path: root/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/webware_examples/webwareSite')
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white.gifbin0 -> 2318 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white_large.gifbin0 -> 4301 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/sourceforge_logo.gifbin0 -> 6429 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/spacer.gifbin0 -> 43 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare.gifbin0 -> 1616 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare_blueBG.gifbin0 -> 2673 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare_subtitle.gifbin0 -> 1166 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webonions.gifbin0 -> 1856 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webware_logo.gifbin0 -> 951 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webware_slogan_bw.gifbin0 -> 1335 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webware_subtitle_black.gifbin0 -> 1369 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webware_subtitle_inner_frame.gifbin0 -> 1364 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webware_title_bw.gifbin0 -> 1425 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webware_title_red-white.gifbin0 -> 1481 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webware_title_red-white_fat.gifbin0 -> 1626 bytes
21 files changed, 717 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/WebwareSiteTemplate.tmpl b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/WebwareSiteTemplate.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f39859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/WebwareSiteTemplate.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+#extend Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage
+## macros for the Webware site
+#macro Python()
+<A HREF="">Python</A>
+#end macro
+#macro PHP()
+<A HREF="">PHP</A>
+#end macro
+#macro Zope()
+<A HREF="">Zope</A>
+#end macro
+#macro ASP()
+<A HREF="">ASP</A>
+#end macro
+#macro JSP()
+<A HREF="">JSP</A>
+#end macro
+#macro ColdFusion()
+<A HREF="">ColdFusion</A>
+#end macro
+#macro ASP()
+<A HREF="">ASP</A>
+#end macro
+#macro insetBox(width=170, boxTitle='', boxContents='')
+ <TR>
+ <TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900 HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD> ## force full width
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900 HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor"> ## force full width
+ <DIV CLASS="insetBoxTitleContainer"><DIV CLASS="insetBoxTitle">$boxTitle</DIV></DIV>
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900 HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD> ## force full width
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.titleFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 bgcolor="$insetBoxes.frameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.bgcolor"> ## force to full width
+ ## now begin the contents cell of the insetBox
+#end cache
+ $boxContents
+ ## end insetBox
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.frameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$insetBoxes.frameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+#end cache
+#end macro
+title = "Webware - The Python-Powered Internet Platform"
+siteDomainName = ""
+siteCopyrightName= "The Webware Development Team"
+bodyTagAttribs = {"bgcolor": "black",
+ "text":"#000033", #333333
+ }
+navBar = {"bgcolor":"#3366CC", #EBEBEB #E0E0E0
+ }
+locationBar = {"bgcolor":"#3366CC", #EBEBEB #E0E0E0
+ "frameColor":"#CCCCCC",
+ }
+mainTbl = {"width":"90%",
+ "align":"center",
+ "contentsBgColor":"white",
+ "outerFrameColor":"#6699FF", #FFC850 #BDD4F1
+ "innerFrameColor":"#3366CC", #0059B2
+ "innerFrameWidth":8,
+ }
+insetBoxes = {"width":170,
+ "frameColor":"#DDDDDD", #000033
+ "titleFrameColor":"black", #000033
+ "bgcolor":"#FAFAFA",
+ }
+_sanSerifFonts = """helvetica, arial, "lucida sans", sans-serif"""
+_stylesheets = {
+ "H1.mainText": {"margin":"7px 2px",
+ "font-size":"small",
+ "font-weight":"bold",
+ "font-family": _sanSerifFonts,
+ },
+ ".mainText": {"margin-left":"10px"},
+ ".navBarContainer": {"padding": "4px 0px", "color":"white"},
+ ".navBar, A.navBar:link, A.navBar:visited": {"font-size":"small",
+ "font-weight":"bold",
+ "color":"white",
+ "text-decoration":"none",
+ "font-family": _sanSerifFonts,
+ },
+ "A.navBar:hover, A.navBar:active": {"text-decoration":"underline"},
+ ".locationBarContainer": {"padding": "2px 10px"},
+ ".locationBar, A.locationBar:link, A.locationBar:visited": {"font-size":"x-small",
+ "color":"#666666",
+ "text-decoration":"none",
+ "font-family": _sanSerifFonts,
+ },
+ "A.locationBar:hover, A.locationBar:active": {"text-decoration":"underline"},
+ ".copyrightFooter": {"color":"white", "font-size":"9pt"},
+ ".insetBoxTitleContainer":{"padding": "2px 5px",
+ "color":"white",
+ "font-weight":"bold",
+ },
+ ".insetBoxTitle":{"color":"white",
+ "font-size":"x-small",
+ "font-weight":"bold",
+ "text-decoration":"none",
+ "font-family": _sanSerifFonts,
+ },
+ ".insetBoxContainer":{"padding": "2px 2px 2px 5px"},
+ ".insetBox":{"font-size":"x-small",
+ "font-family": _sanSerifFonts,
+ },
+ "H1.insetBox":{"margin": "5px 5px",
+ "padding": "0px",
+ "font-size":"x-small",
+ "font-weight":"bold",
+ "font-family": _sanSerifFonts
+ },
+ "P.insetBox":{"margin": "2px 5px 7px 10px",
+ "padding": "0px",
+ "font-family": _sanSerifFonts
+ },
+ "A.insetBox:link, A.insetBox:visited":{"font-size":"x-small",
+ "text-decoration":"none",
+ },
+ "A.insetBox:hover, A.insetBox:active": {"text-decoration":"underline"},
+ ".listItems": {"margin-bottom":"200px"},
+ }
+_stylesheetsOrder = ["H1.mainText",
+ ".mainText",
+ ".navBarContainer",
+ ".navBar, A.navBar:link, A.navBar:visited",
+ "A.navBar:hover, A.navBar:active",
+ ".locationBarContainer",
+ ".locationBar, A.locationBar:link, A.locationBar:visited",
+ "A.locationBar:hover, A.locationBar:active",
+ ".copyrightFooter",
+ ".insetBoxTitleContainer",
+ ".insetBoxTitle",
+ ".insetBoxContainer",
+ ".insetBox",
+ "H1.insetBox",
+ "P.insetBox",
+ "A.insetBox:link, A.insetBox:visited",
+ "A.insetBox:hover, A.insetBox:active",
+ ".listItems",
+ ]
+#end data
+## from SkeletonPage
+#redefine bodyContents
+#block header
+#end block header
+ <TR>
+ <TD>
+ #####################
+ #block mainTblOuterHeader
+ <DIV ALIGN="center"><IMG SRC="webware_title_red-white_fat.gif" ALT="Webware"></DIV>
+ <DIV ALIGN="center"><IMG SRC="webware_subtitle_black.gif" ALT="The
+ Python-Powered Internet Platform"></DIV>
+ #spacer(1,5)
+ #end block mainTblOuterHeader
+ #####################
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 bgcolor="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ ## top line of the mainTbl frame
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 bgcolor="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900> ## force to full width in Netscape
+ #####################
+ #block mainTblInnerHeader
+ ##############
+ #block navBar
+ <TR>
+ <TD>
+ <DIV ALIGN="center" CLASS="navBarContainer">
+ <A CLASS="navBar" HREF="">Home</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="navBar" HREF="">Learn</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="navBar" HREF="">Download</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="navBar" HREF="">Contribute</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="navBar" HREF="">Communicate</A>
+ </DIV>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ #end block navBar
+ ##############
+ #end block mainTblInnerHeader
+ #####################
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="1" bgcolor="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=$mainTbl.innerFrameWidth bgcolor="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900 HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="black">#spacer(100)</TD> ## force to full width in Netscape
+ <TD WIDTH=$mainTbl.innerFrameWidth bgcolor="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="1" BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+## MainTbl - contents ##
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=$mainTbl.innerFrameWidth bgcolor="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="black">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.contentsBgColor">
+ ###################
+ #block locationBar
+ <TR>
+ <TD>
+ <DIV CLASS="locationBarContainer">
+ ###################
+ #block locationBarContents
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Home</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Download</A>
+ #end block locationBarContents
+ ###################
+ </DIV>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$locationBar.frameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ #end block locationBar
+ ###################
+ ######################
+ #block mainTblContents
+ #spacer(1,5)
+ <TR>
+ <TD VALIGN="top">
+ ################
+ #block leftSideBar
+ <DIV ALIGN="center"><IMG SRC="onion_blue_on_white.gif" ALT=""></DIV>
+ <BR>
+ ##======================================
+ #callMacro insetBox(boxTitle="Sections")
+ #arg boxContents
+ <DIV CLASS="insetBox">
+ <H1 CLASS="insetBox"><A CLASS="insetBox" HREF="">Learn</A></H1>
+ <P CLASS="insetBox">
+ Manual<BR>
+ Tutorials<BR>
+ Tips and Tricks<BR>
+ Articles<BR>
+ Language Comparisons<BR>
+ Developer Information<BR>
+ </P>
+ <H1 CLASS="insetBox"><A CLASS="insetBox" HREF="">Download</A></H1>
+ <P CLASS="insetBox">
+ Stable Releases<BR>
+ CVS Snapshots<BR>
+ Third-Party Packages<BR>
+ Browse the CVS<BR>
+ </P>
+ <H1 CLASS="insetBox"><A CLASS="insetBox" HREF="">Contribute</A></H1>
+ <P CLASS="insetBox">
+ Links to Webware Sites<BR>
+ Bug Reports<BR>
+ Patches and New Code<BR>
+ Tutorials<BR>
+ Tips and Tricks<BR>
+ Articles<BR>
+ Language Comparisons<BR>
+ </P>
+ <H1 CLASS="insetBox"><A CLASS="insetBox" HREF="">Communicate</A></H1>
+ <P CLASS="insetBox">
+ News<BR>
+ Mailing Lists<BR>
+ The Developers<BR>
+ Introduce Yourself<BR>
+ </P>
+ </DIV> ## end insetBox
+ #end arg
+ #end callMacro
+ ##======================================
+ #end block leftSideBar
+ ################
+ </TD>
+ <TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH=80%>
+ ########################
+ #block mainContentsCell
+ #end block mainContentsCell
+ ########################
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ #spacer(1,200)
+ #end block mainTblContents
+ ######################
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="black">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=$mainTbl.innerFrameWidth BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="1" BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+## MainTbl - closure ##
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=$mainTbl.innerFrameWidth bgcolor="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900 BGCOLOR="black">#spacer(100)</TD> ## force to full width in Netscape
+ <TD WIDTH=$mainTbl.innerFrameWidth bgcolor="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="1" BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH=900 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.innerFrameColor">#spacer(1,25)</TD> ## force to full width in Netscape
+ <TD WIDTH="1" BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="$mainTbl.outerFrameColor">#spacer()</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>
+ #####################
+ #block mainTblOuterFooter
+ <DIV CLASS="copyrightFooter">
+ Copyright &copy; 1999 - #currentYr() The Webware Development Team. All rights reserved.
+ </DIV>
+ <BR>
+ <DIV CLASS="copyrightFooter" ALIGN="center">Hosted on<BR>
+ <A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="sourceforge_logo.gif" ALT=""></A>
+ </DIV>
+ ##<DIV ALIGN="center"><IMG SRC="webware_logo.gif"></DIV>
+ ##<DIV ALIGN="center"><IMG SRC="webware_slogan_bw.gif"></DIV>
+ #end block mainTblOuterFooter
+ #####################
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+#block footer
+#end block footer
+#end redefine bodyContents
+## from SkeletonPage
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/communicate.tmpl b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/communicate.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d56a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/communicate.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#extend WebwareSiteTemplate
+title = "Webware - The Python-Powered Internet Platform - Communicate"
+#end data
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine locationBarContents
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Home</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Communicate</A>
+#end redefine locationBarContents
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine mainContentsCell
+This is the "communicate" page, and it\'s blank for now!
+#end redefine mainContentsCell
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/contribute.tmpl b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/contribute.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..593e61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/contribute.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#extend WebwareSiteTemplate
+title = "Webware - The Python-Powered Internet Platform - Contribute"
+#end data
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine locationBarContents
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Home</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Contribute</A>
+#end redefine locationBarContents
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine mainContentsCell
+This is the "contribute" page, and it\'s blank for now!
+#end redefine mainContentsCell
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/download.tmpl b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/download.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71485aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/download.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#extend WebwareSiteTemplate
+title = "Webware - The Python-Powered Internet Platform - Download"
+#end data
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine locationBarContents
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Home</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Download</A>
+#end redefine locationBarContents
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine mainContentsCell
+This is the download page, and it\'s blank for now!
+#end redefine mainContentsCell
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/index.tmpl b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/index.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c7b82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/index.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#extend WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine locationBar
+#end redefine locationBar
+#redefine mainContentsCell
+<H1 CLASS="mainText">What is Webware?</H1>
+<P CLASS="mainText">
+Webware is an internet development platform powered by
+#Python(), the
+Open Source programming language developed by Guido van Rossum.</P>
+<H1 CLASS="mainText">What does Webware provide?</H1>
+ <LI>The strength of <A HREF="">server-side Java</A>,
+ without its complexity.</LI>
+ <LI>The power of server-side <A HREF="">Perl</A>,
+ without its syntax.</LI>
+ <LI>The Python of #Zope(), without its headaches.</LI>
+ <LI>The flexibility of <A HREF="">CGI</A>,
+ without its overhead.</LI>
+ <LI>The simplicity of #PHP(), without its limitations.</LI>
+ <LI>The capabilities of #ASP() and #ColdFusion(), without their
+ price tag.</LI>
+<P CLASS="mainText">
+...The power of the web, with the ease of #Python()!
+<H1 CLASS="mainText">Cut the marketing-speak! I want details.</H1>
+<P CLASS="mainText">
+ok ... Webware provides:
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">a fast, reliable, extensible, and scalable application server.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">coding in #Python(): a powerful object-orientated language.
+ Python dramatically improves developer productivity and code readible over Java, C++, and
+ other compiled languages. Furthermore, it's easier
+ to learn than other interpreted languages.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">support for several development approaches:
+ using pure Python Servlets as
+ in Java Servlets; using embedded PSP script as in ASP, PHP, JSP, and embed-Perl;
+ using templating languages as in Velocity and WebMacro;
+ and any combination of the above.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">full access to all Python modules.
+ Webware doesn't require you jump through hoops to import relevant Python modules.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">an extensive suite of add-ons and tools.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">automatic management of sessions, cookies, HTTP headers, etc.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">extensive support for XML, SOAP, XML-RPC,
+ COM, and CORBA through Python.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">structured exception handling through Python.
+ This makes Webware much suitable for large complex projects than environments
+ without structured exception handling, like PHP.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">full object persistance and caching.
+ This feature of the appserver a major advantage over solutions
+ that are embedded in the webserver process, such as PHP where
+ it costs over $2000US to purchase an add-on that only caches the
+ byte-compiled code.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">database connection persistance and pooling.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">portability.
+ It works anywhere Python works: Linux, Unixes, Windows, OS2, etc.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">web server portability.
+ It works with Apache, IIS, and most others.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">web server independence.
+ The application server runs in a separate process and can
+ even run on separate machines. One webserver can communicate with multiple application
+ servers, and vice-versa. It work crash your web-server and your webserver
+ wont crash it. Load-balancing is easy.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">protocol independence.
+ Although the application server was developed with HTTP in mind, it can be
+ extended to work with any TCP/IP based network protocol,
+ even <A HREF="">CPIP</A> ;-).</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">a powerful template framework that separates the page logic
+ from its design/display and supports a reusable component-based design.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">interopability with other programming languages,
+ such as C, C++ and Java, through Python's extension framework.</LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">full source code.
+ All code is licensed under the 'Open Source' Python license, which
+ allows for unrestricted use, modification, and redistribution. Unlike the
+ GNU GPL, it allows the code to be used in commercial products.
+ </LI>
+ <LI CLASS=".listItems">and most importantly, an active and supportive developer community!</LI>
+<H1 CLASS="mainText">What's with the onion?!</H1>
+<P CLASS="mainText"> Onions are
+ubiquitous. They grow almost anywhere and can be used in almost any dish. You'll
+find them from bachelor pads to haut cuisine restaurants, because they work well with
+others and are hard to botch, yet offer a surprising array of taste in the right
+<P CLASS="mainText">Onions are layered. Thus, they can be transformed into an
+endless range of shapes. You can cook with an entire onion, or even several, but you
+can also just slice off a few rings. </P>
+<P CLASS="mainText">Onions are easy to understand. You don't need expensive training
+to cook with them.</P>
+<P CLASS="mainText"> So it should be with internet development platforms. They
+should be hardy and work well with others; be easy to use for simple and complex
+tasks alike; should allow you to use a little or alot, depending on your tastes, and
+they shouldn't require a computer science degree to be understood. But, unlike
+onions, they shouldn't they make you cry ;-)</P>
+#end redefine mainContentsCell
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/learn.tmpl b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/learn.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18bf8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/learn.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#extend WebwareSiteTemplate
+title = "Webware - The Python-Powered Internet Platform - Learn"
+#end data
+def testFunc():
+ return 1234
+#end data
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine locationBarContents
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Home</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;
+ <A CLASS="locationBar" HREF="">Learn Webware</A>
+#end redefine locationBarContents
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
+#redefine mainContentsCell
+This is the "Learn Webware" page, and it\'s blank for now!
+<BR>Testing $testFunc
+#end redefine mainContentsCell
+## from WebwareSiteTemplate
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white.gif b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e9c585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white_large.gif b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white_large.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1690cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/onion_blue_on_white_large.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/sourceforge_logo.gif b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/sourceforge_logo.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08589d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/sourceforge_logo.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/spacer.gif b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/spacer.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bfd67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/spacer.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare.gif b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf48c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare_blueBG.gif b/examples/webware_examples/webwareSite/webWare_blueBG.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..606e8b7
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