#!/usr/bin/env python import distutils.core as dic import distutils.dir_util as dut import distutils.file_util as fut import distutils.sysconfig as dsy import io import os import subprocess import sys pycairo_version = '1.10.1' cairo_version_required = '1.10.2' python_version_required = (3,0) pkgconfig_file = 'py3cairo.pc' config_file = 'src/config.h' def call(command): pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) pipe.wait() return pipe def pkg_config_version_check(pkg, version): check = '%s >= %s' % (pkg, version) pipe = call("pkg-config --print-errors --exists '%s'" % (check,)) if pipe.returncode == 0: print(check, ' Successful') else: print(check, ' Failed') raise SystemExit(pipe.stderr.read().decode()) def pkg_config_parse(opt, pkg): check = "pkg-config %s %s" % (opt, pkg) pipe = call("pkg-config %s %s" % (opt, pkg)) if pipe.returncode != 0: print(check, ' Failed') raise SystemExit(pipe.stderr.read().decode()) output = pipe.stdout.read() output = output.decode() # get the str opt = opt[-2:] return [x.lstrip(opt) for x in output.split()] def createPcFile(PcFile): print('creating %s' % PcFile) with open(PcFile, 'w') as fo: fo.write ("""\ prefix=%s Name: Pycairo Description: Python 3 bindings for cairo Version: %s Requires: cairo Cflags: -I${prefix}/include/pycairo Libs: """ % (sys.prefix, pycairo_version) ) def createConfigFile(ConfigFile): print('creating %s' % ConfigFile) v = pycairo_version.split('.') with open(ConfigFile, 'w') as fo: fo.write ("""\ // Configuration header created by setup.py - do not edit #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H 1 #define PYCAIRO_VERSION_MAJOR %s #define PYCAIRO_VERSION_MICRO %s #define PYCAIRO_VERSION_MINOR %s #define VERSION "%s" #endif // _CONFIG_H """ % (v[0], v[1], v[2], pycairo_version) ) if sys.version_info < python_version_required: raise SystemExit('Error: Python >= %s is required' %s (python_version_required,)) pkg_config_version_check ('cairo', cairo_version_required) if sys.platform == 'win32': runtime_library_dirs = [] else: runtime_library_dirs = pkg_config_parse('--libs-only-L', 'cairo') createPcFile(pkgconfig_file) createConfigFile(config_file) cairo = dic.Extension( name = 'cairo._cairo', sources = ['src/cairomodule.c', 'src/context.c', 'src/font.c', 'src/matrix.c', 'src/path.c', 'src/pattern.c', 'src/surface.c', ], include_dirs = pkg_config_parse('--cflags-only-I', 'cairo'), library_dirs = pkg_config_parse('--libs-only-L', 'cairo'), libraries = pkg_config_parse('--libs-only-l', 'cairo'), runtime_library_dirs = runtime_library_dirs, ) dic.setup( name = "pycairo", version = pycairo_version, description = "python interface for cairo", ext_modules = [cairo], data_files = [ ('include/pycairo', ['src/py3cairo.h']), ('lib/pkgconfig', [pkgconfig_file]), (os.path.join(dsy.get_python_lib(), 'cairo'), ['src/__init__.py']), ], )