# # PEXPECT LICENSE # # This license is approved by the OSI and FSF as GPL-compatible. # http://opensource.org/licenses/isc-license.txt # # Copyright (c) 2012, Noah Spurrier # PERMISSION TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THIS SOFTWARE FOR ANY # PURPOSE WITH OR WITHOUT FEE IS HEREBY GRANTED, PROVIDED THAT THE ABOVE # COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # SHELL = /bin/sh VERSION=2.5 #DOCGENERATOR= happydoc DOCGENERATOR=pydoc -w # This is for GNU Make. This does not work on BSD Make. #MANIFEST_LINES := $(shell cat MANIFEST) # This is for BSD Make. This does not work on GNU Make. #MANIFEST_LINES != cat MANIFEST # I hate Makefiles. all: merge_templates docs dist merge_templates: python tools/merge_templates.py docs: doc/index.template.html doc/examples.html doc/clean.css doc/email.png make clean_docs make merge_templates #-rm -f `ls doc/*.html | sed -e 's/doc\/index\.template\.html//' | sed -e 's/doc\/index\.html//'` #$(DOCGENERATOR) `echo "$(MANIFEST_LINES)" | sed -e "s/\.py//g" -e "s/setup *//" -e "s/README *//"` #mv *.html doc/ cd doc;\ $(DOCGENERATOR) ../pexpect.py ../pxssh.py ../fdpexpect.py ../FSM.py ../screen.py ../ANSI.py;\ cd ..;\ # tar zcf pexpect-doc-$(VERSION).tar.gz doc/ dist: dist/pexpect-$(VERSION).tar.gz # $(MANIFEST_LINES) dist/pexpect-$(VERSION).tar.gz: rm -f *.pyc rm -f pexpect-$(VERSION).tar.gz rm -f dist/pexpect-$(VERSION).tar.gz python setup.py sdist clean: clean_docs -rm -f MANIFEST -rm -f *.pyc -rm -f tests/*.pyc -rm -f tools/*.pyc -rm -f dist/*.pyc -rm -f *.cover -rm -f tests/*.cover -rm -f tools/*.cover -rm -f dist/pexpect-$(VERSION).tar.gz -cd dist;rm -rf pexpect-$(VERSION)/ -rm -f pexpect-$(VERSION).tar.gz -rm -f pexpect-$(VERSION)-examples.tar.gz -rm -f pexpect-$(VERSION)-doc.tar.gz -rm -f python.core -rm -f core -rm -f setup.py -rm -f doc/index.html clean_docs: -rm -f `ls doc/*.html | sed -e 's/doc\/index\.template\.html//' | sed -e 's/doc\/examples\.html//'` test: . ./test.env && ./tools/testall.py