/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2006 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, see . ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "thread.h" struct pa_thread { HANDLE thread; pa_thread_func_t thread_func; void *userdata; }; struct pa_tls { DWORD index; pa_free_cb_t free_func; }; struct pa_tls_monitor { HANDLE thread; pa_free_cb_t free_func; void *data; }; static pa_tls *thread_tls; static pa_once thread_tls_once = PA_ONCE_INIT; static pa_tls *monitor_tls; static void thread_tls_once_func(void) { thread_tls = pa_tls_new(NULL); assert(thread_tls); } static DWORD WINAPI internal_thread_func(LPVOID param) { pa_thread *t = param; assert(t); pa_run_once(&thread_tls_once, thread_tls_once_func); pa_tls_set(thread_tls, t); t->thread_func(t->userdata); return 0; } pa_thread* pa_thread_new(const char *name, pa_thread_func_t thread_func, void *userdata) { pa_thread *t; DWORD thread_id; assert(thread_func); t = pa_xnew(pa_thread, 1); t->thread_func = thread_func; t->userdata = userdata; t->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, internal_thread_func, t, 0, &thread_id); if (!t->thread) { pa_xfree(t); return NULL; } return t; } int pa_thread_is_running(pa_thread *t) { DWORD code; assert(t); if (!GetExitCodeThread(t->thread, &code)) return 0; return code == STILL_ACTIVE; } void pa_thread_free(pa_thread *t) { assert(t); pa_thread_join(t); CloseHandle(t->thread); pa_xfree(t); } void pa_thread_free_nojoin(pa_thread *t) { pa_assert(t); CloseHandle(t->thread); pa_xfree(t); } int pa_thread_join(pa_thread *t) { assert(t); if (WaitForSingleObject(t->thread, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) return -1; return 0; } pa_thread* pa_thread_self(void) { pa_run_once(&thread_tls_once, thread_tls_once_func); return pa_tls_get(thread_tls); } void* pa_thread_get_data(pa_thread *t) { pa_assert(t); return t->userdata; } void pa_thread_set_data(pa_thread *t, void *userdata) { pa_assert(t); t->userdata = userdata; } void pa_thread_set_name(pa_thread *t, const char *name) { /* Not implemented */ } const char *pa_thread_get_name(pa_thread *t) { /* Not implemented */ return NULL; } void pa_thread_yield(void) { Sleep(0); } static DWORD WINAPI monitor_thread_func(LPVOID param) { struct pa_tls_monitor *m = param; assert(m); WaitForSingleObject(m->thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(m->thread); m->free_func(m->data); pa_xfree(m); return 0; } pa_tls* pa_tls_new(pa_free_cb_t free_cb) { pa_tls *t; t = pa_xnew(pa_tls, 1); t->index = TlsAlloc(); t->free_func = free_cb; if (t->index == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { pa_xfree(t); return NULL; } return t; } void pa_tls_free(pa_tls *t) { assert(t); TlsFree(t->index); pa_xfree(t); } void *pa_tls_get(pa_tls *t) { assert(t); return TlsGetValue(t->index); } void *pa_tls_set(pa_tls *t, void *userdata) { void *r; assert(t); r = TlsGetValue(t->index); TlsSetValue(t->index, userdata); if (t->free_func) { struct pa_tls_monitor *m; PA_ONCE_BEGIN { monitor_tls = pa_tls_new(NULL); assert(monitor_tls); pa_tls_set(monitor_tls, NULL); } PA_ONCE_END; m = pa_tls_get(monitor_tls); if (!m) { HANDLE thread; m = pa_xnew(struct pa_tls_monitor, 1); DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &m->thread, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); m->free_func = t->free_func; pa_tls_set(monitor_tls, m); thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, monitor_thread_func, m, 0, NULL); assert(thread); CloseHandle(thread); } m->data = userdata; } return r; }