#!/usr/bin/env python ''' PEXPECT LICENSE This license is approved by the OSI and FSF as GPL-compatible. http://opensource.org/licenses/isc-license.txt Copyright (c) 2012, Noah Spurrier PERMISSION TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THIS SOFTWARE FOR ANY PURPOSE WITH OR WITHOUT FEE IS HEREBY GRANTED, PROVIDED THAT THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE APPEAR IN ALL COPIES. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ''' import sys from pexpect import screen import unittest from . import PexpectTestCase PY3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3) fill1_target='XXXXXXXXXX\n' + \ 'XOOOOOOOOX\n' + \ 'XO::::::OX\n' + \ 'XO:oooo:OX\n' + \ 'XO:o..o:OX\n' + \ 'XO:o..o:OX\n' + \ 'XO:oooo:OX\n' + \ 'XO::::::OX\n' + \ 'XOOOOOOOOX\n' + \ 'XXXXXXXXXX' fill2_target = 'XXXXXXXXXXX\n' + \ 'XOOOOOOOOOX\n' + \ 'XO:::::::OX\n' + \ 'XO:ooooo:OX\n' + \ 'XO:o...o:OX\n' + \ 'XO:o.+.o:OX\n' + \ 'XO:o...o:OX\n' + \ 'XO:ooooo:OX\n' + \ 'XO:::::::OX\n' + \ 'XOOOOOOOOOX\n' + \ 'XXXXXXXXXXX' put_target = '\\.\n' + \ '.........2\n' + \ '3.........\n' + \ '.........4\n' + \ '5...\\/....\n' + \ '..../\\...6\n' + \ '7.........\n' + \ '.........8\n' + \ '9.........\n' + \ '/\\' scroll_target = '\\.\n' + \ '\\.\n' + \ '\\.\n' + \ '\\.\n' + \ '5...\\/....\n' + \ '..../\\...6\n' + \ '/\\\n' + \ '/\\\n' + \ '/\\\n' + \ '/\\' insert_target = 'ZXZZZZZZXZ\n' +\ '.........2\n' +\ '3.........\n' +\ '.........4\n' +\ 'Z5...\\/...\n' +\ '..../Z\\...\n' +\ '7.........\n' +\ '.........8\n' +\ '9.........\n' +\ 'ZZ/2.4.6ZZ' get_region_target = ['......', '.\\/...', './\\...', '......'] unicode_box_unicode_result = u'\u2554\u2557\n\u255A\u255D' unicode_box_pretty_result = u'''\ +--+ |\u2554\u2557| |\u255A\u255D| +--+ ''' unicode_box_ascii_bytes_result = b'??\n??' unicode_box_cp437_bytes_result = b'\xc9\xbb\n\xc8\xbc' unicode_box_utf8_bytes_result = b'\xe2\x95\x94\xe2\x95\x97\n\xe2\x95\x9a\xe2\x95\x9d' class screenTestCase (PexpectTestCase.PexpectTestCase): def make_screen_with_put (self): s = screen.screen(10,10) s.fill ('.') for r in range (1,s.rows + 1): if r % 2: s.put_abs (r, 1, str(r)) else: s.put_abs (r, s.cols, str(r)) for c in range (1,s.cols + 1): if c % 2: s.put_abs (1, c, str(c)) else: s.put_abs (s.rows, c, str(c)) s.put_abs(1,1, '\\') s.put_abs(1,s.cols, '/') s.put_abs(s.rows,1,'/') s.put_abs(s.rows, s.cols, '\\') s.put_abs(5,5,'\\') s.put_abs(5,6,'/') s.put_abs(6,5,'/') s.put_abs(6,6,'\\') return s def test_fill (self): s = screen.screen (10,10) s.fill_region (10,1,1,10,'X') s.fill_region (2,2,9,9,'O') s.fill_region (8,8,3,3,':') s.fill_region (4,7,7,4,'o') s.fill_region (6,5,5,6,'.') assert str(s) == fill1_target s = screen.screen (11,11) s.fill_region (1,1,11,11,'X') s.fill_region (2,2,10,10,'O') s.fill_region (9,9,3,3,':') s.fill_region (4,8,8,4,'o') s.fill_region (7,5,5,7,'.') s.fill_region (6,6,6,6,'+') assert str(s) == fill2_target def test_put (self): s = self.make_screen_with_put() assert str(s) == put_target def test_get_region (self): s = self.make_screen_with_put() r = s.get_region (4,4,7,9) assert r == get_region_target def test_cursor_save (self): s = self.make_screen_with_put() s.cursor_home (5,5) c = s.get() s.cursor_save() s.cursor_home() s.cursor_forward() s.cursor_down() s.cursor_unsave() assert s.cur_r == 5 and s.cur_c == 5 assert c == s.get() def test_scroll (self): s = self.make_screen_with_put() s.scroll_screen_rows (1,4) s.scroll_down(); s.scroll_down(); s.scroll_down() s.scroll_down(); s.scroll_down(); s.scroll_down() s.scroll_screen_rows (7,10) s.scroll_up(); s.scroll_up(); s.scroll_up() s.scroll_up(); s.scroll_up(); s.scroll_up() assert str(s) == scroll_target def test_insert (self): s = self.make_screen_with_put() s.insert_abs (10,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (1,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (1,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (1,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (1,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (1,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (10,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (1,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (1,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (5,1,'Z') s.insert_abs (6,6,'Z') s.cursor_home (1,1) # Also test relative insert. s.insert ('Z') s.insert ('Z') s.insert ('Z') s.insert ('Z') s.insert_abs (1,8,'X') s.insert_abs (1,2,'X') s.insert_abs (10,9,'Z') s.insert_abs (10,9,'Z') assert str(s) == insert_target def make_screen_with_box_unicode(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Creates a screen containing a box drawn using double-line line drawing characters. The characters are fed in as unicode. ''' s = screen.screen (2,2,*args,**kwargs) s.put_abs (1,1,u'\u2554') s.put_abs (1,2,u'\u2557') s.put_abs (2,1,u'\u255A') s.put_abs (2,2,u'\u255D') return s def make_screen_with_box_cp437(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Creates a screen containing a box drawn using double-line line drawing characters. The characters are fed in as CP437. ''' s = screen.screen (2,2,*args,**kwargs) s.put_abs (1,1,b'\xc9') s.put_abs (1,2,b'\xbb') s.put_abs (2,1,b'\xc8') s.put_abs (2,2,b'\xbc') return s def make_screen_with_box_utf8(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Creates a screen containing a box drawn using double-line line drawing characters. The characters are fed in as UTF-8. ''' s = screen.screen (2,2,*args,**kwargs) s.put_abs (1,1,b'\xe2\x95\x94') s.put_abs (1,2,b'\xe2\x95\x97') s.put_abs (2,1,b'\xe2\x95\x9a') s.put_abs (2,2,b'\xe2\x95\x9d') return s def test_unicode_ascii (self): # With the default encoding set to ASCII, we should still be # able to feed in unicode strings and get them back out: s = self.make_screen_with_box_unicode('ascii') if PY3: assert str(s) == unicode_box_unicode_result else: assert unicode(s) == unicode_box_unicode_result # And we should still get something for Python 2 str(), though # it might not be very useful str(s) assert s.pretty() == unicode_box_pretty_result def test_decoding_errors(self): # With strict error handling, it should reject bytes it can't decode with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError): self.make_screen_with_box_cp437('ascii', 'strict') # replace should turn them into unicode replacement characters, U+FFFD s = self.make_screen_with_box_cp437('ascii', 'replace') expected = u'\ufffd\ufffd\n\ufffd\ufffd' if PY3: assert str(s) == expected else: assert unicode(s) == expected def test_unicode_cp437 (self): # Verify decoding from and re-encoding to CP437. s = self.make_screen_with_box_cp437('cp437','strict') if PY3: assert str(s) == unicode_box_unicode_result else: assert unicode(s) == unicode_box_unicode_result assert str(s) == unicode_box_cp437_bytes_result assert s.pretty() == unicode_box_pretty_result def test_unicode_utf8 (self): # Verify decoding from and re-encoding to UTF-8. s = self.make_screen_with_box_utf8('utf-8','strict') if PY3: assert str(s) == unicode_box_unicode_result else: assert unicode(s) == unicode_box_unicode_result assert str(s) == unicode_box_utf8_bytes_result assert s.pretty() == unicode_box_pretty_result def test_no_bytes(self): s = screen.screen(2, 2, encoding=None) s.put_abs(1, 1, u'A') s.put_abs(2, 2, u'D') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s.put_abs(1, 2, b'B') if PY3: assert str(s) == u'A \n D' else: assert unicode(s) == u'A \n D' # This will still work if it's limited to ascii assert str(s) == b'A \n D' if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() suite = unittest.makeSuite(screenTestCase,'test')