gtk.WindowGroup a group of gtk.Window widgets Synopsis gtk.WindowGroup gobject.GObject gtk.WindowGroup add_window window remove_window window Ancestry +-- gobject.GObject +-- gtk.WindowGroup gtk.WindowGroup Signal Prototypes gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes Description A gtk.WindowGroup object contains a set of gtk.Window widgets that are managed together by some PyGTK functions and methods. Constructor gtk.WindowGroup Returns : a new gtk.WindowGroup. Creates a new gtk.WindowGroup object. Grabs added with gtk.Widget.grab_add() only affect windows within the same gtk.WindowGroup. Methods gtk.WindowGroup.add_window add_window window window : the gtk.Window to add The add_window() method adds the gtk.Window specified by window to the windowgroup. gtk.WindowGroup.remove_window remove_window window window : the gtk.Window to remove The remove_window() method removes the gtk.Window specified by window from the windowgroup.