--TEST-- Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - valid value for 'str' and invalid values for 'allowable_tags' --INI-- short_open_tag = on --FILE-- hello \tworld...


"; $quotes = array ( "", '', "", '', "<%?php", '<%?php', "<>", '<>' ); //loop through the various elements of strings array to test strip_tags() functionality $iterator = 1; foreach($quotes as $string_value) { echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n"; var_dump( strip_tags($strings, $string_value) ); $iterator++; } echo "Done"; --EXPECT-- *** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations *** -- Iteration 1 -- string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test " -- Iteration 2 -- string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test " -- Iteration 3 -- string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test " -- Iteration 4 -- string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test " -- Iteration 5 -- string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test " -- Iteration 6 -- string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test " -- Iteration 7 -- string(46) "hello world... strip_tags_test " -- Iteration 8 -- string(46) "hello world... strip_tags_test " Done