# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import httplib import socket import StringIO import urlparse import mox import testtools from glanceclient import exc import glanceclient from glanceclient.common import http from tests import utils class TestClient(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestClient, self).setUp() self.mock = mox.Mox() self.mock.StubOutWithMock(httplib.HTTPConnection, 'request') self.mock.StubOutWithMock(httplib.HTTPConnection, 'getresponse') self.endpoint = 'http://example.com:9292' self.client = http.HTTPClient(self.endpoint, token=u'abc123') def tearDown(self): super(TestClient, self).tearDown() self.mock.UnsetStubs() def test_connection_refused(self): """ Should receive a CommunicationError if connection refused. And the error should list the host and port that refused the connection """ httplib.HTTPConnection.request( mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), headers=mox.IgnoreArg(), ).AndRaise(socket.error()) self.mock.ReplayAll() try: self.client.json_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail?limit=20') #NOTE(alaski) We expect exc.CommunicationError to be raised # so we should never reach this point. try/except is used here # rather than assertRaises() so that we can check the body of # the exception. self.fail('An exception should have bypassed this line.') except glanceclient.exc.CommunicationError as comm_err: fail_msg = ("Exception message '%s' should contain '%s'" % (comm_err.message, self.endpoint)) self.assertTrue(self.endpoint in comm_err.message, fail_msg) def test_http_encoding(self): httplib.HTTPConnection.request( mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), headers=mox.IgnoreArg()) # Lets fake the response # returned by httplib expected_response = 'Ok' fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, StringIO.StringIO(expected_response)) httplib.HTTPConnection.getresponse().AndReturn(fake) self.mock.ReplayAll() headers = {"test": u'ni\xf1o'} resp, body = self.client.raw_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail', headers=headers) self.assertEqual(resp, fake) def test_headers_encoding(self): headers = {"test": u'ni\xf1o'} encoded = self.client.encode_headers(headers) self.assertEqual(encoded["test"], "ni\xc3\xb1o") def test_raw_request(self): " Verify the path being used for HTTP requests reflects accurately. " def check_request(method, path, **kwargs): self.assertEqual(method, 'GET') # NOTE(kmcdonald): See bug #1179984 for more details. self.assertEqual(path, '/v1/images/detail') httplib.HTTPConnection.request( mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).WithSideEffects(check_request) # fake the response returned by httplib fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, StringIO.StringIO('Ok')) httplib.HTTPConnection.getresponse().AndReturn(fake) self.mock.ReplayAll() resp, body = self.client.raw_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail') self.assertEqual(resp, fake) def test_connection_refused_raw_request(self): """ Should receive a CommunicationError if connection refused. And the error should list the host and port that refused the connection """ endpoint = 'http://example.com:9292' client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'abc123') httplib.HTTPConnection.request(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), headers=mox.IgnoreArg() ).AndRaise(socket.error()) self.mock.ReplayAll() try: client.raw_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail?limit=20') self.fail('An exception should have bypassed this line.') except exc.CommunicationError as comm_err: fail_msg = ("Exception message '%s' should contain '%s'" % (comm_err.message, endpoint)) self.assertTrue(endpoint in comm_err.message, fail_msg) def test_parse_endpoint(self): endpoint = 'http://example.com:9292' test_client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'adc123') actual = test_client.parse_endpoint(endpoint) expected = urlparse.ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='example.com:9292', path='', params='', query='', fragment='') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_get_connection_class(self): endpoint = 'http://example.com:9292' test_client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'adc123') actual = (test_client.get_connection_class('https')) self.assertEqual(actual, http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection) def test_get_connections_kwargs_http(self): endpoint = 'http://example.com:9292' test_client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'adc123') actual = test_client.get_connection_kwargs('http', insecure=True) self.assertEqual({'timeout': 600.0}, actual) def test_get_connections_kwargs_https(self): endpoint = 'http://example.com:9292' test_client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'adc123') actual = test_client.get_connection_kwargs('https', insecure=True) expected = {'cacert': None, 'cert_file': None, 'insecure': True, 'key_file': None, 'ssl_compression': True, 'timeout': 600.0} self.assertEqual(expected, actual) class TestHostResolutionError(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestHostResolutionError, self).setUp() self.mock = mox.Mox() self.invalid_host = "example.com.incorrect_top_level_domain" def test_incorrect_domain_error(self): """ Make sure that using a domain which does not resolve causes an exception which mentions that specific hostname as a reason for failure. """ class FailingConnectionClass(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def putrequest(self, *args, **kwargs): raise socket.gaierror(-2, "Name or service not known") def request(self, *args, **kwargs): raise socket.gaierror(-2, "Name or service not known") self.endpoint = 'http://%s:9292' % (self.invalid_host,) self.client = http.HTTPClient(self.endpoint, token=u'abc123') self.mock.StubOutWithMock(self.client, 'get_connection') self.client.get_connection().AndReturn(FailingConnectionClass()) self.mock.ReplayAll() try: self.client.raw_request('GET', '/example/path') self.fail("gaierror should be raised") except exc.InvalidEndpoint as e: self.assertTrue(self.invalid_host in str(e), "exception should contain the hostname") def tearDown(self): super(TestHostResolutionError, self).tearDown() self.mock.UnsetStubs() class TestResponseBodyIterator(testtools.TestCase): def test_iter_default_chunk_size_64k(self): resp = utils.FakeResponse({}, StringIO.StringIO('X' * 98304)) iterator = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp) chunks = list(iterator) self.assertEqual(chunks, ['X' * 65536, 'X' * 32768])