### v8, implemented by >= 0.8 First version supported. ### v9, implemented by >= 0.9.0 Reply for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM now returns buffer_attrs that are used: Four new fields in reply of PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: maxlength tlength prebuf minreq Two new fields in reply of PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM: maxlength fragsize ### v10, implemented by >= 0.9.5 New opcodes: PA_COMMAND_MOVE_SINK_INPUT PA_COMMAND_MOVE_SOURCE_OUTPUT SHM data transfer support ### v11, implemented by >= 0.9.7 Reply to PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO, PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO_LIST gets new field at the end: mute New opcodes: PA_COMMAND_SET_SINK_INPUT_MUTE PA_COMMAND_SUSPEND_SINK PA_COMMAND_SUSPEND_SOURCE ### v12, implemented by >= 0.9.8 S32LE, S32BE is now known as sample spec. Gained six new bool fields for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM request at the end: no_remap_channels no_remix_channels fix_format fix_rate fix_channels no_move variable_rate Reply to these opcodes now includes: sample_spec channel_map device_index device_name suspended New opcodes for changing buffer attrs: PA_COMMAND_SET_PLAYBACK_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR PA_COMMAND_SET_RECORD_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR New opcodes for changing sampling rate: PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE New opcodes for notifications: PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_SUSPENDED PA_COMMAND_CAPTURE_STREAM_SUSPENDED PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_MOVED PA_COMMAND_CAPTURE_STREAM_MOVED ### v13, implemented by >= 0.9.11 New fields for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM request at the end: peak_detect (bool) adjust_latency (bool) Replace field "name" for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM at the end: proplist Replace field "name" for PA_COMMAND_SET_CLIENT_NAME request at the end: proplist On response of PA_COMMAND_SET_CLIENT_NAME: client_index New proplist field for sink, source, sink input, source output introspection opcodes and at the end: proplist New opcodes for proplist modifications PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_CLIENT_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_RECORD_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_CLIENT_PROPLIST New field for PA_COMMAND_PLAY_SAMPLE: proplist New field for PA_COMMAND_PLAY_SAMPLE response: idx New field for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM at the end: start_muted Buffer attributes for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM and PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM may now be 0 for default values. New field for PA_COMMAND_SET_PLAYBACK_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR, PA_COMMAND_SET_RECORD_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR at the end: adjust_latency (bool) new message: PA_COMMAND_STARTED ### v14, implemented by >= 0.9.12 new message: PA_COMMAND_EXTENSION PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: bool volume_set at the end PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: bool early_requests at the end New field for PA_COMMAND_SET_PLAYBACK_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR, PA_COMMAND_SET_RECORD_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR at the end: early_requests (bool) ### v15, implemented by >= 0.9.15 PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM bool muted at the end PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM: bool dont_inhibit_auto_suspend at the end PA_COMMAND_GET_MODULE_INFO_LIST remove bool auto_unload add proplist at the end new messages: PA_COMMAND_GET_CARD_INFO PA_COMMAND_GET_CARD_INFO_LIST PA_COMMAND_SET_CARD_PROFILE PA_COMMAND_CLIENT_EVENT PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_EVENT PA_COMMAND_RECORD_STREAM_EVENT PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_BUFFER_ATTR_CHANGED PA_COMMAND_RECORD_BUFFER_ATTR_CHANGED ### v16, implemented by >= 0.9.15 new messages: PA_COMMAND_SET_SINK_PORT PA_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE_PORT ## v17, implemented by >= 0.9.20 new flag at end of CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: bool relative_volume ## v18, implemented by >= 0.9.22 new flag at end of CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: bool passthrough ## v19, implemented by >= 0.9.22 New flag at the end of sink input and source output introspection data: bool corked ## v20, implemented by >= 1.0 Two new flags at the end of sink input introspection data: bool has_volume bool volume_writable ## v21, implemented by >= 1.0 Changes for format negotiation in the extended API. New fields PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: uint8_t n_formats format_info format1 ... format_info formatn One new field in reply from PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: format_info format New fields in reply from PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INFO (and thus PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INFO_LIST) uint8_t n_formats format_info format1 ... format_info formatn One new field in reply from PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO (and thus PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO_LIST) format_info format ## v22, implemented by >= 1.0 New fields PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM: uint8_t n_formats format_info format1 ... format_info formatn volume bool muted bool volume_set bool muted_set bool relative_volume bool passthrough One new field in reply from PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM: format_info format New fields in reply from PA_COMMAND_GET_SOURCE_INFO (and thus PA_COMMAND_GET_SOURCE_INFO_LIST) uint8_t n_formats format_info format1 ... format_info formatn Five new fields in reply from PA_COMMAND_GET_SOURCE_OUTPUT_INFO (and thus PA_COMMAND_GET_SOURCE_OUTPUT_INFO_LIST) volume bool mute bool has_volume bool volume_writable format_info format ## v23, implemented by >= 1.0 New field in PA_COMMAND_UNDERFLOW: int64_t index ## v24, implemented by >= 2.0 New field in all commands that send/receive port introspection data (PA_COMMAND_GET_(SOURCE|SINK)_INFO, PA_COMMAND_GET_(SOURCE|SINK)_INFO_LIST): uint32_t available The field is added once for every port. ## v25, implemented by >= 2.0 When port availability changes, send a subscription event for the owning card. ## v26, implemented by >= 2.0 In reply from PA_COMMAND_GET_CARD_INFO (and thus PA_COMMAND_GET_CARD_INFO_LIST), the following is added: uint32_t n_ports ...followed by n_ports extended port entries, which look like this: string name string description uint32_t priority uint32_t available uint8_t direction proplist uint32_t n_profiles string profile_name_1 ... string profile_name_n Profile names must match earlier sent profile names for the same card. ## v27, implemented by >= 3.0 New opcodes: PA_COMMAND_SET_PORT_LATENCY_OFFSET New field in the card commands that send/receive port introspection data PA_COMMAND_GET_CARD_INFO(_LIST)): int64_t latency_offset The field is added once for every port. ## v28, implemented by >= 4.0 New value for encoding format type in format_info PA_COMMAND_CREATE_(PLAYBACK|RECORDING)_STREAM and its reply, In reply from PA_COMMAND_GET_(SOURCE|SOURCE_OUTPUT|SINK|SINK_INPUT)_INFO[_LIST], SUBCOMMAND_SAVE_FORMATS, in reply from SUBCOMMAND_READ_FORMATS[_ALL] (uint8_t ) PA_ENCODING_MPEG2_AAC_IEC61937 := 6 ## v29, implemented by >= 5.0 # New field in all commands that send/receive profile introspection data (PA_COMMAND_GET_CARD_INFO) uint32 available The field is added once for every profile. ## v30, implemented by >= 6.0 # A new protocol mechanism supported: Two ringbuffers in shared memory. Pulseaudio fdsem (wrappers around event file descriptors) are used for signalling new data. The protocol has a new SHM flag telling whether a SHM memblock is writable by both sides. PA_COMMAND_ENABLE_SRBCHANNEL First sent from server to client, tells the client to start listening on the additional SHM ringbuffer channel. This command also has ancillary data (two eventfds attached to it). Must be directly followed by a memblock which is the ringbuffer memory. When memblock is received by the client, it acks by sending PA_COMMAND_ENABLE_SRBCHANNEL back (without ancillary or memblock data). PA_COMMAND_DISABLE_SRBCHANNEL Tells the client to stop listening on the additional SHM ringbuffer channel. Acked by client by sending PA_COMMAND_DISABLE_SRBCHANNEL back. ## v31, implemented by >= 9.0 Memfd shared-memory support is now added to PulseAudio as an opt-in feature. Add 'enable-memfd=yes' to daemon's configuration to use memfds, instead of POSIX shm, by default. Memfd is a simple memory sharing mechanism, added by the systemd/kdbus developers, to share pages between processes in an anonymous, no global registry needed, no mount-point required, relatively secure, manner. PulseAudio memfd support builds the necessary (but not yet sufficient) groundwork for a better integration with per-app containers (e.g. xdg-app) For further details on memfds in general, please check: https://dvdhrm.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/memfd_create2/ Archived at: http://www.webcitation.org/6gnHTy9Kr Moreover, for both client and server, the second most-significant bit of the version tag is now used to flag memfd SHM support. On the way forward, the two most-significant _bytes_ of the version tag are now also reserved for flags. PA_COMMAND_REGISTER_MEMFD_SHMID New command that can be sent both ways, from client to server and vice versa. This is needed to transfer a memfd pool's blocks without passing its fd every time, thus minimizing overhead and avoiding fd leaks. The registration command above sends a packet with the pool's memfd fd as ancillary data. Such packet has an ID that uniquely identifies the pool's memfd memory area. Upon arrival, the other end (client or server) creates a permanent ID<->memfd mapping. By doing so, there's need to reference the pool's memfd file descriptor any further -- just its ID. Thus both endpoints can then quickly and safely close their memfd file descriptors. #### If you just changed the protocol, read this ## module-tunnel depends on the sink/source/sink-input/source-input protocol ## internals, so if you changed these, you might have broken module-tunnel. ## Don't forget to test module-tunnel-{source,sink} when pushing protocol ## changes.