--TEST-- Test hebrev() function : usage variations - test values for $hebrew_text argument --FILE-- ', // text with a less than char 'text with a less than char <' ); // loop through with each element of the $texts array to test hebrev() function $count = 1; foreach($texts as $hebrew_text) { echo "-- Iteration $count --\n"; var_dump( hebrev($hebrew_text) ); $count ++; } fclose($file_handle); //closing the file handle ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- *** Testing hebrev() function: with unexpected inputs for 'hebrew_text' argument *** -- Iteration 1 -- string(1) "0" -- Iteration 2 -- string(1) "1" -- Iteration 3 -- string(3) "255" -- Iteration 4 -- string(3) "256" -- Iteration 5 -- string(10) "2147483647" -- Iteration 6 -- string(11) "-2147483648" -- Iteration 7 -- string(4) "10.5" -- Iteration 8 -- string(5) "-20.5" -- Iteration 9 -- string(10) "1012345.67" -- Iteration 10 -- Warning: hebrev() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d NULL -- Iteration 11 -- Warning: hebrev() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d NULL -- Iteration 12 -- Warning: hebrev() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d NULL -- Iteration 13 -- string(1) "1" -- Iteration 14 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 15 -- string(1) "1" -- Iteration 16 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 17 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 18 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 19 -- string(13) "sample object" -- Iteration 20 -- Warning: hebrev() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in %s on line %d NULL -- Iteration 21 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 22 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 23 -- string(23) ") text with parentheses" -- Iteration 24 -- string(23) "( text with parentheses" -- Iteration 25 -- string(19) "] text with bracket" -- Iteration 26 -- string(19) "[ text with bracket" -- Iteration 27 -- string(25) "} text with curly bracket" -- Iteration 28 -- string(25) "{ text with curly bracket" -- Iteration 29 -- string(28) "/ text with backslash escape" -- Iteration 30 -- string(24) "text with a slash char /" -- Iteration 31 -- string(31) "< text with a greater than char" -- Iteration 32 -- string(28) "> text with a less than char" ===DONE===