gio.MountOperationAuthentication methods for mountable locations.Synopsisgio.MountOperationgobject.GObjectgio.MountOperationget_anonymousget_choiceget_domainget_passwordget_password_saveget_usernamereplayresultset_anonymousanonymousset_choicechoiceset_domaindomainset_passwordpasswordset_password_savesaveset_usernameusernameAncestry+-- gobject.GObject
+-- gio.MountOperation
gio.MountOperation Properties
Whether to use an anonymous user when authenticating.
Default value: False"choice"Read/Write
The index of the user's choice when a question is asked during
the mount operation. See the "ask-question" signal.
Allowed values: >= 0 Default value: 0
The domain to use for the mount operation. Default value: None"password"Read/Write
The password that is used for authentication when carrying out the
mount operation. Default value: None"password-save"Read/Write
Determines if and how the password information should be saved.
Default value: gio.PASSWORD_SAVE_NEVER
The user name that is used for authentication when carrying out the
mount operation. Default value: None
gio.MountOperation Signal Prototypesgobject.GObject Signal Prototypes"aborted"callbackmountoperationuser_param1..."ask-password"callbackmountoperationmessagedefault_userdefault_domainflagsuser_param1..."ask-question"callbackmountoperationmessagechoicesuser_param1..."reply"callbackmountoperationresultuser_param1...Description
The gio.MountOperation
provides a mechanism for authenticating mountable operations, such as loop mounting files,
hard drive partitions or server locations.
Mounting operations are handed a
that then can use if they require any privileges or authentication for their volumes to be
mounted (e.g. a hard disk partition or an encrypted filesystem), or if they are implementing
a remote server protocol which requires user credentials such as FTP or WebDAV.
Users should instantiate a subclass of this that implements all the various callbacks
to show the required dialogs, such as
Constructorgio.MountOperationReturns :a new
Creates a new mount operation.
Methodsgio.MountOperation.get_anonymousget_anonymousReturns :True if mount operation is anonymous.
The get_anonymous() method check to see whether
the mount operation is being used for an anonymous user
gio.MountOperation.get_choiceget_choiceReturns :an integer containing an index of the user's
choice from the choice's list, or 0.
The get_anonymous() method gets a choice
from the mount operation.
gio.MountOperation.get_domainget_domainReturns :a string set to the domain.
The get_domain() method gets the domain
of the mount operation.
gio.MountOperation.get_passwordget_passwordReturns :a string containing the password within
the mountoperation.
The get_password() method gets a password
from the mount operation.
gio.MountOperation.get_password_saveget_password_saveReturns :a
The get_password_save() method gets the state
of saving passwords for the mount operation.
gio.MountOperation.get_usernameget_usernameReturns :a string containing the user name.
The get_username() method get the user
name from the mount operation.
gio.MountOperation.replyreplyresultresult :a
The reply() method emits the "reply" signal.
gio.MountOperation.set_anonymousset_anonymousanonymousanonymous :boolean value.
The set_anonymous() method sets the mount operation
to use an anonymous user if anonymous is True.
gio.MountOperation.set_choiceset_choicechoicechoice :an integer.
The set_choice() method sets a default choice for the mount operation.
gio.MountOperation.set_domainset_domaindomaindomain :the domain to set.
The set_domain() method sets the mount operation's domain.
gio.MountOperation.set_passwordset_passwordpasswordpassword :password to set.
The set_password() method sets the mount
operation's password to password.
gio.MountOperation.set_password_saveset_password_savesavesave :a set of
The set_password_save() method sets the state
of saving passwords for the mount operation.
gio.MountOperation.set_usernameset_usernameusernameusername :input username.
The set_anonymous() method sets the user
name within op to username.
SignalsThe "aborted" gio.MountOperation Signalcallbackmountoperationuser_param1...mountoperation :the mountoperationuser_param1 :the first user parameter (if any) specified
with the connect()
method... :additional user parameters (if any)
Emitted by the backend when e.g. a device becomes unavailable while a mount operation is in progress.
Implementations of gio.MountOperation
should handle this signal by dismissing open password dialogs.
The "ask-password" gio.MountOperation Signalcallbackmountoperationmessagedefault_userdefault_domainflagsuser_param1...mountoperation :the mountoperationmessage :string containing a message to display to the user.default_user :string containing the default user name.default_domain :string containing the default domain.flags :a set of
user_param1 :the first user parameter (if any) specified
with the connect()
method... :additional user parameters (if any)
This signal is emitted when a mount operation asks the user for a password.
If the message contains a line break, the first line should be presented as a heading.
For example, it may be used as the primary text in a
The "ask-question" gio.MountOperation Signalcallbackmountoperationmessagechoicesuser_param1...mountoperation :the mountoperationmessage :string containing a message to display to the user.choices :a list of strings for each possible choice.user_param1 :the first user parameter (if any) specified
with the connect()
method... :additional user parameters (if any)
This signal is emitted when asking the user a question and gives a list of choices
for the user to choose from. If the message contains a line break, the first line should be
presented as a heading. For example, it may be used as the primary text in a
The "reply" gio.MountOperation Signalcallbackmountoperationresultuser_param1...mountoperation :the mountoperationresult :a
indicating how the request was handleduser_param1 :the first user parameter (if any) specified
with the connect()
method... :additional user parameters (if any)
This signal is emitted when the user has replied to the mount operation.