/* * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "parse.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "popt.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H #include #endif #include #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 int dont_define_prefix = FALSE; char *prefix_variable = "prefix"; int msvc_syntax = FALSE; #endif /** * Read an entire line from a file into a buffer. Lines may * be delimited with '\n', '\r', '\n\r', or '\r\n'. The delimiter * is not written into the buffer. Text after a '#' character is treated as * a comment and skipped. '\' can be used to escape a # character. * '\' proceding a line delimiter combines adjacent lines. A '\' proceding * any other character is ignored and written into the output buffer * unmodified. * * Return value: %FALSE if the stream was already at an EOF character. **/ static gboolean read_one_line (FILE *stream, GString *str) { gboolean quoted = FALSE; gboolean comment = FALSE; int n_read = 0; g_string_truncate (str, 0); while (1) { int c; c = getc (stream); if (c == EOF) { if (quoted) g_string_append_c (str, '\\'); goto done; } else n_read++; if (quoted) { quoted = FALSE; switch (c) { case '#': g_string_append_c (str, '#'); break; case '\r': case '\n': { int next_c = getc (stream); if (!(c == EOF || (c == '\r' && next_c == '\n') || (c == '\n' && next_c == '\r'))) ungetc (next_c, stream); break; } default: g_string_append_c (str, '\\'); g_string_append_c (str, c); } } else { switch (c) { case '#': comment = TRUE; break; case '\\': if (!comment) quoted = TRUE; break; case '\n': { int next_c = getc (stream); if (!(c == EOF || (c == '\r' && next_c == '\n') || (c == '\n' && next_c == '\r'))) ungetc (next_c, stream); goto done; } default: if (!comment) g_string_append_c (str, c); } } } done: return n_read > 0; } static char * trim_string (const char *str) { int len; g_return_val_if_fail (str != NULL, NULL); while (*str && isspace ((guchar)*str)) str++; len = strlen (str); while (len > 0 && isspace ((guchar)str[len-1])) len--; return g_strndup (str, len); } static char * trim_and_sub (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { char *trimmed; GString *subst; char *p; trimmed = trim_string (str); subst = g_string_new (""); p = trimmed; while (*p) { if (p[0] == '$' && p[1] == '$') { /* escaped % */ g_string_append_c (subst, '%'); p += 2; } else if (p[0] == '$' && p[1] == '{') { /* variable */ char *var_start; char *varname; char *varval; var_start = &p[2]; /* Get up to close brace. */ while (*p && *p != '}') ++p; varname = g_strndup (var_start, p - var_start); ++p; /* past brace */ varval = package_get_var (pkg, varname); if (varval == NULL) { verbose_error ("Variable '%s' not defined in '%s'\n", varname, path); exit (1); } g_free (varname); g_string_append (subst, varval); } else { g_string_append_c (subst, *p); ++p; } } g_free (trimmed); p = subst->str; g_string_free (subst, FALSE); return p; } static void parse_name (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { if (pkg->name) { verbose_error ("Name field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } pkg->name = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); } static void parse_version (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { if (pkg->version) { verbose_error ("Version field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } pkg->version = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); } static void parse_description (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { if (pkg->description) { verbose_error ("Description field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } pkg->description = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); } #define MODULE_SEPARATOR(c) ((c) == ',' || isspace ((guchar)(c))) #define OPERATOR_CHAR(c) ((c) == '<' || (c) == '>' || (c) == '!' || (c) == '=') /* A module list is a list of modules with optional version specification, * separated by commas and/or spaces. Commas are treated just like whitespace, * in order to allow stuff like: Requires: @FRIBIDI_PC@, glib, gmodule * where @FRIBIDI_PC@ gets substituted to nothing or to 'fribidi' */ typedef enum { /* put numbers to help interpret lame debug spew ;-) */ OUTSIDE_MODULE = 0, IN_MODULE_NAME = 1, BEFORE_OPERATOR = 2, IN_OPERATOR = 3, AFTER_OPERATOR = 4, IN_MODULE_VERSION = 5 } ModuleSplitState; #define PARSE_SPEW 0 static GSList* split_module_list (const char *str, const char *path) { GSList *retval = NULL; const char *p; const char *start; ModuleSplitState state = OUTSIDE_MODULE; ModuleSplitState last_state = OUTSIDE_MODULE; /* fprintf (stderr, "Parsing: '%s'\n", str); */ start = str; p = str; while (*p) { #if PARSE_SPEW fprintf (stderr, "p: %c state: %d last_state: %d\n", *p, state, last_state); #endif switch (state) { case OUTSIDE_MODULE: if (!MODULE_SEPARATOR (*p)) state = IN_MODULE_NAME; break; case IN_MODULE_NAME: if (isspace ((guchar)*p)) { /* Need to look ahead to determine next state */ const char *s = p; while (*s && isspace ((guchar)*s)) ++s; if (*s == '\0') state = OUTSIDE_MODULE; else if (MODULE_SEPARATOR (*s)) state = OUTSIDE_MODULE; else if (OPERATOR_CHAR (*s)) state = BEFORE_OPERATOR; else state = OUTSIDE_MODULE; } else if (MODULE_SEPARATOR (*p)) state = OUTSIDE_MODULE; /* comma precludes any operators */ break; case BEFORE_OPERATOR: /* We know an operator is coming up here due to lookahead from * IN_MODULE_NAME */ if (isspace ((guchar)*p)) ; /* no change */ else if (OPERATOR_CHAR (*p)) state = IN_OPERATOR; else g_assert_not_reached (); break; case IN_OPERATOR: if (!OPERATOR_CHAR (*p)) state = AFTER_OPERATOR; break; case AFTER_OPERATOR: if (!isspace ((guchar)*p)) state = IN_MODULE_VERSION; break; case IN_MODULE_VERSION: if (MODULE_SEPARATOR (*p)) state = OUTSIDE_MODULE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } if (state == OUTSIDE_MODULE && last_state != OUTSIDE_MODULE) { /* We left a module */ char *module = g_strndup (start, p - start); retval = g_slist_prepend (retval, module); #if PARSE_SPEW fprintf (stderr, "found module: '%s'\n", module); #endif /* reset start */ start = p; } last_state = state; ++p; } if (p != start) { /* get the last module */ char *module = g_strndup (start, p - start); retval = g_slist_prepend (retval, module); #if PARSE_SPEW fprintf (stderr, "found module: '%s'\n", module); #endif } retval = g_slist_reverse (retval); return retval; } GSList* parse_module_list (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { GSList *split; GSList *iter; GSList *retval = NULL; split = split_module_list (str, path); iter = split; while (iter != NULL) { RequiredVersion *ver; char *p; char *start; p = iter->data; ver = g_new0 (RequiredVersion, 1); ver->comparison = ALWAYS_MATCH; ver->owner = pkg; retval = g_slist_prepend (retval, ver); while (*p && MODULE_SEPARATOR (*p)) ++p; start = p; while (*p && !isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; while (*p && MODULE_SEPARATOR (*p)) { *p = '\0'; ++p; } if (*start == '\0') { verbose_error ("Empty package name in Requires or Conflicts in file '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } ver->name = g_strdup (start); start = p; while (*p && !isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) { *p = '\0'; ++p; } if (*start != '\0') { if (strcmp (start, "=") == 0) ver->comparison = EQUAL; else if (strcmp (start, ">=") == 0) ver->comparison = GREATER_THAN_EQUAL; else if (strcmp (start, "<=") == 0) ver->comparison = LESS_THAN_EQUAL; else if (strcmp (start, ">") == 0) ver->comparison = GREATER_THAN; else if (strcmp (start, "<") == 0) ver->comparison = LESS_THAN; else if (strcmp (start, "!=") == 0) ver->comparison = NOT_EQUAL; else { verbose_error ("Unknown version comparison operator '%s' after package name '%s' in file '%s'\n", start, ver->name, path); exit (1); } } start = p; while (*p && !MODULE_SEPARATOR (*p)) ++p; while (*p && MODULE_SEPARATOR (*p)) { *p = '\0'; ++p; } if (ver->comparison != ALWAYS_MATCH && *start == '\0') { verbose_error ("Comparison operator but no version after package name '%s' in file '%s'\n", ver->name, path); exit (1); } if (*start != '\0') { ver->version = g_strdup (start); } g_assert (ver->name); iter = g_slist_next (iter); } g_slist_foreach (split, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (split); retval = g_slist_reverse (retval); return retval; } static void parse_requires (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { GSList *parsed; GSList *iter; char *trimmed; if (pkg->requires) { verbose_error ("Requires field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } trimmed = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); parsed = parse_module_list (pkg, trimmed, path); g_free (trimmed); iter = parsed; while (iter != NULL) { Package *req; RequiredVersion *ver = iter->data; req = get_package (ver->name); if (req == NULL) { verbose_error ("Package '%s', required by '%s', not found\n", ver->name, pkg->name ? pkg->name : path); exit (1); } if (pkg->required_versions == NULL) pkg->required_versions = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert (pkg->required_versions, ver->name, ver); pkg->requires = g_slist_prepend (pkg->requires, req); iter = g_slist_next (iter); } g_slist_free (parsed); pkg->requires = g_slist_reverse (pkg->requires); } static void parse_conflicts (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { GSList *parsed; GSList *iter; char *trimmed; if (pkg->conflicts) { verbose_error ("Conflicts field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } trimmed = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); pkg->conflicts = parse_module_list (pkg, trimmed, path); g_free (trimmed); } static void parse_libs (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { /* Strip out -l and -L flags, put them in a separate list. */ char *trimmed; char **argv = NULL; int argc; int result; int i; #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 char *L_flag = (msvc_syntax ? "/libpath:" : "-L"); char *l_flag = (msvc_syntax ? "" : "-l"); char *lib_suffix = (msvc_syntax ? ".lib" : ""); #else char *L_flag = "-L"; char *l_flag = "-l"; char *lib_suffix = ""; #endif if (pkg->l_libs || pkg->L_libs || pkg->other_libs) { verbose_error ("Libs field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } trimmed = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); result = poptParseArgvString (trimmed, &argc, &argv); if (result < 0) { verbose_error ("Couldn't parse Libs field into an argument vector: %s\n", poptStrerror (result)); exit (1); } i = 0; while (i < argc) { char *arg = trim_string (argv[i]); char *p; char *start; start = arg; p = start; if (p[0] == '-' && p[1] == 'l') { char *libname; p += 2; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; start = p; while (*p && !isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; libname = g_strndup (start, p - start); pkg->l_libs = g_slist_prepend (pkg->l_libs, g_strconcat (l_flag, libname, lib_suffix, NULL)); g_free (libname); } else if (p[0] == '-' && p[1] == 'L') { char *libname; p += 2; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; start = p; while (*p && !isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; libname = g_strndup (start, p - start); pkg->L_libs = g_slist_prepend (pkg->L_libs, g_strconcat (L_flag, libname, NULL)); g_free (libname); } else { if (*arg != '\0') pkg->other_libs = g_slist_prepend (pkg->other_libs, g_strdup (arg)); } g_free (arg); ++i; } g_free (argv); g_free (trimmed); pkg->l_libs = g_slist_reverse (pkg->l_libs); pkg->L_libs = g_slist_reverse (pkg->L_libs); pkg->other_libs = g_slist_reverse (pkg->other_libs); } static void parse_cflags (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { /* Strip out -I flags, put them in a separate list. */ char *trimmed; char **argv = NULL; int argc; int result; int i; if (pkg->I_cflags || pkg->other_cflags) { verbose_error ("Cflags field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } trimmed = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); result = poptParseArgvString (trimmed, &argc, &argv); if (result < 0) { verbose_error ("Couldn't parse Cflags field into an argument vector: %s\n", poptStrerror (result)); exit (1); } i = 0; while (i < argc) { char *arg = trim_string (argv[i]); char *p; char *start; start = arg; p = start; if (p[0] == '-' && p[1] == 'I') { char *libname; p += 2; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; start = p; while (*p && !isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; libname = g_strndup (start, p - start); pkg->I_cflags = g_slist_prepend (pkg->I_cflags, g_strconcat ("-I", libname, NULL)); g_free (libname); } else { if (*arg != '\0') pkg->other_cflags = g_slist_prepend (pkg->other_cflags, g_strdup (arg)); } g_free (arg); ++i; } g_free (argv); g_free (trimmed); pkg->I_cflags = g_slist_reverse (pkg->I_cflags); pkg->other_cflags = g_slist_reverse (pkg->other_cflags); } static void parse_url (Package *pkg, const char *str, const char *path) { if (pkg->url != NULL) { verbose_error ("URL field occurs twice in '%s'\n", path); exit (1); } pkg->url = trim_and_sub (pkg, str, path); } static void parse_line (Package *pkg, const char *untrimmed, const char *path) { char *str; char *p; char *tag; debug_spew (" line>%s\n", untrimmed); str = trim_string (untrimmed); if (*str == '\0') return; /* empty line */ p = str; /* Get first word */ while ((*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == '_') p++; tag = g_strndup (str, p - str); while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; if (*p == ':') { /* keyword */ ++p; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; if (strcmp (tag, "Name") == 0) parse_name (pkg, p, path); else if (strcmp (tag, "Description") == 0) parse_description (pkg, p, path); else if (strcmp (tag, "Version") == 0) parse_version (pkg, p, path); else if (strcmp (tag, "Requires") == 0) parse_requires (pkg, p, path); else if (strcmp (tag, "Libs") == 0) parse_libs (pkg, p, path); else if (strcmp (tag, "Cflags") == 0 || strcmp (tag, "CFlags") == 0) parse_cflags (pkg, p, path); else if (strcmp (tag, "Conflicts") == 0) parse_conflicts (pkg, p, path); else if (strcmp (tag, "URL") == 0) parse_url (pkg, p, path); else { verbose_error ("Unknown keyword '%s' in '%s'\n", tag, path); exit (1); } } else if (*p == '=') { /* variable */ char *varname; char *varval; ++p; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; if (pkg->vars == NULL) pkg->vars = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 if (!dont_define_prefix && strcmp (tag, prefix_variable) == 0) { /* This is the prefix variable. Try to guesstimate a value for it * for this package from the location of the .pc file. */ gchar *prefix = pkg->pcfiledir; const int prefix_len = strlen (prefix); const char *const lib_pkgconfig = "\\lib\\pkgconfig"; const int lib_pkgconfig_len = strlen (lib_pkgconfig); if (strlen (prefix) > lib_pkgconfig_len && g_ascii_strcasecmp (prefix + prefix_len - lib_pkgconfig_len, lib_pkgconfig) == 0) { /* It ends in lib\pkgconfig. Good. */ gchar *p; prefix = g_strdup (prefix); prefix[prefix_len - lib_pkgconfig_len] = '\0'; /* Turn backslashes into slashes or * poptParseArgvString() will eat them when ${prefix} * has been expanded in parse_libs(). */ p = prefix; while (*p) { if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; p++; } varname = g_strdup (tag); debug_spew (" Variable declaration, '%s' overridden with '%s'\n", tag, prefix); g_hash_table_insert (pkg->vars, varname, prefix); g_free (str); g_free (tag); return; } } #endif if (g_hash_table_lookup (pkg->vars, tag)) { verbose_error ("Duplicate definition of variable '%s' in '%s'\n", tag, path); exit (1); } varname = g_strdup (tag); varval = trim_and_sub (pkg, p, path); debug_spew (" Variable declaration, '%s' has value '%s'\n", varname, varval); g_hash_table_insert (pkg->vars, varname, varval); } g_free (str); g_free (tag); } Package* parse_package_file (const char *path) { FILE *f; Package *pkg; GString *str; gboolean one_line = FALSE; f = fopen (path, "r"); if (f == NULL) { verbose_error ("Failed to open '%s': %s\n", path, strerror (errno)); return NULL; } debug_spew ("Parsing package file '%s'\n", path); pkg = g_new0 (Package, 1); if (path) { pkg->pcfiledir = g_dirname (path); } else { debug_spew ("No pcfiledir determined for package\n"); pkg->pcfiledir = g_strdup ("???????"); } str = g_string_new (""); while (read_one_line (f, str)) { one_line = TRUE; parse_line (pkg, str->str, path); g_string_truncate (str, 0); } if (!one_line) verbose_error ("Package file '%s' appears to be empty\n", path); return pkg; } static char * backticks (const char *command) { FILE *f; char buf[4096]; size_t len; int status; f = popen (command, "r"); if (f == NULL) return NULL; len = fread (buf, 1, 4090, f); if (ferror (f)) { pclose (f); return NULL; } buf[len] = '\0'; status = pclose (f); return g_strdup (buf); } static gboolean try_command (const char *command) { int status; char *munged; #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 munged = g_strdup_printf ("%s > NUL", command); #else munged = g_strdup_printf ("%s > /dev/null 2>&1", command); #endif status = system (munged); g_free (munged); #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 return status == 0; #else return WIFEXITED(status) && (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); #endif } Package * get_compat_package (const char *name) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 /* There has never been any of these legacy *-config scripts on * Windows as far as I know. No use trying to execute them, will * only confuse users to see the "blabla is not recognized as an * internal or external command, operable program or batch file" * messages. */ return NULL; #else Package *pkg; if (name_ends_in_uninstalled (name)) debug_spew ("Suspiciously looking for compat package for -uninstalled: %s\n", name); debug_spew ("Looking for '%s' using legacy -config scripts\n", name); pkg = g_new0 (Package, 1); pkg->path_position = G_MAXINT; if (strcmp (name, "glib") == 0) { char *output; debug_spew ("Calling glib-config\n"); pkg->version = backticks ("glib-config --version"); if (pkg->version == NULL) { g_free (pkg); return NULL; } pkg->name = g_strdup ("GLib"); pkg->key = g_strdup ("glib"); pkg->description = g_strdup ("C Utility Library"); output = backticks ("glib-config --libs"); parse_libs (pkg, output, "glib-config"); g_free (output); output = backticks ("glib-config --cflags"); parse_cflags (pkg, output, "glib-config"); g_free (output); return pkg; } else if (strcmp (name, "gtk+") == 0) { char *output; debug_spew ("Calling gtk-config\n"); pkg->version = backticks ("gtk-config --version"); if (pkg->version == NULL) { g_free (pkg); return NULL; } pkg->name = g_strdup ("GTK+"); pkg->key = g_strdup ("gtk+"); pkg->description = g_strdup ("GIMP Tool Kit"); output = backticks ("gtk-config --libs"); parse_libs (pkg, output, "gtk-config"); g_free (output); output = backticks ("gtk-config --cflags"); parse_cflags (pkg, output, "gtk-config"); g_free (output); return pkg; } else if (strcmp (name, "libgnomevfs") == 0) { char *output; debug_spew ("Calling gnome-vfs-config\n"); pkg->version = backticks ("gnome-vfs-config --version"); if (pkg->version == NULL) { g_free (pkg); return NULL; } pkg->name = g_strdup ("GNOME VFS"); pkg->key = g_strdup ("libgnomevfs"); pkg->description = g_strdup ("GNOME Virtual File System"); output = backticks ("gnome-vfs-config --libs"); parse_libs (pkg, output, "gnome-vfs-config"); g_free (output); output = backticks ("gnome-vfs-config --cflags"); parse_cflags (pkg, output, "gnome-vfs-config"); g_free (output); return pkg; } else if (strcmp (name, "imlib") == 0) { char *output; debug_spew ("Calling imlib-config\n"); pkg->version = backticks ("imlib-config --version"); if (pkg->version == NULL) { g_free (pkg); return NULL; } pkg->name = g_strdup ("Imlib"); pkg->key = g_strdup ("imlib"); pkg->description = g_strdup ("Imlib image loading library"); output = backticks ("imlib-config --libs-gdk"); parse_libs (pkg, output, "imlib-config"); g_free (output); output = backticks ("imlib-config --cflags-gdk"); parse_cflags (pkg, output, "imlib-config"); g_free (output); return pkg; } else if (strcmp (name, "orbit-client") == 0) { char *output; char *p; debug_spew ("Calling orbit-config\n"); output = backticks ("orbit-config --version"); if (output == NULL) { g_free (pkg); return NULL; } p = output; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; if (*p == '\0') { /* empty output */ g_free (output); g_free (pkg); return NULL; } /* only heuristic; find a number or . */ while (*p && ! (isdigit ((guchar)*p) || *p == '.')) ++p; pkg->version = g_strdup (p); g_free (output); pkg->name = g_strdup ("ORBit Client"); pkg->key = g_strdup ("orbit-client"); pkg->description = g_strdup ("ORBit Client Libraries"); output = backticks ("orbit-config --libs client"); parse_libs (pkg, output, "orbit-config"); g_free (output); output = backticks ("orbit-config --cflags client"); parse_cflags (pkg, output, "orbit-config"); g_free (output); return pkg; } else if (strcmp (name, "orbit-server") == 0) { char *output; char *p; debug_spew ("Calling orbit-config\n"); output = backticks ("orbit-config --version"); if (output == NULL) { g_free (pkg); return NULL; } p = output; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; if (*p == '\0') { /* empty output */ g_free (output); g_free (pkg); return NULL; } /* only heuristic; find a number or . */ while (*p && ! (isdigit ((guchar)*p) || *p == '.')) ++p; pkg->version = g_strdup (p); g_free (output); pkg->name = g_strdup ("ORBit Server"); pkg->key = g_strdup ("orbit-server"); pkg->description = g_strdup ("ORBit Server Libraries"); output = backticks ("orbit-config --libs server"); parse_libs (pkg, output, "orbit-config"); g_free (output); output = backticks ("orbit-config --cflags server"); parse_cflags (pkg, output, "orbit-config"); g_free (output); return pkg; } else { /* Check for the module in gnome-config */ char *output; char *p; char *command; debug_spew ("Calling gnome-config\n"); /* Annoyingly, --modversion doesn't return a failure * code if the lib is unknown, so we have to use --libs * for that. */ command = g_strdup_printf ("gnome-config --libs %s", name); if (!try_command (command)) { g_free (command); g_free (pkg); return NULL; } else g_free (command); command = g_strdup_printf ("gnome-config --modversion %s", name); output = backticks (command); g_free (command); if (output == NULL) { g_free (pkg); return NULL; } /* Unknown modules give "Unknown library `foo'" from gnome-config * (but on stderr so this is useless, nevermind) */ if (strstr (output, "Unknown") || *output == '\0') { g_free (output); g_free (pkg); return NULL; } /* gnome-config --modversion gnomeui outputs e.g. "gnome-libs-1.2.4" * or libglade-0.12 */ p = output; while (*p && isspace ((guchar)*p)) ++p; if (*p == '\0') { /* empty output */ g_free (output); g_free (pkg); return NULL; } /* only heuristic; find a number or . */ while (*p && ! (isdigit ((guchar)*p) || *p == '.')) ++p; pkg->version = g_strdup (p); g_free (output); /* Strip newline */ p = pkg->version; while (*p) { if (*p == '\n') *p = '\0'; ++p; } pkg->name = g_strdup (name); pkg->key = g_strdup (name); pkg->description = g_strdup ("No description"); command = g_strdup_printf ("gnome-config --libs %s", name); output = backticks (command); g_free (command); parse_libs (pkg, output, "gnome-config"); g_free (output); command = g_strdup_printf ("gnome-config --cflags %s", name); output = backticks (command); g_free (command); parse_cflags (pkg, output, "gnome-config"); g_free (output); return pkg; } #endif }