CurlShare Object ================ CurlShare objects have the following methods: **setopt**\ (*option, value*) -> *None* Corresponds to `curl_share_setopt`_ in libcurl, where *option* is specified with the ``CURLSHOPT_*`` constants in libcurl, except that the ``CURLSHOPT_`` prefix has been changed to ``SH_``. Currently, *value* must be either ``LOCK_DATA_COOKIE`` or ``LOCK_DATA_DNS``. Example usage: :: import pycurl curl = pycurl.Curl() s = pycurl.CurlShare() s.setopt(pycurl.SH_SHARE, pycurl.LOCK_DATA_COOKIE) s.setopt(pycurl.SH_SHARE, pycurl.LOCK_DATA_DNS) curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, '') curl.setopt(pycurl.SHARE, s) curl.perform() curl.close() .. _curl_share_setopt: