in particular is the best place to intercept when :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Constraint` and :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index` objects are being associated with a parent :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object, and to assign a ``.name`` to the constraint while making use of the name of the table and associated columns. But there is also a better way to go, which is to make use of a feature new in SQLAlchemy 0.9.2 which makes use of the events behind the scenes known as :paramref:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData.naming_convention`. Here, we can create a new :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` object while passing a dictionary referring to a naming scheme:: convention = { "ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s', "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s", "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s", "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s", "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s" } metadata = MetaData(naming_convention=convention) If we define our models using a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` as above, the given naming convention dictionary will be used to provide names for all constraints and indexes. .. _autogen_naming_conventions: Integration of Naming Conventions into Operations, Autogenerate --------------------------------------------------------------- As of Alembic 0.6.4, the naming convention feature is integrated into the :class:`.Operations` object, so that the convention takes effect for any constraint that is otherwise unnamed. The naming convention is passed to :class:`.Operations` using the :paramref:`.MigrationsContext.configure.target_metadata` parameter in ``env.py``, which is normally configured when autogenerate is used:: # in your application's model: meta = MetaData(naming_convention={ "ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s', "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s", "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s", "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s", "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s" }) # .. in your Alembic env.py: # add your model's MetaData object here # for 'autogenerate' support from myapp import mymodel target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata # ... def run_migrations_online(): # ... context.configure( connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata ) Above, when we render a directive like the following:: op.add_column('sometable', Column('q', Boolean(name='q_bool'))) The Boolean type will render a CHECK constraint with the name ``"ck_sometable_q_bool"``, assuming the backend in use does not support native boolean types. We can also use op directives with constraints and not give them a name at all, if the naming convention doesn't require one. The value of ``None`` will be converted into a name that follows the appopriate naming conventions:: def upgrade(): op.create_unique_constraint(None, 'some_table', 'x') When autogenerate renders constraints in a migration script, it renders them typically with their completed name. If using at least Alembic 0.6.4 as well as SQLAlchemy 0.9.4, these will be rendered with a special directive :meth:`.Operations.f` which denotes that the string has already been tokenized:: def upgrade(): op.create_unique_constraint(op.f('uq_const_x'), 'some_table', 'x') For more detail on the naming convention feature, see :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`. .. _branches: Working with Branches ===================== .. note:: Alembic 0.7.0 features an all-new versioning model that fully supports branch points, merge points, and long-lived, labeled branches, including independent branches originating from multiple bases. A great emphasis has been placed on there being almost no impact on the existing Alembic workflow, including that all commands work pretty much the same as they did before, the format of migration files doesn't require any change (though there are some changes that are recommended), and even the structure of the ``alembic_version`` table does not change at all. However, most alembic commands now offer new features which will break out an Alembic environment into "branch mode", where things become a lot more intricate. Working in "branch mode" should be considered as a "beta" feature, with many new paradigms and use cases still to be stress tested in the wild. Please tread lightly! .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 A **branch** describes a point in a migration stream when two or more versions refer to the same parent migration as their anscestor. Branches occur naturally when two divergent source trees, both containing Alembic revision files created independently within those source trees, are merged together into one. When this occurs, the challenge of a branch is to **merge** the branches into a single series of changes, so that databases established from either source tree individually can be upgraded to reference the merged result equally. Another scenario where branches are present are when we create them directly; either at some point in the migration stream we'd like different series of migrations to be managed independently (e.g. we create a tree), or we'd like separate migration streams for different features starting at the root (e.g. a *forest*). We'll illustrate all of these cases, starting with the most common which is a source-merge-originated branch that we'll merge. Starting with the "account table" example we began in :ref:`create_migration`, assume we have our basemost version ``1975ea83b712``, which leads into the second revision ``ae1027a6acf``, and the migration files for these two revisions are checked into our source repository. Consider if we merged into our source repository another code branch which contained a revision for another table called ``shopping_cart``. This revision was made against our first Alembic revision, the one that generated ``account``. After loading the second source tree in, a new file ``27c6a30d7c24_add_shopping_cart_table.py`` exists within our ``versions`` directory. Both it, as well as ``ae1027a6acf_add_a_column.py``, reference ``1975ea83b712_add_account_table.py`` as the "downgrade" revision. To illustrate:: # main source tree: 1975ea83b712 (add account table) -> ae1027a6acf (add a column) # branched source tree 1975ea83b712 (add account table) -> 27c6a30d7c24 (add shopping cart table) Above, we can see ``1975ea83b712`` is our **branch point**; two distinct versions both refer to it as its parent. The Alembic command ``branches`` illustrates this fact:: $ alembic branches --verbose Rev: 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint) Parent: Branches into: 27c6a30d7c24, ae1027a6acf Path: foo/versions/1975ea83b712_add_account_table.py add account table Revision ID: 1975ea83b712 Revises: Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:46.257104 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (head), add shopping cart table -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column History shows it too, illustrating two ``head`` entries as well as a ``branchpoint``:: $ alembic history 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (head), add shopping cart table 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table We can get a view of just the current heads using ``alembic heads``:: $ alembic heads --verbose Rev: 27c6a30d7c24 (head) Parent: 1975ea83b712 Path: foo/versions/27c6a30d7c24_add_shopping_cart_table.py add shopping cart table Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24 Revises: 1975ea83b712 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407 Rev: ae1027a6acf (head) Parent: 1975ea83b712 Path: foo/versions/ae1027a6acf_add_a_column.py add a column Revision ID: ae1027a6acf Revises: 1975ea83b712 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:54.849677 If we try to run an ``upgrade`` to the usual end target of ``head``, Alembic no longer considers this to be an unambiguous command. As we have more than one ``head``, the ``upgrade`` command wants us to provide more information:: $ alembic upgrade head FAILED: Multiple head revisions are present for given argument 'head'; please specify a specific target revision, '@head' to narrow to a specific head, or 'heads' for all heads The ``upgrade`` command gives us quite a few options in which we can proceed with our upgrade, either giving it information on *which* head we'd like to upgrade towards, or alternatively stating that we'd like *all* heads to be upgraded towards at once. However, in the typical case of two source trees being merged, we will want to pursue a third option, which is that we can **merge** these branches. Merging Branches ---------------- An Alembic merge is a migration file that joins two or more "head" files together. If the two branches we have right now can be said to be a "tree" structure, introducing this merge file will turn it into a "diamond" structure:: -- ae1027a6acf --> / \ --> 1975ea83b712 --> --> mergepoint \ / -- 27c6a30d7c24 --> We create the merge file using ``alembic merge``; with this command, we can pass to it an argument such as ``heads``, meaning we'd like to merge all heads. Or, we can pass it individual revision numbers sequentally:: $ alembic merge -m "merge ae1 and 27c" ae1027 27c6a Generating /path/to/foo/versions/53fffde5ad5_merge_ae1_and_27c.py ... done Looking inside the new file, we see it as a regular migration file, with the only new twist is that ``down_revision`` points to both revisions:: """merge ae1 and 27c Revision ID: 53fffde5ad5 Revises: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:31:50.811663 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '53fffde5ad5' down_revision = ('ae1027a6acf', '27c6a30d7c24') branch_labels = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): pass def downgrade(): pass This file is a regular migration file, and if we wish to, we may place :class:`.Operations` directives into the ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()`` functions like any other migration file. Though it is probably best to limit the instructions placed here only to those that deal with any kind of reconciliation that is needed between the two merged branches, if any. The ``heads`` command now illustrates that the multiple heads in our ``versions/`` directory have been resolved into our new head:: $ alembic heads --verbose Rev: 53fffde5ad5 (head) (mergepoint) Merges: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 Path: foo/versions/53fffde5ad5_merge_ae1_and_27c.py merge ae1 and 27c Revision ID: 53fffde5ad5 Revises: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:31:50.811663 History shows a similar result, as the mergepoint becomes our head:: $ alembic history ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5 (head) (mergepoint), merge ae1 and 27c 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table With a single ``head`` target, a generic ``upgrade`` can proceed:: $ alembic upgrade head INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl. INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL. INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, add account table INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5, merge ae1 and 27c .. topic:: merge mechanics The upgrade process traverses through all of our migration files using a **topological sorting** algorithm, treating the list of migration files not as a linked list, but as a **directed acyclic graph**. The starting points of this traversal are the **current heads** within our database, and the end point is the "head" revision or revisions specified. When a migration proceeds across a point at which there are multiple heads, the ``alembic_version`` table will at that point store *multiple* rows, one for each head. Our migration process above will emit SQL against ``alembic_version`` along these lines: .. sourcecode:: sql -- Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, add account table INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('1975ea83b712') -- Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table UPDATE alembic_version SET version_num='27c6a30d7c24' WHERE alembic_version.version_num = '1975ea83b712' -- Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('ae1027a6acf') -- Running upgrade ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5, merge ae1 and 27c DELETE FROM alembic_version WHERE alembic_version.version_num = 'ae1027a6acf' UPDATE alembic_version SET version_num='53fffde5ad5' WHERE alembic_version.version_num = '27c6a30d7c24' At the point at which both ``27c6a30d7c24`` and ``ae1027a6acf`` exist within our database, both values are present in ``alembic_version``, which now has two rows. If we upgrade to these two versions alone, then stop and run ``alembic current``, we will see this:: $ alembic current --verbose Current revision(s) for postgresql://scott:XXXXX@localhost/test: Rev: ae1027a6acf Parent: 1975ea83b712 Path: foo/versions/ae1027a6acf_add_a_column.py add a column Revision ID: ae1027a6acf Revises: 1975ea83b712 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:54.849677 Rev: 27c6a30d7c24 Parent: 1975ea83b712 Path: foo/versions/27c6a30d7c24_add_shopping_cart_table.py add shopping cart table Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24 Revises: 1975ea83b712 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407 A key advantage to the ``merge`` process is that it will run equally well on databases that were present on version ``ae1027a6acf`` alone, versus databases that were present on version ``27c6a30d7c24`` alone; whichever version was not yet applied, will be applied before the merge point can be crossed. This brings forth a way of thinking about a merge file, as well as about any Alembic revision file. As they are considered to be "nodes" within a set that is subject to topological sorting, each "node" is a point that cannot be crossed until all of its dependencies are satisfied. Prior to Alembic's support of merge points, the use case of databases sitting on different heads was basically impossible to reconcile; having to manually splice the head files together invariably meant that one migration would occur before the other, thus being incompatible with databases that were present on the other migration. Working with Explicit Branches ------------------------------ The ``alembic upgrade`` command hinted at other options besides merging when dealing with multiple heads. Let's back up and assume we're back where we have as our heads just ``ae1027a6acf`` and ``27c6a30d7c24``:: $ alembic heads 27c6a30d7c24 ae1027a6acf Earlier, when we did ``alembic upgrade head``, it gave us an error which suggested ``please specify a specific target revision, '@head' to narrow to a specific head, or 'heads' for all heads`` in order to proceed without merging. Let's cover those cases. Referring to all heads at once ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``heads`` identifier is a lot like ``head``, except it explicitly refers to *all* heads at once. That is, it's like telling Alembic to do the operation for both ``ae1027a6acf`` and ``27c6a30d7c24`` simultaneously. If we started from a fresh database and ran ``upgrade heads`` we'd see:: $ alembic upgrade heads INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl. INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL. INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, add account table INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table Since we've upgraded to ``heads``, and we do in fact have more than one head, that means these two distinct heads are now in our ``alembic_version`` table. We can see this if we run ``alembic current``:: $ alembic current ae1027a6acf (head) 27c6a30d7c24 (head) That means there's two rows in ``alembic_version`` right now. If we downgrade one step at a time, Alembic will **delete** from the ``alembic_version`` table each branch that's closed out, until only one branch remains; then it will continue updating the single value down to the previous versions:: $ alembic downgrade -1 INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade ae1027a6acf -> 1975ea83b712, add a column $ alembic current 27c6a30d7c24 (head) $ alembic downgrade -1 INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade 27c6a30d7c24 -> 1975ea83b712, add shopping cart table $ alembic current 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint) $ alembic downgrade -1 INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade 1975ea83b712 -> , add account table $ alembic current Referring to a Specific Version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We can pass a specific version number to ``upgrade``. Alembic will ensure that all revisions upon which this version depends are invoked, and nothing more. So if we ``upgrade`` either to ``27c6a30d7c24`` or ``ae1027a6acf`` specifically, it guarantees that ``1975ea83b712`` will have been applied, but not that any "sibling" versions are applied:: $ alembic upgrade 27c6a INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, add account table INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table With ``1975ea83b712`` and ``27c6a30d7c24`` applied, ``ae1027a6acf`` is just a single additional step:: $ alembic upgrade ae102 INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column Working with Branch Labels ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To satisfy the use case where an environment has long-lived branches, especially independent branches as will be discussed in the next section, Alembic supports the concept of **branch labels**. These are string values that are present within the migration file, using the new identifier ``branch_labels``. For example, if we want to refer to the "shopping cart" branch using the name "shoppingcart", we can add that name to our file ``27c6a30d7c24_add_shopping_cart_table.py``:: """add shopping cart table """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '27c6a30d7c24' down_revision = '1975ea83b712' branch_labels = ('shoppingcart',) # ... The ``branch_labels`` attribute refers to a string name, or a tuple of names, which will now apply to this revision, all descendants of this revision, as well as all ancestors of this revision up until the preceding branch point, in this case ``1975ea83b712``. We can see the ``shoppingcart`` label applied to this revision:: $ alembic history 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head), add shopping cart table 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table With the label applied, the name ``shoppingcart`` now serves as an alias for the ``27c6a30d7c24`` revision specifically. We can illustrate this by showing it with ``alembic show``:: $ alembic show shoppingcart Rev: 27c6a30d7c24 (head) Parent: 1975ea83b712 Branch names: shoppingcart Path: foo/versions/27c6a30d7c24_add_shopping_cart_table.py add shopping cart table Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24 Revises: 1975ea83b712 Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407 However, when using branch labels, we usually want to use them using a syntax known as "branch at" syntax; this syntax allows us to state that we want to use a specific revision, let's say a "head" revision, in terms of a *specific* branch. While normally, we can't refer to ``alembic upgrade head`` when there's multiple heads, we *can* refer to this head specifcally using ``shoppingcart@head`` syntax:: $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@head INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table The ``shoppingcart@head`` syntax becomes important to us if we wish to add new migration files to our versions directory while maintaining multiple branches. Just like the ``upgrade`` command, if we attempted to add a new revision file to our multiple-heads layout without a specific parent revision, we'd get a familiar error:: $ alembic revision -m "add a shopping cart column" FAILED: Multiple heads are present; please specify the head revision on which the new revision should be based, or perform a merge. The ``alembic revision`` command is pretty clear in what we need to do; to add our new revision specifically to the ``shoppingcart`` branch, we use the ``--head`` argument, either with the specific revision identifier ``27c6a30d7c24``, or more generically using our branchname ``shoppingcart@head``:: $ alembic revision -m "add a shopping cart column" --head shoppingcart@head Generating /path/to/foo/versions/d747a8a8879_add_a_shopping_cart_column.py ... done ``alembic history`` shows both files now part of the ``shoppingcart`` branch:: $ alembic history 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table We can limit our history operation just to this branch as well:: $ alembic history -r shoppingcart: 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table If we want to illustrate the path of ``shoppingcart`` all the way from the base, we can do that as follows:: $ alembic history -r :shoppingcart@head 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table We can run this operation from the "base" side as well, but we get a different result:: $ alembic history -r shoppingcart@base: 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table When we list from ``shoppingcart@base`` without an endpoint, it's really shorthand for ``-r shoppingcart@base:heads``, e.g. all heads, and since ``shoppingcart@base`` is the same "base" shared by the ``ae1027a6acf`` revision, we get that revision in our listing as well. The ``@base`` syntax can be useful when we are dealing with individual bases, as we'll see in the next section. The ``@head`` format can also be used with revision numbers instead of branch names, though this is less convenient. If we wanted to add a new revision to our branch that includes the un-labeled ``ae1027a6acf``, if this weren't a head already, we could ask for the "head of the branch that includes ``ae1027a6acf``" as follows:: $ alembic revision -m "add another account column" --head ae10@head Generating /Users/classic/dev/alembic/foo/versions/55af2cb1c267_add_another_account_column.py ... done More Label Syntaxes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``heads`` symbol can be combined with a branch label, in the case that your labeled branch itself breaks off into multiple branches:: $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@heads Relative identifiers, as introduced in :ref:`relative_migrations`, work with labels too. For example, upgrading to ``shoppingcart@+2`` means to upgrade from current heads on "shoppingcart" upwards two revisions:: $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@+2 This kind of thing works from history as well:: $ alembic history -r current:shoppingcart@+2 Working with Multiple Bases --------------------------- We've seen in the previous section that ``alembic upgrade`` is fine if we have multiple heads, ``alembic revision`` allows us to tell it which "head" we'd like to associate our new revision file with, and branch labels allow us to assign names to branches that we can use in subsequent commands. Let's put all these together and refer to a new "base", that is, a whole new tree of revision files that will be semi-independent of the account/shopping cart revisions we've been working with. Creating a Labeled Base Revision ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We want to create a new, labeled branch in one step. To ensure the branch can accommodate this label, we need to ensure our ``script.py.mako`` file, used for generating new revision files, has the appropriate substitutions present. If Alembic version 0.7.0 or greater was used to generate the original migration environment, this is already done. However when working with an older environment, ``script.py.mako`` needs to have this directive added, typically underneath the ``down_revision`` directive:: # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = ${repr(up_revision)} down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)} # add this here in order to use revision with branch_label branch_labels = ${repr(branch_labels)} With this in place, we can create a new revision file, starting up a branch that will deal with database tables involving networking; we specify the "head" version of ``base`` as well as a ``branch_label``:: $ alembic revision -m "create networking branch" --head=base --branch-label=networking Generating /Users/classic/dev/alembic/foo/versions/3782d9986ced_create_networking_branch.py ... done If we ran the above command and we didn't have the newer ``script.py.mako`` directive, we'd get this error:: FAILED: Version 3cac04ae8714 specified branch_labels networking, however the migration file foo/versions/3cac04ae8714_create_networking_branch.py does not have them; have you upgraded your script.py.mako to include the 'branch_labels' section? When we receive the above error, and we would like to try again, we need to either **delete** the incorrectly generated file in order to run ``revision`` again, *or* we can edit the ``3cac04ae8714_create_networking_branch.py`` directly to add the ``branch_labels`` in of our choosing. Running with Multiple Bases ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once we have a new, permanent (for as long as we desire it to be) base in our system, we'll always have multiple heads present:: $ alembic heads 3782d9986ced (networking) ae1027a6acf d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) When we want to add a new revision file to ``networking``, we specify ``networking@head`` as the ``--head``:: $ alembic revision -m "add ip number table" --head=networking@head Generating /Users/classic/dev/alembic/foo/versions/109ec7d132bf_add_ip_number_table.py ... done It's important that we refer to the head using ``networking@head``; if we only refer to ``networking``, that refers to only ``3782d9986ced`` specifically; if we specify this and it's not a head, ``alembic revision`` will make sure we didn't mean to specify the head:: $ alembic revision -m "add DNS table" --head=networking FAILED: Revision 3782d9986ced is not a head revision; please specify --splice to create a new branch from this revision As mentioned earlier, as this base is independent, we can view its history from the base using ``history -r networking@base:``:: $ alembic history -r networking@base: 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking) (head), add DNS table 3782d9986ced -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table -> 3782d9986ced (networking), create networking branch Note this is the same output we'd get at this point if we used ``-r :networking@head``. We may now run upgrades or downgrades freely, among individual branches (let's assume a clean database again):: $ alembic upgrade networking@head INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 3782d9986ced, create networking branch INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 3782d9986ced -> 109ec7d132bf, add ip number table INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea, add DNS table or against the whole thing using ``heads``:: $ alembic upgrade heads INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, add account table INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879, add a shopping cart column INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267, add another account column Branch and Merge Nuttiness -------------------------- We have quite a lot of versioning going on, history overall now shows:: $ alembic history 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking) (head), add DNS table 3782d9986ced -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table -> 3782d9986ced (networking), create networking branch ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267 (head), add another account column 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table If you actually wanted, all three branches can be merged:: $ alembic merge -m "merge all three branches" heads Generating /Users/classic/dev/alembic/foo/versions/3180f4d6e81d_merge_all_three_branches.py ... done $ alembic upgrade head INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 29f859a13ea, 55af2cb1c267, d747a8a8879 -> 3180f4d6e81d, merge all three branches at which point, we're back to one head, but note! This head has **two** labels now:: $ alembic heads 3180f4d6e81d (shoppingcart, networking) $ alembic current --verbose Current revision(s) for postgresql://scott:XXXXX@localhost/test: Rev: 3180f4d6e81d (head) (mergepoint) Merges: 29f859a13ea, 55af2cb1c267, d747a8a8879 Branch names: shoppingcart, networking Path: foo/versions/3180f4d6e81d_merge_all_three_branches.py merge all three branches Revision ID: 3180f4d6e81d Revises: 29f859a13ea, 55af2cb1c267, d747a8a8879 Create Date: 2014-11-20 16:27:56.395477 When labels are combined like this, it means that ``networking@head`` and ``shoppingcart@head`` are ultimately along the same branch, as is the unnamed ``ae1027a6acf`` branch since we've merged everything together. ``alembic history`` when leading from ``networking@base:``, ``:shoppingcart@head`` or similar will show the whole tree at this point:: $ alembic history -r :shoppingcart@head 29f859a13ea, 55af2cb1c267, d747a8a8879 -> 3180f4d6e81d (networking, shoppingcart) (head) (mergepoint), merge all three branches 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking), add DNS table 3782d9986ced -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table -> 3782d9986ced (networking), create networking branch ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267, add another account column 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart), add a shopping cart column 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), add account table It follows then that the "branch labels" feature is useful for branches that are **unmerged**. Once branches are merged into a single stream, labels are not particularly useful as they tend to refer to the whole revision stream in any case. They can of course be removed from revision files at the point at which they are no longer useful, or moved to other files. For posterity, here's the graph of the whole thing:: --- ae10 --> 55af --->-- / \ --> 1975 --> | \ | --- 27c6 --> d747 --> | (shoppingcart) \ | +--+-----> 3180 | (networking, / shoppingcart) --> 3782 -----> 109e ----> 29f8 ---> (networking) If there's any point to be made here, it's if you are too freely branching, merging and labeling, things can get pretty crazy! Hence the branching system should be used carefully and thoughtfully for best results. .. _building_uptodate: Building an Up to Date Database from Scratch ============================================= There's a theory of database migrations that says that the revisions in existence for a database should be able to go from an entirely blank schema to the finished product, and back again. Alembic can roll this way. Though we think it's kind of overkill, considering that SQLAlchemy itself can emit the full CREATE statements for any given model using :meth:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData.create_all`. If you check out a copy of an application, running this will give you the entire database in one shot, without the need to run through all those migration files, which are instead tailored towards applying incremental changes to an existing database. Alembic can integrate with a :meth:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData.create_all` script quite easily. After running the create operation, tell Alembic to create a new version table, and to stamp it with the most recent revision (i.e. ``head``):: # inside of a "create the database" script, first create # tables: my_metadata.create_all(engine) # then, load the Alembic configuration and generate the # version table, "stamping" it with the most recent rev: from alembic.config import Config from alembic import command alembic_cfg = Config("/path/to/yourapp/alembic.ini") command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head") When this approach is used, the application can generate the database using normal SQLAlchemy techniques instead of iterating through hundreds of migration scripts. Now, the purpose of the migration scripts is relegated just to movement between versions on out-of-date databases, not *new* databases. You can now remove old migration files that are no longer represented on any existing environments. To prune old migration files, simply delete the files. Then, in the earliest, still-remaining migration file, set ``down_revision`` to ``None``:: # replace this: #down_revision = '290696571ad2' # with this: down_revision = None That file now becomes the "base" of the migration series.