# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The `utils` module provides a number of utility functions that don't belong in the Filesystem interface. Generally the functions in this module work with multiple Filesystems, for instance moving and copying between non-similar Filesystems. """ __all__ = ['copyfile', 'movefile', 'movedir', 'copydir', 'countbytes', 'isfile', 'isdir', 'find_duplicates', 'print_fs', 'open_atomic_write'] import os import sys import stat import six from six import PY3 from fs.mountfs import MountFS from fs.path import pathjoin from fs.errors import DestinationExistsError, RemoveRootError from fs.base import FS def copyfile(src_fs, src_path, dst_fs, dst_path, overwrite=True, chunk_size=64*1024): """Copy a file from one filesystem to another. Will use system copyfile, if both files have a syspath. Otherwise file will be copied a chunk at a time. :param src_fs: Source filesystem object :param src_path: Source path :param dst_fs: Destination filesystem object :param dst_path: Destination path :param chunk_size: Size of chunks to move if system copyfile is not available (default 64K) """ # If the src and dst fs objects are the same, then use a direct copy if src_fs is dst_fs: src_fs.copy(src_path, dst_path, overwrite=overwrite) return src_syspath = src_fs.getsyspath(src_path, allow_none=True) dst_syspath = dst_fs.getsyspath(dst_path, allow_none=True) if not overwrite and dst_fs.exists(dst_path): raise DestinationExistsError(dst_path) # System copy if there are two sys paths if src_syspath is not None and dst_syspath is not None: FS._shutil_copyfile(src_syspath, dst_syspath) return src_lock = getattr(src_fs, '_lock', None) if src_lock is not None: src_lock.acquire() try: src = None try: src = src_fs.open(src_path, 'rb') dst_fs.setcontents(dst_path, src, chunk_size=chunk_size) finally: if src is not None: src.close() finally: if src_lock is not None: src_lock.release() def copyfile_non_atomic(src_fs, src_path, dst_fs, dst_path, overwrite=True, chunk_size=64*1024): """A non atomic version of copyfile (will not block other threads using src_fs or dst_fst) :param src_fs: Source filesystem object :param src_path: Source path :param dst_fs: Destination filesystem object :param dst_path: Destination path :param chunk_size: Size of chunks to move if system copyfile is not available (default 64K) """ if not overwrite and dst_fs.exists(dst_path): raise DestinationExistsError(dst_path) src = None dst = None try: src = src_fs.open(src_path, 'rb') dst = dst_fs.open(dst_path, 'wb') write = dst.write read = src.read chunk = read(chunk_size) while chunk: write(chunk) chunk = read(chunk_size) finally: if src is not None: src.close() if dst is not None: dst.close() def movefile(src_fs, src_path, dst_fs, dst_path, overwrite=True, chunk_size=64*1024): """Move a file from one filesystem to another. Will use system copyfile, if both files have a syspath. Otherwise file will be copied a chunk at a time. :param src_fs: Source filesystem object :param src_path: Source path :param dst_fs: Destination filesystem object :param dst_path: Destination path :param chunk_size: Size of chunks to move if system copyfile is not available (default 64K) """ src_syspath = src_fs.getsyspath(src_path, allow_none=True) dst_syspath = dst_fs.getsyspath(dst_path, allow_none=True) if not overwrite and dst_fs.exists(dst_path): raise DestinationExistsError(dst_path) if src_fs is dst_fs: src_fs.move(src_path, dst_path, overwrite=overwrite) return # System copy if there are two sys paths if src_syspath is not None and dst_syspath is not None: FS._shutil_movefile(src_syspath, dst_syspath) return src_lock = getattr(src_fs, '_lock', None) if src_lock is not None: src_lock.acquire() try: src = None try: # Chunk copy src = src_fs.open(src_path, 'rb') dst_fs.setcontents(dst_path, src, chunk_size=chunk_size) except: raise else: src_fs.remove(src_path) finally: if src is not None: src.close() finally: if src_lock is not None: src_lock.release() def movefile_non_atomic(src_fs, src_path, dst_fs, dst_path, overwrite=True, chunk_size=64*1024): """A non atomic version of movefile (wont block other threads using src_fs or dst_fs) :param src_fs: Source filesystem object :param src_path: Source path :param dst_fs: Destination filesystem object :param dst_path: Destination path :param chunk_size: Size of chunks to move if system copyfile is not available (default 64K) """ if not overwrite and dst_fs.exists(dst_path): raise DestinationExistsError(dst_path) src = None dst = None try: # Chunk copy src = src_fs.open(src_path, 'rb') dst = dst_fs.open(dst_path, 'wb') write = dst.write read = src.read chunk = read(chunk_size) while chunk: write(chunk) chunk = read(chunk_size) except: raise else: src_fs.remove(src_path) finally: if src is not None: src.close() if dst is not None: dst.close() def movedir(fs1, fs2, create_destination=True, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=64*1024): """Moves contents of a directory from one filesystem to another. :param fs1: A tuple of (, ) :param fs2: Destination filesystem, or a tuple of (, ) :param create_destination: If True, the destination will be created if it doesn't exist :param ignore_errors: If True, exceptions from file moves are ignored :param chunk_size: Size of chunks to move if a simple copy is used """ if not isinstance(fs1, tuple): raise ValueError("first argument must be a tuple of (, )") fs1, dir1 = fs1 parent_fs1 = fs1 parent_dir1 = dir1 fs1 = fs1.opendir(dir1) if parent_dir1 in ('', '/'): raise RemoveRootError(dir1) if isinstance(fs2, tuple): fs2, dir2 = fs2 if create_destination: fs2.makedir(dir2, allow_recreate=True, recursive=True) fs2 = fs2.opendir(dir2) mount_fs = MountFS(auto_close=False) mount_fs.mount('src', fs1) mount_fs.mount('dst', fs2) mount_fs.copydir('src', 'dst', overwrite=True, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, chunk_size=chunk_size) parent_fs1.removedir(parent_dir1, force=True) def copydir(fs1, fs2, create_destination=True, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=64*1024): """Copies contents of a directory from one filesystem to another. :param fs1: Source filesystem, or a tuple of (, ) :param fs2: Destination filesystem, or a tuple of (, ) :param create_destination: If True, the destination will be created if it doesn't exist :param ignore_errors: If True, exceptions from file moves are ignored :param chunk_size: Size of chunks to move if a simple copy is used """ if isinstance(fs1, tuple): fs1, dir1 = fs1 fs1 = fs1.opendir(dir1) if isinstance(fs2, tuple): fs2, dir2 = fs2 if create_destination: fs2.makedir(dir2, allow_recreate=True, recursive=True) fs2 = fs2.opendir(dir2) mount_fs = MountFS(auto_close=False) mount_fs.mount('src', fs1) mount_fs.mount('dst', fs2) mount_fs.copydir('src', 'dst', overwrite=True, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, chunk_size=chunk_size) def copydir_progress(progress_callback, fs1, fs2, create_destination=True, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=64*1024): """ Copies the contents of a directory from one fs to another, with a callback function to display progress. `progress_callback` should be a function with two parameters; `step` and `num_steps`. `num_steps` is the number of steps in the copy process, and `step` is the current step. `num_steps` may be None if the number of steps is still being calculated. """ if isinstance(fs1, tuple): fs1, dir1 = fs1 fs1 = fs1.opendir(dir1) if isinstance(fs2, tuple): fs2, dir2 = fs2 if create_destination: fs2.makedir(dir2, allow_recreate=True, recursive=True) fs2 = fs2.opendir(dir2) def do_callback(step, num_steps): try: progress_callback(step, num_steps) except: pass do_callback(0, None) file_count = 0 copy_paths = [] for dir_path, file_paths in fs1.walk(): copy_paths.append((dir_path, file_paths)) file_count += len(file_paths) do_callback(0, file_count) step = 0 for i, (dir_path, file_paths) in enumerate(copy_paths): try: fs2.makedir(dir_path, allow_recreate=True) for path in file_paths: copy_path = pathjoin(dir_path, path) with fs1.open(copy_path, 'rb') as src_file: fs2.setcontents(copy_path, src_file, chunk_size=chunk_size) step += 1 except: if ignore_errors: continue raise do_callback(step, file_count) def remove_all(fs, path): """Remove everything in a directory. Returns True if successful. :param fs: A filesystem :param path: Path to a directory """ sub_fs = fs.opendir(path) for sub_path in sub_fs.listdir(): if sub_fs.isdir(sub_path): sub_fs.removedir(sub_path, force=True) else: sub_fs.remove(sub_path) return fs.isdirempty(path) def copystructure(src_fs, dst_fs): """Copies the directory structure from one filesystem to another, so that all directories in `src_fs` will have a corresponding directory in `dst_fs` :param src_fs: Filesystem to copy structure from :param dst_fs: Filesystem to copy structure to """ for path in src_fs.walkdirs(): dst_fs.makedir(path, allow_recreate=True) def countbytes(fs): """Returns the total number of bytes contained within files in a filesystem. :param fs: A filesystem object """ total = sum(fs.getsize(f) for f in fs.walkfiles()) return total def isdir(fs,path,info=None): """Check whether a path within a filesystem is a directory. If you're able to provide the info dict for the path, this may be possible without querying the filesystem (e.g. by checking st_mode). """ if info is not None: st_mode = info.get("st_mode") if st_mode: if stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode): return True if stat.S_ISREG(st_mode): return False return fs.isdir(path) def isfile(fs,path,info=None): """Check whether a path within a filesystem is a file. If you're able to provide the info dict for the path, this may be possible without querying the filesystem (e.g. by checking st_mode). """ if info is not None: st_mode = info.get("st_mode") if st_mode: if stat.S_ISREG(st_mode): return True if stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode): return False return fs.isfile(path) def contains_files(fs, path='/'): """Check if there are any files in the filesystem""" try: iter(fs.walkfiles(path)).next() except StopIteration: return False return True def find_duplicates(fs, compare_paths=None, quick=False, signature_chunk_size=16*1024, signature_size=10*16*1024): """A generator that yields the paths of duplicate files in an FS object. Files are considered identical if the contents are the same (dates or other attributes not take in to account). :param fs: A filesystem object :param compare_paths: An iterable of paths within the FS object, or all files if omitted :param quick: If set to True, the quick method of finding duplicates will be used, which can potentially return false positives if the files have the same size and start with the same data. Do not use when deleting files! :param signature_chunk_size: The number of bytes to read before generating a signature checksum value :param signature_size: The total number of bytes read to generate a signature For example, the following will list all the duplicate .jpg files in "~/Pictures":: >>> from fs.utils import find_duplicates >>> from fs.osfs import OSFS >>> fs = OSFS('~/Pictures') >>> for dups in find_duplicates(fs, fs.walkfiles('*.jpg')): ... print list(dups) """ from collections import defaultdict from zlib import crc32 if compare_paths is None: compare_paths = fs.walkfiles() # Create a dictionary that maps file sizes on to the paths of files with # that filesize. So we can find files of the same size with a quick lookup file_sizes = defaultdict(list) for path in compare_paths: file_sizes[fs.getsize(path)].append(path) size_duplicates = [paths for paths in file_sizes.itervalues() if len(paths) > 1] signatures = defaultdict(list) # A signature is a tuple of CRC32s for each 4x16K of the file # This allows us to find potential duplicates with a dictionary lookup for paths in size_duplicates: for path in paths: signature = [] fread = None bytes_read = 0 try: fread = fs.open(path, 'rb') while signature_size is None or bytes_read < signature_size: data = fread.read(signature_chunk_size) if not data: break bytes_read += len(data) signature.append(crc32(data)) finally: if fread is not None: fread.close() signatures[tuple(signature)].append(path) # If 'quick' is True then the signature comparison is adequate (although # it may result in false positives) if quick: for paths in signatures.itervalues(): if len(paths) > 1: yield paths return def identical(p1, p2): """ Returns True if the contents of two files are identical. """ f1, f2 = None, None try: f1 = fs.open(p1, 'rb') f2 = fs.open(p2, 'rb') while True: chunk1 = f1.read(16384) if not chunk1: break chunk2 = f2.read(16384) if chunk1 != chunk2: return False return True finally: if f1 is not None: f1.close() if f2 is not None: f2.close() # If we want to be accurate then we need to compare suspected duplicates # byte by byte. # All path groups in this loop have the same size and same signature, so are # highly likely to be identical. for paths in signatures.itervalues(): while len(paths) > 1: test_p = paths.pop() dups = [test_p] for path in paths: if identical(test_p, path): dups.append(path) if len(dups) > 1: yield dups paths = list(set(paths).difference(dups)) def print_fs(fs, path='/', max_levels=5, file_out=None, terminal_colors=None, hide_dotfiles=False, dirs_first=False, files_wildcard=None, dirs_only=False): """Prints a filesystem listing to stdout (including sub directories). This mostly useful as a debugging aid. Be careful about printing a OSFS, or any other large filesystem. Without max_levels set, this function will traverse the entire directory tree. For example, the following will print a tree of the files under the current working directory:: >>> from fs.osfs import * >>> from fs.utils import * >>> fs = OSFS('.') >>> print_fs(fs) :param fs: A filesystem object :param path: Path of a directory to list (default "/") :param max_levels: Maximum levels of dirs to list (default 5), set to None for no maximum :param file_out: File object to write output to (defaults to sys.stdout) :param terminal_colors: If True, terminal color codes will be written, set to False for non-console output. The default (None) will select an appropriate setting for the platform. :param hide_dotfiles: if True, files or directories beginning with '.' will be removed """ if file_out is None: file_out = sys.stdout file_encoding = getattr(file_out, 'encoding', u'utf-8') or u'utf-8' file_encoding = file_encoding.upper() if terminal_colors is None: if sys.platform.startswith('win'): terminal_colors = False else: terminal_colors = hasattr(file_out, 'isatty') and file_out.isatty() def write(line): if PY3: file_out.write((line + u'\n')) else: file_out.write((line + u'\n').encode(file_encoding, 'replace')) def wrap_prefix(prefix): if not terminal_colors: return prefix return u'\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m' % prefix def wrap_dirname(dirname): if not terminal_colors: return dirname return u'\x1b[1;34m%s\x1b[0m' % dirname def wrap_error(msg): if not terminal_colors: return msg return u'\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m' % msg def wrap_filename(fname): if not terminal_colors: return fname if fname.startswith(u'.'): fname = u'\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m' % fname return fname dircount = [0] filecount = [0] def print_dir(fs, path, levels=[]): if file_encoding == 'UTF-8' and terminal_colors: char_vertline = u'│' char_newnode = u'├' char_line = u'──' char_corner = u'╰' else: char_vertline = u'|' char_newnode = u'|' char_line = u'--' char_corner = u'`' try: dirs = fs.listdir(path, dirs_only=True) if dirs_only: files = [] else: files = fs.listdir(path, files_only=True, wildcard=files_wildcard) dir_listing = ( [(True, p) for p in dirs] + [(False, p) for p in files] ) except Exception, e: prefix = ''.join([(char_vertline + ' ', ' ')[last] for last in levels]) + ' ' write(wrap_prefix(prefix[:-1] + ' ') + wrap_error(u"unable to retrieve directory list (%s) ..." % str(e))) return 0 if hide_dotfiles: dir_listing = [(isdir, p) for isdir, p in dir_listing if not p.startswith('.')] if dirs_first: dir_listing.sort(key = lambda (isdir, p):(not isdir, p.lower())) else: dir_listing.sort(key = lambda (isdir, p):p.lower()) for i, (is_dir, item) in enumerate(dir_listing): if is_dir: dircount[0] += 1 else: filecount[0] += 1 is_last_item = (i == len(dir_listing) - 1) prefix = ''.join([(char_vertline + ' ', ' ')[last] for last in levels]) if is_last_item: prefix += char_corner else: prefix += char_newnode if is_dir: write('%s %s' % (wrap_prefix(prefix + char_line), wrap_dirname(item))) if max_levels is not None and len(levels) + 1 >= max_levels: pass #write(wrap_prefix(prefix[:-1] + ' ') + wrap_error('max recursion levels reached')) else: print_dir(fs, pathjoin(path, item), levels[:] + [is_last_item]) else: write('%s %s' % (wrap_prefix(prefix + char_line), wrap_filename(item))) return len(dir_listing) print_dir(fs, path) return dircount[0], filecount[0] class AtomicWriter(object): """Context manager to perform atomic writes""" def __init__(self, fs, path, mode='w'): self.fs = fs self.path = path self.mode = mode self.tmp_path = path + '~' self._f = None def __enter__(self): self._f = self.fs.open(self.tmp_path, self.mode) return self._f def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type is None: if self._f is not None: if hasattr('_f', 'flush'): self._f.flush() if hasattr(self._f, 'fileno'): os.fsync(self._f.fileno()) self._f.close() self._f = None self.fs.rename(self.tmp_path, self.path) else: if self._f is not None: self._f.close() def open_atomic_write(fs, path, mode='w'): """Open a file for 'atomic' writing This returns a context manager which ensures that a file is written in its entirety or not at all. """ return AtomicWriter(fs, path, mode=mode) if __name__ == "__main__": from fs.tempfs import TempFS from six import b t1 = TempFS() t1.setcontents("foo", b("test")) t1.makedir("bar") t1.setcontents("bar/baz", b("another test")) t1.tree() t2 = TempFS() print t2.listdir() movedir(t1, t2) print t2.listdir() t1.tree() t2.tree()