try: import asyncio except ImportError: asyncio = None import gc import sys import unittest import pexpect from pexpect import replwrap from .PexpectTestCase import PexpectTestCase def run(coro): return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(coro) @unittest.skipIf(asyncio is None, "Requires asyncio") class AsyncTests(PexpectTestCase): def test_simple_expect(self): p = pexpect.spawn('cat') p.sendline('Hello asyncio') coro = p.expect(['Hello', pexpect.EOF] , async_=True) assert run(coro) == 0 print('Done') def test_timeout(self): p = pexpect.spawn('cat') coro = p.expect('foo', timeout=1, async_=True) with self.assertRaises(pexpect.TIMEOUT): run(coro) p = pexpect.spawn('cat') coro = p.expect(['foo', pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=1, async_=True) assert run(coro) == 1 def test_eof(self): p = pexpect.spawn('cat') p.sendline('Hi') coro = p.expect(pexpect.EOF, async_=True) p.sendeof() assert run(coro) == 0 p = pexpect.spawn('cat') p.sendeof() coro = p.expect('Blah', async_=True) with self.assertRaises(pexpect.EOF): run(coro) def test_expect_exact(self): p = pexpect.spawn('%s' % self.PYTHONBIN) assert run(p.expect_exact(b'5', async_=True)) == 0 assert run(p.expect_exact(['wpeok', b'11'], async_=True)) == 1 assert run(p.expect_exact([b'foo', pexpect.EOF], async_=True)) == 1 def test_async_utf8(self): p = pexpect.spawn('%s' % self.PYTHONBIN, encoding='utf8') assert run(p.expect_exact(u'5', async_=True)) == 0 assert run(p.expect_exact([u'wpeok', u'11'], async_=True)) == 1 assert run(p.expect_exact([u'foo', pexpect.EOF], async_=True)) == 1 def test_async_and_gc(self): p = pexpect.spawn('%s 1' % self.PYTHONBIN, encoding='utf8') assert run(p.expect_exact(u'READY', async_=True)) == 0 gc.collect() assert run(p.expect_exact(u'END', async_=True)) == 0 def test_async_and_sync(self): p = pexpect.spawn('echo 1234', encoding='utf8', maxread=1) assert run(p.expect_exact(u'1', async_=True)) == 0 assert p.expect_exact(u'2') == 0 assert run(p.expect_exact(u'3', async_=True)) == 0 def test_async_replwrap(self): bash = replwrap.bash() coro = bash.run_command("time", async_=True) res = run(coro) assert 'real' in res, res def test_async_replwrap_multiline(self): bash = replwrap.bash() coro = bash.run_command("echo '1 2\n3 4'", async_=True) res = run(coro) self.assertEqual(res.strip().splitlines(), ['1 2', '3 4']) # Should raise ValueError if input is incomplete coro = bash.run_command("echo '5 6", async_=True) try: run(coro) except ValueError: pass else: assert False, "Didn't raise ValueError for incomplete input" # Check that the REPL was reset (SIGINT) after the incomplete input coro = bash.run_command("echo '1 2\n3 4'", async_=True) res = run(coro) self.assertEqual(res.strip().splitlines(), ['1 2', '3 4'])