NOTE: You need Python and libcurl installed on your system to use or build pycurl. Some RPM distributions of curl/libcurl do not include everything necessary to build pycurl, in which case you need to install the developer specific RPM which is usually called curl-dev. Distutils --------- Build and install pycurl with the following commands: (if necessary, become root) tar -zxvf pycurl-$VER.tar.gz cd pycurl-$VER python install $VER should be substituted with the pycurl version number, e.g. 7.10.5. Note that the installation script assumes that 'curl-config' can be located in your path setting. If curl-config is installed outside your path or you want to force installation to use a particular version of curl-config, use the '--curl-config' commandline option to specify the location of curl-config. Example: python install --curl-config=/usr/local/bin/curl-config If libcurl is linked dynamically with pycurl, you may have to alter the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable accordingly. This normally applies only if there is more than one version of libcurl installed, e.g. one in /usr/lib and one in /usr/local/lib. easy_install / pip ---------------- easy_install pycurl pip install pycurl If you need to specify an alternate curl-config, it can be done via an environment variable: export PYCURL_CURL_CONFIG=/usr/local/bin/curl-config easy_install pycurl The same applies to the SSL backend, if you need to specify it (see the SSL section below): export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl easy_install pycurl SSL --- PycURL has locks around crypto functions. In order to compile correct locking code, it has to know which SSL library is going to be used by libcurl at runtime. will attempt to automatically detect the SSL library that libcurl uses, but this does not always work. In the cases when cannot figure out the SSL library, it must be provided via --with-ssl/--with-gnutls/ --with-nss arguments, just like libcurl's configure script uses, or via PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl|gnutls|nss environment variable. Please note the difference in spelling that concerns OpenSSL: the command-line argument is --with-ssl, to match libcurl, but the environment variable value is "openssl". Windows ------- First, you will need to obtain dependencies. These can be precompiled binaries or source packages that you are going to compile yourself. For a minimum build you will just need libcurl source. Follow its Windows build instructions to build either a static or a DLL version of the library, then configure PycURL as follows to use it: python --curl-dir=c:\dev\curl-7.33.0\builds\libcurl-vc-x86-release-dll-ipv6-sspi-spnego-winssl --use-libcurl-dll Note that --curl-dir does not point to libcurl source but rather to headers and compiled libraries. Additional Windows options: --use-libcurl-dll - build against libcurl DLL, if not given PycURL will be built against libcurl statically. --libcurl-lib-name=libcurl_imp.lib - specify a different name for libcurl import library. The default is libcurl.lib which is appropriate for static linking and is sometimes the correct choice for dynamic linking as well. The other possibility for dynamic linking is libcurl_imp.lib. A good target to use is bdist_wininst which produces an executable installer that you can run to install PycURL.