gtk.gdk.CairoContext object providing support for drawing using Cairo (new in PyGTK 2.8) Synopsis gtk.gdk.CairoContext pangocairo.CairoContext set_source_color color set_source_pixbuf pixbuf pixbuf_x pixbuf_y rectangle rectangle region region set_source_pixmap pixmap pixmap_x pixmap_y Ancestry +-- cairo.Context +-- pangocairo.CairoContext +-- gtk.gdk.CairoContext Description Cairo is a graphics library that supports vector graphics and image compositing that can be used with PyGTK. Since 2.8, GTK+ and Pango do most of their drawing using Cairo. The Cairo drawing model and primitives are similar to PostScript which uses an imaging model of painting on a two dimensional surface. There is a Python module that wraps the Cairo API that is used by PyGTK via subclassing of the cairo.Context class by the pangocairo.CairoContext class. The cairo.Context class provides most of the drawing primitives used for drawing on Cairo surfaces. PyGTK (and GTK+ and GDK) does not wrap the Cairo API, instead gtk.gdk.CairoContext objects can be used to draw on gtk.gdk.Drawable objects. A gtk.gdk.CairoContext is created using the gtk.gdk.Drawable.cairo_create() method. See the pangocairo.CairoContext and Python cairo module documentation for additional methods. Methods gtk.gdk.CairoContext.set_source_color set_source_color color color : a gtk.gdk.Color This method is available in PyGTK 2.8 and above. The set_source_color() method sets the source color of the cairo context to the gtk.gdk.Color specified by color. See the cairo.Context.set_source_rgb() method for more information. gtk.gdk.CairoContext.set_source_pixbuf set_source_pixbuf pixbuf pixbuf_x pixbuf_y pixbuf : a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf_x : the X coordinate of the location to place the upper left corner of pixbuf. pixbuf_y : the Y coordinate of the location to place the upper left corner of pixbuf. This method is available in PyGTK 2.8 and above. The set_source_pixbuf() method sets the gtk.gdk.Pixbuf specified by pixbuf as the source pattern for the cairo context. The pattern has an extend mode of cairo.EXTEND_NONE and is aligned so that the origin of pixbuf is at the location specified by pixbuf_x, pixbuf_y. gtk.gdk.CairoContext.rectangle rectangle rectangle rectangle : a gtk.gdk.Rectangle or a 4-tuple representing a rectangle This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above. The rectangle() method adds the rectangle specified by rectangle to the current path. gtk.gdk.CairoContext.region region region region : a gtk.gdk.Region This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above. The region() method adds the gtk.gdk.Region specified by region to the current path. gtk.gdk.CairoContext.set_source_pixmap set_source_pixmap pixmap pixmap_x pixmap_y pixmap : a gtk.gdk.Pixmap pixmap_x : the X coordinate of the location to place the upper left corner of pixmap. pixmap_y : the Y coordinate of the location to place the upper left corner of pixmap. This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above. The set_source_pixmap() method sets the gtk.gdk.Pixmap specified by pixmap as the source pattern for the cairo context. The pattern has an extend mode of cairo.EXTEND_NONE and is aligned so that the origin of pixmap is at the location specified by pixmap_x, pixmap_y.