gtk.RecentAction An action of which represents a list of recently used files (new in PyGTK 2.12) Synopsis gtk.RecentAction gtk.Action gtk.RecentAction name label tooltip stock_id get_show_numbers set_show_numbers show_numbers Functions gtk.recent_action_new_for_manager name label tooltip stock_id manager Ancestry +-- gobject.GObject +-- gtk.Action +-- gtk.RecentAction gtk.RecentAction Properties gtk.Action Properties
"show-numbers" Read-Write Whether the items should be displayed with a number. Default value: False
Description A gtk.RecentAction represents a list of recently used files, which can be shown by widgets such as gtk.RecentChooserDialog or gtk.RecentChooserMenu. To construct a submenu showing recently used files, use a gtk.RecentAction as the action for a <menuitem>. To construct a menu toolbutton showing the recently used files in the popup menu, use a gtk.RecentAction as the action for a <toolitem> element. Constructor gtk.RecentAction gtk.RecentAction name label tooltip stock_id name : a unique name for the action label : the label displayed in menu items and on buttons, or None. tooltip : a tooltip for the action, or None. stock_id : the stock icon to display in widgets representing the action, or None. Returns : a new gtk.RecentAction This constructor is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above. Creates a new gtk.RecentAction object. To add the action to a gtk.ActionGroup and set the accelerator for the action, call gtk.ActionGroup.add_action_with_accel(). Methods gtk.RecentAction.get_show_numbers get_show_numbers Returns : True if numbers should be shown. This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above. The get_show_numbers() method returns the value set by gtk.RecentAction.set_show_numbers(). gtk.RecentAction.set_show_numbers set_show_numbers show_numbers show_numbers : True if the shown items should be numbered. This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above. The set_show_numbers() method sets whether a number should be added to the items shown by the widgets representing action. The numbers are shown to provide a unique character for a mnemonic to be used inside the menu item's label. Only the first ten items get a number to avoid clashes. Functions gtk.recent_action_new_for_manager recent_action_new_for_manager name label tooltip stock_id manager name : a unique name for the action label : the label displayed in menu items and on buttons, or None. tooltip : a tooltip for the action, or None. stock_id : the stock icon to display in widgets representing the action, or None. manager : a gtk.RecentManager, or None for using the default gtk.RecentManager This function is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above. The recent_action_new_for_manager() function creates a new gtk.RecentAction object. To add the action to a gtk.ActionGroup and set the accelerator for the action, call gtk.ActionGroup.add_action_with_accel().