""" fs.opener ========= Open filesystems via a URI. There are occasions when you want to specify a filesystem from the command line or in a config file. This module enables that functionality, and can return an FS object given a filesystem specification in a URI-like syntax (inspired by the syntax of http://commons.apache.org/vfs/filesystems.html). The `OpenerRegistry` class maps the protocol (file, ftp etc.) on to an Opener object, which returns an appropriate filesystem object and path. You can create a custom opener registry that opens just the filesystems you require, or use the opener registry defined here (also called `opener`) that can open any supported filesystem. The `parse` method of an `OpenerRegsitry` object returns a tuple of an FS object a path. Here's an example of how to use the default opener registry:: >>> from fs.opener import opener >>> opener.parse('ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub') (, u'pub') You can use use the `opendir` method, which just returns an FS object. In the example above, `opendir` will return a FS object for the directory `pub`:: >>> opener.opendir('ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub') /pub> If you are just interested in a single file, use the `open` method of a registry which returns a file-like object, and has the same signature as FS objects and the `open` builtin:: >>> opener.open('ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/README') The `opendir` and `open` methods can also be imported from the top-level of this module for sake of convenience. To avoid shadowing the builtin `open` method, they are named `fsopendir` and `fsopen`. Here's how you might import them:: from fs.opener import fsopendir, fsopen """ __all__ = ['OpenerError', 'NoOpenerError', 'OpenerRegistry', 'opener', 'fsopen', 'fsopendir', 'OpenerRegistry', 'Opener', 'OSFSOpener', 'ZipOpener', 'RPCOpener', 'FTPOpener', 'SFTPOpener', 'MemOpener', 'DebugOpener', 'TempOpener', 'S3Opener', 'TahoeOpener', 'DavOpener', 'HTTPOpener'] from fs.path import pathsplit, join, iswildcard, normpath from fs.osfs import OSFS from fs.filelike import FileWrapper from os import getcwd import os.path import re from urlparse import urlparse class OpenerError(Exception): """The base exception thrown by openers""" pass class NoOpenerError(OpenerError): """Thrown when there is no opener for the given protocol""" pass def _expand_syspath(path): if path is None: return path if path.startswith('\\\\?\\'): path = path[4:] path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path)) path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path)) return path def _parse_credentials(url): scheme = None if '://' in url: scheme, url = url.split('://', 1) username = None password = None if '@' in url: credentials, url = url.split('@', 1) if ':' in credentials: username, password = credentials.split(':', 1) else: username = credentials if scheme is not None: url = '%s://%s' % (scheme, url) return username, password, url def _parse_name(fs_name): if '#' in fs_name: fs_name, fs_name_params = fs_name.split('#', 1) return fs_name, fs_name_params else: return fs_name, None def _split_url_path(url): if '://' not in url: url = 'http://' + url scheme, netloc, path, _params, _query, _fragment = urlparse(url) url = '%s://%s' % (scheme, netloc) return url, path def _FSClosingFile(fs, file_object, mode): original_close = file_object.close def close(): try: fs.close() except: pass return original_close() file_object.close = close return file_object class OpenerRegistry(object): """An opener registry that stores a number of opener objects used to parse FS URIs""" re_fs_url = re.compile(r''' ^ (.*?) :\/\/ (?: (?:(.*?)@(.*?)) |(.*?) ) (?: !(.*?)$ )*$ ''', re.VERBOSE) def __init__(self, openers=[]): self.registry = {} self.openers = {} self.default_opener = 'osfs' for opener in openers: self.add(opener) @classmethod def split_segments(self, fs_url): match = self.re_fs_url.match(fs_url) return match def get_opener(self, name): """Retrieve an opener for the given protocol :param name: name of the opener to open :raises `NoOpenerError`: if no opener has been registered of that name """ if name not in self.registry: raise NoOpenerError("No opener for %s" % name) index = self.registry[name] return self.openers[index] def add(self, opener): """Adds an opener to the registry :param opener: a class derived from fs.opener.Opener """ index = len(self.openers) self.openers[index] = opener for name in opener.names: self.registry[name] = index def parse(self, fs_url, default_fs_name=None, writeable=False, create_dir=False, cache_hint=True): """Parses a FS url and returns an fs object a path within that FS object (if indicated in the path). A tuple of (, ) is returned. :param fs_url: an FS url :param default_fs_name: the default FS to use if none is indicated (defaults is OSFS) :param writeable: if True, a writeable FS will be returned :param create_dir: if True, then the directory in the FS will be created """ orig_url = fs_url match = self.split_segments(fs_url) if match: fs_name, credentials, url1, url2, path = match.groups() if credentials: fs_url = '%s@%s' % (credentials, url1) else: fs_url = url2 path = path or '' fs_url = fs_url or '' if ':' in fs_name: fs_name, sub_protocol = fs_name.split(':', 1) fs_url = '%s://%s' % (sub_protocol, fs_url) if '!' in path: paths = path.split('!') path = paths.pop() fs_url = '%s!%s' % (fs_url, '!'.join(paths)) fs_name = fs_name or self.default_opener else: fs_name = default_fs_name or self.default_opener fs_url = _expand_syspath(fs_url) path = '' fs_name, fs_name_params = _parse_name(fs_name) opener = self.get_opener(fs_name) if fs_url is None: raise OpenerError("Unable to parse '%s'" % orig_url) fs, fs_path = opener.get_fs(self, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_url, writeable, create_dir) fs.cache_hint(cache_hint) if fs_path and iswildcard(fs_path): pathname, resourcename = pathsplit(fs_path or '') if pathname: fs = fs.opendir(pathname) return fs, resourcename fs_path = join(fs_path, path) if create_dir and fs_path: if not fs.getmeta('read_only', False): fs.makedir(fs_path, allow_recreate=True) pathname, resourcename = pathsplit(fs_path or '') if pathname and resourcename: fs = fs.opendir(pathname) fs_path = resourcename return fs, fs_path or '' def open(self, fs_url, mode='r', **kwargs): """Opens a file from a given FS url If you intend to do a lot of file manipulation, it would likely be more efficient to do it directly through the an FS instance (from `parse` or `opendir`). This method is fine for one-offs though. :param fs_url: a FS URL, e.g. ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/README :param mode: mode to open file file :rtype: a file """ writeable = 'w' in mode or 'a' in mode or '+' in mode fs, path = self.parse(fs_url, writeable=writeable) file_object = fs.open(path, mode) file_object = _FSClosingFile(fs, file_object, mode) #file_object.fs = fs return file_object def getcontents(self, fs_url, mode='rb', encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None): """Gets the contents from a given FS url (if it references a file) :param fs_url: a FS URL e.g. ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/README """ fs, path = self.parse(fs_url) return fs.getcontents(path, mode, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline) def opendir(self, fs_url, writeable=True, create_dir=False): """Opens an FS object from an FS URL :param fs_url: an FS URL e.g. ftp://ftp.mozilla.org :param writeable: set to True (the default) if the FS must be writeable :param create_dir: create the directory references by the FS URL, if it doesn't already exist """ fs, path = self.parse(fs_url, writeable=writeable, create_dir=create_dir) if path and '://' not in fs_url: # A shortcut to return an OSFS rather than a SubFS for os paths return OSFS(fs_url) if path: fs = fs.opendir(path) return fs class Opener(object): """The base class for openers Opener follow a very simple protocol. To create an opener, derive a class from `Opener` and define a classmethod called `get_fs`, which should have the following signature:: @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): The parameters of `get_fs` are as follows: * `fs_name` the name of the opener, as extracted from the protocol part of the url, * `fs_name_params` reserved for future use * `fs_path` the path part of the url * `writeable` if True, then `get_fs` must return an FS that can be written to * `create_dir` if True then `get_fs` should attempt to silently create the directory references in path In addition to `get_fs` an opener class should contain two class attributes: names and desc. `names` is a list of protocols that list opener will opener. `desc` is an English description of the individual opener syntax. """ pass class OSFSOpener(Opener): names = ['osfs', 'file'] desc = """OS filesystem opener, works with any valid system path. This is the default opener and will be used if you don't indicate which opener to use. examples: * file://relative/foo/bar/baz.txt (opens a relative file) * file:///home/user (opens a directory from a absolute path) * osfs://~/ (open the user's home directory) * foo/bar.baz (file:// is the default opener)""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.osfs import OSFS path = os.path.normpath(fs_path) if create_dir and not os.path.exists(path): from fs.osfs import _os_makedirs _os_makedirs(path) dirname, resourcename = os.path.split(fs_path) osfs = OSFS(dirname) return osfs, resourcename class ZipOpener(Opener): names = ['zip', 'zip64'] desc = """Opens zip files. Use zip64 for > 2 gigabyte zip files, if you have a 64 bit processor. examples: * zip://myzip.zip (open a local zip file) * zip://myzip.zip!foo/bar/insidezip.txt (reference a file insize myzip.zip) * zip:ftp://ftp.example.org/myzip.zip (open a zip file stored on a ftp server)""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): zip_fs, zip_path = registry.parse(fs_path) if zip_path is None: raise OpenerError('File required for zip opener') if zip_fs.exists(zip_path): if writeable: open_mode = 'r+b' else: open_mode = 'rb' else: open_mode = 'w+' if zip_fs.hassyspath(zip_path): zip_file = zip_fs.getsyspath(zip_path) else: zip_file = zip_fs.open(zip_path, mode=open_mode) _username, _password, fs_path = _parse_credentials(fs_path) from fs.zipfs import ZipFS if zip_file is None: zip_file = fs_path mode = 'r' if writeable: mode = 'a' allow_zip_64 = fs_name.endswith('64') zipfs = ZipFS(zip_file, mode=mode, allow_zip_64=allow_zip_64) return zipfs, None class RPCOpener(Opener): names = ['rpc'] desc = """An opener for filesystems server over RPC (see the fsserve command). examples: rpc:// (opens a RPC server running on local host, port 80) rpc://www.example.org (opens an RPC server on www.example.org, default port 80)""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.rpcfs import RPCFS _username, _password, fs_path = _parse_credentials(fs_path) if '://' not in fs_path: fs_path = 'http://' + fs_path scheme, netloc, path, _params, _query, _fragment = urlparse(fs_path) rpcfs = RPCFS('%s://%s' % (scheme, netloc)) if create_dir and path: rpcfs.makedir(path, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True) return rpcfs, path or None class FTPOpener(Opener): names = ['ftp'] desc = """An opener for FTP (File Transfer Protocl) server examples: * ftp://ftp.mozilla.org (opens the root of ftp.mozilla.org) * ftp://ftp.example.org/foo/bar (opens /foo/bar on ftp.mozilla.org)""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.ftpfs import FTPFS username, password, fs_path = _parse_credentials(fs_path) scheme, _netloc, _path, _params, _query, _fragment = urlparse(fs_path) if not scheme: fs_path = 'ftp://' + fs_path scheme, netloc, path, _params, _query, _fragment = urlparse(fs_path) dirpath, resourcepath = pathsplit(path) url = netloc ftpfs = FTPFS(url, user=username or '', passwd=password or '', follow_symlinks=(fs_name_params == "symlinks")) ftpfs.cache_hint(True) if create_dir and path: ftpfs.makedir(path, recursive=True, allow_recreate=True) if dirpath: ftpfs = ftpfs.opendir(dirpath) if not resourcepath: return ftpfs, None else: return ftpfs, resourcepath class SFTPOpener(Opener): names = ['sftp'] desc = """An opener for SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) servers examples: * sftp://username:password@example.org (opens sftp server example.org with username and password * sftp://example.org (opens example.org with public key authentication)""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): username, password, fs_path = _parse_credentials(fs_path) from fs.sftpfs import SFTPFS credentials = {} if username is not None: credentials['username'] = username if password is not None: credentials['password'] = password if '/' in fs_path: addr, fs_path = fs_path.split('/', 1) else: addr = fs_path fs_path = '/' fs_path, resourcename = pathsplit(fs_path) host = addr port = None if ':' in host: addr, port = host.rsplit(':', 1) try: port = int(port) except ValueError: pass else: host = (addr, port) if create_dir: sftpfs = SFTPFS(host, root_path='/', **credentials) if not sftpfs._transport.is_authenticated(): sftpfs.close() raise OpenerError('SFTP requires authentication') sftpfs = sftpfs.makeopendir(fs_path) return sftpfs, None sftpfs = SFTPFS(host, root_path=fs_path, **credentials) if not sftpfs._transport.is_authenticated(): sftpfs.close() raise OpenerError('SFTP requires authentication') return sftpfs, resourcename class MemOpener(Opener): names = ['mem', 'ram'] desc = """Creates an in-memory filesystem (very fast but contents will disappear on exit). Useful for creating a fast temporary filesystem for serving or mounting with fsserve or fsmount. NB: If you user fscp or fsmv to copy/move files here, you are effectively deleting them! examples: * mem:// (opens a new memory filesystem) * mem://foo/bar (opens a new memory filesystem with subdirectory /foo/bar) """ @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS memfs = MemoryFS() if create_dir: memfs = memfs.makeopendir(fs_path) return memfs, None class DebugOpener(Opener): names = ['debug'] desc = """For developers -- adds debugging information to output. example: * debug:ftp://ftp.mozilla.org (displays details of calls made to a ftp filesystem)""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.wrapfs.debugfs import DebugFS if fs_path: fs, _path = registry.parse(fs_path, writeable=writeable, create_dir=create_dir) return DebugFS(fs, verbose=False), None if fs_name_params == 'ram': from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS return DebugFS(MemoryFS(), identifier=fs_name_params, verbose=False), None else: from fs.tempfs import TempFS return DebugFS(TempFS(), identifier=fs_name_params, verbose=False), None class TempOpener(Opener): names = ['temp'] desc = """Creates a temporary filesystem that is erased on exit. Probably only useful for mounting or serving. NB: If you use fscp or fsmv to copy/move files here, you are effectively deleting them! example: * temp://""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.tempfs import TempFS from fs.wrapfs.lazyfs import LazyFS fs = LazyFS((TempFS,(),{"identifier":fs_name_params})) return fs, fs_path class S3Opener(Opener): names = ['s3'] desc = """Opens a filesystem stored on Amazon S3 storage The environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should be set""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.s3fs import S3FS username, password, bucket = _parse_credentials(fs_path) path = '' if '/' in bucket: bucket, path = fs_path.split('/', 1) fs = S3FS(bucket, aws_access_key=username or None, aws_secret_key=password or None) if path: dirpath, resourcepath = pathsplit(path) if dirpath: fs = fs.opendir(dirpath) path = resourcepath return fs, path class TahoeOpener(Opener): names = ['tahoe'] desc = """Opens a Tahoe-LAFS filesystem example: * tahoe://http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org/uri/URI:DIR2:h5bkxelehowscijdb [...]""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.contrib.tahoelafs import TahoeLAFS if '/uri/' not in fs_path: raise OpenerError("""Tahoe-LAFS url should be in the form /uri/""") url, dircap = fs_path.split('/uri/') path = '' if '/' in dircap: dircap, path = dircap.split('/', 1) fs = TahoeLAFS(dircap, webapi=url) if '/' in path: dirname, _resourcename = pathsplit(path) if create_dir: fs = fs.makeopendir(dirname) else: fs = fs.opendir(dirname) path = '' return fs, path class DavOpener(Opener): names = ['dav'] desc = """Opens a WebDAV server example: * dav://example.org/dav""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.contrib.davfs import DAVFS url = fs_path if '://' not in url: url = 'http://' + url scheme, url = url.split('://', 1) username, password, url = _parse_credentials(url) credentials = None if username or password: credentials = {} if username: credentials['username'] = username if password: credentials['password'] = password url = '%s://%s' % (scheme, url) fs = DAVFS(url, credentials=credentials) return fs, '' class HTTPOpener(Opener): names = ['http', 'https'] desc = """HTTP file opener. HTTP only supports reading files, and not much else. example: * http://www.example.org/index.html""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.httpfs import HTTPFS if '/' in fs_path: dirname, resourcename = fs_path.rsplit('/', 1) else: dirname = fs_path resourcename = '' fs = HTTPFS('http://' + dirname) return fs, resourcename class UserDataOpener(Opener): names = ['appuserdata', 'appuser'] desc = """Opens a filesystem for a per-user application directory. The 'domain' should be in the form :. (the author name and version are optional). example: * appuserdata://myapplication * appuserdata://examplesoft:myapplication * appuserdata://anotherapp.1.1 * appuserdata://examplesoft:anotherapp.1.3""" FSClass = 'UserDataFS' @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): import fs.appdirfs fs_class = getattr(fs.appdirfs, cls.FSClass) if ':' in fs_path: appauthor, appname = fs_path.split(':', 1) else: appauthor = None appname = fs_path if '/' in appname: appname, path = appname.split('/', 1) else: path = '' if '.' in appname: appname, appversion = appname.split('.', 1) else: appversion = None fs = fs_class(appname, appauthor=appauthor, version=appversion, create=create_dir) if '/' in path: subdir, path = path.rsplit('/', 1) if create_dir: fs = fs.makeopendir(subdir, recursive=True) else: fs = fs.opendir(subdir) return fs, path class SiteDataOpener(UserDataOpener): names = ['appsitedata', 'appsite'] desc = """Opens a filesystem for an application site data directory. The 'domain' should be in the form :. (the author name and version are optional). example: * appsitedata://myapplication * appsitedata://examplesoft:myapplication * appsitedata://anotherapp.1.1 * appsitedata://examplesoft:anotherapp.1.3""" FSClass = 'SiteDataFS' class UserCacheOpener(UserDataOpener): names = ['appusercache', 'appcache'] desc = """Opens a filesystem for an per-user application cache directory. The 'domain' should be in the form :. (the author name and version are optional). example: * appusercache://myapplication * appusercache://examplesoft:myapplication * appusercache://anotherapp.1.1 * appusercache://examplesoft:anotherapp.1.3""" FSClass = 'UserCacheFS' class UserLogOpener(UserDataOpener): names = ['appuserlog', 'applog'] desc = """Opens a filesystem for an application site data directory. The 'domain' should be in the form :. (the author name and version are optional). example: * appuserlog://myapplication * appuserlog://examplesoft:myapplication * appuserlog://anotherapp.1.1 * appuserlog://examplesoft:anotherapp.1.3""" FSClass = 'UserLogFS' class MountOpener(Opener): names = ['mount'] desc = """Mounts other filesystems on a 'virtual' filesystem The path portion of the FS URL should be a path to an ini file, where the keys are the mount point, and the values are FS URLs to mount. The following is an example of such an ini file: [fs] resources=appuser://myapp/resources foo=~/foo foo/bar=mem:// [fs2] bar=~/bar example: * mount://fs.ini * mount://fs.ini!resources * mount://fs.ini:fs2""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.mountfs import MountFS from ConfigParser import ConfigParser cfg = ConfigParser() if '#' in fs_path: path, section = fs_path.split('#', 1) else: path = fs_path section = 'fs' cfg.readfp(registry.open(path)) mount_fs = MountFS() for mount_point, mount_path in cfg.items(section): mount_fs.mount(mount_point, registry.opendir(mount_path, create_dir=create_dir)) return mount_fs, '' class MultiOpener(Opener): names = ['multi'] desc = """Combines other filesystems in to a single filesystem. The path portion of the FS URL should be a path to an ini file, where the keys are the mount point, and the values are FS URLs to mount. The following is an example of such an ini file: [templates] dir1=templates/foo dir2=templates/bar example: * multi://fs.ini""" @classmethod def get_fs(cls, registry, fs_name, fs_name_params, fs_path, writeable, create_dir): from fs.multifs import MultiFS from ConfigParser import ConfigParser cfg = ConfigParser() if '#' in fs_path: path, section = fs_path.split('#', 1) else: path = fs_path section = 'fs' cfg.readfp(registry.open(path)) multi_fs = MultiFS() for name, fs_url in cfg.items(section): multi_fs.addfs(name, registry.opendir(fs_url, create_dir=create_dir)) return multi_fs, '' opener = OpenerRegistry([OSFSOpener, ZipOpener, RPCOpener, FTPOpener, SFTPOpener, MemOpener, DebugOpener, TempOpener, S3Opener, TahoeOpener, DavOpener, HTTPOpener, UserDataOpener, SiteDataOpener, UserCacheOpener, UserLogOpener, MountOpener, MultiOpener ]) fsopen = opener.open fsopendir = opener.opendir