"""This file describes the types defined in gtkmodule that don't have Python class wrappers in gtk.py, but are still used. This module shouldn't be imported, as it is only meant to be documentation In this file, when I assign '_' to a variable, it represents whatever should be in that variable.""" raise ImportError, "I told you not to import this module" _ = None class GtkCTreeNode: """This representsa node in a GtkCTree. It is a cross between the""" """C GtkCTreeNode and GtkCTreeRow structs.""" """The parent of this node (or None for no parent)""" parent = _ """This node's next sibling (or None if this is the last)""" sibling = _ """A list of this node's children""" children = [] """The level of this node""" level = _ """TRUE if this node is a leaf node""" is_leaf = _ """TRUE if this node has been expanded""" expanded = _ class GtkStyle: """You can assign to any attribute except colormap. Also, assigning""" """to the sequence attributes is not allowed -- only assinging to""" """sequence members.""" """COLORS""" black = _ white = _ """These variables should be indexed with the STATE_* constants""" fg = (_, _, _, _, _) bg = (_, _, _, _, _) light = (_, _, _, _, _) dark = (_, _, _, _, _) mid = (_, _, _, _, _) text = (_, _, _, _, _) base = (_, _, _, _, _) """The font used for text for widgets of this style""" font = _ """GC's""" black_gc = _ white_gc = _ """These variables should be indexed with the STATE_* constants""" fg_gc = (_, _, _, _, _) bg_gc = (_, _, _, _, _) light_gc = (_, _, _, _, _) dark_gc = (_, _, _, _, _) mid_gc = (_, _, _, _, _) text_gc = (_, _, _, _, _) base_gc = (_, _, _, _, _) """These are background pixmaps for the various states""" bg_pixmap = (_, _, _, _, _) """The colormap for this style""" colormap = _ def copy(self): """take a copy of this style""" pass class GtkSelectionData: """This type represents the selection. Do not keep a reference""" """to it past the life of a callback""" """The selection atom""" selection = _ """target atom""" target = _ """type atom""" type = _ """format type""" format = _ """The data in this selection""" data = "some_data" def set(self, type, format, data): """Set the type, format and data parts of the selection data""" pass class GdkAtom: """This type represents a GdkAtom. The reason for not using ints""" """is that this type can automatically coerce to int, long, float""" """or string, reducing the need for gdk_atom_intern/name in a lot""" """of cases. Functions that take atoms as input are really reading""" """ints, and this type just gets coerced.""" def __int__(self): pass def __long__(self): pass def __float__(self): pass def __oct__(self): pass def __hex__(self): pass def __coerce__(self, other): """will corece self to any of int, long, float or string if""" """other type matches, otherwise fail""" pass class GdkColor: """These are the attributes of a GdkColor:""" red = _ green = _ blue = _ """This is the pixel value for the color""" pixel = _ class GdkColormap: def __len__(self): """return the size of the colormap""" pass def __getitem__(self, pos): """return the GdkColor at position pos in the colormap""" pass def __getslice__(self, lo, up): """return a tuple of GdkColor's according to the given slice""" pass def alloc(self, color_name): """return a GdkColor matching the color name given, that has been allocated in the colormap""" pass def alloc(self, red, green, blue): """return a GdkColor matching the 16-bit RGB values given, that has been allocated in the colormap""" pass class GdkCursor: """the type number of this cursor, or -1 for a pixmap cursor""" type = _ """the string name for this type of cursor""" name = _ class GdkDragContext: """This event holds the context of a DND drag""" """The protocol""" protocol = _ """True if we are on the source end (I think)""" is_source = _ """source and destination windows""" source_window = _ dest_window = _ """A list of target atoms for this drag""" targets = [_, _, _] """A combination of the GdkDragAction flags""" actions = _ """The suggested action atom""" suggested_action = _ """The action atom""" action = _ """The start time for the drag""" start_time = _ class GdkEvent: """The type of the event -- this decides on what other attributes the object has""" type = _ """The GdkWindow associated with the event""" window = _ send_event = _ """You can convert the event names to widget signal names by knocking off the GDK., converting to lower case, and adding '_event'.""" if type in (GDK.NOTHING, GDK.DELETE, GDK.DESTROY, GDK.EXPOSE): """No extra info for these events""" pass elif type == GDK.EXPOSE: """The exposed area""" area = (_, _, _, _) count = _ elif type == GDK.MOTION_NOTIFY: time = _ ; x = _ ; y = _ ; pressure = _ ; xtilt = _ ; ytilt = _ state = _ ; is_hint = _ ; source = _ ; x_root = _ ; y_root = _ elif type in (GDK.BUTTON_PRESS,GDK._2BUTTON_PRESS,GDK._3BUTTON_PRESS): time = _ ; x = _ ; y = _ ; pressure = _ ; xtilt = _ ; ytilt = _ state = _ ; button = _ ; source = _ ; deviceid = _ x_root = _ ; y_root = _ elif type in (GDK.KEY_PRESS, GDK.KEY_RELEASE): time = _ ; keyval = _ ; string = _ elif type in (GDK.ENTER_NOTIFY, GDK.LEAVE_NOTIFY): detail = _ elif type == GDK.FOCUS_CHANGE: _in = _ elif type == GDK.CONFIGURE: x = _ ; y = _ ; width = _ ; height = _ elif type in (GDK.MAP, GDK.UNMAP): """No extra parameters""" pass elif type == GDK.PROPERTY_NOTIFY: atom = _ ; time = _ ; state = _ elif type in (GDK.SELECTION_CLEAR, GDK.SELECTION_REQUEST, GDK.SELECTION_NOTIFY): selection = _ ; target = _ ; property = _ ; requestor = _ time = _ elif type in (GDK.PROXIMITY_IN, GDK.PROXIMITY_OUT): time = _ ; source = _ ; deviceid = _ elif type == GDK.DRAG_BEGIN: protocol_version = _ elif type == GDK.DRAG_REQUEST: protocol_version = _ ; sendreply = _ ; willaccept = _ delete_data = _ ; senddata = _ ; isdrop = _ drop_coords = (_, _) ; data_type = _ ; timestamp = _ elif type == GDK.DROP_ENTER: requestor = _ ; protocol_version = _ ; sendreply = _ extended_typelist = _ elif type == GDK.DROP_LEAVE: requestor = _ ; protocol_version = _ elif type == GDK.DROP_DATA_AVAIL: requestor = _ ; protocol_version = _ ; isdrop = _ data_type = _ ; data = _ ; timestamp = _ ; coords = (_, _) elif type == GDK.CLIENT_EVENT: message_type = _ ; data_format = _ ; data = _ elif type == GDK.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY: state = _ elif type == GDK.NO_EXPOSE: pass elif type == GDK.OTHER_EVENT: pass class GdkFont: """ the ascent and descent of a font""" ascent = _ descent = _ """ the font type (GDK.FONT_FONT or GDK.FONT_FONTSET) """ type = _ def width(self, str): """return the width of the string""" pass def height(self, str): """return the height of the string""" pass def measure(self, str): """return the width of the string, taking into account kerning of the final character""" pass def extents(self, str): """return (lbearing,rbearing,width,ascent,descent)""" pass class GdkGC: """GdkGC's are created with the GdkWindow.new_gc method. It is impossible to directly create one.""" """These attributes match the parameters to GdkWindow.new_gc, and can be read and set""" foreground = _ background = _ font = _ function = _ fill = _ tile = _ stipple = _ clip_mask = _ ts_x_origin, ts_y_origin = (_, _) clip_x_origin, clip_y_origin = (_, _) graphics_exposures = _ line_width = _ line_style = _ cap_style = _ join_style = _ def set_dashes(self, dash_offset, dash_list): """set the dash pattern for this GC.""" pass class GdkWindow: """All attributes are read only for GdkWindow's""" """The type of window -- you shouldn't need this""" type = _ """Child windows""" children = [_, _, '...'] """A GdkColormap object""" colormap = _ width = _ ; height = _ x = _ ; y = _ """bit depth for this window/pixmap""" depth = _ """parent windows""" parent = _ toplevel = _ """Pointer info""" pointer = (_, _) pointer_state = _ def new_gc(self, foreground=None, background=None, font=None, tile=None, stipple=None, clip_mask=None, function=None, fill=None, subwindow_mode=None, ts_x_origin=None, ts_y_origin=None, clip_x_origin=None, clip_y_origin=None, line_width=None, line_style=None, cap_style=None, join_style=None): """Creates a new GC for this window with the given settings. The settings must be given as keyword arguments. If a setting isn't given, then its default will be used""" pass def set_cursor(self, cursor): """Sets the cursor for this window""" pass """Aliases for GdkWindow. GdkPixmap refers to an offscreen pixmap. GdkDrawable refers to either a GdkWindow or a GdkPixmap""" GdkPixmap = GdkWindow GdkBitmap = GdkPixmap GdkDrawable = GdkWindow