import os from test_pip import reset_env, run_pip, get_env def test_completion_for_bash(): """ Test getting completion for bash shell """ reset_env() bash_completion = """\ _pip_completion() { COMPREPLY=( $( COMP_WORDS="${COMP_WORDS[*]}" \\ COMP_CWORD=$COMP_CWORD \\ PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $1 ) ) } complete -o default -F _pip_completion pip""" result = run_pip('completion', '--bash') assert bash_completion in result.stdout, 'bash completion is wrong' def test_completion_for_zsh(): """ Test getting completion for zsh shell """ reset_env() zsh_completion = """\ function _pip_completion { local words cword read -Ac words read -cn cword reply=( $( COMP_WORDS="$words[*]" \\ COMP_CWORD=$(( cword-1 )) \\ PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $words[1] ) ) } compctl -K _pip_completion pip""" result = run_pip('completion', '--zsh') assert zsh_completion in result.stdout, 'zsh completion is wrong' def test_completion_for_unknown_shell(): """ Test getting completion for an unknown shell """ reset_env() error_msg = 'error: no such option: --myfooshell' result = run_pip('completion', '--myfooshell', expect_error=True) assert error_msg in result.stderr, 'tests for an unknown shell failed' def test_completion_alone(): """ Test getting completion for none shell, just pip completion """ reset_env() result = run_pip('completion', expect_error=True) assert 'ERROR: You must pass --bash or --zsh' in result.stderr,\ 'completion alone failed -- ' + result.stderr def test_completion_for_un_snippet(): """ Test getting completion for ``un`` should return uninstall and unzip """ environ = os.environ.copy() reset_env(environ) environ['PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE'] = '1' environ['COMP_WORDS'] = 'pip un' environ['COMP_CWORD'] = '1' env = get_env() # expect_error is True because autocomplete exists with 1 status code result ='python', '-c', 'import pip;pip.autocomplete()', expect_error=True) assert result.stdout.strip().split() == ['unzip', 'uninstall'],\ "autocomplete function could not complete ``un`` snippet" def test_completion_for_default_parameters(): """ Test getting completion for ``--`` should contain --help """ environ = os.environ.copy() reset_env(environ) environ['PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE'] = '1' environ['COMP_WORDS'] = 'pip --' environ['COMP_CWORD'] = '1' env = get_env() # expect_error is True because autocomplete exists with 1 status code result ='python', '-c', 'import pip;pip.autocomplete()', expect_error=True) assert '--help' in result.stdout,\ "autocomplete function could not complete ``--``"