gtk.MessageDialog a convenient message window Synopsis gtk.MessageDialog gtk.Dialog gtk.MessageDialog parentNone flags0 typegtk.MESSAGE_INFO buttonsgtk.BUTTONS_NONE message_formatNone set_markup str format_secondary_text message_format format_secondary_markup message_format set_image image get_image get_message_area Ancestry +-- gobject.GObject +-- gtk.Object +-- gtk.Widget +-- gtk.Container +-- gtk.Bin +-- gtk.Window +-- gtk.Dialog +-- gtk.MessageDialog Implemented Interfaces gtk.MessageDialog implements gtk.Buildable gtk.MessageDialog Properties gtk.Object Properties gtk.Widget Properties gtk.Container Properties gtk.Window Properties gtk.Dialog Properties
"buttons" Write-Construct The buttons shown in the message dialog. One of the : gtk.BUTTONS_NONE, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL. Default value: gtk.BUTTONS_NONE "image" Read-Write The image for this dialog. Available in GTK+ 2.10. "message-area" Read The gtk.VBox that corresponds to the message area of this dialog. Available in GTK+ 2.22. "message-type" Read-Write-Construct The type of message. One of the : gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION or gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR. Default value: gtk.MESSAGE_INFO "secondary-text" Read-Write The secondary text of the message dialog. Default value: None. Available in GTK+ 2.10. "secondary-use-markup" Read-Write If True the secondary text of the dialog includes Pango markup. See the pango.parse_markup() function. Default value: False. Available in GTK+ 2.10. "text" Read-Write The primary text of the message dialog. If the dialog has a secondary text, this will appear as the title. Default value: None. Available in GTK+ 2.10. "use-markup" Read-Write If True the primary text of the dialog includes Pango markup. See the pango.parse_markup() function. Default value: False. Available in GTK+ 2.10.
gtk.MessageDialog Style Properties gtk.Widget Style Properties gtk.Dialog Style Properties
"message-border" Read-Write The width of border around the label and image in the message dialog. Allowed values: >= 0. Default value: 12. "use-separator" Read If True draw a separator line between the message label and the buttons in the dialog. This property is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.
"image" Read The stock ID image "label" Read The label widget that contains the message text.
gtk.MessageDialog Signal Prototypes gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes gtk.Object Signal Prototypes gtk.Widget Signal Prototypes gtk.Container Signal Prototypes gtk.Window Signal Prototypes gtk.Dialog Signal Prototypes Description The gtk.MessageDialog presents a dialog with an image representing the type of message (Error, Question, etc.) alongside some message text. It's simply a convenience widget; you could construct the equivalent of gtk.MessageDialog from gtk.Dialog without too much effort, but gtk.MessageDialog saves time. The gtk.MessageDialog types are listed in the . A selection of predefined button sets is available for use in a message dialog. See the . See the gtk.Dialog reference page for additional methods to be used with the gtk.MessageDialog. Constructor gtk.MessageDialog parentNone flags0 typegtk.MESSAGE_INFO buttonsgtk.BUTTONS_NONE message_formatNone parent : the transient parent, or None if none flags : the dialog flags - a combination of: gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT or 0 for no flags type : the type of message: gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION or gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR. buttons : the predefined set of buttons to use: gtk.BUTTONS_NONE, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL message_format : a string containing the message text or None Returns : a new gtk.MessageDialog widget Creates a new gtk.MessageDialog, which is a simple dialog with an icon indicating the dialog type (error, warning, etc.) specified by type and some text (message_format) the user may want to see. parent if specified indicates the transient parent of the dialog. The flags allow the specification special dialog characteristics: make the dialog modal (gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) and destroy the dialog when the parent is destroyed (gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT). When the user clicks a button a "response" signal is emitted with response IDs. buttons specifies the set of predefined buttons to use: gtk.BUTTONS_NONE, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL. See gtk.Dialog for more details. Methods gtk.MessageDialog.set_markup set_markup str str : a markup string (see the Pango markup language reference) This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_markup() method sets the text of the message dialog to the contents of str. If str contains text marked up with Pango markup (see ), it will be displayed with those attributes. Note the '<', '>' and '&' characters must be replaced with '&lt;', '&gt;' and '&amp;' respectively to be displayed literally. gtk.MessageDialog.format_secondary_text format_secondary_text message_format message_format : The text to be displayed as the secondary text or None. This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above. The format_secondary_text() method sets the secondary text of the message dialog to the text specified by message_format. Note that setting a secondary text makes the primary text bold, unless you have provided explicit markup. gtk.MessageDialog.format_secondary_markup format_secondary_markup message_format message_format : A string containing the pango markup to use as secondary text. This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above. The format_secondary_markup() method sets the secondary text to the markup text specified by message_format. Note that setting a secondary text makes the primary text become bold, unless you have provided explicit markup. gtk.MessageDialog.set_image set_image image image : the image widget This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above. The set_image() method sets the dialog's image to the gtk.Widget specified by image. gtk.MessageDialog.get_image get_image Returns : the dialog's image. This method is available in PyGTK 2.14 and above. The get_image() method gets the dialog's image. gtk.MessageDialog.get_message_area get_message_area Returns : A gtk.VBox corresponding to the "message area" in the message_dialog. This method is available in PyGTK 2.22 and above. The get_message_area() method returns the message area of the dialog. This is the box where the dialog's primary and secondary labels are packed. You can add your own extra content to that box and it will appear below those labels, on the right side of the dialog's image (or on the left for right-to-left languages). See get_content_area for the corresponding function in the parent gtk.Dialog.