use strict; use Cwd; use File::Path; use File::Find; my %opts = ( #defaults 'verbose' => 1, # verbose level, in range from 0 to 2 'distdir' => 'distdir', 'unicode' => 1, # include unicode by default 'minimal' => 0, # minimal possible distribution. # actually this is just perl.exe and perlXX.dll # but can be extended by additional exts # ... (as soon as this will be implemented :) 'cross-name' => 'wince', 'strip-pod' => 0, # strip POD from perl modules 'adaptation' => 1, # do some adaptation, such as stripping such # occurrences as "if ($^O eq 'VMS'){...}" for 'zip' => 0, # perform zip 'clean-exts' => 0, #options itself (map {/^--([\-_\w]+)=(.*)$/} @ARGV), # --opt=smth (map {/^no-?(.*)$/i?($1=>0):($_=>1)} map {/^--([\-_\w]+)$/} @ARGV), # --opt --no-opt --noopt ); # TODO # -- error checking. When something goes wrong, just exit with rc!=0 # -- may be '--zip' option should be made differently? my $cwd = cwd; if ($opts{'clean-exts'}) { # unfortunately, unlike perl58.dll and like, extensions for different # platforms are built in same directory, therefore we must be able to clean # them often unlink '../'; # delete cache config file, which remembers our previous config chdir '../ext'; find({no_chdir=>1,wanted => sub{ unlink if /((?:\.obj|\/makefile|\/errno\.pm))$/i; } },'.'); exit; } # zip if ($opts{'zip'}) { if ($opts{'verbose'} >=1) { print STDERR "zipping...\n"; } chdir $opts{'distdir'}; unlink <*.zip>; `zip -R perl-$opts{'cross-name'} *`; exit; } my (%libexclusions, %extexclusions); my @lfiles; sub copy($$); # lib chdir '../lib'; find({no_chdir=>1,wanted=>sub{push @lfiles, $_ if /\.p[lm]$/}},'.'); chdir $cwd; # exclusions @lfiles = grep {!exists $libexclusions{$_}} @lfiles; #inclusions #... #copy them if ($opts{'verbose'} >=1) { print STDERR "Copying perl lib files...\n"; } for (@lfiles) { /^(.*)\/[^\/]+$/; mkpath "$opts{distdir}/lib/$1"; copy "../lib/$_", "$opts{distdir}/lib/$_"; } #ext my @efiles; chdir '../ext'; find({no_chdir=>1,wanted=>sub{push @efiles, $_ if /\.pm$/}},'.'); chdir $cwd; # exclusions #... #inclusions #... #copy them #{s[/(\w+)/\1\.pm][/$]} @efiles; if ($opts{'verbose'} >=1) { print STDERR "Copying perl core extensions...\n"; } for (@efiles) { if (m#^.*?/lib/(.*)$#) { copy "../ext/$_", "$opts{distdir}/lib/$1"; } else { /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)$/; copy "../ext/$_", "$opts{distdir}/lib/$1/$3"; } } my ($dynaloader_pm); if ($opts{adaptation}) { # let's copy our (make this optional?) open my $fhdyna, ">$opts{distdir}/lib/"; print $fhdyna $dynaloader_pm; close $fhdyna; } #, perl binaries if ($opts{'verbose'} >=1) { print STDERR "Copying, perl.dll and perl.exe...\n"; } copy "../lib/", "$opts{distdir}/lib/"; copy "$opts{'cross-name'}/perl.exe", "$opts{distdir}/bin/perl.exe"; copy "$opts{'cross-name'}/perl.dll", "$opts{distdir}/bin/perl.dll"; # how do we know exact name of perl.dll? # auto my %aexcl = (socket=>'Socket_1'); # Socket.dll and may be some other conflict with same file in \windows dir # on WinCE, %aexcl needed to replace it with a different name that however # will be found by Dynaloader my @afiles; chdir "../lib/auto"; find({no_chdir=>1,wanted=>sub{push @afiles, $_ if /\.(dll|bs)$/}},'.'); chdir $cwd; if ($opts{'verbose'} >=1) { print STDERR "Copying binaries for perl core extensions...\n"; } for (@afiles) { if (/^(.*)\/(\w+)\.dll$/i && exists $aexcl{lc($2)}) { copy "../lib/auto/$_", "$opts{distdir}/lib/auto/$1/$aexcl{lc($2)}.dll"; } else { copy "../lib/auto/$_", "$opts{distdir}/lib/auto/$_"; } } sub copy($$) { my ($fnfrom, $fnto) = @_; open my $fh, "<$fnfrom" or die "can not open $fnfrom: $!"; binmode $fh; local $/; my $ffrom = <$fh>; if ($opts{'strip-pod'}) { # actually following regexp is suspicious to not work everywhere. # but we've checked on our set of modules, and it's fit for our purposes $ffrom =~ s/^=\w+.*?^=cut(?:\n|\Z)//msg; unless ($ffrom=~/\bAutoLoader\b/) { # this logic actually strip less than could be stripped, but we're # not risky. Just strip only of no mention of AutoLoader $ffrom =~ s/^__END__.*\Z//msg; } } mkpath $1 if $fnto=~/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; open my $fhout, ">$fnto"; binmode $fhout; print $fhout $ffrom; if ($opts{'verbose'} >=2) { print STDERR "copying $fnfrom=>$fnto\n"; } } BEGIN { %libexclusions = map {$_=>1} split/\s/, <<"EOS"; EOS %extexclusions = map {$_=>1} split/\s/, <<"EOS"; EOS $dynaloader_pm=<<'EOS'; # This module designed *only* for WinCE # if you encounter a problem with this file, try using original # from perl distribution, it's larger but essentially the same. package DynaLoader; our $VERSION = 1.04; $dl_debug ||= 0; @dl_require_symbols = (); # names of symbols we need #@dl_librefs = (); # things we have loaded #@dl_modules = (); # Modules we have loaded boot_DynaLoader('DynaLoader') if defined(&boot_DynaLoader) && !defined(&dl_error); print STDERR "DynaLoader not linked into this perl\n" unless defined(&boot_DynaLoader); 1; # End of main code sub croak{require Carp;Carp::croak(@_)} sub bootstrap_inherit { my $module = $_[0]; local *isa = *{"$module\::ISA"}; local @isa = (@isa, 'DynaLoader'); bootstrap(@_); } sub bootstrap { # use local vars to enable $ script to edit values local(@args) = @_; local($module) = $args[0]; local(@dirs, $file); unless ($module) { require Carp; Carp::confess("Usage: DynaLoader::bootstrap(module)"); } croak("Can't load module $module, dynamic loading not available in this perl.\n") unless defined(&dl_load_file); my @modparts = split(/::/,$module); my $modfname = $modparts[-1]; my $modpname = join('/',@modparts); for (@INC) { my $dir = "$_/auto/$modpname"; next unless -d $dir; my $try = "$dir/$modfname.dll"; last if $file = ( (-f $try) && $try); $try = "$dir/${modfname}_1.dll"; last if $file = ( (-f $try) && $try); push @dirs, $dir; } $file = dl_findfile(map("-L$_",@dirs,@INC), $modfname) unless $file; croak("Can't locate loadable object for module $module in \@INC (\@INC contains: @INC)") unless $file; (my $bootname = "boot_$module") =~ s/\W/_/g; @dl_require_symbols = ($bootname); # optional '.bootstrap' perl script my $bs = $file; $bs =~ s/(\.\w+)?(;\d*)?$/\.bs/; if (-s $bs) { # only read file if it's not empty do $bs; warn "$bs: $@\n" if $@; } my $libref = dl_load_file($file, 0) or croak("Can't load '$file' for module $module: ".dl_error()); push(@dl_librefs,$libref); # record loaded object my @unresolved = dl_undef_symbols(); if (@unresolved) { require Carp; Carp::carp("Undefined symbols present after loading $file: @unresolved\n"); } my $boot_symbol_ref = dl_find_symbol($libref, $bootname) or croak("Can't find '$bootname' symbol in $file\n"); push(@dl_modules, $module); boot: my $xs = dl_install_xsub("${module}::bootstrap", $boot_symbol_ref, $file); &$xs(@args); } sub dl_findfile { my (@args) = @_; my (@dirs, $dir); my (@found); arg: foreach(@args) { if (m:/: && -f $_) { push(@found,$_); last arg unless wantarray; next; } if (s:^-L::) {push(@dirs, $_); next;} if (m:/: && -d $_) {push(@dirs, $_); next;} for $dir (@dirs) { next unless -d $dir; for my $name (/\.dll$/i?($_):("$_.dll",$_)) { print STDERR " checking in $dir for $name\n" if $dl_debug; if (-f "$dir/$name") { push(@found, "$dir/$name"); next arg; } } } } return $found[0] unless wantarray; @found; } EOS }