PDO_OCI pecl.php.net Oracle Call Interface driver for PDO This extension provides an Oracle driver for PDO. Wez Furlong wez wez@php.net yes 2006-05-01 1.0.1 1.0.1 stable stable PHP - Added support for BINARY_DOUBLE and BINARY_FLOAT to PDO_OCI and OCI8 (also fixes bug #36764). (Tony) - Fixed bug #35907 (PDO_OCI uses hardcoded lib path $ORACLE_HOME/lib). (Tony) - Repackage with package2.xml - Improved handling of long columns - Fixed PECL Bug #5722; implemented LOB support. You require Oracle OCI 8 or higher client libraries (instantclient is also supported) installed on the machine where you intend to build and/or use this package. If you are running on windows, you can download the binary from here: http://pecl4win.php.net/ext.php/php_pdo_oci.dll 5.0.3 1.4.0 pdo pecl.php.net 1.0.3 PDO PDO_OCI