%define py_prefix /usr # py_ver should only be 3 characters (1.5.1 == 1.5) %define py_ver 1.5 %define ver 0.6.3 # you may want to remove some of the sub packages depending on what you # have installed on your system when building this package. Summary: Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. Name: pygtk Version: %ver Release: 1 Copyright: GPL Group: Development/Languages Source: ftp://ftp.daa.com.au/pub/james/python/pygtk-%{ver}.tar.gz BuildRoot: /var/tmp/pygtk-root Packager: James Henstridge Requires: gtk+ imlib python %description PyGTK is an extension module for python that gives you access to the GTK+ widget set. Just about anything you can write in C with GTK+ you can write in python with PyGTK (within reason), but with all of python's benefits. %package glarea Summary: A wrapper for the GtkGLArea widget for use with PyGTK Group: Development/Languages %description glarea This module contains a wrapper for the GtkGLArea widget, which allows you to display OpenGL output inside your pygtk program. It needs a set of Python OpenGL bindings such as PyOpenGL to actually do any OpenGL rendering. %package libglade Summary: A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK Group: Development/Languages %description libglade This module contains a wrapper for the libglade library. Libglade is a library similar to the pyglade module, except that it is written in C (so is faster) and is more complete. %prep %setup ./configure --prefix=%{py_prefix} %build make %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %files %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gtk.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/Gtkinter.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GtkExtra.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GTK.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GDK.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GdkImlib.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/pyglade/*.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gtkmodule.so %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gdkimlibmodule.so %{py_prefix}/include/pygtk %doc AUTHORS NEWS README MAPPING ChangeLog description.py %doc examples %files glarea %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gtkgl.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gtkglmodule.so %files libglade %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/libglade.py* %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_libglademodule.so