--TEST-- ZE2 factory and singleton, test 1 --FILE-- x = $x; } static function destroy() { test::$test = NULL; } protected function __destruct() { test::$cnt--; } public function get() { return $this->x; } static public function getX() { if (test::$test) { return test::$test->x; } else { return NULL; } } static public function count() { return test::$cnt; } } echo "Access static members\n"; var_dump(test::getX()); var_dump(test::count()); echo "Create x and y\n"; $x = test::factory(1); $y = test::factory(2); var_dump(test::getX()); var_dump(test::count()); var_dump($x->get()); var_dump($y->get()); echo "Destruct x\n"; $x = NULL; var_dump(test::getX()); var_dump(test::count()); var_dump($y->get()); echo "Destruct y\n"; $y = NULL; var_dump(test::getX()); var_dump(test::count()); echo "Destruct static\n"; test::destroy(); var_dump(test::getX()); var_dump(test::count()); echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- Access static members NULL int(0) Create x and y int(1) int(1) int(1) int(1) Destruct x int(1) int(1) int(1) Destruct y int(1) int(1) Destruct static NULL int(0) Done