gtk.gdk.Pixbuf an object containing a client side image. Synopsis gtk.gdk.Pixbuf gobject.GObject gtk.gdk.Pixbuf colorspace has_alpha bits_per_sample width height apply_embedded_orientation render_to_drawable drawable gc src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height dither x_dither y_dither render_to_drawable_alpha drawable src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height alpha_mode alpha_threshold dither x_dither y_dither render_pixmap_and_mask alpha_threshold127 get_from_drawable src cmap src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height get_from_image src cmap src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height get_colorspace get_n_channels get_has_alpha get_bits_per_sample get_pixels get_width get_height get_rowstride get_option key copy fill pixel save filename type options None save_to_callback save_func type options None user_data None add_alpha substitute_color r g b copy_area src_x src_y width height dest_pixbuf dest_x dest_y saturate_and_pixelate dest saturation pixelate scale dest dest_x dest_y dest_width dest_height offset_x offset_y scale_x scale_y interp_type composite dest dest_x dest_y dest_width dest_height offset_x offset_y scale_x scale_y interp_type overall_alpha composite_color dest dest_x dest_y dest_width dest_height offset_x offset_y scale_x scale_y interp_type overall_alpha check_x check_y check_size color1 color2 scale_simple dest_width dest_height interp_type composite_color_simple dest_width dest_height interp_type overall_alpha check_size color1 color2 get_pixels_array subpixbuf src_x src_y width height rotate_simple angle flip horizontal Functions gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file filename gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size filename width height gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data data colorspace has_alpha bits_per_sample width height rowstride gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_array array colorspace bits_per_sample gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data data gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline data_length data copy_pixels gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_formats gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_file_info filename Ancestry +-- gobject.GObject +-- gtk.gdk.Pixbuf Attributes
"pixel_array" Read A numeric array containing the pixel values of the gtk.gdk.Pixbuf. The contents of the numeric array can be changed even though the array is read-only. However you cannot change the pixel data of pixbufs that are backed by a const string such as stock icon pixbufs. PyGTK must be compiled with Numeric Python support for this to work.
"bits-per-sample" Read-Write-Construct Only The number of bits per sample. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "colorspace" Read-Write-Construct Only The colorspace in which the samples are interpreted.Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "has-alpha" Read-Write-Construct Only If True,the pixbuf has an alpha channel. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "height" Read-Write-Construct Only The number of rows of the pixbuf. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "n-channels" Read-Write-Construct Only The number of samples per pixel. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "pixels" Read-Write-Construct Only A pointer to the pixel data of the pixbuf. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "rowstride" Read-Write-Construct Only The number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above. "width" Read-Write-Construct Only The number of columns of the pixbuf. Available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.
Description A gtk.gdk.Pixbuf object contains the data that describes an image using client side resources. By contrast a gtk.gdk.Pixmap uses server side resources to hold image data. Manipulating the image data in a gtk.gdk.Pixmap may involve round trip transfers between a client and a server in X11 while manipulating image data in a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf involves only client side operations. Therefore using gtk.gdk.Pixbuf objects may be more efficient than using gtk.gdk.Pixmap objects if a lot of image manipulation is necessary. In addition to the methods associated with a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf object there are a number of functions that can be used to create gtk.gdk.Pixbuf objects from file and inline data. Constructor gtk.gdk.Pixbuf colorspace has_alpha bits_per_sample width height colorspace : the color space for the image - currently only gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB. has_alpha : if True the image will have transparency information. bits_per_sample : the number of bits per color sample - currently must be 8. width : the width of image in pixels. height : the height of image in pixels. Returns : a newly-created gtk.gdk.Pixbuf. Creates a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf structure and allocates a buffer for it. The buffer has an optimal rowstride. Note that the buffer is not cleared; you will have to fill it completely yourself. The size of the image is specified by width and height. Methods gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.apply_embedded_orientation apply_embedded_orientation Returns : A newly-created pixbuf. This method was available in PyGTK 2.16 and above. The apply_embedded_orientation() method takes an existing pixbuf and checks for the presence of an associated "orientation" option, which may be provided by the jpeg loader (which reads the exif orientation tag) or the tiff loader (which reads the tiff orientation tag, and compensates it for the partial transforms performed by libtiff). If an orientation option/tag is present, the appropriate transform will be performed so that the pixbuf is oriented correctly. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.render_to_drawable render_to_drawable drawable gc src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height dither x_dither y_dither drawable : the destination gtk.gdk.Drawable. gc : the gtk.gdk.GC used for rendering. src_x : the X coordinate within the pixbuf. src_y : the Y coordinate within the pixbuf. dest_x : the X coordinate within drawable. dest_y : the Y coordinate within drawable. width : the width of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf width height : the height of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf height dither : the dithering mode. x_dither : the X offset for dithering. y_dither : the Y offset for dithering. This method is deprecated in PyGTK 2.2 and above. Use the gtk.gdk.Drawable.draw_pixbuf() method instead. The render_to_drawable() method renders a rectangular portion of the pixbuf to a gtk.gdk.Drawable specified by drawable while using the gtk.gdk.GC specified by gc. This is done using GdkRGB, so the specified drawable must have the GdkRGB visual and colormap. Note that this method will ignore the opacity information for images with an alpha channel; the gtk.gdk.GC must already have the clipping mask set if you want transparent regions to show through. The dither offset is important when re-rendering partial regions of an image to a rendered version of the full image, or when the offsets to a base position change, as in scrolling. The dither matrix has to be shifted for consistent visual results. If you do not have any of these cases, the dither offsets can be both zero. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.render_to_drawable_alpha render_to_drawable_alpha drawable src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height alpha_mode alpha_threshold dither x_dither y_dither drawable : the destination gtk.gdk.Drawable. gc : the gtk.gdk.GC used for rendering. src_x : the X coordinate within the pixbuf. src_y : the Y coordinate within the pixbuf. dest_x : the X coordinate within drawable. dest_y : the Y coordinate within drawable. width : the width of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf width height : the height of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf height alpha_mode : Ignored. Present for backward compatibility. alpha_threshold : Ignored. Present for backward compatibility dither : the dithering mode. x_dither : the X offset for dithering. y_dither : the Y offset for dithering. This method is deprecated in PyGTK 2.2 and above. Use the gtk.gdk.Drawable.draw_pixbuf() method instead. The render_to_drawable_alpha() method renders a rectangular portion of the pixbuf to a gtk.gdk.Drawable specified by drawable. drawable must have a colormap. All windows have a colormap; however, pixmaps only have colormap by default if they were created with a window argument.specifying a gtk.gdk.Window. Otherwise a colormap must be set on them with the gtk.gdk.Drawable.set_colormap() method. On older X servers, rendering pixbufs with an alpha channel involves round trips to the X server, and may be somewhat slow. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.render_pixmap_and_mask render_pixmap_and_mask alpha_threshold127 alpha_threshold : the threshold value for opacity values. Returns : a tuple containing the created pixmap and mask. The render_to_pixmap_and_mask() method returns a tuple containing a pixmap and a mask bitmap that the pixbuf and its corresponding thresholded alpha mask are rendered to. This is merely a convenience method; applications that need to render pixbufs with dither offsets or to specific drawables should use the render_to_drawable_alpha() or render_to_drawable() methods. If the pixbuf does not have an alpha channel, then the mask returned will be None. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_from_drawable get_from_drawable src cmap src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height src : the source gtk.gdk.Drawable. cmap : a colormap if src doesn't have one set. src_x : the X coordinate within drawable. src_y : the Y coordinate within drawable. dest_x : the X coordinate in the pixbuf. dest_y : the Y coordinate in the pixbuf. width : the width in pixels of the region to get. height : the height in pixels of the region to get. Returns : the pixbuf or None on error The get_from_drawable() method transfers image data from the gtk.gdk.Drawable specified by src and converts it to an RGB(A) representation inside a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf. In other words, copies image data from a server-side drawable to a client-side RGB(A) buffer. This allows you to efficiently read individual pixels on the client side. If src has no colormap (the gtk.gdk.Drawable.get_colormap() method returns None), then a suitable colormap must be specified as cmap. Typically a gtk.gdk.Window or a pixmap created by passing a gtk.gdk.Window to gtk.gdk.Pixmap() will already have a colormap associated with it. If src has a colormap, the cmap argument will be ignored. If src is a bitmap (1 bit per pixel pixmap), then a colormap is not required; pixels with a value of 1 are assumed to be white, and pixels with a value of 0 are assumed to be black. For taking screenshots, the gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system() function returns the correct colormap to use. If src is a pixmap, then the requested source rectangle must be completely contained within the pixmap, otherwise the function will return None. For pixmaps only (not for windows) passing -1 for width or height is allowed to mean the full width or height of the pixmap. If src is a window, and the window is off the screen, then there is no image data in the obscured/offscreen regions to be placed in the pixbuf. The contents of portions of the pixbuf corresponding to the offscreen region are undefined. If the window you're obtaining data from is partially obscured by other windows, then the contents of the pixbuf areas corresponding to the obscured regions are undefined. If the target drawable is not mapped (typically because it's iconified/minimized or not on the current workspace), None will be returned. If memory can't be allocated for the return value, None will be returned instead. (In short, there are several ways this method can fail, and if it fails it returns None; so check the return value.) This method calls the gtk.gdk.Drawable.get_image() method internally and converts the resulting image to a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, so the documentation for the gtk.gdk.Drawable.get_image() method may also be helpful. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_from_image get_from_image src cmap src_x src_y dest_x dest_y width height src : the source gtk.gdk.Image. cmap : a colormap if src doesn't have one set or None. src_x : the X coordinate within src. src_y : the Y coordinate within src. dest_x : the X coordinate in the pixbuf. dest_y : the Y coordinate in the pixbuf. width : the width in pixels of the region to get. height : the height in pixels of the region to get. Returns : the pixbuf or None on error The get_from_image() method is the same as the get_from_drawable() method but gets the pixbuf from the gtk.gdk.Image specified by src. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_colorspace get_colorspace Returns : the color space. The get_colorspace() method returns the color space of the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_n_channels get_n_channels Returns : the number of channels. The get_n_channels() method returns the number of channels of a pixbuf. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_has_alpha get_has_alpha Returns : True if the pixbuf has an alpha channel. The get_has_alpha() method returns True if the pixbuf has an alpha channel (opacity information). gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_bits_per_sample get_bits_per_sample Returns : the number of bits per color sample. The get_bits_per_sample() method returns the number of bits per color sample in a pixbuf. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_pixels get_pixels Returns : a string containing the pixel data of the pixbuf The get_pixels() method returns a sting containing the pixel data of the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_width get_width Returns : the width in pixels. The get_width() method returns the width of the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_height get_height Returns : the height in pixels. The get_height() method returns the height of the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_rowstride get_rowstride Returns : the number of bytes between rows. The get_rowstride() method returns the rowstride of a pixbuf, which is the number of bytes between rows. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_option get_option key key : a key string Returns : the value associated with key The get_option() method looks up key in the list of options that may have been attached to the pixbuf when it was loaded. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.copy copy Returns : A newly-created pixbuf or None if not enough memory could be allocated. The copy() method returns a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf with a copy of the data in the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.fill fill pixel pixel : the RGBA pixel to clear to (0xffffffff is opaque white, 0x00000000 transparent black) The fill() method clears the pixbuf to the RGBA value specified by pixel, converting the RGBA value into the pixbuf's pixel format. The alpha will be ignored if the pixbuf doesn't have an alpha channel. save filename type options None filename : the name of file to save. type : the name of the file format. options : a Python dict containing key-value string pairs or None The save() method saves the pixbuf to a file in the format specified by type, which may be "jpeg" or "png". If options is not None it should be a Python dict containing key-value string pairs that modify the save parameters. For example:, "jpeg", {"quality":"100"}) Currently only a few parameters exist. JPEG images can be saved with a "quality" parameter; its value should be in the range [0,100]. Text chunks can be attached to PNG images by specifying parameters of the form "tEXt::key", where key is an ASCII string of length 1-79. Note however that PNG text chunks are stored in ISO-8859-1 encoding, so you can only set texts that can be represented in this encoding. The values are UTF-8 encoded strings. ICO images can be saved in depth 16, 24, or 32, by using the "depth" parameter. When the ICO saver is given "x_hot" and "y_hot" parameters, it produces a CUR instead of an ICO. This method raises the GError exception if an error occurs during the save operation. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.save_to_callback save_to_callback save_func type options None user_data None save_func : a function that is called to save each block of data that the save routine generates. type : the name of the file format. options : a Python dict containing key-value string pairs or None user_data : user-specified data passed to save_func or None This method was available in PyGTK 2.8 and above. The save_to_callback() method saves the pixbuf in the format specified by type by feeding the pixbuf data to the callback function specified by save_func. type may be "jpeg", "png" or "ico" or other installed formats. If options is not None it should be a Python dict containing key-value string pairs that modify the save parameters. For example: pixbuf.save_to_callback(func, "jpeg", {"quality":"100"}) See the save() method for more information on formats. If user_data is not None it is passed to save_func with each invocation. This method raises a GError exception or exceptions raised by save_func if an error occurs during the save operation. The signature of save_func is: def pixbuf_save_func(buf, data=None): where buf is a Python string containing the pixbuf data and data is user_data. pixbuf_save_func returns True if successful or False on failure. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.add_alpha add_alpha substitute_color r g b substitute_color : if False, the (r, g, b) arguments will be ignored. r : the red value to substitute. g : the green value to substitute. b : the blue value to substitute. Returns : a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf. The add_alpha() method returns a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf created from the pixbuf with an alpha channel added. If the pixbuf already had an alpha channel, the channel values are copied; otherwise, the alpha channel is initialized to 255 (full opacity). If substitute_color is True, then the color specified by (r, g, b) will be assigned zero opacity. That is, if you pass (255, 255, 255) for the substitute color, all white pixels will become fully transparent. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.copy_area copy_area src_x src_y width height dest_pixbuf dest_x dest_y src_x : the X coordinate within the pixbuf. src_y : the Y coordinate within the pixbuf. width : the width of the area to copy. height : the height of the area to copy. dest_pixbuf : the destination pixbuf. dest_x : the X coordinate within dest_pixbuf. dest_y : the Y coordinate within dest_pixbuf. The copy_area() method copies a rectangular area from the pixbuf to the destination gtk.gdk.Pixbuf specified by dest_pixbuf. Conversion of pixbuf formats is done automatically. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.saturate_and_pixelate saturate_and_pixelate dest saturation pixelate dest : the gtk.gdk.Pixbuf to write the modified version of the pixbuf saturation : the saturation factor pixelate : if True pixelate dest The saturate_and_pixelate() method modifies the saturation and optionally pixelates the pixbuf, placing the result in dest. the pixbuf and dest may be the same gtk.gdk.Pixbuf with no ill effects. If saturation is 1.0 then saturation is not changed. If it's less than 1.0, saturation is reduced (the image is darkened); if greater than 1.0, saturation is increased (the image is brightened). If pixelate is True, then pixels are faded in a checkerboard pattern to create a pixelated image. The pixbuf and dest must have the same image format, size, and rowstride. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.scale scale dest dest_x dest_y dest_width dest_height offset_x offset_y scale_x scale_y interp_type dest : the gtk.gdk.Pixbuf the scaling is rendered to. dest_x : the X coordinate for the rectangle dest_y : the Y coordinate for the rectangle dest_width : the width of the rectangle dest_height : the height of the rectangle offset_x : the offset in the X direction (currently rounded to an integer) offset_y : the offset in the Y direction (currently rounded to an integer) scale_x : the scale factor in the X direction scale_y : the scale factor in the Y direction interp_type : the interpolation type for the transformation. The scale() method creates a transformation of the pixbuf's image by scaling by scale_x and scale_y and translating by offset_x and offset_y it, then rendering the rectangle (dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height) of the resulting image onto the destination image specified by dest replacing the previous contents. The value of interp_type must be one of: gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST Nearest neighbor sampling; this is the fastest and lowest quality mode. Quality is normally unacceptable when scaling down, but may be OK when scaling up. gtk.gdk.INTERP_TILES This is an accurate simulation of the PostScript image operator without any interpolation enabled. Each pixel is rendered as a tiny parallelogram of solid color, the edges of which are implemented with antialiasing. It resembles nearest neighbor for enlargement, and bilinear for reduction. gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR Best quality/speed balance; use this mode by default. Bilinear interpolation. For enlargement, it is equivalent to point-sampling the ideal bilinear-interpolated image. For reduction, it is equivalent to laying down small tiles and integrating over the coverage area. gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER This is the slowest and highest quality reconstruction function. It is derived from the hyperbolic filters in Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping", and is formally defined as the hyperbolic-filter sampling the ideal hyperbolic-filter interpolated image (the filter is designed to be idempotent for 1:1 pixel mapping). Try the scale_simple() method as an alternative with a simpler interface. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.composite composite dest dest_x dest_y dest_width dest_height offset_x offset_y scale_x scale_y interp_type overall_alpha dest : the output gtk.gdk.Pixbuf dest_x : the X coordinate for the rectangle dest_y : the top coordinate for the rectangle dest_width : the width of the rectangle dest_height : the height of the rectangle offset_x : the offset in the X direction (currently rounded to an integer) offset_y : the offset in the Y direction (currently rounded to an integer) scale_x : the scale factor in the X direction scale_y : the scale factor in the Y direction interp_type : the interpolation type for the transformation. overall_alpha : overall alpha for source image (0..255) The composite() method creates a transformation of the pixbuf's image by scaling by scale_x and scale_y and translating by offset_x and offset_y, then compositing the rectangle (dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height) of the resulting image onto the destination image. The value of interp_type must be one of: gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST Nearest neighbor sampling; this is the fastest and lowest quality mode. Quality is normally unacceptable when scaling down, but may be OK when scaling up. gtk.gdk.INTERP_TILES This is an accurate simulation of the PostScript image operator without any interpolation enabled. Each pixel is rendered as a tiny parallelogram of solid color, the edges of which are implemented with antialiasing. It resembles nearest neighbor for enlargement, and bilinear for reduction. gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR Best quality/speed balance; use this mode by default. Bilinear interpolation. For enlargement, it is equivalent to point-sampling the ideal bilinear-interpolated image. For reduction, it is equivalent to laying down small tiles and integrating over the coverage area. gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER This is the slowest and highest quality reconstruction function. It is derived from the hyperbolic filters in Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping", and is formally defined as the hyperbolic-filter sampling the ideal hyperbolic-filter interpolated image (the filter is designed to be idempotent for 1:1 pixel mapping). gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.composite_color composite_color dest dest_x dest_y dest_width dest_height offset_x offset_y scale_x scale_y interp_type overall_alpha check_x check_y check_size color1 color2 dest : the output gtk.gdk.Pixbuf dest_x : the X coordinate for the rectangle dest_y : the top coordinate for the rectangle dest_width : the width of the rectangle dest_height : the height of the rectangle offset_x : the offset in the X direction (currently rounded to an integer) offset_y : the offset in the Y direction (currently rounded to an integer) scale_x : the scale factor in the X direction scale_y : the scale factor in the Y direction interp_type : the interpolation type for the transformation. overall_alpha : overall alpha for source image (0..255) check_x : the X offset for the checkboard (origin of checkboard is at -check_x, -check_y) check_y : the Y offset for the checkboard check_size : the size of checks in the checkboard (must be a power of two) color1 : the color of check at upper left color2 : the color of the other check The composite_color() method creates a transformation of the source image src by scaling by scale_x and scale_y and translating by offset_x and offset_y, then compositing the rectangle (dest_x ,dest_y, dest_width, dest_height) of the resulting image with a checkboard of the colors color1 and color2 and renders it onto the destination image. The value of interp_type must be one of: gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST Nearest neighbor sampling; this is the fastest and lowest quality mode. Quality is normally unacceptable when scaling down, but may be OK when scaling up. gtk.gdk.INTERP_TILES This is an accurate simulation of the PostScript image operator without any interpolation enabled. Each pixel is rendered as a tiny parallelogram of solid color, the edges of which are implemented with antialiasing. It resembles nearest neighbor for enlargement, and bilinear for reduction. gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR Best quality/speed balance; use this mode by default. Bilinear interpolation. For enlargement, it is equivalent to point-sampling the ideal bilinear-interpolated image. For reduction, it is equivalent to laying down small tiles and integrating over the coverage area. gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER This is the slowest and highest quality reconstruction function. It is derived from the hyperbolic filters in Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping", and is formally defined as the hyperbolic-filter sampling the ideal hyperbolic-filter interpolated image (the filter is designed to be idempotent for 1:1 pixel mapping). See the composite_color_simple() method for a simpler variant of this method suitable for most tasks. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.scale_simple scale_simple dest_width dest_height interp_type dest_width : the width of destination image dest_height : the height of destination image interp_type : the interpolation type for the transformation. Returns : the new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, or None if not enough memory could be allocated for it. The scale_simple() method returns a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf containing a copy of the pixbuf scaled to dest_width x dest_height. The pixbuf is unaffected by the scaling operation. The value of interp_type must be one of: gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST Nearest neighbor sampling; this is the fastest and lowest quality mode. Quality is normally unacceptable when scaling down, but may be OK when scaling up. gtk.gdk.INTERP_TILES This is an accurate simulation of the PostScript image operator without any interpolation enabled. Each pixel is rendered as a tiny parallelogram of solid color, the edges of which are implemented with antialiasing. It resembles nearest neighbor for enlargement, and bilinear for reduction. gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR Best quality/speed balance; use this mode by default. Bilinear interpolation. For enlargement, it is equivalent to point-sampling the ideal bilinear-interpolated image. For reduction, it is equivalent to laying down small tiles and integrating over the coverage area. gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER This is the slowest and highest quality reconstruction function. It is derived from the hyperbolic filters in Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping", and is formally defined as the hyperbolic-filter sampling the ideal hyperbolic-filter interpolated image (the filter is designed to be idempotent for 1:1 pixel mapping). interp_type should be gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST if you want maximum speed (but when scaling down gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST is usually unusably ugly). The default interp_type should be GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR which offers reasonable quality and speed. You can scale a sub-portion of src by creating a sub-pixbuf pointing into src; see the subpixbuf() method for more information. For more complicated scaling/compositing see the scale() and composite() methods. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.composite_color_simple composite_color_simple dest_width dest_height interp_type overall_alpha check_size color1 color2 dest_width : the width of destination image dest_height : the height of destination image interp_type : the interpolation type for the transformation. overall_alpha : overall alpha for source image (0..255) check_size : the size of checks in the checkboard (must be a power of two) color1 : the color of check at upper left color2 : the color of the other check Returns : the new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, or NULL if not enough memory could be allocated for it. The composite_color_simple() method returns a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf by scaling the pixbuf to dest_width x dest_height and compositing the result with a checkboard of colors color1 and color2. The value of interp_type must be one of: gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST Nearest neighbor sampling; this is the fastest and lowest quality mode. Quality is normally unacceptable when scaling down, but may be OK when scaling up. gtk.gdk.INTERP_TILES This is an accurate simulation of the PostScript image operator without any interpolation enabled. Each pixel is rendered as a tiny parallelogram of solid color, the edges of which are implemented with antialiasing. It resembles nearest neighbor for enlargement, and bilinear for reduction. gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR Best quality/speed balance; use this mode by default. Bilinear interpolation. For enlargement, it is equivalent to point-sampling the ideal bilinear-interpolated image. For reduction, it is equivalent to laying down small tiles and integrating over the coverage area. gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER This is the slowest and highest quality reconstruction function. It is derived from the hyperbolic filters in Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping", and is formally defined as the hyperbolic-filter sampling the ideal hyperbolic-filter interpolated image (the filter is designed to be idempotent for 1:1 pixel mapping). See the composite_color() method for a more powerful but complicated interface. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.get_pixels_array get_pixels_array Returns : a Numeric Python array containing the pixel data of the pixbuf This method is available in PyGTK 2.2 and above. The get_pixels_array() method returns a Numeric Python array containing the pixel data of the pixbuf. PyGTK must be compiled with Numeric Python support for this method to be available. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.subpixbuf subpixbuf src_x src_y width height src_x : X coord in the pixbuf src_y : Y coord in the pixbuf width : width of region in the pixbuf height : height of region in the pixbuf Returns : a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The subpixbuf() method creates a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf that represents a sub-region of the pixbuf. The new pixbuf shares its pixels with the original pixbuf, so writing to one affects both. gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.rotate_simple rotate_simple angle angle : the rotation angle Returns : a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above. The rotate_simple() method creates a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf by rotating the given pixbuf by a multiple of 90 degrees as specified by angle which is one of the gtk.gdk.Pixbuf.flip flip horizontal flip : True to flip horizontally, False to flip vertically Returns : a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above. The flip() method creates a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf by flipping the given pixbuf horizontally or vertically, as specified by horizontal. Functions gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file filename filename : the name of the file containing the image to load Returns : a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf. The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file() function returns a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf containing an image loaded from the file specified by filename. The image file format is detected automatically. The application will block until the image is done loading. This method can be used by applications in which blocking is acceptable while an image is being loaded (small images in general). Applications that need progressive loading should use gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader instead. This function raises the GError exception if an error occurs during the loading of the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size filename width height filename : the name of the file containing the image to load width : The width the image should have height : The height the image should have Returns : a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf. This function is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above. The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size() function returns a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf containing an image loaded from the file specified by filename with it scaled to the size specified by width and height. The image file format is detected automatically. The application will block until the image is done loading. This function can be used by applications in which blocking is acceptable while an image is being loaded (small images in general). Applications that need progressive loading should use a gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader instead. This function raises the GError exception if an error occurs during the loading of the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data data colorspace has_alpha bits_per_sample width height rowstride data : a string containing image data in 8-bit/sample packed format. colorspace : the colorspace for the image data. has_alpha : If True, the data has an opacity channel. bits_per_sample : the number of bits per sample. width : the width of the image in pixels. height : the height of the image in pixels. rowstride : the distance in bytes between row starts. Returns : a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf This function is available in PyGTK 2.2 and above. The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data() function returns a new pixbuf created from the string specified by data. data must be RGB image data with 8 bits per sample. colorspace must be gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB. gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_array gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_array array colorspace bits_per_sample array : a string containing image data in 8-bit/sample packed format. colorspace : the colorspace for the image data. bits_per_sample : the number of bits per sample. Returns : a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf This function is available in PyGTK 2.2 and above. The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_array() function returns a new pixbuf created from the Numeric Python array specified by array. array must be a 3 or 4 dimensional array (4 if the image has an alpha channel) with bits_per_sample bits per sample. colorspace must be gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB. PyGTK must be compiled with the Numeric Python module to support this function. gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data data data : a list of strings containing the XPM image data Returns : a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data() function returns a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf by parsing XPM data in memory specified by data. data is a list of strings containing the XPM data. gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline data_length data copy_pixels data_length : the length in bytes of the data data : a string containing the inline pixbuf data copy_pixels : if True the pixel data should be copied Returns : a new gtk.gdk.Pixbuf object The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_inline() function returns a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf from a flat representation that is suitable for storing as inline data in a program. This is useful if you want to ship a program with images, but don't want to depend on any external files. GTK+ ships with a program called gdk-pixbuf-csource which allows for conversion of an image into such a inline representation.In almost all cases, you should pass the flag to gdk-pixbuf-csource. A sample invocation would be: gdk-pixbuf-csource --raw --name=myimage_inline myimage.png For the typical case where the inline pixbuf is read-only static data, you don't need to copy the pixel data unless you intend to write to it, so you can pass False for copy_pixels. This function raises the GError exception if an error occurs during the loading of the pixbuf. gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_formats gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_formats Returns : a list of image formats as Python dicts The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_formats() function returns a list of the supported image formats as a Python dict. The keys of the image format dict are: name : the name of the image format. description : a description of the image format. mime_types : a list of the mime types this image matches. extensions : a list of typical filename extensions for the image format. is_writable : if True the image can be written to a file gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_file_info gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_file_info filename filename : the name of the file to check Returns : an image format as a Python dict The gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_file_info() function reads enough of the file specified by filename to determine its image format and then returns the image format information in a Python dict. See the gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_formats() function for more details on the image format dict.