#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require Config; import Config; } use strict; require './test.pl'; plan(4); like(runperl(switches => ['-Irun/flib', '-Mbroken'], stderr => 1), qr/^Global symbol "\$x" requires explicit package name \(did you (?x: )forget to declare "my \$x"\?\) at run\/flib\/broken.pm line 6\./, "Ensure -Irun/flib produces correct filename in warnings"); like(runperl(switches => ['-Irun/flib/', '-Mbroken'], stderr => 1), qr/^Global symbol "\$x" requires explicit package name \(did you (?x: )forget to declare "my \$x"\?\) at run\/flib\/broken.pm line 6\./, "Ensure -Irun/flib/ produces correct filename in warnings"); SKIP: { my $no_pmc; foreach(Config::non_bincompat_options()) { if($_ eq "PERL_DISABLE_PMC"){ $no_pmc = 1; last; } } if ( $no_pmc ) { skip('Tests fail without PMC support', 2); } like(runperl(switches => ['-Irun/flib', '-Mt2'], prog => 'print t2::id()', stderr => 1), qr/^t2pmc$/, "Ensure -Irun/flib loads pmc"); like(runperl(switches => ['-Irun/flib/', '-Mt2'], prog => 'print t2::id()', stderr => 1), qr/^t2pmc$/, "Ensure -Irun/flib/ loads pmc"); }