#! /usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 2001 by PostgreSQL Global Development Group # # $Id: UCS_to_GBK.pl,v 1.1 2002/03/06 06:12:55 momjian Exp $ # # # Generate UTF-8 <--> GBK code conversion tables from # map files provided by Unicode organization. # Unfortunately it is prohibited by the organization # to distribute the map files. So if you try to use this script, # you have to obtain CP936.TXT from # the organization's ftp site. # # CP936.TXT format: # GBK code in hex # UCS-2 code in hex # # and Unicode name (not used in this script) require "ucs2utf.pl"; # first generate UTF-8 --> GBK table $in_file = "CP936.TXT"; open( FILE, $in_file ) || die( "cannot open $in_file" ); while( ){ chop; if( /^#/ ){ next; } ( $c, $u, $rest ) = split; $ucs = hex($u); $code = hex($c); if( $code >= 0x80 && $ucs >= 0x0080 ){ $utf = &ucs2utf($ucs); if( $array{ $utf } ne "" ){ printf STDERR "Warning: duplicate unicode: %04x\n",$ucs; next; } $count++; $array{ $utf } = $code; } } close( FILE ); # # first, generate UTF8 --> WIN949 table # $file = "utf8_to_gbk.map"; open( FILE, "> $file" ) || die( "cannot open $file" ); print FILE "static pg_utf_to_local ULmapGBK[ $count ] = {\n"; for $index ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys( %array ) ){ $code = $array{ $index }; $count--; if( $count == 0 ){ printf FILE " {0x%04x, 0x%04x}\n", $index, $code; } else { printf FILE " {0x%04x, 0x%04x},\n", $index, $code; } } print FILE "};\n"; close(FILE); # # then generate WIN936 --> UTF8 table # reset 'array'; open( FILE, $in_file ) || die( "cannot open $in_file" ); while( ){ chop; if( /^#/ ){ next; } ( $c, $u, $rest ) = split; $ucs = hex($u); $code = hex($c); if( $code >= 0x80 && $ucs >= 0x0080 ){ $utf = &ucs2utf($ucs); if( $array{ $code } ne "" ){ printf STDERR "Warning: duplicate code: %04x\n",$ucs; next; } $count++; $array{ $code } = $utf; } } close( FILE ); $file = "gbk_to_utf8.map"; open( FILE, "> $file" ) || die( "cannot open $file" ); print FILE "static pg_local_to_utf LUmapGBK[ $count ] = {\n"; for $index ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys( %array ) ){ $utf = $array{ $index }; $count--; if( $count == 0 ){ printf FILE " {0x%04x, 0x%04x}\n", $index, $utf; } else { printf FILE " {0x%04x, 0x%04x},\n", $index, $utf; } } print FILE "};\n"; close(FILE);