gtk.EventBox a widget used to catch events for widgets which do not have their own window. Synopsis gtk.EventBox gtk.Bin gtk.EventBox get_visible_window set_visible_window visible_window get_above_child set_above_child above_child Ancestry +-- gobject.GObject +-- gtk.Object +-- gtk.Widget +-- gtk.Container +-- gtk.Bin +-- gtk.EventBox Implemented Interfaces gtk.EventBox implements gtk.Buildable gtk.EventBox Properties gtk.Object Properties gtk.Widget Properties gtk.Container Properties
"above-child" Read-Write If True, the event-trapping window of the eventbox is above the window of the child widget as opposed to below it. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "visible-window" Read-Write If True, the event box is visible, as opposed to invisible and only used to trap events. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.
gtk.EventBox Style Properties gtk.Widget Style Properties gtk.EventBox Signal Prototypes gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes gtk.Object Signal Prototypes gtk.Widget Signal Prototypes gtk.Container Signal Prototypes Description The gtk.EventBox widget is an invisible container widget that provides a window for widgets that do not have their own window. In GTK, widgets must have a window to be able to receive event signals. Those widgets that are "windowless" can use a gtk.EventBox to receive event signals. Constructor gtk.EventBox Returns : an eventbox widget Creates a new gtk.EventBox widget. Methods gtk.EventBox.get_visible_window get_visible_window Returns : True if the event box window is visible. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The gtk_visible_window() method returns True if the event box has a visible window. See the set_visible_window() method for details. gtk.EventBox.set_visible_window set_visible_window visible_window visible_window : if True the event box window is visible. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_visible_window() method sets whether the event box uses a visible or invisible child window according to the value specified by visible_window. If visible_window is True the event box uses a visible child window; otherwise, an invisible child window. The default is to use visible windows. In an invisible window event box, the window that that the event box creates is a gtk.gdk.INPUT_ONLY window, that is invisible and only serves to receive events. A visible window event box creates a visible (gtk.gdk.INPUT_OUTPUT) window that acts as the parent window for all the widgets contained in the event box. You should generally make your event box invisible if you just want to trap events. Creating a visible window may cause artifacts that are visible to the user, especially if the user is using a theme with gradients or pixmaps. The main reason to create a non input-only event box is if you want to set the background to a different color or draw on it. There is one unexpected issue for an invisible event box that has its window below the child. (See the set_above_child() method.) Since the input-only window is not an ancestor window of any windows that descendant widgets of the event box create, events on these windows aren't propagated up by the windowing system, but only by GTK+. The practical effect of this is if an event isn't in the event mask for the descendant window (see the gtk.Widget.add_events() method), it won't be received by the event box. This problem doesn't occur for visible event boxes, because the event box window is actually the ancestor of the descendant windows, not just at the same place on the screen. gtk.EventBox.get_above_child get_above_child Returns : True if the event box window is above the window of its child. This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The get_above_child() method returns the value of the "above-child" property that indicates whether the event box window is above or below the windows of its child. See the set_above_child() method for details. gtk.EventBox.set_above_child set_above_child above_child above_child : if True the event box window is above the windows of its child This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The set_above_child() method sets the "above-child" property to the value of above_child. If above_child is True, the event box window is positioned above the windows of its child; otherwise, below it. If the window is above, all events inside the event box will go to the event box. If the window is below, events in windows of child widgets will first got to that widget, and then to its parents. The default is to keep the window below the child.